Introduction to OpenBSD and installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

1.0 - Introduction OpenBSD

1.1 - What is OpenBSD?

1.2 -? OpenBSD can execute?

1.3 -? OpenBSD really free?

1.4 - Why do I want to use OpenBSD?

1.5 - Who is maintaining OpenBSD development and operation?


1.1 - What is OpenBSD?

OpenBSD plans to generate a freely available, cross-platform 4.4BSD imitation UNIX operating system. We value high in light portability, standard specifications, correctness, and its security. OpenBSD support SVR4 (Solaris), FreeBSD The original system of the binary environment of Linux, BSDI, Sunos, and HPUX.


1.2 - OpenBSD Can I execute?

OpenBSD 2.7 can be executed in the following platforms:

I386 - CD bootable

Sparc - cd bootable







PMAX, the PowerPC part is not included in the 2.7 disc. However, they can wear from any OpenBSD FTP website.

Bootable means that OpenBSD can start directly from the disc. These startup disc can start on several hardware platforms (see Section 3 description).

Previous OpenBSD versions also include versions of several platforms:

Arc - removed from version 2.4, but can be found in the OpenBSD version 2.3.


Alpha - can appear again in future versions.

See 8.12 Description Multi-processor support.

1.3 - OpenBSD is really free?

The OpenBSD part is free. All parts of OpenBSD have a reasonable copyright period allows the user to freely allocate. In this way, the original OpenBSD original code can be effectively reused regardless of personal or commercial purposes. OpenBSD can include more restrictions except for the scope of the original BSD version. Software with copyright does not include in the OpenBSD version of formulated issuance. This is intended to ensure that OpenBSD can be used freely. For example, OpenBSD can free individual or college students or teachers in government agencies, non-profit institutions, and commercial organizations.

To read more public licenses, you can read it in the following website:


OpenBSD's maintainer supports development plans from the resources they own. For example, the time spent in the program design, erecting a variety of platform equipment, using network resources to publish OpenBSD, and users can freely enjoy. They also spend time to answer questions encountered by users and study the report to solve the user's report.

OpenBSD developers are not alone, but everyone gathers some small contributions, time, equipment and resources to complete, there is a big difference between various versions.


1.4 - Why use OpenBSD?

Novice most often wants to know how OpenBSD is better than other free Unix-Like systems. This problem has no answer, and there is no number of inexhaustible (unused) themes being intensely discussed. Regardless of any case, don't ask the relevant issues in OpenBSD's mailing list.

The following lists some reason we think OpenBSD is a useful job system. OpenBSD is good, only you can answer yourself.

OpenBSD can work on a variety of different platforms.

OpenBSD should consider completing the professional security of many UNIX-Like job systems, which must take a long time and have a screening of more than ten raw codes.

The original code of the OpenBSD system is like a UNIX-LIKE system completely free of charge.

OpenBSD integrates advanced technologies and personal network services that are suitable for establishing firewalls in a decentralized environment.

The advantage of OpenBSD comes from various regional powerful development processes, and provides emerging technology work opportunities in the common communities of program designers and end users. OpenBSD offers a general person to participate in the development and testing of this product.


1.5 - Who is maintaining OpenBSD development and operation?

OpenBSD maintains a group of development teams from different countries. The coordination of this plan comes from theo de raadt in Canada.


2.0-disk installation

How to set a disk label in OpenBSD installation

One of the main parts of OpenBSD installation is to build your original label. This will directly occur after formatting the hard disk (for the user of I386). During installation, you use a disk tag to build a disk containing different hanging points. During installation, you can set your hanging in the dispenser from the disk tag, but this is not a completely necessary consideration, because you will be prompted to confirm what you make. However, it will make your installation process a little smoothly.

Since you don't have to have any labels during installation, they still have to be set in the future. The first label you want to build is set to 'a'. This tag will be where you want to install (/ ...) You can see the split recommendations and size of your computer. It is recommended that you have to set these labels at least separately to the server. If you just want to be a general computer user as long as you create a root directory (/). When you want to build your original root partition (`a` label), remember to keep some space to your SWAP tag. Now these foundations have been introduced, here there is an example to demonstrate how to use tags during the installation process. In this first example, it is assumed that OpenBSD will be the only job system on this computer, as well as a complete installation.

IF this disk is shared with other operation systems, those operation systems

SHOULD HAVE A BIOS Partition Entry That Spans The Space The Occupy Completely.

For Safety, Also Make Sure All OpenBSD File Systems Are Withnin the Offset and

Size specified in the 'A6' BIOS Partition Table.? (by Default, The Disklabel

Editor Will Try to Enforce this).? If you are unsure of how to use multiple

Partitions Properly (IE. seperating / ,? / usr, / tmp, / var, / usr / local, and other

Just Split The Space Into a root and swap partition for now.

