Old open source project

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

Today, I saw the libary used by Spring 1.0.2, I really opened the eye, I saw a lot of open source projects I didn't know before: * Ant / ant. Jar- Ant 1.6.1 (http://ant.apache.org) a very Make tool in the Java environment

* aopalliance / aopalliance.jar- AOP Alliance 1.0 (http://aopalliance.sourceforge.net) This is some of the interfaces for AOP alliances.

* axis / axis.jar, axis / saaj.jar, axis / wsdl.jar- Apache Axis 1.1 (http://ws.apache.org/axis) A SOAP, WebService implementation

* Caucho / Burlap-2.1.12.jar- Burlap 2.1.12 (http://www.caucho.com/burlap) A Web Service is implemented, but it is not using SOAP, which is used by our own XML-based protocol. Should be referred to

* caucho / hessian-2.1.12.jar- Hessian 2.1.12 (http://www.caucho.com/hessian) is another web service implementation, and Burlap belongs to a big family, and its agreement is based on binary foreigners. I want to do it.

* cglib / cglib-2.0.1.jar, cglib / asm.jar- cglib 2.0.1 with objectWeb ASM 1.4 (http://cglib.sourceforge.net) This library is not very clear, which user can introduce it * COS / Cos.jar - Jason Hunter's COS 05nov02 (http://www.servlets.com/cos) This is a tool library programmed to servlet, there are many good stuff.

* DOM4J / DOM4J.JAR-DOM4J 1.4 XML Parser (http://dom4j.sourceforge.net) Don't say it, parse XML, big name top

* easymock / easymock.jar, easymock / easymockclasextension.jar- easymock 1.1 (http://www.easymock.org) A tool to generate MockObject, for unit testing, worth studying, I know there is also a website: http: //www.mockObjects.com/

* FreeMarker / FreeMarker.jar- FreeMarker 2.3 RC4 (http://www.freemarker.org) This is not very well

* hibernate / ehcache.jar- Ehcache 0.6 (http://ehcache.sourceforge.net) is used for Cache management, extremely efficient

* hibernate / hibernate2.jar, hibernate / odmg.jar- hibernate 2.1.3 (http://www.hibernate.org) O / R Maping Tool, Alpine

* hsqldb / hsqldb.jar- hsqldb 1.7.1 (http://hsqldb.sourceforge.net) A 100% Pure Java's memory database, is small and fast, very good, we also have use in our project

* ibatis / ibatis-common.jar, ibatis / ibatis-sqlmap.jar, ibatis / ibatis-sqlmap-2.jar- ibatis SQL MAPS 1.3.1 and 2.0 rc5 (http://www.ibatis.com) is another O / r mapping tool! * ITEXT / ITEXT-1.02B. Jar- Itext PDF 1.02 (http://www.lowagie.com/itext) A tool for generating PDF in Java

* jakarta-commons / commons - *. jar-com attributes may 9th snapshot (http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/attributes) Jakarta-Commons series, very famous programming tool library

* jdo / jdo.jar- JDO API 1.0.1 (http://access1.sun.com/jdo) JDO API, under the journey of Hibernate and EJB3.0, it seems uncomfortable

* jdom / jdom.jar- JDOM 1.0 Beta 9 (http://www.jdom.org) is another resolution XML, which is very good

* JOTM / JOTM.JAR- JOTM 1.4.3 (http://jotm.objectweb.org) full name is Java Open Transaction Manager for transaction management, implements JTA API

* JUnit / junit.jar- Junit 3.8.1 (http://www.junit.org) of course is the unit test tool written by two big bulls. It is highly recommended to see its design principle: start constructing from mode

* log4j / log4j-1.2.8.jar- log4j 1.2.8 (http://logging.apache.org/log4j) Nothing can be said, I believe that many projects are in use, can defeat JDK log libraries, it is not simple

* POI / POI-2.5.jar- Apache Poi 2.5 (http://jakarta.apache.org/poi) Generate Excel, is also widely used

* quartz / quartz.jar- quartz 1.3.2 (http://www.quartzscheduler.org) is used for Job's scheduling, not deeply seeing :-)

* REXEXP / JAKARTA-ORO-2.0.7.Jar- Jakarta Oro 2.0.7 Regular Expression Parser (http://jakarta.apache.org/oro) Handling the regular expression class library

* Velocity / velocity-1.4.jar- Velocity 1.4 (http://jakarta.apache.org/Velocity) implements MVC tools?

* xdoclet / xjavadoc-1.0.jar- xdoclet 1.0 (http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net) Java documentation tool, Very Good

Look at the work of foreigners, it is really pleasing, why don't there be a Chinese shadow? Is there a technology? Still there is no time? I should reflect on it! !


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