Log4j learning (below)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  63

Log4j learning (below)

In the last section, how to use the Commons-Logging and Log4j packages in a normal Java application, this section will summarize how two packages are used in the web application

1) Copy commongs-logging.jar and log4j-1.2.jar package into the lib directory of the web application, as shown below:


--Module Directory








2) Configure the log4j.xml file, place it in the class directory (of course, it can be placed in any directory), log4j.xml content is as follows:


Note: Log4j.xml configuration parameters Meaning, see log4j learning (on)

3) Write a servlet class that reads the log4j.xml file, called INITSERVLET:

Package com.log4j.test.test;

Import javax.servlet.servletException;

Import javax.servlet.http.httpservlet;

Import org.apache.log4j.xml.domconfigurator;

Import org.apache.log4j.logmanager;

Public class initservlet

Extends httpservlet {

Public void init () throws servletexception {

String logfileurl = "classes / config / log4j.xml"; int RefreshTime = 60; // by secondes

String prefix = GetServletContext (). GetRealPath ("/");

IF (GetInitParameter ("log4j_file_url)! = null &&

GetinitParameter ("log4j_file_url). Length ()> 0) {

LogfileURL = GetInitParameter ("log4j_file_url);


IF ("reflesh_time")! = null&&

GetinitParameter ("reflesh_time"). Length ()> 0) {



Refreshtime = INTEGER.PARSEINT (GetInitParameter ("Reflesh_time");

} catch (NumberFormatexception EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();



// Log initialization

Print ("Log4j Config Url: Prefix Logfileurl " Reflesh Time IS " RefreshTime);

Try {

Domconfigurator.configureAndWatch (Prefix logfileurl, refreshtime * 1000);


Catch (Exception EX) {

EX.PrintStackTrace ();

Print ("Log4j Config Failure!");


Print ("Log4j Config Success!");


Public Boolean Init (httpservlet hs) {

Return True;


Public void destory () {

LogManager.shutdown ();

Print ("log4j shutdown");


Private Void Print (String MSG)


System.out.println ("[in com.log4j.test.test.initservlet.java]" msg);



4) Declaring the servlet in Web.xml, so that the Web is published automatically to automatically call the above servlet to configure log4j's environment variables.


Hello loginit < / servlet-name> com.log4j.test.test.initservlet log4j_file_url /web-inf/classess/log4j.xml Reflesh_time 5 1 5) OK, after 4 steps above, log4j is basically configured. When the web is published, the background will print as follows:

[in com.log4j.test.test.initservlet.java] log4j config URL: D: /program/log/hello/web-inf/classes/log4j.xml reflesh time is 5 [in com.log4j.test.test. INITSERVLET.JAVA] Log4j Config SUCCESS!

6) Write a Test JSP page:


<% @ page contenttype = "text / html; charset = GBK"%>

<% @ Page Import = "org.apache.commons.logging. *"%>

<% @ Page Import = "com.log4j.test.testlog4j2"%>


Private log log = logfactory.getlog ("testlog4j.jsp");



Log.Error ("JSP log4j error");

Log.Warn ("JSP log4j warn");

LOG.INFO ("JSP log4j info");

Log.debug ("JSP log4j debug";


This is log4j test!

<% = ("Helllo")%> After running the background print information:

TestLog4j.jsp jsp_servlet .__ testlog4j._jspservice (__ testlog4j.java: 139) 2004-09-

20 17: 09: 23,014 [ExecuteThread: '14' for queue: 'WebLogic.kernel.default'] Error

- JSP log4j error

Testlog4j.jsp jsp_servlet .__ testlog4j._jspservice (__ testlog4j.java:140) 2004-09-

20 17: 09: 23,014 [ExecuteThread: '14' for Queue: 'WebLogic.kernel.default'] WARN

- JSP log4j Warn

Testlog4j.jsp jsp_servlet .__ testlog4j._jspservice (__ testlog4j.java:141) 2004-09-

20 17: 09: 23,029 [ExecuteThread: '14' for queue: 'WebLogic.kernel.default'] info

- JSP log4j info

Oh, enjoy!


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