Here, a bunch is to start split magnetic regions.

# Using MBR Partition 3: Type A6 OFF 63 (0x3f) Size 4991553 (0x4c2a41)


Treating sectors 63-16386300 as the openbsd portion of the disk.

You can use the 'b' Command to change this.


INITIAL LABEL Editor (Enter '?' For Help At Any Prompt)

> D a

> a a

OFFSET: [63]

Size: [16386237] 64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS TYPE: [4.2BSD] Mount Point: [NONE] /


Block size: [8192]

CPG: [16]

> a b

OFFSET: [131103]

Size: [16255197] 64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS Type: [swap]


In this hanging point, we set the 64M root partition space to /, and 64M Swap Partition space. note! The computer-constant OFFSET initial value is 63, this is the value you want. When it is set to this size, the disk tag will display the size of your settings in this section. Anyway, you don't need to enter the size in the same place. In this example you can also notice that the computer will automatically set the SWAP's disk label to `b` This correct assumption is the same as the general core prior to find SWAP on the magnetic disc of the magnet, and you can set up this guideline to set the `b` when your swap partition.

In the following example, you will make you skip the two settings to establish more labels. This represents it does not completely install, like these size is not enough to install all of OpenBSD. Shows the establishment of all split areas just will continue to rebuild.


> a d

OFFSET: [262143]

Size: [16124157] 64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS Type: [4.2BSD]

Mount Point: [NONE] / TMP


Block size: [8192]

CPG: [16]

> a e

OFFSET: [393183]

Size: [15993117] 64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS Type: [4.2BSD]

Mount Point: [NONE] / VAR


Block size: [8192]

CPG: [16]

In the above exercise, there are two things you have to pay attention to. The first one, Offset will automatically call the next appropriate step. When doing this, you don't need to change its offset at all; it is the label `C. must be skipped because the label` C` is a representative of all the disk space. Because of this, you can't set it at any time.

Once your tag is completely set, you want to write all set labels into the disk and leave the program of this setup disk tag. To write all things into a disk and leave (and continue), enter the following instructions:

> w

> Q

All people who have a lot of drivers please pay attention! If your BIOS has no way to support a size of a driver, OpenBSD is also unable to support BIOS. Different OpenBSD may be able to control your driver, so it is just right. If you are in a BIOS that doesn't support your driver program, you can try to use the Maxtor EZ driver or other similar products.

Once your system is installed, you don't need too often to use the disk label. But sometimes you have to use it when you want to increase, remove or re-adjust the disk. The first thing you have to do is to first view your disk label. To do this simple input:

# Disklabel WD0 <----- No matter any disk, you can see


# Using MBR Partition 3: Type A6 OFF 64 (0x40) Size 16777152 (0xfffc0)

# / dev / rwd0c: type: ESDI


Label: Toshiba MK2720FC



Sectors / TRACK: 63

Tracks / Cylinder: 16

Sectors / Cylinder: 1008

Cylinders: 2633

Total Sectors: 2654064

RPM: 3600



Cylinderskew: 0

Headswitch: 0 ?????????? # MilliseConds

TRACK-TO-TRACK SEEK: 0? # MilliseConds

DriveData: 0


16 Partitions:

# ??????? size ?? offset ??? fstype ?? [fsize bsize ?? CPG]

? A:? 2071440 ??? 65583 ??? 4.2BSD ????? 1024? 8192 ??? 16 ?? # (Cyl. ?? 65 * - 2120)

? b: ??? 65520 ?????? 63 ????? swap ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0 * - 65)

? c :? 2654064 ??????? 0 ??? unused ??????????? 0 ???????? # (Cyl. ??? 0 - 2632)

? J: ?? 512001? 2137023 ??? 4.2BSD ???? 1024? 8192 ??? 16 ?? # (CYL. 2120 * - 2627 *)

These simple commands can let you see the existing disk label and ensure that you will not be messy by anything. But if you want to change the existing label, you must enter the following command:

# disklabel -e wd0

If you want to bring you to prompt, with the same thing you are using during OpenBSD installation. The most important instruction on this prompt is ``. This will give you a possible directory about the disk label. You can even get the parameters of `m` to view the page number. From this prompt, you can do all the increase in Partition, delete and change.


3.0 - get openbsd

Table of contents

3.1 - Buy OpenBSD CD

3.1.1 - Go there to get the OpenBSD ISO Image file?

3.2 - Dry from the pipe of FTP or AFS

3.3 - A current original code


3.1 - Buy OpenBSD CD

Purchasing OpenBSD CDs usually getting started is the best way. Participate from your order to purchase your copyright:

The following listings are listed in many OpenBSD discs:

The disc simultaneously supports the OpenBSD version of the ongoing development.

