Linux Howto: PPP

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

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Any Linux PC can be a PPP servo end and a client - even if you have more than one serial 埠 (and data machine, if necessary), you can play both roles. As mentioned earlier, in PPP, once the connection is established, the client and the servo end are not really different. In order to clearly understand the relationship, this document refers to the initial call (ie "dial in"), and responds to the phone, checks the authentication of the dial-in request (using the user code, password, etc. The machine of possible mechanism is called a servo. It is possible to use PPP as a client to connect one or more machines of a place to the Internet. Most people have this interest. The procedures described in this document will allow you to build and automate your internet network connection. This document will also set your Linux PC as a PPP server and connect two area networks (with a complete delivery setting) to you (this is often referred to as establishing a wide area network connection) . 2. IP number Each device with online Internet must have their own, unique IP number. These are designated by the relevant units of each country. Please note that the IP number (with some exceptions) used in this whole file is from the 'unconnected network number' series used by the network that does not have (never) connected to the Internet. . If you want to connect the area network to the internet network, all the computers and devices you have in your area network must use the IP number assigned to the network specified to your network. Even if you connect another area network (outside the Internet), you must never use the IP number with air because it will cause great damage to all sex. There are some IP numbers that specially left online use of online networks. These IP numbers are:. 1 A-level address - The 16 B-level is located - The location of 256 C-levels - If your network has not allocated from your country's argument to the IP number, then your machine should use one of these network numbers listed in the previous . These numbers will never use on the Internet. However, using Linux and IPFWADM software IP camouflage capabilities, you can connect your area network to internet access (some of the services provided). For most users, connect a single machine to the Internet service provider (Internet Service Providers: ISP), and get a IP number (or more, a network number) is not this. necessary. If you want to connect to a small area network to the Internet, many internet service providers can provide you with a secondary network from their existing IP address space (specific IP number). For users connected to the Internet via ISP, most of the providers use dynamic IP specified. This is to say that in part of the connection program, the PPP service you contact will tell you what IP number should be used in the PPP interface in the current connection period. With a dynamic IP number, your connection will not have the same IP number. This is a problem with the servo-like application on your Linux machine like Sendmail, FTPD, HTTPD, and so on. Since the dynamic IP number specifies the restricted service (and the avoidable method, possible words) will be discussed in this file later.

3. The purpose of this document attempt 3.1. Setting up a PPP client This file provides some guidelines that want to use Linux and PPP to connect to a PPP server and use PPP to set up an IP connection. In the file, it is assumed that the PPP has been compiled and installed on your Linux machine (but covers the reconfiguration / reconstruction of your core to contain part of the PPP support). 3.1.1. Using DIP - not Because of this, this document does not cover the use of DIP to create a part of the PPP connection. Instead, this file describes the standard Linux PPP software (Chat / PPPD). 3.2. Setting up the PPP Server This file provides how to configure your Linux PC as a guidelines for the PPP server (allowing other people to connect to your Linux PC and establish a PPP connection). What you should be noted is that there are countless methods for setting Linux as a PPP server. This document (current) gives you a way - the author used to set up a small PPP server (16 data machines). This way is known to work well. However, it is not necessarily the best way. If other users have a particularly smart PPP server setting, don't pay them to the author of this instructions. 3.3. Using PPP links two zone networks or links a regional network to the Internet to provide two regional networks or link a zone network to the Internet to the Internet. (Basic). 3.4. This document has not yet covered. Connect and configure the data to Linux (detail) See Serial-HowTo. Use DIP to create a PPP connection to use CHAT to replace .... Use SOCKS or IP Masquerade already cover a great file that covers the two kits. 4. Covered Software Version This instructions Assume that you use Linux 1.2.x core with PPP 2.0.2 software or Linux 1.3.x / 2.0.x, and PPP 2.2. It is possible to use PPP 2.2.0 to match the core 1.2.13. However, doing this need to do a core repair. This file does not include this software combination. Note that this file does not include issues caused by a LINUX core 2.0.x. See Kerneld Mini-HOWTO and the core / module 2.0.x file (in the original program directory of Linux 2.0.x). Because this document is designed to help novices, it is highly recommended that you use the Linux version and the appropriate PPP version that is known to operate steadily. 5. Other useful / important documents encourage users to read:. The file attached to the PPP kit. PPPD and Chat's online manual. Linux Network Management Guide (NAG). The Net-2 HowTo. Linux core files in / usr / src / linux / documentation. Best UNIX / Linux Books published by O'Reilly and Associates (see the directory in If you are a newbie of UNIX / Linux, run immediately (do not use away) to invest in a few of your recent computer bookstore. Although even if you don't have to read any of these information, you can also use this document to build your PPP link, but if you read these files, then you will be much better for what happened.

