Photoshop shortcut

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

Toolbox (multiple tools share a shortcut key can be used to Press [Shift] to add this shortcut.)

Rectangle, elliptical box tool [M]

Crop tool [C]

Mobile tool [V]

Subsorphic, polygonal set, magnetic rocker [L]

Magic Wand Tool [W]

Spray gun tool [J]

Brush tool [b]

Like a skin stamp, pattern stamp [s]

History brush tool [Y]

Like a skin wipe tool [E]

Pencil, straight line tool [N]

Blur, sharpening, smear [R]

Reduce, deepen, cotton tools [o]

Fountain pen, free pen, magnetic pen [P]

Add an anchor tool [ ]

Delete anchor tools [-]

Direct selection tool [a]

Text, text mask, straight text, straight row text mask [T]

Metric tool [u]

Straight gradient, radial gradient, symmetric gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [g]

Paint barrel tool [K]

Drug, color sampler [I]

Strath tool [h]

Zoom Tool [Z]

Default foreground color and background color [D]

Switch foreground color and background color [x]

Switch standard mode and fast mask mode [q]

Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode [F]

Temporary use of mobile tools [Ctrl]

Temporary use of absorbing tools [alt]

Temporary use of starting tools [spaces]

Open Tools Options Pateches [ENTER]

Quick Enter Tools Option (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool option panel) [0] to [9]

Loop selection brush [[] or []]

Choose the first brush [shift] [[]

Choose the last brush [Shift] []]

Establish a new gradient (in the Gradient Editor) [Ctrl] [N]

File operation

New graphic file [Ctrl] [N]

Create a new file with default settings [Ctrl] [ALT] [N]

Open existing images [ctrl] [o]

Open to ... [Ctrl] [ALT] [O]

Close the current image [Ctrl] [W]

Save the current image [Ctrl] [s]

Save as ... [Ctrl] [Shift] [S]

Storage copy [Ctrl] [ALT] [S]

Page Settings [Ctrl] [Shift] [P]

Print [Ctrl] [P]

Open "Preset" dialog [Ctrl] [K]

Display the "preset" dialog box for the last display [Alt] [Ctrl] [K]

Set "General" option (in the Preset Dialog) [Ctrl] [1]

Set "Storage File" (in the Preset Dialog) [Ctrl] [2]

Set "Show and Cursor" (in the Preset Dialog) [Ctrl] [3]

Set "Transparent Area and Color Domain" (in the Preset Dialog) [Ctrl] [4]

Set "Unit and Rod" (in the Preset Dialog) [Ctrl] [5]

Set "Reference Line and Grid" (in the Preset Dialog) [Ctrl] [6]

Set the "Synerg" (in the preset dialog) [Ctrl] [7]

Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preset Dialog) [Ctrl] [8]

Editing operation

Restore / redo the previous step [Ctrl] [Z]

More than two steps or more operation [Ctrl] [alt] [Z]

Do two-step operation [Ctrl] [Shift] [Z]

Cutting selected image or path [Ctrl] [x] or [F2]

Copy selected image or path [Ctrl] [C]

Merger copy [Ctrl] [Shift] [C]

Spherish the contents of the clipboard [Ctrl] [V] or [F4]

Spherish the contents of the clipboard [Ctrl] [Shift] [V]

Free transform [Ctrl] [T]

Free transformation (in free transform mode) [Enter]

Start transform from the center or symmetry point (in Free Transform mode) [ALT] restrictions (in free transform mode) [Shift]

Distortion (in free transform mode) [Ctrl]

Cancel deformation (in free transform mode) [ESC]

Free transform copy pixel data [Ctrl] [Shift] [T]

Transform the copying pixel data again and create a copy [Ctrl] [Shift] [ALT] [T]

Delete the pattern or selected path in the box [Del]

Fill the selected area or the entire layer with background colors [Ctrl] [Backspace] or [Ctrl] [DEL]

Fill in the selected area or the entire layer [Alt] [Del] or [ALT] [Del] with the foreground color

Popked "Fill" dialog [Shift] [Backspace]

Plug [Alt] [Ctrl] [Backspace] from history

Image adjustment

Adjustment color order [Ctrl] [L]

Automatic adjustment color order [ctrl] [shift] [L]

Open Curve Adjustment Dialog [Ctrl] [M]

Add a new point on the curve of the selected channel (the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] plus points in the image

Add a new point (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] [Shift] on all the curves other than the composite curve.