The development of cross-platform job systems requires regular equipment investment.

The technical support of the purchase of the disc has impact on the future development.

The alley contains the original program and the original code of all job platforms.

In several platforms, the disc is bootable and can be used to manage the launch of the machine on other job systems already installed.

The disc can be used in bootstrapping installation, even if you only have Snapshot.

The installation will be faster from the disc installation! At the same time, the connection resources of the network are also saved.

OpenBSD discs are always from very good enthusiasts. Your system will not completely contain all information, and can only take advantage of these people by using the way of purchasing or donation hardware.

If you have the release version of OpenBSD, you must use the disc. Snapshot Releases can only be installed from the Internet.

3.1.1 - Does OpenBSD provide ISO Image to wear?

No, the OpenBSD CD-ROM is labeled with copyright-owned products that cannot be free from the Internet. But OpenBSD itself is free. There is no provision that can limit the use of openbsd into its own disc. 3.2 - Wearing by FTP or AFS

There are a lot of international lens sites (Mirror Sites) Provide FTP to wear OpenBSD while also providing AFS services. You should use the work wearing the desk to do with your nearest platform. Before you start to wear, you should first detect whether you have worked properly from your nearest platform. Of course, if you use your OpenBSD CD, it is better than wearing any platform. Information can be processed from the following URL:

3.3 - A current original code

The original code of OpenBSD is freely released and used. Generally speaking, the best way to get the current version of the existing version is from the latest disc, and then the device Anoncvs will be upgraded. Information about AnonCVS can be:

Or go to the openbsd faq to query.

If you don't have enough online bandwidth to support AnonCVS, or if your internet network via UUCP, you can still use CTM to replace AnonCVS to keep your existing original program. If this is what you have encountered, then use the latest version of the disc that is especially important for you, and the relevant information about CTM can be queried by the following Website:

4.0 - Installation Guide

Table of contents

4.1 - OpenBSD installer Overview

4.2 - OpenBSD installation

4.3 - Space required for OpenBSD installation

4.4 - OpenBSD multiple startup

4.5 - OpeNbsd installed action

MY Install Halts At MakeDev All On My i386 System with 8meg of Ram.

4.1 - OpenBSD installer Overview

OpenBSD provides a way to build a new system using different installation platforms. This allows most users to install the OpenBSD system in various environments. This method of installing the OpenBSD system is as follows:

CDM (CD-ROM) - Using this method, you have to buy an OpenBSD CD. You can order at This is also the easiest way to install OpenBSD.

FTP - Use FTP operations, you must know your IP, NetMask, Gateway, and so on. If there is no problem, you will find that there is a very large list of platforms in the world that allows you to get openbsd to your system.

DHCP - This action is just like FTP operations, except for your IP, NetMask, Gateway and Nameservers are specified by DHCP Sever.

Local FileSystem - This operation allows you to perform installation work from an existing archive system. You can support DOS, EXT2FS AND FFS, etc., which have been installed installed disks.

NFS - Allows you to perform installation work from the server located in NFS. Please read mount_nfs (8) to get more information.

These mounting methods can be performed on one of the discs. These magnetic sheets can be done directly from any FTP platform. The system architecture of various platforms each has exclusive magnetic sheets to determine the correct platform architecture magnetic version of the user. Please refer to the first section of the support of various platforms.

Here are some detailed manuals to be installed on the I386 and the SPARC machine platform. Don't forget to check the install.i386 and install.sparc.

Install-i386.html is suitable for i386 architecture install-sparc.html suitable for SPARC architecture

If you use other architectures to install, see the install.arch file in the release disc.

Alpha architecture installation considerations

If you use Alpha architectural installation, you must use SRM firmware to prevent Arc from being born. You must use the second disc to start to install your Alpha machine. Use the following instructions to execute:

Boot -fi 2.6 / alpha / bsd.rd dkax

Use the Show Device directive to find your disc server code. If you can't start from the disc, you can use the second slice to start the disc 2.6 / alpha / floppy26.fs. And it is also possible to write this method to use it on the I386 machine, and then follow the instructions on the installation manual.

4.2 - OpenBSD installation

There are a lot of suits that contain the OpenBSD program, but what do you need? The following is a brief description of each kit:

Base26.tar.gz - Basic OpenBSD system (necessary installation)

Etc26.tar.gz - / etc Directory All files (necessary installation)

Comp26.tar.gz - Compiled tools and freedom libraries (recommended installation)

Man26.tar.gz - Save the main process (recommended installation)

Misc26.tar.gz - Save all kinds of information and installation files

Game26.tar.gz - game on the OpenBSD system

XBase26.tar.gz - Basic installation of X11

Xfont26.tar.gz - X11 Dictionary Server and Font

XLINK26.TAR.GZ - X Servers linking kit

XServ26.tar.gz - x Servers

The main screen of xshare26.tar.gz -x, personal settings are included.