These files (with various other files, including related RFCs, etc.) provide additional and more detailed explanations that can be included than this instructions. If you want to use a PPP connection area to go to the Internet, you will have to know some knowledge about TCP / IP network operation. Add some of the information mentioned earlier in this document, you will find O'Reilly published "TCP / IP Network Administration" and "Building Internet Firewalls". 6. Configure your Linux core In order to be able to use PPP, your compiled Linux core must contain PPP support. If you have no Linux's original program code, please get first - in Linux file system standard it is put in / usr / src / linux. The original program of the Linux core can be obtained from or its mapping node. Once your / usr / src inside linux kernel package files, use this command to unlock them: ______________________________________________________________________ tar xzf linux-2.0.6.tar.gz ______________________________________________________________________ Once solved, you will find / usr / src The / Linux ... Directory tree has been established, which contains the original program. In / usr / src / linux you will find a minimum of an explanation (README). This includes how to configure and compile a new core for optimal interpretation. Read this file (although you have to compile enough to know how you can do it but print it out and hold a copy on your hand is a good idea). 6.1. □ Solving your hardware If you want to recompile your core, you must know the interface card / device inside your PC !! For some devices (like a sound card), you have to know a variety of settings ( Like a hardware interrupt number, output into the address, and the like, such as this. 6.2. Compilation Core - The Linux 1.2.13 Kernel To start the configuration program, first install the original program in accordance with the instructions in the interdecessor. Then start the core configuration program with the following instructions. Make Config To be able to use PPP, you must configure the core containing PPP support (using PPP requires PPPD and the core PPP support.). ______________________________________________________________________ PPP (point-to-point) support (CONFIG_PPP) [n] y ______________________________________________________________________ Answer the other configuration issues inside your PC hardware and operating system Linux features you want. Then continue to compile and install your new core according to this explanation. Note: If you want to set your Linux as a PPP server or a gateway between the Internet, you should also include the Forwarding support (you will need it!). Although connecting to the Internet but if you care about your computer and / or the security of the area network, you may want to join the IP Firewall Support. This 1.2.13 version of the core will only establish 4 PPP devices. For more than a series of serial cards, you will have to edit the core PPP original program to get more port.

(See the Readme.Linux file attached to the PPP-2.1.2 kit to understand all the details you need to do. Note: This 1.2.13 configuration dial is not allowed to look back - so if you make mistakes when you answer one of the questions, you will start again by typing Ctrl C and start again. 6.3. Compilation Core - The Linux 1.3.x and 2.0.x kernel For the core of Linux 2.0.x, you can use programs similar to Linux 1.2.13. Once again, the original program code is appropriately installed in accordance with the instructions in the solution. Then start the core configuration program with the following instructions. Make config However, you also have additional choices of Make MenuConfig to provide a configuration system on which the order-based mating line is allowed to be cascaded in the configuration program. There is also a configuration interface based on x windows Make Xconfig you can directly compile the PPP to the core or make the loaded module. If you only use PPP only in a part of your Linux machine, it is recommended that you compile PPP support as a labable module. Using 'Kerneld', your core will automatically load the module required to provide PPP support when you start your PPP link. This saves a valuable memory space (because the core does not have any part of the part can be replaced). To do so, you need to open support loadable modules: ______________________________________________________________________ Enable loadable module support (CONFIG_MODULES) [Y / n /?] Y ______________________________________________________________________ to join the core PPP support, answer the following questions: ______________________________________________________________________ PPP (point -to-point) (config_ppp) [m / N / Y /?] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unlike 1.2.13, the core view of 2.0.x needs to automatically establish a PPP device and does not need to study the original program code to increase the available PPP devices. 6.4. Configuring the core general considerations If you want to set your Linux PC to a PPP server, then you must compile IP forwarding support. If you want to connect to a regional network to the Internet (or even two zone networks), you should care about security issues. Supporting IP FireWalls in the core may be necessary! If you want to use IP camouflage connections to use the aforementioned area network of any 'unconlined' IP network number, you also need this configuration. Once you have completed the new core installation and after restarting, you can start configuring and test your PPP link. 7. Before you need information about PPP services, you need to get the following information (from the PPP server's system management / user support personnel) :.

