Project Manager Interview Guide

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

The purpose of this article is to help the project manager. Project management is a way of promotion, you need to use your past development experience, and salary is usually higher than programmers. Preparation for Applicable Project Manager includes: review some common concepts, terms, and ask some questions that you often ask in interviews.

Learn to use one or more project management plan to prepare tools. Through the above preparation, this will apply to this position to increase confidence.

Think about what you want to say and prepare to answer a wide range of questions involved is an important aspect of successful application. Unlike applicable technical positions, the answers to project management issues are often subjective. The responsibility of the project manager to keep in mind the technical project is to organize project members to achieve a business goal by completing technical tasks. The technical task should be applicable or maintained, and must meet customer / users' requirements and expectations.

The goal of this article is not teaching how project management. There are many good books, magazines and seminars in this regard. Some of the reference bookings of this article or this article will be listed. This article will introduce how to answer methods and ideas for applications. You can organize the answers based on your own experience, observe other project managers, and apply the post to the answer. No matter what problem, no matter how you answer, remember to use a project manager most useful, most important characteristic ... common sense.

First, what is real project management

Any successful project is impossible to be a personal credit. A successful project is the result of many people in multiple departments. These people make up a project team with different levels, talents, work style and knowledge.

The project team needs to have a common goal, common prospects, and clearly know what they have to do. The team, no matter what report structure, must work and encourage business goals.

The project manager is the leadership of the project team. He / her duty is that the motivation team completes the task in a positive way. The position needs to have technical and interpersonal skills, and the contents of attention is needed (the order is as follows) as follows:


the company




Technology and method changes

The skills of the project manager should include technical skills and management skills, solid technical foundations can guide the team in technology, management skills help communication and solve problems. Management skills are not limited to technology, but also the ability to solve problems, estimates the ability, and the ability to prepare plans, interpersonal and

Communication skills.

You may have realized that you ignore or lack knowledge in some areas. Therefore, the readers of this article are:


Didn't have a project manager


Already a project manager, but people think that their skills have been outdated

Second, what is the project manager?

Project manager role

Project management is an estimate, planning, restructuring, integration, assessment, and amendments, etc., including managers, users to participate and solve problems until the business purpose of the project.

What kind of person does management need?

Every manager is looking for people who have the ability to complete a business goal. The most difficult thing is to understand what they know and can be done. More difficult is, I don't know how many people needed. Therefore, you must make recruiters think you are sincere and reliable. This is not limited to the project, but also includes management and customers.

keep in touch.

Management means that it can be visible regardless of an adaptive or unfavorable environment. You must show your management talent when the problem is not described in detail or without an optional solution. If you let the management to solve all the questions, if you have any use, the management is doing your work.

Personnel management skills

Understanding people's psychology and their way is one of the necessary qualities for the project manager. Everyone is different. By understanding your way of working with others, you can relieve the pressure and facilitate communication.

The slogan of IBM has been "respect for everyone." This specifically manifesse to understand people in your daily work. To do this, you have to know yourself and know how you motivate others or put pressure on others.

Reading Mys-Brigs (Myers-Briggs) Personality Type Analysis is a good start. Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs-Myers prepared questionnaire (MBTI Mers Brigs Personality Type Direction) is used to help people find their personal style and the impact on the team. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of "psychological type" of Carl Jung. Such books can be found in the bookstore for self-improvement and psychology.

You should understand personal work style and keep in mind these practices. The items listed below should be a second instinct that is in people. It is also a common sense for each project manager who wants to succeed:

Respect for each employee (supplier)


Do decision-making

Don't criticize others in public

Understand your strength and the order of doing things

Sincerely listen to the comments and suggestions of team members

Clear understanding of the goals and delivery products

Promote cooperation and information sharing in the IT team

Understand everyone's doing style and their advantages and disadvantages

The form should be sincerely express from the way of team members.

Connect negative impact as a chance to grow

Provide guidance in a positive way

You can't manage what you can't control

As mentioned earlier, project management is to perform a series of repeatable tasks to complete a business goal. In order to complete the task, you must establish a control system. Therefore, the following aspects should be prepared:

Measurement Method: Measurement Method If there is no management or use, it will have a negative impact. The metric method can be used as a planned "input", which can be counted in the project progression, and provide a reference for the next item or project. Using a metric method to assess the performance of employees is inappropriate.

