VB API function

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69

Show the "save file" CommON Dialog Displays "Save File" dialog

Show the "Browse Folder" CommON Dialog Displays "Browse Folders" dialog

SUSPEND A Computer Hanging Computer

Test if an application is response and terminate applations Determination One application is a response or termination (in IE as an example).

Test if an application is response and terminate application (continued :) Determine an application response or termination

Format A Floppy Disk formatting floppy disk

Zero a portion of an array clearing one array

Determine The Free Space On A Drive Determination of Free Space on your drive

Edit The Files Stored In The "Documents" MENU Edit Save Files in Document Menu

Copy Files Using the File Copy Shell Using File Copy Shell, Copy File

Show The "File Open" CommON Dialog Displays "File Open" dialog

Converting Class IDs to a prop IDS and back transform class ID to a prog id

Obtaining the current user name Gets the current username

Return The Path of The Temporary Directory Returns the path to the temporary directory

Return The Path of The Windows Directory Returns the path to the Windows directory

Return The Path of The System Directory Returns the path to the System directory

Create a guid creates a GUID

Enable and disable the Windows Task Bar Activates and disables Windows task bars

DETERMININININININININININININSTEM Folder Locations Set the location of the System folder

Obtaining Information About The Operating System Information Getting Operating System

Find the Path of the Executable Associated with a File Find the full path to the file

Locking The Application Screen Area locks the application client area.

Lock All GUI Updating Blocks All GUI Updates

Changing The Screen Resolution / Colors Changes Screen Color

Convert a pointer to a string into a string Returns the character string

Associate a file with a file extension to open files to file extensions

Shutdown / Restart / Logoff The Local Machine shutdown, restart, logout, local computer

Display the "setup prompt for disk" DIALOG Displays "Setup Prompt for Disk" dialog

Display the "setup reboot" Dialog Displays "Setup Reboot" dialog

Perform A Recursive Search for a file or pattern using API Using API Recursive Find Files

Block Keyboard and Mouse Input to an Application Application for Blocking Keyboards and Mouse Enter

Return A Dialog Handle / Class Name from a CAPTION Epoton Name Return from the Title Bar Restrict The Movement of a CURSOR To A Specified Area Limits the Sports area of ​​the mouse pointer

Encrypt A File / Folder (Windows 2000) Encrypted File / Folder (Windows 2000 Applicable)

Setting The Tab Positions in A Listbox Sets Tab in the list box

Find An Item IN A ListView Find a list of list boxes

Get A List of File Version Details for OCX, EXE AND DLL Files gets detailed versions of an OCX, EXE AND DLL file

Get and set a Dialogs Caption / Title gets and sets a dialog title

Controlling The Clipboard (Inc. Clear, Copy and Query) Controls Clipboard

Get and set the list area Width of a Combo Box gets and sets the list width of a combo box

Change to priority level of the current process changes the priority of the current thread

Show The "System Settings Changed, Restart Computer?" Dialog Display "System Settings Changed, Restart Computer?" Dialog

Creating New Threads to Perform Asynchronous Tasks Creating a new thread to perform an asynchronous task

Get and Set Volume Information For A Drive Gets and Sets Volume Information

Using the shellexecute API to send mails and print documents send email and print documents using the Shellexecute API

Get the Error Message Associated with and api error Number Indicates error messages with API Error

Save a screen snapshot to a bitmap Save a screen snapshot with Bitmap format.

Load and save images to a database reads and saves images in the database

Changing a files created, modified and accessed Times. Change file creation and modify, save time

CHANGING A Files Created, Modified and Accessed Times. (Continued) Change file creation and modification, save time

Show System Shut Down / Restart Dialog Display System, Off / Restart Dialog

Checking to see if an application is already running Check if the application is running

Search a Folder (and all it's subsfolders) for a file search a file in a folder

Create a name for a Temporary File creates a famous city for temporary files

View The Contents of a Block of Memory Shows the content of a block

List / Enumerate All The Ocx Controls Installed ON A Computer lists all OCX controls installed in your computer

Returning an exitcode parameter from an out of process Application Back parameters from external applications

Check if a loggin password and user name is not correct. The current login password and the username are not correct. Removing an item from a 1D Array moves an element in a single-dimensional array

Changing The Type of Input A TextBox Can Receive Change the type of text box input (such as only entering numbers)

CHANGING THE WAY A FORM IS Repainted while being Dragged to change the window of the window when dragging

Terminate a process terminates a process

MAKING A TextBox Resizable Text Boxes with Variable Size

Swap The Left and Right Mouse Buttons Over Press the button to switch the left by the mouse button.