Dial-connected service phone number If you are under a private switch (PABX) system, you also need to allocate the private switch number of the external signal - usually zero. . Servers use dynamic or static IP numbers? If the server uses a static IP number, then you need to know which IP number you want to use this in the PPP connection. Most of the Internet service providers use dynamic IP numbers. As mentioned above, this will have some restrictions on the services you can use. . If you use a static IP number to ask your ISP to use the network mask. . ISP's domain name Server IP number? Although only one is needed but minimum should have two. . Does the server need to use PAP / CHAP? If so, you need to know that you use "ID" and "Secret". (This is probably your name and password). . The server will automatically start PPP or need any instructions to start the PPP of the servo, if you have to issue an instruction to start the PPP, what? Carefully pay attention to these information - you should use them right away ! 7.1. Test your data machine's dialed connection. You should confirm that your data is set correctly and you know which strings it connects to. Remember:. DOS COM1: = Linux / DEV / CUA0 (and / dev / ttys0). DOS COM2: = Linux / dev / cua1 (and / dev / ttys1) Et Cetera uses your terminal communication software (like minicom), dials to the PPP server you want to use the PPP connection. (Note: At this stage, we don't try to establish a PPP connection - just to confirm that we have the correct phone number and to find out what information is transmitted to us in order to check in and start PPP. In this process, you can intercept (recorded into a file) The entire check-in process or carefully (very carefully) to write the remote server to you prompt you to enter your user name and password message ( And any Directive requiring a PPP connection). This minimum worth two times - some servo changes the prompt at a time you check in (for example, the time change!). Your Linux Box is able to identify the two main tips to identify each time you dial. Require you to enter the prompt of the user name; Require you to enter a password prompt; if you must issue an instruction to start the PPP of the servo, then you will need to find out the tips for your server after you check in. If your server automatically starts PPP, once you check in, you will start to see the spam on the screen - this is the machine that PPP servo is sent to you to start and configure the PPP connection. This should look like this: ~ y} #.!}!}!}} 8}!}}}}}}}}}}}} & ...} '} " } (} "}. ~~ y} (and it will always come in!) At this time, you can hang up your data (usually, quickly type once your data responded to OK then then ATHO instructions. PPP must be initiated in the servo end in some systems. This is usually because the server is set to allow PPP check in and general use interfaces using the same user name / password pair. Searing. If this is the case, once you sign in, you will send this instruction. Return, you will see the spam of the PPP connection servo start - so now you can hang up.