Project Plan: Key checkpoints that are being executed by developing project programs. These checkpoints are road signs to reach the business goals. Remember that the project plan is only useful for new development projects. They are equally important in support and maintenance. Many project managers have made the same mistake, they have prepared a very excellent plan, but never put it into practice. In fact, they rarely work according to the plan.

Budget: Estimated and preparing a plan to make a budget. Many project managers must make and manage their own budget. If you can make the actual progress and plan, then your work will become relatively simple. Most project management tools have a fee (by hours, days, or annual) to a resource. The financial department of many companies believes that the resource costs include the general management cost of the enterprise. Other companies may calculate according to project names or users, management methods, employees and consultants. (For consultants, thinking about their overtime pay) equipment costs should also be considered separately. Remember to consider the software tools and hardware required to run the project application. (Such as the color printer of the sales department)

Employee Work Plan: People are valuable in any project. A person can promote the success of the project or the progress of the project, or may result in damage to the project. Employee work plan can play a constructive and practical role in the growth of employees. Most organizations have their own format. However, no matter how the form is, the following must include: clear responsibility; objectively evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of employees; providing employees to develop their development direction and assessment.

Project management reward / pressure

The role of the project manager is a double-edged sword. This position should bear a certain pressure and will receive the corresponding reward. Once you become a project manager, you must prepare these two aspects.

Successfully completed a system, everyone will reward. Can help employees develop their potential is the unique return of the project manager. In any task, people are the most important elements. By using your own management skills, a dynamic team is a proud team.

The person is also the largest pressure. People will be affected by those who are not controlled by you. The difficulties of team members are difficult, and the personal conflicts between each other require project managers to handle.

Anything about applications or team members is the first thing to find is the project manager. The upper leaders and users think that you are the only person in charge of the project delay, the demand omission, BUG and incorrect system in the system.

Third, the method of preparing interview

Book, magazine, organization and seminar

There are many places where multi-effect management practices are listed in the reference catalog herein. To find management books, including technical management and business management. Reading management masters, such as Peter Drucker, c. A. Gallagher and A.MASLOW written books and articles. They provide management knowledge that are used in any field. Masters of information management, for example, Tom Demarco, M. Page-Jones, Ed Yourdon, L. L. Constantine, and more provide a clearer, practical testing.

If you have to work with the user, you have to read a professional book in the relevant field. Understanding business is more important than understanding the technical environment. In fact, let users participate in the interview process more and more popular. It is a great magazine to be prepared to be prepared, you can buy a "Harvard Business Review". This is a good magazine, which is also suitable for IT management. Many IT magazines such as "CIO magazine" and articles on project management and personnel management in the books listed in the reference book. These magazines also include summary or detailed technical articles.

You can contact the US Management Association (AMA) and other business organizations to obtain management information. It is worth mentioning that the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of the University of Kaniki University (SEI) is proposed in the 1990s, the latest standard version is SEI9000.

Many technical seminars, such as Digital Consulting and Technology Transfer Institute, have many different field project management and technical seminars. another

The way is through your organization. They may provide courses such as authorization, negotiations, and listening skills, all of which help you prepare project management.

Software you should understand

Master a project management tool. For example, Microsoft's Project and Applied Business Technology Technology / Project Workbench. All of these tools have many effective project management methods and terminology.

In addition to the tools mentioned above, there is an increasingly popular tool to help projects in different technical environments in planning, cost estimation and management methods. This tool is LBMS / Process Engineer with a tool with a CASE interface.

If you have used this type of tool, listed these contents in your resume. Of course, not only to master tools, you must also have a solid foundation knowledge and project management methods.

A project manager must resume more. Communication with Email has replaced the phone and mailing memo. Many companies have their own systems, as well as many companies use Lotus Notes. No matter what product, you must have the following performance:


Can contact people in different geographic locations


Can effectively notify the team (including suppliers), progressive changes


Can solve small problems quickly


Remember the difference in people's working methods, people in the personality are more willing to communicate through email. This way they can have a time to think about the question rather than making an answer at the meeting.