BSD - OpenBSD core (necessary installation)

4.3 - Space required for OpenBSD installation

The disk space you need to install the various suite installations below, which contains enough extra space to allow you to perform a typical primary system that links to the Internet.

In the system used by many people, you may need three times the space to store information and execution.

If you want to install other types of large software, you must add a / usr's division area to at least three times!

The system controls a large number of emails or web pages (when / var / mail and / var / www), you must set your / var split zone into an appropriate size.

In a multi-person system, a large number of recording files (logs) are also stored in / var / log, so the / var split area must be set to an appropriate size. .

Read here, millions remember that / usr and / usr / x11r6 are usually two identical archive systems, and / usr segmented into an independent archive system does not have much place.




/ usr

/ var

/ usr / x11r6






























-? (no xserver)











When you use a disk label editor, you can choose to name you all the system "(main file system) and 'b' (exchange temporary disuse - Swap). When you name the 'A' file system with DiskLabel, it will turn into your boot split area, and it must contain three main parts (/, / usr, and / var), and add some space to / TMP . And the 'B' file system you split is automatically turned into a SWAP split area. We recommend that there must be at least 32MB space, if the situation allows, it is recommended to split into 64MB. If you have a bigger space, it is best to divide 256MB or even 512MB. There are four reasons to explain why you want to use a separate archive system to replace all things in the same or two archive systems:

Safety (Security): You can mark each file system into 'Nosuid', 'Nodev', 'Noexec', 'Readonly', and more ...

Stability (stability): If there is a "write permission", some junk data will be placed in the archive system, your main system program is put in other files, of course, will not be subject to influences.

Quick (Speed): Make a write action that causes a complete file to disperse in the hard disk. (The FFS archive system used by OpenBSD is not easy to cause a lot of splitting.)

Integrity: Make one of the archives systems cause damage to some reasons, and other file magnetic areas in the system can still work properly.

4.4 - OpenBSD Multiple Start (i386, Alpha)

OpenBSD & NT

Computers can start OpenBSD with NT. You can use NT's launch management NTLoader to make NT operation. To make NT at the same time, you must copy the PBR of OpenBSD. After performing the installation startup, you will copy something according to the following instructions:

?? # DD if = / dev / rsd0c of = openbsd.pbr bs = 512 count = 1

Start NT now and place OpenBSD.pbr in a C: slot. Add the following instructions to C: /Boot.ini Last column:

?? c: /openbsd.pbr= "openbsd"

Restart your computer, you should find OpenBSD in the NT Loader startup menu, then you can start using NT or OpenBSD.

OpenBSD & Windows or DOS (i386)

To enable your computer to start OpenBSD, Windows 3.1, Windows95 or DOS, you must find a program that can manage these system boots, such as or the Ranish Partition Manager. Both are applicable to the OpenBSD division area.

OpenBSD & Linux (i386)

Please refer to Install.Linux instructions, and the operation of OpenBSD and Linux have a more in-depth introduction.


4.5 - OpeNbsd installed action

Remind the user here, OpenBSD's developers attach great importance to and track the use of OpenBSD, they want to find out the reasons for the applicable or not applicable on various machine platforms to improve the stability of the system.

References in this reference / usr/src/etc/root/root.mail:

IF you wish to ensure That Openbsd Runs Better on your Machines, please do us

A Favor (after you have your mail system setup!) and type ??????? dmesg | mail

SO That We can see What Kinds of Configurations People Are Running.? WE WILL

Use this information to Improve Device Driver Support in Future Releases.

(We Would Be Much Happier if this information WAS for the support generic

KERNEL; Not for a CUSTOM compiled kernel.? The Device Driver Information

We get from this helps us fix existing drivers.


When you send an email to the development team, please make sure your reply address is the location you can do, so that the system's developers can keep in touch with you. If they need you to help test or change some system settings Make sure that the correctness of the system is executed, it is convenient to contact. However, if you send the test results on the openbsd system, you can't receive the reply, you can not receive the reply, you can use it.

? Dmesg | mail your-account@yourmail.dom

Then forward to


Plus your fixed email account such as Your-Ccount@yourmail.dom is OK. (Or sending the DMESG output result to ftp / scp / floppydisk / carrier-pigeon /)

Note - Please transfer the information of Generic Kernel Dmesg's, and Custom Kernels contains the device's tendy to the development team is not helpful.