If you don't see these garbage on your screen when the servo end starts PPP, it is quite possible (although it is not sure) is what you did something wrong. Even so, some PPP servo is set to passive - they do not transmit any messages until the client (your computer) starts the PPP program from you. In any case, most of the servo is set to active and you should see these garbage. If you can't make your data machine, read your data machine manual, your communication software online use manual and Serial Howto! Once you solve this problem, continue in the previous. 8. With regard to the criterion and speed, if you use a high-speed data machine (14,400 baud or above), your string must have the ability to handle the throughput of such a data machine, especially When the data is compressed. Your string is required to use a modern UART like 16550 (a) (universal non-synchronous receiving converter). If you are using the old machine (or the old series of interface cards), your serial port is equally possible with only 8250 UART, which will cause consideration when using a high-speed data machine. Use this instruction setserial -a / dev / ttysx to ask Linux to report the type of UART you have. If you don't have a 16550A type UART, invest in a new Scentric Interface Card (you can get about $ 50). Note: The first version of the 16550 UART wafer has an error. This will soon be discovered and the new version of the wafer has come out - this is 16550A UART. However, a few of the wrong wafers have flowed into the market. You are unlikely to meet these wafers but you should still look for the response message of 16550A, especially on some periodic interface cards. 9. Configuring your data for using PPP you will have to properly configure your data - To complete this job, please read your data machine usage manual! Most of the data has the factory preset for PPP. Options. Hard Flow Control (RTS / CTS) (in many data machines using the Hays Directive Set) Other settings you should study (using standard Hays Directive) Yes:. E1 The local response to the instruction (required for CHAT operation). Q0 returns the execution result code (required for CHAT operation). S0 = 0 Close automatic response (unless you want your data to listen to the phone). & C1 only detect carriers after connecting. & S0 Data Set Ready (DSR) is always set to open. Data Terminal Ready how to operate on the data machine skewers between your computer and the data machine is also worth researching. Most modern data allow you to use a string interface at a fixed speed, even if the phone line interface is switched to the highest speed it can be handled with the remote data. This is called Split Speed ​​Operation. If your data function supports this function, lock the serial interface of the data in its highest speed (usually 115,200 baud). Use your communication software (such as Minicom) to identify configuration information about your data and set it to PPP. Many data opportunities returns their current settings in the response of the AT & V directive, but you should check your computer usage manual. If you disrupt the settings, then you can return to the steady state by issuing AT & F instructions (usually) - back to the factory settings.

(In most modern data I have encountered, the factory setting contains all the settings required to use PPP - but you should be a check). Store your data machine to memory that does not disappear (usually can be reached using this data machine instruction - but check your computer usage manual). Once the correct data machine configuration has been stored in the data, the resetter will start. Such an arrangement greatly simplifies the CHAT instruction manuscript required for the PPP connection. 9.1. String traffic control precautions When the data flows on the serial communication line, it may have the information that can be processed by the computer to be able to do this (computer may be busy doing other things - remember, Linux It is a multi-user, multi-worker operating system). In order to ensure that the information will not be lost (the information in the buffer is not overloaded), some method of controlling the data traffic is required. There are two ways to achieve this on the serial line:. Use a hard to send / request to send - CTS / RTS. Using a Software Signal (Control S and Control Q). Although the latter may be well used on the terminal (text), the data on the PPP uses the entire 8 bit encoding space - and some places in the data may exist. Will be converted to the bit group group of Control S and Control Q. Therefore, if the data is set to use software traffic control, then the transmission is easily disrupted! Hard flow control is used for PPP (encoded using 8 Bit data). 10. Using PPP and root privileges because PPP needs to set a network device, change the core delivery table, and the like, it needs to do these things with root permissions. If the user outside root is to set up a PPP connection, the PPPD program should be set to ROOT's identity (SETUID): -R-SR-XR-X 1 root root 95225 JUL 11 00:27 / usr / sbin / PPPD If the / usr / sbin / ppd is not set to this, then this instruction is issued in root: ChMOD U S / USR / SBIN / PPPD another method, allowing users to use sudo to start PPP link (compared to The method described above This method is more advantageous in security). Depending on how you want your system how to operate, especially if you want any user in your system, you should set your PPP-ON / OFF instruction manuscript to all people. Read / execute. (If your PC is just like this is just like this). Anyway, if you don't want anyone to start the PPP connection (for example, your child has an account on your Linux PC and you don't want them to connect online without your supervision), you will You have to build a PPP group (edit / etc / group file) and:. The PPP-ON / OFF instruction manuscript is owned by the user root and the group PPP. Enable the PPP-OF / OFF instruction manuscript by the group PPP read / execute. Turn off other access rights.