As a project manager, you might be reported (Report) and introduction. Therefore, you need to master the word processing software and graphics software. These software can be bought in the market. List this type of software you will use on your resume.

Look for ideology

Any industry has a good project manager and a poor project manager. You can get revelation from both project managers (what should be done, what should be avoided). If possible, ask some excellent project managers how they do. If you are not very clear about your career development path, you can take an article that has just been read and asks these project managers to this article.

A sign of a successful project manager has a positive team with an atmosphere, the trust of the upper leaders and the respect of the user. The consistent action is another sign, which is the basis for measuring leadership. Excellent project managers should understand the strengths and shortcomings of each employee. They believe that failure is not a shortcoming, but a learning opportunity. Project managers must establish a professional standard. But according to a set of perfect examples, management is a failure project manager. This means that they are versatile, but they have embodied their ability to authorize and communicate. Make the employees who have thought to actively work negatively to ruin the project manager. Your ability in technology should be used for guidance and training employees. If you participate in programming or design, you are not developing your team, nor is it a project manager.

Project planning technology

The following is the terms and charts prepared by the project planning in the interview. Most project plan preparation tools use or all of the terms and features. You should review a useful one or more project management tools, which helps you further familiarize yourself with common technology and features.

Chart type:

Gantt Chart: Graphic, especially bar chart, describe the graph of project progress. Each strip symbol represents a different meaning. For example: bar symbols and / or colors of critical tasks may differ from non-critical tasks. Summary The symbol of the task (activity or phase) may be different in other tasks.

PERT Map: The current dependency of all tasks is used in a flowchart. Pert meaning is a planning evaluation and review technology. It is a network diagram.

Task list: List the project plan in text / vertical. Typically at least the following column should be included: task number, task name, start date, end date, duration, and work efficiency.

Work Decomposition Structure: Structure of Project Tasks and / or Activity.

Key path: It is a path throughout the project, indicating that the dependency between the tasks involved in the project is successfully completed. Adjusting the time schedule of the task on the critical path will affect the delivery time of the entire project. Key Path Method (CRM) Figure is a network diagram for project

Control and coordinate the activities and events of the project.

Delivery results: prove that one or more task completed tangible things. For example: logical data model.

Dependencies: The connection between tasks affects the start time of one or more tasks. For example, you cannot start programming before you can't figure out the needs.

JAD / Simplified Method: Joint Application Design (Simplified Method is the term in the 1990s). A set of results-oriented, brain storm, have a common business destination information collection / sharing meeting. This method is that IBM is developed in 1970, consisting of fixed, structured processes, and under the leadership of an experienced implementer. The simplification method removes some structures, however, all parties must be required to participate in all meetings and a recorder with modeling technology. Participants include project team, management (and users) and administrative officials. For the success of the meeting, everyone must understand and agree with their tasks as soon as possible.

Delay: It is the delay time between the end time of the task and the start time of the task associated therewith. This allows the task end time and the start time overlap and elongation.

Methodology: A clear, organized, repeatable, structured method / technology to complete a universal purpose. These technologies or guidelines define steps, tasks, roles, purpose, and deliverables, which are required to achieve successful implementation of any system.

Measuring standards: a method of consistent and repeatable measuring the size and complexity of a project. Standards are prepared to use one of many methods in the entire project life. The popularity used today is:

a) Function (Allan Abrecht)

b) Important events (Tom Demarco)

c) Weighted average

d) code line

Milestone: The end of an important event in the project life. Usually a milestone is an activity on a key path. It doesn't have to be a tangible delivery product such as a logical data model, but it can be a user's affirmation of work. Phase / Event / Summary Title: Summary level concept. Not all project management tools emphasize a specific phase and a summary level format, but many standard development methods use these terms to decompose.

RAD: Fast application development (if you do not use it correctly). Accelerate development work by using the application generator, modeling, and rapid prototype tool. The biggest improvement is to add a rapid prototype throughout the entire development life cycle. This understands how to provide excellent tools before encoding.

Resource Limit: A plan and schedule developed by a obtained resource based on the number of resources, the skill of each resource, and the plan and schedule developed by the resource working schedule.

Range Change: An increase in the function of the original design requirement without the evaluation of personnel, time or costs. Range changes may be a commercial user or a enthusiastic programmer. Both affect the delivery of the system and cannot be estimated, analyzed, or records.

