PHP5 OOP learning

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

In PHP5, the concept of OOP is introduced. In the class definition, you can use the other OOP language (such as Java), use

PublicProtectedPrivateStaticConstextendsAbstractFinal etiquette is another constructor to function __construct () {} release function __destruct ()}

Reference mode: Interface declaration is also implemented in ParentSelfphp5

interface ITemplate {public function setVariable ($ name, $ var); public function getHtml ($ template);} class Template implements ITemplate {private $ vars = array (); public function setVariable ($ name, $ var) {$ this- > VARS [$ Name] = $ VAR; PUBLIC FUNCTION GETHTML ($ TEMPLATE) {Foreach ($ THIS-> VARS AS $ Name => $ VALUE) {$ Template = STR_REPLACE ('{'. $ name. '}' , $ value, $ TEMPLATE;}}?> PHP5 to implement OverLoading, I don't know what it means, how to use it: void __set (String name, mixed value) void __get (mixed name) Mixed __call (String Name, Array Arguments)

Abnormal handling Exception


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