About installing Oracle in Windows to encounter an ORA-12638 error solution

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  67

Today is invited to install an Oracle9i database on Windows

I don't want to have encountered some problems.

1. Installed Oracle9201 Software

2. Installed Oracle9205 Patchset

3. DBCA creates a database, and it is incorrect during the creation process, and the credential retrieval failed, creating a database failed

4. Since the creation script is saved, it is decided to execute with the script, see where the fault is wrong.

5. DBCA first deleted the database that has just created half-half Lala

6. Run the script, when connect system / change_on_install as sysdba, TNS-Adapter Error

7. Check the script and find that there is no statement that has not created the service, but instead:

[Ljava.lang.string; @ 29452c [ljava.lang.string; @ 294553

This is two lines.

Delete these two lines, change to the following:

D: /oracle/ora92/bin/oradim.exe -new -sid ctsdbhis -startmode manuald: /oacle/ora92/bin/oradim.exe -edit -sid ctsdbhis -startmode -startmode a -Shutmode i -shuttype SRVC

This problem is somewhat surprised, this two line statements do not have problems in DBCA, then let DBCA save the creation script, why is this two sentences? It should be a bug of 9205.

Speaking here, think of, if you create a database in Oracle9205 for Linux, DBCA will always report a fault when you create a data dictionary, and you can do it normally, and the database does not see any questions. But it seems that only I have encountered this problem, others have not mentioned. Oh, strange.

8. Run the BAT file, this time is still an error among the connection system / changeba, this is an ORA-12638 error.

9. Ask customers, is this server inside the domain, answer,


11. Run the creation of scripts, OK, normal execution


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