PPP groups that can start PPP to join the / etc / group file PPP group - RWXR-X --- 1 Root PPP 587 Mar 14 1995 / usr / sbin / ppp-on -rwxr-x - 1 root PPP 631 Mar 14 1995 / USR / SBIN / PPP-OFF In addition, you will have PPP-OFF to be executed with root (or once again allow the PPP group to access SUDO access). Without doing this, the user will not terminate their initial PPP links. On my family's PC, I didn't set the PPPD to be performed with root. In order to start the PPP link, I must switch to root. This provides the ability I monitor my son to access the Internet network. 11. Set files for PPP You must use root to check in to build these directorys and edit these files needed to set up a PPP connection, even if you want all users to use PPP. There should be a directory in your / etc directory: drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 1024 Oct 9 11:01 PPP If it does not exist - create it. If this directory already exists, it should contain an option file called Options.tpl. This file is included below. Because it contains all the interpretations of all PPP options, please print it (using the manual on the online manual to use the manual to read will be useful). Although you can use this file as the basis of the / etc / ppp / options file, build your own, no option file containing all instructions in this template may be better - it will be much shorter and easier to read / maintain. If you have multiple serial lines / data machines (typical examples are PPP server), create a generalized / etc / PPP / Options file, which contains each of you with support to support. The common option and for each of the required individual settings to establish a single-column line for the PPP connection to set up individual options files. These files are named option.ttyx1, option.ttyx2 is pushed in this class (where X is your properly transparent version of you). However, for a single PPP connection, you can use / etc / ppp / options files directly. Another way, you can put all the options into the PPPD instruction as a parameter. Use the /etc/ppp/option.ttysx file settings to be easier to maintain. If you use the PPP to connect to a few different nodes, then you can build an option file for each node in /etc/ppp/ and then specify the option file as a PPP instruction when you connect. parameter. 11.1. Alternative Options.tpl Some PPP issuings seem to be lost Options.TPL file, so there is a complete file here. I suggest you edit this file directly to build your own / etc / ppp / options. Copy it to a new file and then edit this file. If you have messy your editor, you can turn back from the original file again.

______________________________________________________________________ # / etc / ppp / options - * - sh - * - general options for pppd # created 13-Jul-1995 jmk # autodate: 01-Aug-1995 # autotime: 19:45 # Use the executable or shell command specified to set up the serial # line. This script would typically use the "chat" program to dial the # modem and start the remote ppp session. #connect "echo You need to install a connect command." # Run the executable or shell command specified after pppd has # terminated the link This script could, for example, issue commands # to the modem to cause it to hang up if hardware modem control signals # were not available #disconnect "chat -.. / d / d / c OK ATH0 OK "# async character map - 32-bit hex; Each bit is a character # That Needs to be escaped for PPPD to receive it. 0x00000001 # represents '/ x01', and 0x80000000 represents '/ x1f'

. #Asyncmap 0 # Require the peer to authenticate itself before allowing network # packets to be sent or received. #Auth # Use hardware flow control (ie RTS / CTS) to control the flow of data # on the serial port. #Crtscts # Use software flow control (ie XON / XOFF) to control the flow of data # on the serial port. #xonxoff # Add a default route to the system routing tables, using the peer as # the gateway, when IPCP negotiation is successfully completed. This # entry is removed when the PPP connection is broken. #defaultroute # Specifies that certain characters should be escaped on transmission # (regardless of whether the peer requests them to be escaped with its # async control character map). The characters to be escaped are # specified as a list of hex numbers separated by commas. Note that # almost any character can be specified for the escape option, unlike # the asyncmap option which only allows control characters to be # specified. The characters which May Not Be Escaped Are Those with Hex # Values ​​0x20 - 0x3f or 0x5e. #escape 11,13, ff # Don't Use the modem control lines. #local # specifies That PPPD SHOULD USE A UUCP-Style Lock on The Serial Device # to ensure exclusive access to the device. #lock # Use the modem control lines. On Ultrix, this option implies hardware # flow control, as for the crtscts option. (This option is not fully # implemented.) #modem # Set the MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] Value to for negotiation. PPPD # Will Ask the peer to send packets of no more Than bytes. The # minimum mru value is 128. The default mru value is 1500. a value of # 296 is Recommended for Slow Links (40 Bytes for TCP / IP Header