5.0 - Configuration of core structure

Table of contents

5.1 - Why establish a self-binding core (kernel)

5.2 - Core Structure Options

5.3 - Building your owrnel builds from my core

5.4 - Boot-Time Configuration

5.5 - getting more verbose Output during boot

5.6 - Using config (8) to change your kernel binary


5.1 - Why do you want to build a self-binding core (KERNEL)?

Although the self-owner is proceeds by the advanced user who has a clear disk. But there are some reasons must be made by general users:

Your computer has only a little memory and you want to keep the devices that you don't have to remove as much as possible.

Remove the set value of the internal setting or increase the setting that cannot be activated.

Set the features of some tests

In most cases, you will not need to edit the core structure of the system. The general core structure already contains all what you need. In fact, there are some reasons why you don't need to build your own core programs, the main reason is that the core setting is very easy to be more easier, it seems to be logical but does not work, this is one of dangerous conditions. If there are some things that cannot be properly operated, please try the way the core structure is normal before sending an error report.


5.2 - Options for the core structure

The options for the core structure are just instead of certain features at the core specific. This allows you to have more support features you want, and there will be no options you don't want to use. There are many options that can set core functions. We will mention these common functions below. Look at the home page of the fourth option, or you can look at the example structure file in the structure you set.

Not all core options have been accompanied by a complete test with other options. Don't place any options in your core unless you don't do it! The core structure of multiple tests can be a general core, which is usually from / usr / src / sys / arch // conf / generic

A combination of options in two places in / usr / src / sys / conf / generic.

Alpha Kernel configuration file

I386 KERNEL configuration file

Mac68k kernel configuration file

PMAX KERNEL configuration file

SPARC KERNEL configuration file

Other Arch's

Please pay attention to the structure in these files. If you find the following narrative: incrude "../../../conf/Generic" means that there is no other configuration file, and this file stores the unsteadic options Therefore, when you build your own core configuration, first look at the configuration mode in / sys / conf / generic and determine the configuration you need.

In the core configuration file, all listed options must be placed in the following standard format: Option Option

For example, put the debug in the core, and the instruction written is: Option Debug

OpenBSD Options will be converted to the compiler Options, however, some options require the original compiler DDEBUG, just in the core. #Define debug is general.

OpenBSD has very many compatible Options that allows you to take advantage of other jobs. But not all Options can be applied to various architectures, so please read the major descriptions to determine if your platform has no support.

Compat_svr4 (8) - Suitable for SVR4 program

Compat_BSDoS (8) - Suitable for BSD / OS Code

Compat_linux (8) - Suitable for Linux program

Compat_sunos (8) - Suitable for SunOS Code

Compat_ULTRIX (8) - Applicable to ULTRIX code

Compat_freebsd (8) - Suitable for FreeBSD code

Compat_hpux - Suitable for HP-UX program. It is only valid on some M68K machines.

Compat_IBCS2 (8) - Suitable for implementing IBCS2 program

Compat_OSF1 - Execute the Digital UNIX program code. It is only valid on the Alpha platform.

Compat_43 - Suitable for 4.3BSD.

Compat_11 - Suitable for NetBSD 1.1.




6.0 - Installation Process

OpenBSD installation process

When the OpenBSD's CD is placed in the disc, you will enter the installation screen. as follows:

Here it will ask you to choose to use the installation (UPGRADE), or the shell mode?

Generally we choose to install (i):

ENTER Pathname of Shell or Retun for sh:

ERASE ^?, Werase ^ w, kill ^ U, INTR ^ C

(I) NSTALL, (u) pgrade or (s) Hell ?? i ?? Enter the welcome screen


Welcome to the openbsd / i386 2.5 installation program


This Program Is Designed to Help You Put OpenBSD On Your Disk in A Simple and

Rational Way.


As with anything which modifies your disk`s contents, this Program Can Cause

Signifcant Data Loss, And You Are Advised To make Sure your data is backed suppore beginning to installation process.


Default answers are displayed in brackets after the questions. You can hit Control -C at any time to quit, but if you do so at a prompt, you may have to hit return. Also, quitting in the middle of installation may leave your system In an Inconsistent State. if you hit control -c and restart the install, The Install Program Will Remember Many of Your Old Answers.


The above is just some statements of OpenBSD and tells you that you will lose your original information after installation! So you'd better back up the original important data. Then continue the next step:


Proceed with installation? [N]? Y

Here you ask if you want to continue to install?


Cool! Let`s get to it ....

Specify Terminal Type [PCVT25] :? [Entet]

Here is the installation display mode.


The installation program needs to know which disk to consider the root disk. Note the unit number may be different than the unit number you used in the boot program (especially on a PC with multiple disk controllers).

Available Disks Are:

The computer will automatically detect your hard disc and give them a symbol.