The key points of the expression in the interview (even if the problem is not asked)

If you don't manage experience

For those who have never formally managed a project, it may be a non-official man. In those cases, when it emphasizes their technical background advantage, it needs to be clearly explained that they don't recognize those skills they have mastered. You can mention how you have to lead a large development team in the unauthorized situation. It is necessary to emphasize that there is no solid technology, your engineering tasks and estimates may be excessively simplified. When you are a leader of the project, you need to provide technical coherent to avoid team overload.

If your technical skill is in the future, it is outdated or different.

You don't need to understand how the technical environment is working, but you should understand the general concepts and features determine the ability and weaknesses of the environment. Many project management techniques are exceeding technology. Therefore, if your technical skill is lost, you can still emphasize that you can have an independent responsibility in technology. mention

And your management application type and its business role. How to refer to how the team is effectively completed. Stressed your management philosophy. Additionally, the same person with your status, how your users and ministries evaluate your management capabilities, remember to mention any knowledge you have mastered. Should be in the interview

Your fear of your skills is behind. Once you have this job, you will be able to ask the experts in the company. There are informal institutions of various experts in all organizations. You can inquire everywhere and find them out.

Ask the interviewer's question:

Even if you get this position through the interview, you also need the information to be valuable, then you are your good opportunity. If this will be the first task of the project manager, this is especially the key. You need to understand your work environment. So you can ask the following questions:

1. What is company priority?

2. Who is the implementation of this project?

3. What is the development principle system used by the company?

4. What is the deadline of this project?

5. Is there a way to success in a measurement project?

6. How will your new manager keep project information Lingtong?

7. What is your new manager management philosophy and style?

8. What is the skill level of people on the project?

9. Will you fully define the scope of the project's project?

10. Is the technical environment have been selected?

I usually ask questions in the interview

The following is a problem that is typically asked in a typical project management interview (expectant answer): A lot of questions is subjective, the interviewer wants to know if your view is consistent with their company. The composition of the problem is as follows:

1. Project management software tool knowledge,

2. Develop the technology of the project plan,

3. Personnel management skills

4. Communication skills

5. Principles system knowledge (standard development lifecycle and project management).

Project Management Software Tool Knowledge

Question 1: What is the difference between construction period and workload? Answer 1: The period of time is the number of days on the commercial / calendar, and has nothing to do with the number of people. The workload is a person who has nothing to do with the number of calendar days. E.g:

One day's workload is 50% of the people in the time at the time, his work is two days. If the two people work, the construction period is 1 day, and the workload is two working days.

Question 2: How do I consider the dependence when preparing a project plan?

Answer 2: Dependent relationship can be represented by using the software package used. Relationships illustrate the relationship / side request between tasks. The dependency can refer to another task must be completed before another task can begin. For example, logical model

It must be done before the physical model. But the test is not to start after all programming work is completed, and if there is no completed program has no effect on linear testing.

Project plans to join the dependencies, you can find the key path of the project and can determine its impact on the project duration.

Question 3: How do you combine people's work and plan?

Answer 3: According to the specific tool used, you can dismantle the resource into smaller resources / units, or you can remove the task into a smaller task.

Question 4: How do you combine training, holidays, and personal education schedules?

Answer 4: Each product has a company / global calendar that markedly not working. Each product also has a personal resource calendar indicating that individuals do not work. If the project needs education and training, we should write them in the project plan as the mission.

Question 5: How do you arrange similar state meetings throughout the project but just a minor time and workload tasks?

Answer 5: It will be as long as the entire project time, accounting for a small amount of workload. Everyone assigned to the task is very low in the time of this task.

Question 6: What is the fact that the role of the plan and the active predicted comparison?

Answer 6: In accordance with specific tools used, each tool enters independent elements / domain information in a live report. It is also possible to classify the report to the team members and other relevant groups to indicate the changes in key paths or adjustments to the timetable. These reports have achieved job evaluation and as

Value values ​​in the planning of the next project or phase. Another valuable use of the estimates and live reports is to record the impact of the range change on the project.

Skills for project plan

Question 7: Why do you develop a project plan?

