Error message in ASP development, Chinese description Daquan (finishing collection)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

* / / ------------- ASP development Music information Chinese description Daquan (finishing collection) If you have developed ASP, you will have no good and complete for the ASP. The debugging environment is not a headache. I collected all the information on the Internet, I want to give it a single-machine ASP development error prompt software in the software, but I found that there should be something I don't know or understand. So put it here, please know your friends again to present your point of view or say more detailed information, I will be very grateful! If there is a good suggestion, if the software comes out, I will first give you a free to use it!

Think again, I hope to see the friends of this article, I can support and encourage me to do this! (I don't think there is something like this, please point out the problem and add it! ! ! Ah! ! ! ! ! ----------------- // *

The meaning of most of the error code corresponding to the ERROR object and the provider error described in the ERROR object and the ERRORS collection, the ADO itself returns the error to the operational mechanism of the runtime environment. Using the error capture mechanism (such as the on Error statement in Microsoft® Visual Basic®) can capture and process the following errors. The following table will display the decimal and hexadecimal error code value at the same time. Constant Name Number Description AderrinvaliDargument 3001 0x800A0BB9 The parameter used by the application uses its type error, exceeds an acceptable range or conflicts with other parameters. AderrnocurrentRecord 3021 0x800A0BCD BOF or EOF is true, or the current record has been deleted. The operation requested by the application requires the current record. ADERRLLEGALOPERATION 3219 0x800A0C93 The operation of the application request is not allowed to appear in this context ADERRINTRANSACTION 3246 0x800A0CAE in transaction cannot explicitly shut down the Connection object. The AderrfeatureNotavailable 3251 0x800A0CB3 provider does not support the operation of the application request. AdritemNotfound 3265 0x800A0CC1 ADO cannot find an object in a collection corresponding to the name or sequence class of the application request. AderRobjectIncollection 3367 0x800A0D27 is unable to add, the object is already in the collection. The ADERROBJECTNOTSET 3420 0x800A0D5C ​​application references are no longer pointing to valid objects. The ADERRDATACONVERSION 3421 0x800A0D5D application uses a value type that does not conform to the current operation. ADERROBJECTCLOSED 3704 0x800A0E78 If the object is turned off, the application request is not allowed. ADERROBJECTOPEN 3705 0x800A0E79 If an object is open, the application request is not allowed. AdrProviderNotfound 3706 0x800A0E7A ADO does not find the specified provider. The AderRboundTocommand 3707 0x800a0e7b application cannot use the Command object to change the ActiveConnection property of the Recordset object to its source data. The ADERRINVALIDPARAMINFO 3708 0x800A0E7C application erroneously defines Parameter objects. The ADERRINVALIDCONNECTION 3709 0x800A0E7D application requests the operation of the object by reference to the closed or invalid Connection object.

*********************************************************** *********************************** ASP error code Description error code error message Description ASP0100 OUT OF MEMORY memory is insufficient (can not assign required memory ASP0101 UNEXPECTED error unexpected error ASP0102 Expecting string input string is missing input ASP0103 Expecting numeric input lack of digital input ASP0104 opration not allowed operation is not allowed ASP0105 index out of ange index out of range (an array index super session) ASP0106 ​​type mismatch type mismatch (encounter The data type cannot be processed) ASP0107 Stack Overflow Stack overflow (the data being processed is outside the allowable range) ASP0115 UNEXPECTED ERROR unexpected error (external object can be captured, an Exception_Name error, the script does not continue to run) ASP0177 Server.createObject Failed server creates an object Failure (invalid progid) ASP0190 Unexpected Error accident error (when an external object is released, generating an invisible error) ASP0191 UNPECTED ERROR accident error (generated an incorrect error in the ONSTARTPAGE method of external object) ASP0192 Unexpected Error accident error (outside outside) Objects generate captivable error senders: Longsi - Modern Speed ​​Dragon (200 km speed), the letter area: X-COM base ASP0177 Server.createObject Failed server Create an object failed (invalid progid) Send station: Jurassic Park (February 31, 2050, Saturday), the error obtained by the station letter) ASP0191 UnExpected Error accident error (generated an incorrect error in the ONSTARTPAGE method of external object) ASP0192 UNEXPECTED ERROR unexpected error ( Generate captive errors in the OneNDPAGE method of the external object) ASP0193 OnStartPage Faled on ONSTARTP in the external object age method generates an error ASP0194 OnEndPage Failed error ASP0240 Script Engine Exception scripting engine in OnEndPage method of an external object thrown from the object_name object CreatObject method exception_anme abnormal ASP0241 CreateObject Exception object_name object caused excepti on_name abnormal ASP0242 Query OnStartPage nterface query object Object_name's ONSEXCEPTION ******************************************************** JScript Runtime Error JScript runtime error is that when the JScript script tries to execute an error that cannot be running. When the script is being run, the variable expression is calculated, or the JScript runtime error occurs when the memory is being dynamically assigned.

