MVC design pattern small test

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

Looking at the "Essential.Actionscript.2.0", the book is written, and the book written by the authority of ActionScript. Note, the chapter of the MVC mode. The MVC is not a new concept, which is now popular in SmallTalk, and the Document / View structure in C is also this principle. Change the contents of the Document from the View response through the message map. Look at MOCK's writing, you know that he is a java background, including the OBERSERABLE class and OBERSERVER interface, and the implementation of the MVC is simply a traditional Java Writing.

About MVC, here there is an authority instructions:

I also use the MOOCK method, in accordance with the original Java example, a sputum temperature and a Celsius temperature display. The models used in the models are the same, but the performance of View is different. This is the advantage of MVC. There is also a VIEW displayed with a thermometer, you can use my COM.FLASHVAN.GRAPHIC class to be implemented, and then put the source code together next time. Utils package and the content inside the MVC package I will omit, you can download

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// model

Import util.observable;

Import Temperature. *;

Class Temperature.temperature Temperature.temperatureModel Extends Observable


Private var temperaturef: Number = 32.0;

Public function getf (): Number


Return TemperatureF;


Public function getc (): Number


Return (TemperatureF - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;


Public Function SetF (Tempf: Number): Void


TemperatureF = Tempf;

setChanged ();

NotifyObservers ();


Public Function SetC (Tempc: Number): Void


Temperaturef = Tempc * 9.0 / 5.0 32.0;

setChanged ();

NotifyObservers ();



// view base

IMPORT Util. *;

Import Temperature. *;

Import mvc. *;

Import mx.containers.window;

Import mx.controls.button;

Import mx.controls.textinput;

Import mx.controls.label;

Import mx.managers.depthmanager; Class Temperature.temperatureGUI Extends AbstractView


Private var temperatureWindow: Window;

Private var label: label;

Private var display: textinput;


Private var downbtn: button;

Private var temperaturegui_mc: movieclip;

Private function TemperatureGUI (L: String, M: TemperatureModel, C: Controller, Target: MovieClip, Depth: Number, x: Number, Y: Number


Super (m, c);

MaketemperatureGUI (L, Target, Depth, X, Y);


Private function MakeTemperatureGUI (L: String, Target: MovieClip, Depth: Number, x: Number, Y: Number: VoID


// Create an empty movieclip

TemperatureGUI_MC = Target.createemptyMovieClip ("GUI" Depth, Depth;

//TemperatureGUI_MC._X = x;

//temperaturegui_mc._y = y;


TemperatureGUI_MC.createClassObject (Window, "TemperatureWindow", 0);

TemperatureWindow.Title = L "Temperature display";

TemperatureWindow.move (x, y);

TemperatureWindow.setsize (250, 200);


Label = TemperatureWindow.createClassChildATDepth (label, depthmanager.ktop);

Label.Text = L "temperature is:";

Label.move (20, 50);

// Text display box

Display = TemperatureWindow.createClassChildATDepth (TextInput, DepthManager.ktop);

Display.editable = false;

Display.setsize (200, Display.height);

Display.move (label.x, label.y label.height 10);

// Tour button

Upbtn = TemperatureWindow.createClassChildATDepth (Button, DepthManager.ktop);

Upbtn.label = "heating";

Upbtn.setsize (60, upbtn.height);

Upbtn.move (Display.x 30, Display.y Display.Height 10);

Upbtn.addeventListener ("Click", getController ());

// cooling button

DownBTN = TemperatureWindow.createClassChildATDepth (Button, DepthManager.ktop);

Downbtn.label = "cooling"; DownBtn.setsize (60, downbtn.height);

Downbtn.move (Upbtn.x Upbtn.width 10, Upbtn.y);

Downbtn.adDeventListener ("Click", getController ());

Update ();


Public Function DefaultController (Model: OBSERVABLE): Controller


Return New TemperatureController (Model);


Public Function setDisplay (s: string): void {display.text = s;}

Public function getDisplay (): Number


// var result: Number = 0.0;

Var Result: Number = Number (Display.Text);

Return Result;


Public Function Update (o: Observable, Infoobj: Object): Void




// Farenheit View

IMPORT Util. *;

Import Temperature. *;

Import mvc. *;

Class Temperature.farenheitgui Extends Temperaturegui


Public Function Farenheitgui (M: TemperatureModel, C: Controller, Target: MovieClip, Depth: Number, x: Number, Y: Number


Super ("Hua", M, C, Target, Depth, X, Y);

// setDisplay ("" model.getf ());


Public Function Update (o: Observable, Infoobj: Object): Void


SetDisplay (" TemperatureModel (getModel ()). getf ());



// Celsius View

IMPORT Util. *;

Import Temperature. *;

Import mvc. *;

Class Temperature.celsiusGUI Extends Temperaturegui


Public Function Celsiusgui (M: TemperatureModel, C: Controller, Target: MovieClip, Depth: Number, x: Number, Y: Number


Super ("Celsius", M, C, Target, Depth, X, Y);

// setDisplay ("" model.getf ());


Public Function Update (o: Observable, Infoobj: Object): Void


SetDisplay (" TemperatureModel (getModel ()). getc ());



// Controller

Import Temperature.temperature Temperature.temperature ModuR;

Import mvc. *;

IMPORT Util. *;

Class Temperature.TemperatureController Extends AbstractController


Public Function TemperatureController (TM: OBSERVABLE)


Super (TM);

Public function uptemperature ()


VAR M: TemperatureModel = TemperatureModel (getModel ());

M.SETF (M.GETF () 1);


Public function downtemperature ()


VAR M: TemperatureModel = TemperatureModel (getModel ());

M.SETF (M.GETF () - 1);




Switch (


Case "heating": UpTemperature (); Break;

Case "Cooling": Downtemperature (); BREAK;





// main program

Import Temperature. *;

Class Temperature.thermometer


// Program entry

Public Static Function Main (Target: MovieClip, F: Number)


VAR TM: TemperatureModel = New TemperatureModel ();

Var fg: farenheitgui = new farenheitgui (TM, undefined, target, 2, 10, 50);

VAR CG: Celsiusgui = New Celsiusgui (TM, undefined, target, 3, 300, 50);

TM.AddobServer (fg);

TM.AddobServer (CG);

IF (f! = undefined) TM.SETF (f);




Import temperature.thermometer;


In the FLA file, you want to drag the four components of Window, Button, TextInput, Label in the library, or not


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