Which Disk is the root disk [wd0]? [Enter]

Ask you to install root disk in that hard disk? (WD0 is a computer's internal value)

Do you want to use the * entire * disk for openbsd? [No] yes

Q Do you want to use the entire hard disk installation?




Inside the BIOS `A6` (` OpenBSD`) partition you just created, there resides an OpenBSD partition table which defines how this BIOS partition is to be split space, and any other partitions you might create (NOTE:.? The OpenBSD disk label Offsets are absolute, ie. relative to the start of the disk ... Not relative to the start of the bios `a6` part..


If this disk is shared with other operating systems, those operating systems should have a BIOS partition entry that spans the space they occupy completely.For safety, also make sure all OpenBSD file systems are within the offset and size specified in the `A6` BIOS Partition Table.? (IE Multiple Partitions PROPERLY? ​​(ie. seprating / ,? / usr,? / tmp?,? / us ,? / usr / local, and other things) Just Split The space Into a root and swap partition for now.? Tell you to start splitting


# Using MBR Partition 3: Type A6 OFF 63 (0x3f) Size 4991553 (0x4c2a41)


Treating sectors 63 - 16386300 as the openbsd portion of the disk. You can use the `b`ssan to change this.


Initial Label Editor (ENTER `?` For Help at any prompt) View instructions

> _d a Delete Split Area A

> _A A Established Split Area A

OFFSET: [63] _Press ENTER

Size: [16386127] _64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS TYPE: [4.2BSD] _ Press ENTER

Mount Point: [NONE] _ /


Block size: [8192] _Press ENTER

CPG: [16] _ Press ENTER

> _A B Established Split Area B

OFFSET: [131103] _Press ENTER

Size: [16255197] _64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS Type: [SWAP] _Press ENTER

> _A D Established the divided area D

OFFSET: [262143] _Press ENTER

Size: [16124157] _64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS TYPE: [4.2BSD] _ Press ENTER

Mount Point: [NONE] _ / TMP


Block size: [8192] _Press ENTER

CPG: [16] _ Press ENTER

> _A E Establish a divided area E

OFFSET: [393183] _Press ENTER

Size: [15993117] _64M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 131040

FS TYPE: [4.2BSD] _ Press ENTER

Mount Point: [NONE] _ / var


Block size: [8192] _Press ENTER

CPG: [16] _ Press ENTER

> _A G Establish a divided area G

OFFSET: [524223] _Press Entersize: [15862077] _300M

Rounding to nearest cylinder: 614880

FS TYPE: [4.2BSD] _ Press ENTER

Mount Point: [NONE] _ / USR


Block size: [8192] _Press ENTER

CPG: [16] _ Press ENTER

> _A H Established a divided area H

OFFSET: [1139103] - Press ENTER

Size: [16386127] _ *? The meaning of the * is to use all the remaining spaces.

FS TYPE: [4.2BSD] _ Press ENTER

Mount Point: [NONE] _ / home


Block size: [8192] _Press ENTER

CPG: [16] _ Press ENTER

> _W write hard disk

> _Q leave the split hard disc

You Will Now Have The Opportunity To Enter FileSystem Information Information for WD0.

You Will Be PROMPTED For THE POINT (FULL PATH, INCLUDING THE PREPENDING '/' Character) for Each BSD PARTIN WD0. • Enter "None" to Skip A Partition or "Done" When you are finished.


The Following Partitions Will Be Used for the root filesystem and swap:

??????? WD0A ???? /

??????? wd0b ????? swap


Mount Point for WD0D (SIZE = 65520K) [/ TMP, RET, NONE, OR DONE]? _Press ENTER

Mount Point for WD0E (SIZE = 65520K) [/ VAR, RET, NONE, OR DONE]? _Press Enter

Mount Point for WD0G (SIZE = 307440K) [/ usr, ret, none, or done]? _-Press ENTER

Mount Point for WD0H (SIZE = 192656k) [/ Home, RET, NONE, OR DONE]? _ DONE

Let you check if your hanging is correct, no problem, you can get done!


NOWQ You CAN SELECT ANOTHER Disk to Initialize.? (Available Disks Are:




Which one? [DONE]

Ask you if you want to choose another hard disk to split.

You have configured The Following Devices and Mount Points:

WD0A /







If You Made Any Mistakes, You Way Edit this Now.

Edit Using ED? [N] _ ask you to correct? If you are right, press Enter.

The next step will overwrite any existing data ON: The steps you say will be written directly to existing information.

??????????????? WD0A WD0D WD0E WD0G WD0H

Are you real Sureed? [N] _y ask you to continue



you will now be given the opportunity to configure the network. This will be useful if you need to transfer the installation sets via FYP, HTTP, or NFS. Even if you choose not to transfer installation sets that way, this information will be preserved and Copied Into The New Root FileSystem.