Answer 7: The project plan is a roadmap for implementing a successful system. It provides a means to inform everyone to do what they do and when they are finished. It helps the project manager to enable management, business users and support groups to understand the status and adjust special resources. "List" of item by item Assistance

What changes affect the rapid assessment. When the live report is linked to the plan, the project plan provides useful information for the task division and estimation of future projects.

Question 8: How will you start the project plan?

Answer 8: Process arrangement is an art. According to the facts known to business objectives, the company's general standards, as well as the past experience. It can begin with a clear definition of scope and goals. Do the risks and restrictions of the project. Poor estimates stem from lack of business knowledge and project scope

. You can start from project task, such as first dividing phases, then define activities in each phase, and then define tasks in each activity. Identify and document milestones and deliverable products. The project plan is to continuously refine the life document when the information becomes available. Various changes in progress

Project managers, development teams, support teams, and management, business users are beneficial.

Question 9: How will you start the project plan?

Answer 9: Enter the determined task under appropriate activities and stages or other summary standards. Connect the appropriate product and milestones and specific tasks. Connections all needs to rely on associated tasks. Add resource roles or resource names to each task. Application metrics determine the prior task workload, which uses more time for demand collection, design, and test. Consider all known holidays, training, vacation or other resource downtime. The draft plan will be reviewed with support groups, management and business users, as complementable inputs and final approvals.

Question 10: How to determine the needs?

Answer 10: The planned development is not considered. Adding roles such as data model making, business analysts, and users next to the task. Plus the resource that can overlap the task overlapping the task. In planning to consider development teams including support teams and user representatives lose one or more resources

The situation is to increase by 15% over each task. To make the composition of the project team easy to understand, there must be an explanation of the technical level necessary for roles.

Question 11: What is the value of the measurement standard?

Answer 11: If you use it, the measurement standard is a valuable tool. They provide methods of determining the complexity and workload of the development system. The measurement results provide information input resources for the development project plan, and is a valuable historical information that determines the development direction. Software measurement standards will help

Develop better software. However, it is best to have a history of 3 years.

Question 12: How do you use new technologies in the plan?

Answer 12: To increase the workload while increasing training tasks, narrowing each working unit. Additional prototypes and checkpoints (milestones) are added in the process of evaluating new technologies in development.


Personnel management skills

Question 13: What is the first thing you have to do as a project manager?

Answer 13: In addition to paying attention to the company's development direction and discovers its own development path, it is necessary to establish a priority of the project manager (business, company, project, team, personal, technical and methodological changes) in his mind. Therefore, the sectoral manager will meet the priority order, arrange

Household and staff meetings to get status reports and evaluations of all members. It is important to handle business, projects and individuals.

Question 14: How will your staff reduce 30% Do you start to complete the company's project?

Answer 14: First, determine and distinguish the priority of the project, which projects must be completed within 18 months. Connect the absolute minimum total number with each project. Influence the impact on the progress table to managers and users. Because both may not be willing to accept changes in progress tables,

This may give you some exceptions.

It is good to lose the consultant than to remove an employee. Consultants for each project may be replaced by employees. Adhere to the use of learning curve theory and gradually reduce the number of consultants. You can reduce the work of some consultants from a week to 2 or 3 days in a week.

If the company has a list of retired ambitions in advance, look for some qualified and applicable employees. Keep in keeping in losing "old people" you may lose valuable knowledge. Combine a fast retired person and novice as much as possible.

To meet business objectives, identify the importance of the remaining employees and their importance in each project. Appropriate proportion of novices and experienced people. Both are to ensure that projects and companies continue to succeed.

Question 15: Your team is mainly composed of novice, and progress has been behind. What will you do?

Answer 15: Need to remember that a project is rarely canceled because there is no completion within the deadline. The project is canceled, mainly, such as missing funds, user support, or unsatisfactory business objectives.

Therefore, the first thing to do is training, whether in indoor or outdoor, in class or through a tape. Another additional method is to make a senior employee or senior consultant.

Conference for personal assessment and counseling. Help each employee accurately evaluate their own advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, the task is clear, and all the standards or guidelines necessary or guidelines that must be observed are clear. Provide each employee to the template obtained from a successful project as a guide, but also allow them to play their own talent. Work with them if needed. Fast feedback to any questions or completion tasks.

