Class and bag
Projects included by Logical views are:
2.class diagram
3.USE case block diagram
4.attributes and operations (attributes and operations)
5.ssociations (association)
6.State Transition block diagram
Classk Diagram is a good design tool for the project team to help developers design the structure of the system before encoding.
Each object in Sequence and Collaboration block diaphragm is mapped into a corresponding class.
Class species:
Ordinary class
2. Parameterization
Parameterization is used to generate other series of other classes. Parameterization is a container, and it has become a template.
For example: CLIST is a list, CINTLST is an integer list, and cfloatlst is a list of floating point.
3. Instantiate
The instantiation class is a parameterized class having an actual variable value.
A practical program is actually a set of operations.
4. Class utility
The class utility is a set of operations. For example: the operation of the database: connection / disconnection database, query / delete / modify operation, etc.
It can be packaged in a class-like utility to allow other class of system species.
5. Parameterization utility
Parameterization is a parameterized class, including a set of operations, is a template for generating class utilities.
6. Instantian utility
7. Meta class (META CLASS)
The instance of the class class is a class rather than an object. Parameterization and parameterization utilities are metaches.
Three types of class: Entity, Boundary and Control (project, boundaries and control)
The boundary class is located at the boundaries of the system and the outside, including all forms, reports, interfaces such as hardware such as printers and scanners, and interfaces with other systems.
Entity class: Save information to be placed in continuous storage.
Control class: Responsible for coordinating other classes.
Other aspects:
Class base
The base of the control class is usually 1.
2. Class storage requirements
Enter the storage requirements of the class in the Space field of the class Detail tag.
3. Sustainability
The Persistent class survives outside the application. That is, the information in the class object is stored in a database or a proper permanent storage.
The information in the TRANSIENT object is not in the permanent storage.
The application cannot use the Persistent field.
4. Classical concurrency
The concurrent description of the appearance of the performance when there is a plurality of control threads.
Sequential: Only one control thread
Guarded: When there are multiple control threads, the class is working properly but the class in different threads should cooperate with each other, and ensure that it will not interfere with each other.
Active: Class has its own control thread
Synchronous: When there are multiple control threads, the normal work does not need to cooperate with other classes because the class itself can handle mutex.
5. Abstract class
Is a class that cannot be instantiated. If class A is abstract, there is no type of object in memory.
Abstract classes are usually used in inheritance structures. For example: Sheet is an abstract class, while Sendgoodssheet, GoodsInstore is inherited from Sheet.
6. Nested
In Rose, a class can nested another class, and the nested class can be nested, and the depth is free.