Mobile selected point (in the 'Curve' dialog) [] /] / 【←】 / → →

Take 10 points to an increase in 10 points (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [SHIFT] [Arrow]

Select multiple control points (in the 'Curve' dialog) [Shift] Add some point

Front movement control point (in the 'Curve' dialog) [Ctrl] [TAB]

Rear shift control point (in the 'Curve' dialog) [Ctrl] [Shift] [Tab]

Add a new point (in the 'Curve' dialog) Tap Grid

Delete point (in the 'Curve' dialog) [Ctrl] Add some point

Deselect all points on the selected channel (in the 'Curve' dialog) [Ctrl] [D]

Make the curve grid more fine or more rough (in the 'Curve' dialog) [ALT] Add to the grid

Select Color Channel (in 'Curve' Dialog) [Ctrl] [~]

Select Mono Channel (in 'Curve' Dialog) [Ctrl] [Digital]

Open "Color Balance" dialog [Ctrl] [B]

Open the "Hue / Saturation" dialog [Ctrl] [u]

Full picture adjustment (in the Hydraction / Saturation "dialog box) [Ctrl] [~]

Only adjust the red (in the Hue / Saturation "dialog box) [Ctrl] [1]

Only adjust the Yellow (in the Color / Saturation "dialog box) [Ctrl] [2]

Only adjust the green (in the horses / saturation "dialog box) [Ctrl] [3]

Only the cyan (in the horseposition / saturation "dialog box) [Ctrl] [4]

Only the blue (in the horses / saturation "dialog box) [Ctrl] [5]

Only adjust the magenta (in the horseposition / saturation "dialog box) [Ctrl] [6]

Detor [ctrl] [shift] [u]

Reverse phase [ctrl] [i]

Layer operation

Create a layer from dialog [Ctrl] [Shift] [N]

Create a new layer with the default option [Ctrl] [ALT] [Shift] [N]

Create a layer [Ctrl] [j]

Create a layer through cutting [Ctrl] [Shift] [J]

Group with the previous layer [Ctrl] [g]

Cancel group [Ctrl] [Shift] [G]

Merge or merge the joint layer [Ctrl] [E]

Merger visible layer [ctrl] [shift] [e] cover print or cover junction layer [Ctrl] [alt] [E]

Ground printing can be seen in the layer [Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] [E]

Move the current layer [Ctrl] [[]

Move the current layer [Ctrl] []]

Move the current layer to the bottom [Ctrl] [Shift] [[]

Move the current layer to the top [Ctrl] [Shift] []]

Activate the next layer [ALT] [[]

Activate a layer [alt] []]

Activate the bottom layer [Shift] [Alt] []

Activate the top layer [Shift] [alt] []]

Adjust the transparency of the current layer (the current tool is countless parameters, such as mobile tools) [0] to [9]

Keep the transparent area of ​​the current layer (switch) [/]

Projection effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [1]

Internal shadow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [2]

External light effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [3]

Internal light-emitting effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [4]

Less and relief effects (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [5]

Apply the currently selected effect and adjust the parameters (in the "Effect" dialog box) [A]

Select function

All selected [Ctrl] [a]

Cancellation [Ctrl] [D]

Reselect [Ctrl] [SHIFT] [D]

Feather selection [ctrl] [alt] [D]

Reverse selection [ctrl] [shift] [i]