Controlling the position of a msgbox Location of the MSGBox function pop-up message box

Returning The Windows Handle of A Dialog At A Specified Point Returns the handle pointing to the dialog

Returning a files create time returns, the creation time of the file

Add Custom System Menu Items to Forms Add a customized system menu to the form

Register Components WITHOUT Using Regsvr32.exe does not use regsvr32.exe registration components

UNCOVER INTERNAL DLL FUNCTIONS with Dependency Walker Announces DLL functions of internal calls

Launch A PC's Default Browser with Shellexecute API with a shellexecute API function, start the default browser

Get File Version Information Details (OCX, EXE, DLL ETC) Get detailed file versions,

Create a Timer Using API Calls creates a clock using the API.

Play An Audio File Play an audio file

Set and get a computer's name setting and getting the computer name

Shell and Wait for a process to finish starts and waits for an end

Make The Current Process Pause / Sleep for a Specified Time Period Specifies the current process hang time

Determine System Memory Status Determination System Memory Status

Send files to the recycle bin sent files to the recycle bin

Get a list of the system processes gets a list of system processes

Redim Preserve A 2D Array Renovate 2D number group

Turn The Screen Saver On or Off Starts or Disables Screen Saver

Return the error message associated with err.lastdllerror Returns an error message with Err.lastdllerror

Turn The Monitor On and Off Start or Prohibit Monitor

Show The "Choose a Color" CommON Dialog Displays "Select Color" dialog

Show the "SELECT A FONT" Common Dialog Displays "Select Font" dialog

Show The Windows "Run" Dialog Displays Windows "Run" dialog

Change Date Format of The System Change System Date Format

Change your novell password change your Novell password

Shutdown Your Computer Using ExitWindowEx API CALL Close your computer using the EXITWINDOWEX API Close your computer adding AutoComplete to a vb text box to the VB text box to join the auto-complete function

Drop Down Combo Box AS It get Focus When the combo box gets the focus, pull the combination box list

This Makes form Transperent Only Controls Are Visible creates only control visible transparent form

Map and Unmap Network Drives Using Windows "Map Network Drives" Dialog Using Windows "Map Network Drives" dialog, mapping, and non-mapped network drives

Simple code to map a network drive mapping a network drive, simple code

Get Your Computer Name Using GetComputername API gets your computer name using getComputerNameApi

Get Your Windows System Directory Using GetsystemDirectory API gets a Windows system directory using the GetSystemDirectory API

Get Your Windows Temp Directory Using GetTemppath API gets a temporary directory for Windows using the GetTemppath API

Get Your Windows Directory Using GetWindowsDirectory API gets a Windows directory using the GetWindowsDirectory API

Set Your Computer Name Using SetComputerName API Sets your computer name using the SetComputername API

Clear The Recent Documents Menu Using ShaddtoreCentDocs API Clear the nearest document menu using ShaddtorecentDocs API

Add A File to Recent Documents Menu Using ShaddtorecentDocs API Add a file to the nearest document menu using the ShaddtorecentDocs API

To show / hide cursor using display / hide the mouse pointer.

Swap The Mouse Button Using SwapmouseButton API swaps the mouse button with the SwapMouseButton API

Connect or Disconnect A Network Drive Connection or Disconnect Network Drive

Connect or disconnect a lpt port connection or disconnect a LPT port

Display The Windows About Box Using Shellabout API Using the ShelLabout API Function Display Windows About Dialog

Get logged in Username Using GetUsername API Using the GetUserName API to get the user name of the login

Get Network Logged in Username Using WNETGETUSER API to get the login user name of the network using the WNETGETUSER API

Copy A File Using CopyFile API A file using a CopyFile API COPY

Move A File Using MoveFile API Moves a file using the MoveFile API

Some API Funcitons to Move, Hide / Show The Mouse Some API functions, mobile, hidden / display mouse

This Included Int Of Karthikeyans API Code Into Module-Type Procedures. Including all KarthiKeyans API code Some API functions for hiding / showing / moving the mouse, etc ... enjoy. Some API functions, hidden / display / mouse and many more.

Code to Display THE% of Memory in Uses Display Memory Using%

Choose The Frequency and Duration of Sounds from The Internal Speaker Selects the frequency and duration, let the built-in speaker sound

PUT YOUR Application To Sleep for a Certain Number of MilliseConds. Make your application sleep specifies the number of seconds

Find Out WHETHER OR NOTTERY POWER AND IS RUNNING ON BATTERY TIME IS Remaining. Determination of hand-filled computers are running with battery and tested its remaining battery quantity

Find Out The Processor Type of a System and The Total Number of Processors IN a Machine The number of CPUs in the system is determined, and the number of CPUs in the machine.