256 # bytes of data). #MRU 542 # set the interface netmask to , a 32 bit Netmask in "Decimal Dot" # notation (eg #Netmask # disables the default behaviour when NO local IP address is specified, # which is to determine (if possible) the local IP address from the # hostname. With this option, the peer will have to supply the local IP # address during IPCP negotiation (unless it specified explicitly on the # .. command line or in an options file) #noipdefault # Enables the "passive" option in the LCP With this option, pppd will # attempt to initiate a connection; if no reply is received from the # peer, pppd will then just wait passively for a valid LCP packet from # the peer (instead of exiting, as it does without this option). #passive # With this option, pppd will not transmit LCP packets to initiate a # connection until a valid LCP packet is received from the Peer (as for # the "passive" option with old version of pppd). #silent # Do not request or allow negotiation of any options for LCP and IPCP # (use default values). # -All # Disable Address / Control compression negotiation (use default, ie # address / control field disabled). # -Ac # Disable AsyncMap Negotiation (use the default asyncmap, ie escape # all control characters). # -am # don '

t fork to become a background process (otherwise pppd will do so # if a serial device is specified). # -detach # Disable IP address negotiation (with this option, the remote IP # address must be specified with an option on the command line OR in an n # t m t t m b b b b b b b b n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ). # -mru # Disable protocol field compression negotiation (use default, ie # protocol field compression disabled). # -pc # Require the peer to authenticate itself using PAP. # pap # Do not agree to authenticate using PAP. # -pap # Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP [Cryptographic # Handshake authentication Protocol] authentication. # chap # Do not agree to authenticate using CHAP. # -chap # Disable negotiation of Van Jacobson style IP header compression (use # default ie no compression. # -vj # increase de bugging level (same as -d). If this option is given, pppd # will log the contents of all control packets sent or received in a # readable form. The packets are logged through syslog with facility # daemon and level debug. This information can be directed to a file by # setting up /etc/syslog.conf appropriately (see syslog.conf (5)). (If # pppd is compiled with extra debugging enabled, it will log messages # using facility local2 instead of daemon) . #Debug # append the domain name

to the local host name for authentication # purposes. For example, if gethostname () returns the name porsche, # but the fully qualified domain name is porsche.Quotron.COM, you would # use the domain option to set the domain name to Quotron .Com. #Domain # enable debugging code in the kernel-level ppp driver. The argument n # is a number which is the sum of the folload value: 1 to enable # General Debug Messages, 2 To Request That That Contents of received # packets be printed, and 4 to request that the contents of transmitted # packets be printed. #kdebug n # Set the MTU [Maximum Transmit Unit] value to . Unless the peer # requests a smaller value via MRU negotiation , pppd will request that # the kernel networking code send data packets of no more than n bytes # through the PPP network interface. #mtu # Set the name of the local system for authentication purposes to . #name < N> # set the user name to use for authenticating this machine with the peer # Using PAP to . #User # Enforce the use of the hostname as the name of the local system for # authentication purposes (overrides the name option). #Usehostname # Set the assumed name of the remote system for Authentication purposes # to . #remotename # add an entry to this system '

s ARP [Address Resolution Protocol] # table with the IP address of the peer and the Ethernet address of this # system. #proxyarp # Use the system password database for authenticating the peer using # PAP. #login # If this option is given, pppd will send an LCP echo-request frame to # the peer every n seconds. Under Linux, the echo-request is sent when # no packets have been received from the peer for n seconds. Normally # the peer should respond to the echo- Request by sending an echo-reply. # this option can be used with the lcp-echo-failure option to detect # That the peer is no longer connection. # lcp-echo-interval # if this option is given, PPPD will presume the peer to be dead if n # LCP echo-requests are sent without receiving a valid LCP echo-reply. # If this happens, pppd will terminate the connection. Use of this # option requires a non-zero value for the lcp -echo-interval parameter. # this option can be used to enable PPPD to Terminate After the Physical # Connection has been broken (eg, the modem has hung up) in # situations where no hardware modem control lines are available. # Lcp-echo-failure # Set the LCP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to seconds # (Default 3). # lcp-restart # set the maximum number of lcp terminate-request transmissions to # (Default 3). # lcp-max-terminate # set the maximum number of LCP configure-request transmissions to # (default 10). # lcp-max-configure # Set the maximum number of LCP configure-NAKs returned before starting # to send configure-Rejects instead to (default 10 ). # LCP-MAX-FAILURE

