ASP no component file upload [Database Surmling]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

ASP No component file Upload [Database Surmling] There may be many friends to introduce many examples without component files, I also talk about my first example, the following example: First step: Create Database iMages Step 2: Establish Data Sheet Image, the table structure is as follows: ID primary key, the name of the automatic column ImageName VARCHAR (50) file ImageType Varchar (50) file MIME Type Image File field database Safe file Save As: Conn.asp I have modified itself) <% DIM Conn Dim ConnStr = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection") connStr = "driver = SQL Server; Server = Blankfoxcat; UID = SA; PWD = SA; Database = images" conn. Open connStr%>

Step 3: Save the following code for