a. The structure of the directory when developing JSP using Tomcat4.1.3.
1. Use the Eclipse to establish a project TestJsp, the WebModule name is TEST.
(E: /DEVSOFT/eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-win32/eclipse/workspace/testjsp)
2. Use Eclipse to create a new Class: dbmsample (package: nec2kjsys.dbmanager)
ORADATABASE (Package: NEC2KJSYS.com) ......
3. Create a web directory under Test, put the .jsp files on the web.
4. Eclipse automatically generated Class files
E: /DEVSOFT/eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-win32/eclipse/Workspace/testjsp/bin below,
The corresponding directory is generated according to Package.
5. WEB-INF / CLASSES (Figure), JSP files under the WebModule directory TEST
The Class of the directory will be used.
6. Establish an ORG / APACHE / JSP three-level directory under TestJSP / J2SRC (Tomcat generated JSP correspondence file)
7. Tomcat's Server.xml setting:
DOCBASE = "E: /DEVSOFT/eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-win32/eclipse/Workspace/testjsp/test" Debug = "0" reloadable = "true" crossContext = "True" Workdir = "e: /devsoft/eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-win32/eclipse/Workspace/testjsp/j2src/org/apache/jsp"> Context> 8. run. http://localhost/ecjsp/web/sample.jsp/web/sample.jsp B. Tomcat Config 1.Add a New Virtual Dir 2.Port config