Then enter the part of the network setting

Configure the network [y]

ENTER system hostname (short form): [] _CAD5 Set the host name of the area network

Enter DNS Domain name: [] _ ​​ Set itself host name


If you have any defices being configured by a dhcp server

IT is Recommended That You Do Not Enter A Default Route or Any Name Server.


You May Configure The Following Network Interfaces (The Interfaces Marked with "Have Been SuccessFully Configured):

The computer will automatically help you detect the online card you own, you can use it as long as you choose!

??????? [] ES3

??????? [] fxp0

Configure Which Interface? (Or Enter 'Done') [ES3]

IP address (or 'dhcp')? [] _192.192.73.67

Symbolic (Host) Name? [CAD5]


Your Network Interface Might Require Non-Default Media Directives. The Default Media IS:

?? Media: Ethernet 100Basetx Half-Duplex

This is a list of supported media:

??????? Media AutoSelect

Media 100BaseTX Mediaopt Full-Duplex

Media 100BaseTX Mediaopt Half-Duplex

Media 100BaseTX

Media 100Baset Mediaopt Full-Duplex

Media 100BaseT

Media 100Baset Mediaopt Half-Duplex

IF the default is not satisfactory, and you wish to use one another Media, Copy That Line from Above (IE. "Media 100BaseTX")

Media Directives? [] Press ENTER


You May Configure The Following Network Interfaces (The Interfaces Marked with "Have Been successfully configured: [x] ES3

[?] fxp0

Set the IP address of the network

Configure Which Interface? (Or, Enter `Done`) [DONE] _ Press ENTER

Enter IP Address of Default Route: [NONE] _192.192.73.1

Enter IP Address of Primary Nameserver: [NONE] _192.192.73.2

Would you like to use the nameserver now? [Y] _ press ENTER


You will now be given the opportunity to escape to the command shell to do any additional network configuration you may need.? This may include adding additional routes, if needed.? In addition, you might take this opportunity to redo the default route in the Event tria it failed.


Ask you if you want to change the existing shell?



/ DEV / WD0D ON / MNT / TMP TYPE FFS (Local)


/ DEV / WD0G ON / MNT / USR TYPE FFS (Local)



Please Enter the Initial Password That The Root Account Will Have.

Password (Will NOT Echo): _0710

Password (Again): _0710

Set password


IT IS NOW TIME TO EXTRACT THE INSTALLATION SETO THE HARD DIS.? Make Sure The Sets Area ON A NetWork Server .? You Will Have The Chance To Repeat this Step OR To Extract Sets from Several Places, SO You Don`t Have to try to load all the sets in one............

Select the installation path

Install from (f) TP, (H) TTP, (T) APE, (C) D-ROM, (N) FS or LOCAL (D) ISK? _C

The Following CD-ROM Devices Are Installed On Your System; please select the cd-rom device containing the partition with the installation set:



Which is the cd-rom with the installation media? [Abort] ACD0 computer will automatically detect your CD-ROM Device. Select you!

Partition? [C] _ internal to C disk


There Are Types CD-ROM FileSystem Types Currently Supported by this Program:

? CD9660 ??????? ISO-9660

? FFS ??????????? Berkeley Fast FileSytem


Which FileSystem Type? [CD9660]

Enter the Directory Relative to the Mount Point That

Contains the file. [/ I386] _ / i386 Enter the blockpread path


YOU WILL NOW BE ASKED for Files to Extract.? N addition to the files listed in the class in / i386.? You can also enter` To install all the standard sets, or `list` To List the files available in / i386.

When you are doe selecting files, enter `done`.

Some of these sets are required for your install and some are optional ---

Consult The Intallation Notes if you are not Sure Which Sets Are Required!


The Following Sets Are Available for Extraction.

Enter filename, `List`,` all`, or `done`

You nay de-select a set by prepending? A `_` to it`s name.

Select the suite you want

[X] Base25.tar.gz

[X] etc25.tar.gz

[?] Misc25.tar.gz

[?] comp25.tar.gz

[?] man25.tar.gz

[?] Game25.tar.gz


[?] xshare5.tar.gz

[?] xfont25.tar.gz

[?] xServ25.tar.gz


File Name []? _ * Enter the * representative of the representative, will appear the following face, tell you all selected!

The Following Sets Are Available for Extraction.

Enter filename, `List`,` all`, or `done`

You nay de-select a set by prepending? A `_` to it`s name.


[X] Base25.tar.gz

[X] etc25.tar.gz

[X] misc25.tar.gz

[X] comp25.tar.gz

[X] man25.tar.gz

[X] Game25.tar.gz

[X] xbase25.tar.gz


[X] XFont25.tar.gz [x] xServ25.tar.gz


FILE Name []? _-Game * Represents to remove the selected `Game` item! A kit you want to press will appear again.