# Set the ipcp restart interval (retransmission timeout) to # seconds (default 3). # Ipcp-restart # set the maximum number of ipcp Terminate-Request Transmission to # (Default 3). # ipcp-max-terminate # Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-request transmissions to # (default 10). # ipcp-max-configure # Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-NAKs returned before Starting # to send configure-rejects instead to (default 10). # ipcp-max-failure # set the Pap restart interval (Retransmission Timeout) To seconds # (Default 3). # PAP- Restart # set the maximum number of pap automate-request transmissions to # (default 10). # Pap-max-authorq # set the chap restart interval (Retransmission Timeout for # challenges) To Seconds (Default 3). # chap-restart # set the maximum number of chap chap challenge Transmissions to # (Default 10). # chap-max-challenge # if this option is given, PPPD Will Rechallenge the Peer Ever Y # seconds. # chap-interval # with this option, PPPD WILL Accept The Peer's IDEA of Our local ip # address, Even if the local ip address. # ipcp-accept-local # With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of ​​its (remote) IP # address, even if the remote IP address was specified in an option. # ipcp-accept-remote ______________________________________________________________________ 11.2. What should I option to use? ah, It is completely dependent on the situation (唉). The two basic versions covered in the most common situation are provided here. In any case, if it cannot work, read the model file (/etc/ppp/options.tpl) and the online manual on the PPPD and tell the system management / user support personnel of the servo of the connected.

11.2.1. / Etc / ppp / options (No PAP / CHAP) The following settings should be operated on a connection that does not require a PAP / CHAP validation. ______________________________________________________________________ # / etc / ppp / options (NO PAP / CHAP) # # If you are using a STATIC IP number, edit the part of the # following line to your static IP number # # Use the modem control lines modem # use uucp style locks to ensure exclusive access to the serial device lock # use hardware flow control crtscts # create a default route for this connection in the routing table defaultroute # do NOT set up any "escaped" control sequences asyncmap 0 # use a maximum transmission packet size of 552 bytes mtu 552 # use a maximum receive packet size of 552 bytes mru 552 # # ------- END oF SAMPLE / etc / ppp / options (no PAP / CHAP) ______________________________________________________________________11. 2.2. / etc / ppp / options (using PAP / CHAP) If the server you need to connect the PAP or CHAP authenticated, add the following lines ______________________________________________________________________ # # force pppd in the above options file to use your ISP username as Your 'Host Name 'During the # authentication process name # you need to edit this line # # If you need to force PAP or CHAP authentication on the server, # uncomment the appropriate one of the following lines. # Chap # pap # # If you are using ENCRYPTED secrets in the / etc / ppp / pap-secrets # file, then uncomment the following line. # papcrypt ______________________________________________________________________12. set up your /etc/resolv.conf file While we humans like to take things one Name, computer likes numbers. On the TCP / IP network (this is the internet network), we call a machine by a specific name, and each machine exists in a specific tag; the domain tag.

For example, my Linux workstation is called Archenland and it is existed in the area of ​​ Therefore, it is in people's minds. In order to make this machine on the other machine on the Internet, it is in fact it is cognitive by its IP number. Translate the name of the machine (and the area) (parsing) Be the IP number actually used on the Internet is a machine that provides a domain name service. When you create a PPP connection, you need to tell your Linux machine where it can find the host name to control the IP number (address resolution), so you can use the machine name and your computer can put these The name translated into the IP number it needs it work. One way is to enter all hosts you want to contact to / etc / hosts file (if you are connected to the internet network); another method is to use the IP number relative to the machine name (Remember that all IP orders are impossible unless on the smallest area network). The best way is to set your Linux so that it knows how to get this name to the number - Automatically. This service is provided by the domain name server. All work that needs to be done is to enter the IP number into your /etc/resov.conf file. Your PPP Server System Management / User Support personnel should provide you with two DNS IP numbers (only one - but you can help when you have problems). Your /etc/resolv.conf should look something like this: ______________________________________________________________________ domain nameserver nameserver ______________________________________________________________________ edit this file (if it is necessary to establish it) to present your ISP Information provided. Its owner and permissions should be like this: -rw-r - r - 1 root root 73 feb 19 01:46 /etc/resolv.conf If you have been set up on the area network, you have set up / etc / If the resolv.conf file, just simply add the PPP connection DNS server IP number to your existing files. 13. PAP / CHAP Dark Corporation If you have a PAP or a chap, then you also need to build these dark code files. They are: ______________________________________________________________________ / etc / ppp / pap-secrets / etc / pp / chap-secrets ______________________________________________________________________ About PAP and CHAP first point to note is that they are designed to authenticating computers system rather than the user. I heard you asking "Hey? What is the difference?" Now, once your computer is built to the server's PPP connection, any user on your system can use this connection - not only you. . That's why you can use PPP to set up a wide area network connection between the two area networks. That is to say, your ISP may give you a user name and password allows you to connect to their system and thus connect to an internet.