Find Files Using FindfirstFile, FindnextFile and FindClose API uses FindFirstFile, FindnextFile and Findclose API Find file

Show, Hide, Maximize, Minimize, Restore and More With showwindow apishowwindow api display, hide, maximize, minimize, recovery.

Set Window Text Using SetWindowText API Sets the text of the control window using the SETWINDOWTEXT API

Set Disk Volume Label Using SetVolumeLabel API Sets disk scroller using the SetVolumelabel API

Set System Cursor Using SetsystemCursor API Sets System Mouse using the SetsystemCursor API

Get File Attributes Using GetFileAttributes API Get file properties using the getFileAttributes API

Set File Atributes Using SetFileAttributes API Settings File Properties with SetFileAttributes API

Get Environment Variable Using GetEnvironmentvariable Using API Using the GetEnvironmentvariable API to get environment variables

Set Environment Variable Using SeenvironmentVariable API uses the SetENVIRONMENTVARIABLE API to set the environment variable.

Remove Directory Using RemoveDirectory API uses the RemoveDirectory API, the mobile directory

Create Directory Using CreateDirectory API creates a directory using the CreatedIRectory API

Play System Sounds Using MessageBeep API uses MessageBeep API playback system sounds

Get Current Greewich Mean Time Using GetSystemTime API Using the GetSystemTime API to get the current GreeWich Time Set System Time Using SetSystemTime API Use the SetsystemTime API to set the system time

Set Double Click Time of Mouse Using SetDouble ClickTime API uses the SetDoubleClicktime API, set the double click interval of the mouse

GET DOUBLE CLICK TIME OF Mouse Using GetDouble ClickTime API uses the GETDOUBLECLICKTIME API to get the double-click interval of the mouse

Delete a file using deletefile API uses the Deletefile API, delete files

Get Volume Information of Disk Drive Using GetVolumeInformation API Gets the volume of the disk drive using the GetVolumeInformation API

To Check WHether Particular Drive Is Present or Not Using GetLogicalDrives API Check the drive using a getLogicalDrives API

Get The Amount of Physical and Virtual Memory Free, Used Using GlobalMemoryStatus API gets idle physical and virtual memory numbers using the GlobalMemoryStatus API.

Get Current Resolution, Number of Colors and Bits / Pixels Using GetDeviceCaps API uses the getDeviceCaps API to get current resolution, number, and pixels.

Check WHETHER Sound Card Is Installed or Not Using WaveoutGetNumdevs API Using WaveoutGetNumDevs API, check if the sound card is installed

Check WHether Network Is Installed or Not Using GetSystemMetrics API uses the GetSystemMetrics API to check if the network is installed

Check WHETHER MOUSESTALLED or NOT USING GETSYSTEMETRICS API uses the GetSystemMetrics API to check if the mouse is installed

Get Default Icon Width Using GetSystemMetrics API Use the GetSystemMetrics API to get the width of the default icon

Get Current Resolution Using GetSystemMetrics API uses the GetSystemMetrics API to get the current resolution.

Check How Your Windows Booted Using GetsystemMetrics API Check your Windows boot mode using the GetSystemMetrics API

Returns The Height and Width in Pixels of A String Based on The Current Font Characteristics returns the high and wide width of the current feature string with pixel units.

Extract, Draw and Destroy Icon Using Extracticon, Drawicon and Destroyicon APIs extract, draw and destroy icons using Extracticon, Drawicon and Destroyicon API.

Get Details About your OS Using GetVersionEx API Using the GetVersionEx API to get your operating system Details Writing a string data inTo win.ini Using WriteProfileString API Using WriteProfileString API to write characters to Win.ini

Get A String Data from Win.ini Using GetProfileString API Using the GetProfileString API to get character data from Win.ini

Get A Integer Data from Win.ini Using GetProfileint API Using the GetProfileint API from Win.ini to get an integer data

Write A String Data To an INI File Using WritePrivateProfileString API Write a character data to an Ini file using the WritePrivateProfileString API

Write a section of data to an ini file using writeprivateprofileesection API Write data to an INI file using the WritePrivateProfileeSection API

Get an INTEGER DATA from an ini file Using GetPrivateProfileint API uses the GetPrivateProfileint API to get integer from the INI file

Get A String Data from An Ini File Using GetPrivateProfileString API Use the GetPrivateProfileString API to get character data from the INI file

Get the length of a string Using the length of the string used

Copy A String to Another Variable Using Lstrcpy API Using the LSTRCPY API copy string to other type variables

COPY N-1 Number of Characters from Source String To The Target String Using the LSTRCPYN API Use the LSTRCPYN API to the target string from the source string COPY N-1 feature character.

