Axis Getting Started (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  105

How to install AXIS

1) Install the JDK1.3 or above, which is d: /j2sdk1.4.22) Install Tomcat5.0 Not necessarily the Tomcat, as long as it is supported for servlet 2.2 API; mine is D: / tomcat 5.0tomcat startup Not reported .3) Download Axis1.1 from Download, Unzip, I am D: / Axis / Axis-1_14) Copy AXIS from D: / AXIS / AXIS-1_1 / WebApps / AXIS COPY TO D: / TOMCAT 5.0 / WebApps / Axis5) Build a package file If your JDK version is greater than 1.4, you don't need XML Parser's package; otherwise, find the Xerces package, put it in D: / Tomcat 5.0 / WebApps / AXIS / Web-INF / LIB Directory 6) Start Tomcat, access, the apache-axis boot page should appear. 7) Click Validate, you should report an error, as follows: Error: Could Not find class javax.activation.DataHandler from file activation.jarAxis will not workSee ComponentsWarning: could not find class javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage from file mail .jarttachments will not worksee mentioned in the package should be placed in the corresponding directory, Optional Components is an optional package. 8) We observe, D: / Tomcat 5.0 / WebApps / Axis directory has an echoheader.jws file, we can use it to test JWS services, access http: // localhost: 8080 / axis / echoheaders.jws? Method = list We can see the effect.



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