Your ISP is not interested in your computer's name, so you have to use your computer you in the ISP name. This is done using the Name User Name option using the PPPD. So, if you use your ISP user name given, then add the following line ______________________________________________________________________ name your_username_at_your_ISP ______________________________________________________________________ to your / etc / ppp / options archives. From a technical point, PAP should actually use this option, but if PAP is used, the PPPD is smart enough to interpret Name to User. The advantage of using Name is that this is also effective for CHAP. Because PAP / CHAP is used to verify the computer, you also need to specify the name of the remote computer. However, most people only pick up one ISP, so you can use a general-purpose character (*) in the remote host name in the dark code file. Many ISPs have multiple data machine diaphragiors to connect to different terminal servers - each terminal server has different names, but all from a single (automatic transfer) number. In some cases, it may therefore be very not easy to know the name of the remote computer in advance. 13.1. PAP password file / etc / ppp / pap-secrets file looks like this ______________________________________________________________________ # Secrets for authentication using PAP # client server secret acceptable local IP addresses ______________________________________________________________________ The four fields are empty boundaries. Suppose your ISP gives you the user name is fred and the password is flintstone. as follows ______________________________________________________________________ # Secrets for authentication using PAP # client server secret acceptable local IP addresses fred * flintstone ______________________________________________________________________ this is to say that the local machine name fred (which we have told pppd to use even though it is not our local machine The same name is also the same as any server, use flintstone password (dark code). Note that we don't need to specify local IP orders unless you want to use a specific, fixed IP address. If you use PAP to connect to several machines, then arrange different user names on each machine, you will find out the remote machine name you will have to connect. This will allow you to add a few rows to your PAP-Secrets file - provide the Name option you need to properly set the machine you want to connect.

13.2. CHAP dark code file current PPPD version requires you to have a mutual recognition method - this is what you must be able to make two answered from your machine to the remote server and from the remote server to your machine. Can be done. So, if your machine is FRED and the far-end is Barney, you are set to Name Fred Remotename Barney in them, and remote machines should be set to Name Barney RemoteName Fred. fred this machine / etc / chap-secrets file looks like ______________________________________________________________________ # Secrets for authentication using CHAP # client server secret acceptable local IP addresses fred barney flintstone______________________________________________________________________ and barney is ______________________________________________________________________ # Secrets for authentication using CHAP # client server secret . acceptable local IP addresses barney fred flintstone ______________________________________________________________________14 set up PPP connection manually now that you've set up your / etc / ppp / options and /etc/resolv.conf files (and, if necessary, as well as / etc / ppp / pap | CHAP-SecRS files), you can test these settings by manually set up a PPP connection. (Once we make manual connection can work, we will automate the process). To do this, your communication software must be able to end without resetting your data. Minicom can do - Alt q (or use Ctrl A q in the comparison) to determine if you check in ROOT. Start your communication software (like minicom), the PPP server is connected to the PPP server and the same check in it. If you need to issue an instruction to start the PPP on the servo, then do it. You will see the garbage you have seen before. If you use PAP / CHAP, then just connect to the remote system, you should start PPP on the far end and you will see these garbage without checking. (Although this does not occur on some servers). Now, in the case of not resetting the data machine, the communication software (Alt Q or CTL AQ IN Minicom) is not reset, and in the Linux prompt symbol (with root's standing) Type PPPD -DETACH / DEV / CUAX & if you use Pap / chap recognition, your PAP / CHAP file must have been set. -D This option enables the detection error - "Talk" at the time of PPP connection starts will be recorded in your system record - if you have trouble, this will be useful.


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