Display Shutdown Dialog Screen Using ExitWindowsDialog API Use the EXITWINDOWSDIALOG API to display the Close Barrier dialog

Display Shutdown Dialog Screen Using Shshutdowndialog API Displays the shutdown barrier dialog using the ShshutDowndialog API.

Display The Restart OR Shutdown Dialog Using RestartDialog API Use the RestartDialog API to display the restart or close dialog

Display Shutdown or Restart Dialog Using ShrestartSystemmb API Displays the shutdown or restart dialog using the ShrestartSystemMB API

Display The Run Dialog Using Shrundialog API Use the Shrundialog API to display the Run dialog

Display Format Drive Dialog Using SHFORMATDRIVE API Displays the Format dialog using the SHFORMATDRIVE API

Display Change Icon Dialog Using Shchangeicondialog API Use the Shchangeicondialog API to display the change icon dialog

Display Pick Icon Dialog Using Pickicondlg API Displays the Picking Icon Dialog Box Get Shell FolderLocation API to get the shell folder location using the ShgetSpecialLocation API

Flash a Window Using FlashWindow API uses FlashWindow API, flash window

Get ClassName for Some Controls Using getClassName API gets some control class names using the GetClassName API

Get Current Process and Current Processid Using GetCurrentProcess and getCurrentProcessid API Using the GetCurrentProcess and getCurrentProcessid API to get current Process and Processid.

Get Current Thread and Current Thread ID Using GetCurrentThread and getCurrentThreadid API Using the GetCurrentThread and getCurrentThreadID API to get current Thread and thread ID

Get Cursor Position Using GetCursorpos API Gets the mouse location using the getCursorpos API.

Get Foreground Window API. Very useful to develop security program and system logger program uses the GetForegroundWindow API to get the first window, which is useful for development security programs and system programs

Find A Window Knowing It's Caption Using FindWindow API Using the FindWindow API, find the window and know its stabilization

Get Background Color of A Device Context Using GetBkcolor API Use the GetBkcolor API to get the background color used in the device context

Get The Caption of Control Which Captures Mouse Event Using GetCapture API captures mouse events using the GetCapture API. Get the title of the control

Get System Colors Using GetSysColor API Gets the system color using the GetSyscolor API

Set System Colors Using SetsysColors API Sets System Colors with SetsysColors API

Create A Elliptic Form Using CreateellipticRGN and SetWindowRGN API Create an oval form using CreatellipticRGN and SetWindowRGN API

Create A Rectangular Form Using CreateRectrGn and SetWindowRGN API Creating a Rectangular Form using CreateRectrGn and SetWindowRGN API

Create a RoundRectangular Form Using CreateroundRectrgn N & SETWINDOWRGN API Create a circular rectangular form using CreateroundRGN and SetWindowRGN API

Get File Information By It's Handle Using GetFileinformationByHandle API uses the getFileinformationByHandle API through its handle, get the file information get filetime using getFileTime API to get the file time using the GetFileTime API

Set filetime using setfiletime API Sets the file time using the setFiletime API

Set the file modified time to current system time using getsystemTIMEASFILETIME API Settings file modification time to the current system time using the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime API

Get Window Position Points Using GetWindowRect API to get a window location using the getWindowRect API

Get Foreground Window Thread and Process ID Using GetWindowThreadProcessid API Using GetWindowThreadProcessid API to get the ID of the front-end window thread and process ID

Get Current Directory Using GetCurrentDirectory API gets the current directory using the GetCurrentDirectory API.

Set Current Directory Using SetCurrentDirectory API Sets the current directory using the SetCurrentDirectory API

Get Handle of The Window At Mouse Cursor Position Using WindowFromPoint API Using the WindowFromPoint API to get the mouse pointing to the handle of the form.

Get A List of Open Window Names Using GetDeskTopWindow, getWindow and getWindowText API Using GetDeskTopWindow, getWindow and getWindowText API gets open window list,

Creates a icon in Your System TRAY Which Minimizes All Your Applications WHEN You Double Click IT (icon in Systray). When you double-click it, create your system tray when you minimize your app.