Path to change the [Enter] of the number keyboard

In-mail [Ctrl] points according to the layer, path, and the clot map in the channel panel


Press the last parameter to do a last filter [Ctrl] [f]

Return the effect of the last filter [Ctrl] [Shift] [F]

Repeat the last filter (adjustable parameter) [Ctrl] [alt] [f]

Select Tools (in "3D Change" filter) [V]

Cube tool (in the "3D change" filter) [M]

Spherical tool (in the "3D change" filter) [N]

Cylindrical tool (in the "3D change" filter) [C]

Track ball (in the "3D change" filter) [R]

Panoramic camera tool (in the "3D change" filter) [E]

View operation

Display color channel [ctrl] [~]

Display monochrome channel [Ctrl] [Number]

Show composite channels [~]

Preview (Switch) [Ctrl] [Y]

Open / close color gamut warning [Ctrl] [Shift] [Y]

Enlarge view [Ctrl] [ ]

Shard view [Ctrl] [-]

Full canvas display [Ctrl] [0]

Actual pixel display [Ctrl] [ALT] [0]

Rolling up a screen [Pageup]

Coil down next [PageDown]

Roll to the left [Ctrl] [Pageup]

Right to the right screen [Ctrl] [PageDown]

Rolling up 10 units [Shift] [Pageup]

Wash 10 units down [Shift] [PageDown]

10 units to the left [Shift] [Ctrl] [Pageup]

Right 10 units [Shift] [Ctrl] [PageDown]

Move the view to the upper left corner [home]

Move the view to the lower right corner [END]

Display / hidden selection area [Ctrl] [h]

Display / hidden path [Ctrl] [Shift] [H]

Show / hidden ruler [Ctrl] [R]

Display / hidden reference line [Ctrl] [;]

Show / hidden grid [Ctrl] ["]

Tight reference line [Ctrl] [shift] [;]

Lock reference line [Ctrl] [alt] [;]

Tight grid [ctrl] [shift] ["]

Show / Hide "Brush" panel [F5]

Display / hide "color" panel [F6]

Display / hide "Layer" panel [F7]

Display / hide "Information" panel [F8]

Show / hide "Action" panel [F9]

Display / Hide All Command Panel [Tab]

All talents displayed or hidden outside the toolbox [Shift] [Tab]

Text Processing (in the Word Tools dialog)

Left alignment or top to [Ctrl] [Shift] [L]

齐 [Ctrl] [Shift] [C]

Right to Qi or bottom [Ctrl] [Shift] [R]

Left / Right Select 1 character [Shift] 【←】 / [→]

Next / select 1 line [shift] [↑] / [↓]

Select all characters [Ctrl] [a]

Select the character from the insertion point to the mouse point to point points [Shift] plus points

Left / right moving 1 character [←] / 【→】

Lower / on the moving 1 line [↑] /]

Left / right move 1 word [Ctrl] [←] / 【→】

Reduce the text size of the selected text to 2 points [Ctrl] [Shift] [<]

Increase the text size of the selected text by 2 points [Ctrl] [Shift] [>]

Minimize the text size of the selected text [ctrl] [alt] [shift] [<]

Increase the text size of the selected text 10 points [ctrl] [alt] [shift] [>]

Reduce the line spacing 2 points 象 [alt] [↓]

Increase the line spacing 2 points 象 [alt] [↑]

Move the baseline displacement minus 2 points 象 [shift] [alt] [↓]

Add a baseline displacement to add 2 points pixels [Shift] [ALT] [↑]

Reduce the word fine-tuning or 字 字 减 20 / 1000ems [alt] 【←】

Adding a word fine tuning or a word adjustment by 20 / 1000EMS [ALT] [→]

Reduce the word fine-tuning or 字 字 调 减 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 【100 【100 【100】 100

Add the word fine-tuning or the 字 字 adjustment increase 100 / 1000EMS [Ctrl] [ALT] [→]

Temporary flat display: [Space]

Switching of three display modes: [F]


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