For larger tasks, look at their plans, help to determine if they understand the scope and goals of the task, in order to understand whether they can complete the task. Listen to the perspective of employees, maybe they will have the correct way and ways of completing the task. However, it is also necessary to prevent employees from caught in a dilemma of frustration and morale.


Question 16: How will you get along with employees who have the same position as you compete?

Answer 16: This is an unpleasant situation that often occurs. Employees always think they can compete for a position and management has not realized this. Therefore, we must carry out the following investigation:

Discover employee management capabilities

Read assessment and status report

Try to discover some of the work-related methods when the employee becomes uncomfortable, and some personal conversations are performed on this situation, including:

Make a clear situation; analyze his / her with employees to make him / she get improved qualifications; emphasize how the necessity and management of the initial collaboration are highly attachment to the relationship.

Question 17: How much freedom will you give you under decision and work?

Answer 17: The size of freedom depends on everyone's skills and professional levels. A good manager is "resulting" and can create an environment that enables the team to communicate widely. In any case, each employee needs to submit the status report related to the project and business goals every week and the manager should review. Here is

It is conducive to strengthening organization construction and making each employee to work on their own work.

Question 18: How to treat employees who are about to retire?

Answer 18: An employee to retire will provide a lot of information. A person must think twice when all business knowledge and relationship network refused to think. Therefore, to take advantage of these people: they can serve as a teacher in some special skills. Clarify the main interest, to make the project

Make full use of these skills, you can use the necessary support from the informal way (not used through regular, bureaucratic ways)

Question 19: What do you do with a consistently late employee?

Answer 19: Good manager is to evaluate an employee through the results. However, it is also necessary to understand what is late in the company and team. A person is often late, people will feel that leaders are in private and will affect the team's morale. This person may be able to complete your own task on time.

May affect the progress of others. Professional features include reliability. If the progress of others depends on their work schedule, then their progress is important for the entire team.

First, it is first judged the mode of these employees. In other words, it is occasionally. Second, clarify the company's relevant counseling policies to determine late arrivals and their related processing methods. It is important to understand whether the employee works with the progress and understands that the person working with him is late to respond. Finally, must

They conduct objective conversations, the topics of the conversation include:

Company rules and regulations

Influence of team

Impact on individual evaluation

Emphasize time progress


Question 20: How will you encounter when cost reduction?

Answer 20: Money is not only an incentive factor. People need to know if they have positive contributions to the project. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the pride and hold business meetings, let users talk about their good impression on the project team. At the same time, let users put forward a generalization of their features and services.

. Training is an incentive factor. Therefore, the situation can be used as an informal training course. Internal seminars related to new technologies were hosted in disordered. If the training course is too expensive, a technical video tape can be leased. Subscribe to the magazine, there are many technical magazines for free. It is necessary to remember that

The training will make the team's spirit. This will affect the quality and quantity of the product.

Question 21: How do you hire people?

Answer 21: First do a description of the skills required for work. If you don't understand the current needs, it is difficult to hire suitable people. Next, we must understand the personality of team members. List the skills or work style of the team now. All of these situations are discussed with the Human Resources Department, including mobilizing existing employees. when

Candidates come, interview for existing work, but also understand whether he has the skills needed to have a new post.

Question 22: How will you solve personal conflicts in the team?

Answer 22: Identify different individuals from people. The value of each style is expressed by the employee. An objective attitude should be held when discussing between the two sides of the conflict to analyze the complaints or conflict.

Question 23: How will you monitor / manage consultants?

Answer 23: Consultant is also a person, but also needs to be respected. They also need a clear goal and task. Adhere to the work weekly report, link working hours and work completion.

Question 24: How will you manage foreign aid?

Answer 24: The same method as the management consultant. However, they may have a manager to be responsible for outsourcing cooperation. First, you must organize our daily meetings with this manager. Persevere to make a copy of our work weekly and deliverable.

Question 25: How will you work with employees who do not seem to complete their work on time?