Display a Message Box Using MessageBox API Displays a message box using the Messagebox API

Display Message Box Using MessageBoxIndirect API Displays a message box using the MessageBoxIndirect API

Open the start menu using mouse_event API Opens the start menu using the mouse_event API

Function CurrentTime. Returns The Complete System Time, INCLUDING MILLISECONDS (Something VB's Date / Time Func Doesn't Do) .currentTime Function, Return Complete System Time, including milliseconds

An Example for Muldiv API An example of using a MULDIV API

Type Some Words in Notepad WITHOUT HUMAN Intervention Using KeyBD_EVENT API Using the KeyBD_EVENT API, no need to intervene, play some words to the writing board,

Move A Window To A Specified Point Using MoveWindow API uses the MoveWindow API to move a window to the specified point. Get Drive Type Using GetDriveType API Gets the drive type using the GetDriveType API

Set your Window on top of all forms Using SetWindowPos API Use the SetWindowPos API to set your program window to the top in all windows.

Get File Information Is Using ShgetFileInfo API to get file information using the SHGETFILEINFO API

Draw An Arc Using ARC API Cable Arc, Using ARC API

Draw a Chord Using Chord API draws a closed string using Chord API

Draw a line from a point to specified Point Using LineTo API draws a line from one point to another specified point. Use the Lineto API

Draw a PIE Using PIE API Using PIE API Painting Paint

Get The Window Which Has Got Focus Using GetFocus API Use the GetFocus API to determine that form gets focus

Get the entire command line passed using getcommandline API gets a complete command line

Capture Desktop Using GetDesktopWindow and Bitblt API Capture Desktop Using GetDesktopWindow and Bitblt API

Capture The Window Under Mouse Into The Form Using Getdc, Bitblt, GetCursorpos and WindowFromPoint API uses getDC, Bitblt, getCursorpos and windowFromPoint API capture the window below to a form

A Simple Code to Catch Any Keypress and Store IT IN A File Named "File.txt" IT Runs in the background. A simple code, capture keyboard messages and save it to file name "file.txt", it is running in the background .

This code Finds a window and sends message to the window. This code is a window and send a message to the window.

This Code Brings A File from Remote Server To The Client WITHOUT ASKING THE "Save to Disk" Dialog Box. This code saves files to the client from the remote host, and does not appear "Save to Disk" dialog.

Controlling CARAT BLINKING SPEED USING API uses API to control Crash shiny speed

Putting the project icon in the system tray.

Code to Check The Mode in Which Windows Is Loaded Checking Windows boot mode

Sets the Time on The Local Machine. Setting the local machine

The Following Code Helps To Refresh Desktop Using A Different Approach This code uses a different way to update the desktop

This Code Initiates The Screen Saver Of The System. Start the screen protection of your computer system

Allows You to Paint The System Stock Icons Onto Your Form Draws the System Tray icon on the FINDS HARD-Drive Capacity. Will Work with any size of drive. Discover the capacity of your hard drive, you can work properly on any size drive

FINDS All Drives Free Space and Capacity to find all drive idle space and capacity

This code is useful when you are getting your logon user with domain name This code is useful, when you are getting your login account

Did You Ever Wanted to Create Your Own DLL with API Function Export Creates your own DLL with an API function

This Code Will Grab Any WINDOW TEXT BOX TEXT from Any Aplication Running On Windows 32 Bit This code can get the text in the text box from any Windows32 bit application

Code to get the number of function keys in the keyboard getting the code for the keyboard key

This Code Gives The Length of Alphabets and Numbers In Pixels This code gives the length of the alphabet

This Simple Program Loads or Removes Any Font From A Specified Path & File Name loads or deletes fonts from the specified path and file name

Get Cached Passwords from the PWL File Gets its saved password in the PWL file

Yet Another CenterForm Routine Another Center Form

Code to Set a Animated Cursor (ANI) As the MousePointer for the form Sets an animated mouse pointer for a form.

Another get-set key state program another program for getting a keyboard status

Allways Wanted to make your program hidden in That Annoying Ctrl Alt Del (Tested On Windows 9x) Use simple row code to hide your program in Ctrl Alt DEL.

Make Your CD-ROM Drive Open Using The McISendstring API. Open your CD-ROM drive using the McISendstring API

Copy A File to your Windows Desktop from Dialog Control Box. Copy a file to your Windows desktop via dialog control

Shut Down The Computer Turn off the computer

For viewing the desktop with some magnification accounting to the moving of mouse View desktop according to mouse movement

Hide Mouse Pointer hides the mouse pointer

Control the spesed of the start menu. Control Start menu speed


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