Monitor program runs a hook program

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  67

I always think that the hook is very deepest, recently studied, this is my code, which can be monitored which programs are running and destroyed.

This is a hook.

#ifndef ExehookApi # Define ExehookApi __Declspec (DLLIMPORT) # ENDIF # define user_msg ?? WM_USER 1 # define uc_appstart ?? 0x80000001 # define uc_Appdestroy? 0x80000002

ExehookApi Bool WinApi SetHook (HWND Hex);

This is a CPP file



#include "exehook.h"

#pragma data_seg ("Shared") hHOOK? G_HPROC = NULL; hWND? g_hform = null; #pragma data_seg () # Pragma Comment (Linker, "/ Section: Shared, RWS") // DLLLL = NULL; / / LRESULT CALLBACK HookedShellProc (int nCode, wPARAM wParam, lPARAM lParam); LRESULT CALLBACK HookedShellProc (int nCode, wPARAM wParam, lPARAM lParam) {?? switch (nCode) {case HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED:?? ???? PostMessage (g_hForm, USER_MSG , UC_APPSTART, LPARAM (wParam)); ?? break; case HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED:??? ???? PostMessage (g_hForm, USER_MSG, UC_APPDESTROY, LPARAM (wParam)); ?? break;} return CallNextHookEx (g_hProc, nCode, wParam LPARAM);

BOOL WINAPI STHOOK (HWND HWNDEXE) {? BOOL BRET;? IF (hwndexe)? {??? g_hform = hwndexe; ?? g_hproc = setWindowsHookex (wh_Shell, (hookproc) hookedshellproc, g_hinstdll, 0);

?? Bret = (g_hproc! = null) ;?}? else? {?? Bret = unhookwindowshookex (g_hproc); ?? g_hproc = null; ?? g_hform = null;?}? return bret;}

Bool WinApi Dllmain (Hinstance Hinstdll, DWord Fdwreason, LPVOID LPVRESERVED) {? If (fdwreason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) ??? g_hinstdll = hinstdll ;? return true;}




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