Answer 25: When you find the cause of the problem, the problem can solve. The reason is not necessarily the ability to analyze problems or solve problems. It may be a management problem. The employee may not be properly trained, and his work may exceed his ability. Another possibility is this person

Too many things have to do and these things are most important or he doesn't know the date of delivery. If not the above reasons, pay attention to observation and find out if it is. For example, when everyone encounters problems, this person will be found. Then, this person's work will often be interrupted countless times.

an examination:

Typical activities: Targeting target costs, development, visible / invisible benefits for three to six months after delivery.

Typical delivery: implement summary report.

Question 34: What should the prototype should be in the stage of the project lifecycle?

Answer 34: Throughout the entire project. seeing is believing. Because it is a good tool for verifying functions, business rules, user needs data, and testing. It is worth noting that the prototype will not be a product of crude abuse. The prototype needs to be better maintained. The prototype should be displayed in the case of incomplete process and data.

Navigation relationship between individual windows and windows.

Question 35: What is the difference between the development of client / server-based development and mainmat-based machine development in the project life cycle?

Answer 35: The project based on the client / server-side project requires additional tasks to prepare a plan. Each plan must include an inspection of events, data, and network locations. The distribution of the server / client must be determined according to the requirements of the user. In the server / client environment, use

Appearance Modeling Technology and Prototype and Method for Producing Graphical Interfaces.

Question 36: How to manage and ensure quality in a maintenance project?

Answer 36: Maintenance itself contains negative significance. Many companies think that maintenance work is not good, second. Take money and is constantly modified to existing applications. It must be understood that there is also its life cycle. Therefore, a plan to surround control and quality work around the maintenance activities should be established. new

The development plan includes delivery of the product and each task assignment. The project plan should take into account the needs of demand. This allows the project manager and the user to see the impact of the progress of the project.

Maintenance phase / activity is:

The determination of the change (whether the product problem will result in product problems, or change the technical platform)

Formal record change,

Change confirmation and initial estimation of the size of the change,

Prioritize existing changes,

Change analysis,

Program the change,

System / regression testing for changes and changes to the system

User confirmation, product submission,


Question 37: Object-Oriented Development and Traditional Development Method Different from management technology?

Answer 37: There are fewer personnel-oriented project team members, and team members don't need too much creativity. Important is the role of technology and individual. Each member needs to assume different roles at different stages of the project. Therefore, each member must understand their own advantages and disadvantages. Role around one or more people


Designer (the overall structure of the system)

Abstract engineer (class and class)

Application engineers (completed and assembled and category)

Due to the traditional development method, the personal role cannot be interchangeable. Software development is the result of personal efforts. Even the team consisting of the best, the smartest people, if they can't work for common goals, then the easiest project cannot be successfully completed.

Question 38: How do you allocate time between employee relationships, project management, and text?

Answer 38: People are the most valuable wealth, therefore takes the most time. However, the order of the project manager must pay attention to things should be:

Business goals,

The company's goal,




Changes in technology and methods

Question 39: What is PM-CMM?

Answer 39: Personnel management capability maturity model. Both PM-CMM and CMM are the concept model developed by Carnegie. Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute. PM provides organizational methods for human resource management. Five levels are:

Freedhead: personnel management have no coherence,

Repeatable: organizations have some policy guidelines in person management.

Clearly: combine personnel management with business characteristics,

Measurement: Management of personnel can be quantified,

Optimization: Organized is committed to continuously improving the level of management.


A successful team refers to a team of morale from a morale consisting of a member of different skills, talents, work style and knowledge. The responsibility of the project manager is to form these people into teams and motivate them. This article will often ask questions through review of general concepts, terms and interviews, preparing for interviews. you

You can organize the answer according to your knowledge and experience in how to be a good project manager. No matter how to answer, try to leave the organization you'll have any impression. It should be facing a positive attitude. It should be paid to personally managed, and there is a good technical background. It should have common sense that should be,

Confident, listening, and decisive capabilities.


Communication skills

Question 26: How will you host each stage of the project and understand the project?

Answer 26: The prototype throughout the project is a proper method. Let users study tangible and invisible interests to make cost-effective analysis. Develop test data, test outlines and acceptance standards with users. E-mail milestone status report and update / modified project plan

. Check the deliverables while the project is staged.

Question 27: How will you discover and solve internal and external problems?