The Following Sets Are Available for Extraction.

Enter filename, `List`,` all`, or `done`

You nay de-select a set by prepending? A `_` to it`s name.


[X] Base25.tar.gz

[X] etc25.tar.gz

[X] misc25.tar.gz

[X] comp25.tar.gz

[X] man25.tar.gz

[?] Game25.tar.gz

[X] xbase25.tar.gz


[X] xfont25.tar.gz



File name []? _Done If you don't have a problem, you will be added to DONE and end the selected suite.

Ready to Extract SELECTED FILE sets? [Y]? Ready to start installing the suite just selected?




100% ?? | ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** |? 17774kb? 00: 00 e



100% ?? | ************************************ | ??? 161kb? 00:00 e


/ i386 / bsd:

100% ?? | *********************************************** |? 2281kb? 00 : 00 e



100% ?? | *********************************************** | ?? 1637kb? 00 : 00 e



100% ?? | *********************************************** | ?? 11481kb? 00 : 00 e



100% ?? | ********************************************** | ???? 3543kb? 00:00 e



100% ?? | ********************************************** | ???? 5376kb? 00:00 e



100% ?? | ********************************************** | ???? 1482kb? 00:00 e



100% ?? | ************************************ | ???*************** | ???? 6017kb? 00:00 e



100% ?? | ********************************************************* | ?? 15188kb? 00 : 00 e



Extract more sets? [N]? Ask you if you want more settings

Copying fstab ... DONE.

Copying hostname .x10 ... done

Copying Hosts ... DONE.

Copying MyName ... DONE.

Copying Mygate ... DONE.COPYING RESOLV .conf ... done.

Select a time zone for your location.? Timezones are represented on the system by a directory structure rooted in "/ usr / share / timezone".? Most timezones can be selected by entering a token like "MET" or "GMT-6" .? Zes?? With detailed zone information.

Separated by a slash ("/"), E.G.? "US / Pacific" or "canada / mountain".


TO GET A LISTING OF What`s AVAILABLE IN / USR / Share / ZoneInfo, ENTER "?" At the prompts bellow.


What timezone is you in [`?` For list] [gmt]? _?? Check out those time zones

Africa / ???? chile / ??? GMT ???? jamaica ???? navajo ????? UCT

America / ?? CUBA ???? gmt 0 ?? japan ?????? PRC ??????? US /

Antarctica / ??. ??????????. ??????????. ????????.

Arctic / ??????. ?????????. ??????????. ?????????.

Asia / ???????. ?????????????????????.

??????????. ?????????. ??????????. ???????? ?

. ?????????. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.????? .

What timezone is you in [`?` For list] [GMT]? _ASAI? Enter Asia (ASAI)

There Are Several Timezones Available with Zone `Asai`

SELECT A SUB-TIMEZONE [`?` For list]: _? See also those areas available

Atlantic ??????? eastern ???????? pacific

??. ??????????????????????????.

??. ??????????????????????????.

??. ??????????????????????????.

SELECT A SUB-TIMEZONE [`?` For list]: _ TAIPEI ??? Enter TAIPEI, then enter a series of instructions

You have successd Timezone "Asai / Taipei".

Installing Timezone Link ... DONE

Installing boot block ...

Boot :? / mnt / boot

Proto :? / usr / mdec / biosboot


/ usr / mdec / biosboot: entry point 0

Proto bootblock size 512

Room for 12 FileSystem Blocks AT 0x16F

Will Load 6 Blocks of Size 8192 EACH.USING DISK Geometry of 63 Sectors and 128 Heads.

0: 19 @ (0? 93? 45)? (5903-5921)

1: 63 @ (0? 94? 1)? (5922-5984)

2: 14 @ (0? 95? 1)? (5985-5998)

/ MNT / BOOT:? 3? Entries Total

USING MBR Partition 3 :? Type 166? (0xA6) Offset 63 (0x3f)


Do you expect to run x window on this machine? [Y or n] _y

Question Do you want to execute x window on this machine?

ENABLING MachDep.allowaperture.? Read XF86 (4) for more information.


Making all device nodes (by running / dev / makedev) ... DONE

Unmounting FileSystems ... / MNT / USR / MNT / VAR / MNT / TMP / MNT ... DONE


Then you will enter Congratulations that you complete the screen where you install OpenBSD.

CONGRATULLY Installed OpenBSD !? TO BOOT The Installed System, Enter Halt At The Command Prompt. • Reset The Machine and Boot from The Disk.


#_reboot Execute a reboot


Datual! ! !




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