Answer 27: Get the truth from all possible resources and objectively recorded. Then, in the relevant parties, try to solve the problem. If this method is invalid, there is a problem in accordance with the organization's management structure and refer to possible solutions.

Question 28: How will you get a consistent support from the supplier?

Answer 28: Although suppliers are outside management, they can also include them, if they are respectful; understand business goals; pre-purchase; will supply as a planned input, which will affect them; Design, therefore, you should consider the early stages of the project.

The management of the contractor. Make sure they understand the interests of business goals and work.

Question 29: How to deal with "Can I break some rules?" Answer 29: Using some kind of technique is unable to convince users or leadership. Anyone may resist changes in the current situation. However, if technologies are linked to commercial profits, users will support your suggestions.

Question 30: How do you deal with different business users if he:

a) refuse to confirm the needs

b) Change ideas

c) refused to spend time

d) Adhere to unreal deadline

Answer 30: Regardless of how customers have more difficulties, they should remember that they have work. They are customers. You must fully respect them at a high degree of professionalism.

Because they can't understand our work, communication is more complicated as we can't fully understand them. Therefore, we take time to plan and explain the content contained therein. Users need to feel that they have not wasted time, being achieved, and their intentions are well understood. system

As an original is a useful tool. It provides a flexible drawing that users can understand.

In addition, the understanding of the work style is also important. Refusing to admit or constantly changing the idea may stem from the lack of understanding of the problem, or worry about the future.

Users often don't want to spend time with IT staff and think that this is a waste time, because IT staff pays attention to their own tasks. The history of the past delivery product should be checked. If the user has been many times but does not see a valuable output, they will refuse to spend more time. in

In this case, you should be your own project in the business sector to get the respect of the user.

A requirement for a vacant that has been held (and within this time range) to discuss special issues. At the end of the meeting, you should let users know how to do next step (and to achieve consensus). The user's point of view is recorded on "talks of talks". These will make users feel that their opinions have been listened

Take and allow them to change the error.

A project is canceled is often because there is no business requirement for users to reasonably. If the project is maintained in the entire process of the project, they will see their requirements are gradually reaching. The project is rarely canceled because of postponation. Pay attention to the range change. In the original deadline

Add additional tasks on the date will result in an unrealistic deadline.

Question 31: In one is not programmed, think you don't work in the environment where you are not working?

Answer 31: If the user thinks you understand their business goals, they hoped to start programming earlier. With a form of demand documents that they understand, provide an open communication method, and let them know what you know, what are you doing. Through project plan, status report and original

The type can also indicate the progress of the project. Let users participate in the project by allowing users to review the needs, prototypes and status reports.

Methodological knowledge

Question 32: What is the life cycle, what is its role?

Answer 32: A development or maintenance lifecycle is a method describing the beginning, intermediate link, and completion of a particular project. A lifecycle contains all steps, tasks, and / or activities that complete a specific target. Each activity may have a specific method. For example, making a data model may follow

James Martins modeling method. Object modeling may use Ivan Jacobson methods. The life cycle completes the business goal by using all methods.

Question 33: Describe the phases, events, and deliverables that should be included in your project plan.

Answer 33: The following phase should be included in the project plan (not a waterfall / linear order):

Project management:

Typical activities: Many people have forgotten to join information such as development and maintenance project plans, status meetings, and reporting, assessing data collection, making demo materials and presentation to superior and user presentation, etc.,, internal project management activities.

Typical delivery: project plan, status report, evaluation report (for example, how many function points) demand analysis:

Typical activities: range definition, preliminary analysis of cost profits, suggestions.

Typical delivery: scope document, physical and logic analysis, physical relationship diagram, cost profit analysis, business rules declaration, task definition, and overview.


Typical activities: Establish development and test environments, production logical models, technical system design, and implementation plans.

Typical delivery: logical data model, event model, object model, network model, physical design, specifications for the development environment, modified specifications, test plans, flow charts.


Typical activities: encoding, unit testing, and making user documents.

Typical delivery: Test instructions, process manuals, procedures.


Typical activities: soft, hardware test, linear testing, system testing, integrated testing, regression test and parallel testing.

Typical delivery: test results, problem reports, and tracking records.

Implementation and support:

Typical activities: The first phase of results package; training.

Typical delivery: Problem reporting process.


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