The following is 76 runtime error error Number Description Decimal hexadecimal Description 5 800A0005 illegal process call or parameter 6 800A0006 overflow 7 800A0007 Insufficient memory 9 800A0009 subscript superior 10 800A000A This array is fixed or temporarily locked 11 800A000B zero error 13 800A000D Types Match 14 800A000E String Space Insufficient 17 800A0011 Unable to perform the requested operation 28 800A001C stack space less than 35 800A0023 Sub-process or function does not find 48 800A0030 Load DLL error 52 800A0033 Internal error 52 800A0034 bad file name or number 53 800A0035 file Didn't find 54 800A0036 bad file mode 55 800A0037 file has opened 57 800A0039 device I / O error 58 800A003A file already exists 61 800A003D disk space has full 62 800A003E Enter exceeding file tail 67 800A0043 file too much 68 800A0044 device unavailable 70 800A0046 permission disabled 71 800A0047 Disk Not ready 74 800A004A Can't use Different Drive Rename 75 800A004B Path / File Access Error 76 800A004C Path No 91 800A005B Object Variables or with Block Variables Not set No initialization 94 800A005E NULL Using invalid 322 800A0042 Can't establish the required temporary file 424 800A01A8 Requires Object 429 800A01A9 Automation Server You cannot establish an object 430 800A01AE class does not support Automation 432 800A01B0 In Automation operation, you can not find filename or class name 438 800A01B6 object does not support this property or method 440 800A01B8 Automation Error 445 800A01BD object does not support this action 446 800A01BE object does not support the specified parameter 447 800A01BF object does not support the current area setting 448 800A01c0 Specifies 449 800A01C1 Parameter Unique 450 800A01C2 Error parameter number or illegal attribute assignment 451 800A01C3 object is not A collection 453 800A01 C5 specified DLL function No 458 800A01CA variable Using a JScript not supported Automation Type 462 800A01CE Remote server machine does not exist or unavailable 501 800A01F5 can not be assigned to variable 502 800A01F6 object For script unsafe 503 800A01F7 object For initialization is not secure 504 800A01F8 subject to the establishment of insecurity 5000 800A1388 not be assigned to "this" 5001 800A1389 need to type Number 5002 800A138A function object 5003 800A138B not need to return value can not be assigned 5004 800A138C index object 5005 800A138D need String 5006 800A138E needs Date Object Object 5007 800A138F need type 5008 800A1390 illegal assignment 5009 800A1391 undefined identifiers 5010 800A1392 need Boolean 5011 800A1393 not execute code from a free script 5012 800A1394 members need to target 5013 800A1395 need VBArray 5014 800A1396 need JScript objects 5015 800A1397 need Enumerator object 5016 800A1398 need regular expression Object 5017 800A1399 Regular expression syntax error 5018 800A139A unpredictable defined qualifier 5019 800A139B lack "]" 5020 800A139C regular expression ")" 5021 800A139D character set range invalid 5022 800A139E Abnormally throws & # XFF

0C; but unable to seize the 5023 800A139F function No legitimate prototype (prototype) Object 5024 800A13A0 to be decoded URI containing illegal character 5025 800A13A1 URI encoding illegal 5026 800A13A2 Divine part of the number of bits 5027 800A13A3 Precision 5028 800A13A4 required Array or Arguments object 5029 800A13A5 array length must be a limited integer 5030 800A13A6 must assign a limited positive number of array length ************************************* ************************************* JScript error code and the corresponding interpretation of Daquan JScript syntax error JScript syntax error is that when the JScript statement violates An error caused by one or more grammar rules of the JScript scripting language. The JScript syntax error occurred in the program compilation phase and before starting the program. (Error happens during development), the following is 32 grammatical error error number description decimal hexadecimal instructions 1001 800A03E9 memory 1002 800A03EA syntax error 1003 800A03EB required ":" 1004 800A03ED needs "(" 1005 800A03ED 1006 800A03EE Requires ")" 1007 800A03EF "]" 1008 800A03F0 Requires "{" 1009 800A03F1 Requires "}" 1010 800A03F2 Requirement Identifier 1011 800A03f3 Requires "=" 1012 800A03F4 Requires "/" 1013 800A03F5 Invalid number 1014 800A03F6 illegal character 1015 800A03F7 string constant end 1016 800A03F8 Note Unlike end 1018 800A03FA function There is a 'return' statement 1019 800A03FB can't have "BREAK" 1020 800A03FC outside the cycle, "Continue" 1023 800A03FF requires a hexadecimal number 1024 800A0400 Requires "While" 1025 800A0401 Tag Definition Repeat 1026 800A0402 Did not find the tag 1027 800A0403 A "default" 1028 800A0404 in a "Switch" statement requires the identifier, string or number 1029 800A0405 requires "@end" 1030 800A0406 Condition compilation Closed 1031 800A0407 requires constant 1032 800A0408 Requires "@" 1033 800A0409 Requires "CATCH" 1034 800A040A Need "VAR" 1035 800A040B "throw" must have an expression, and on the same source code line

*********************************************************** ********************* VBScript runtime error If the VBScript script does not implement the system, the VBScript runtime error is generated. The VBScript runtime error is generated only if the script is assigned or assigned memory for variable expression. The following is 65 runtime errors: Error number Description Decimal Hexadecimal Description 5 800A0005 Invalid Process Call or Parameters 6 800A0006 Overflow 7 800A0007 Insufficient Overflow 9 800A0009 Sub-bidder 10 800A000A This array is a fixed length or temporary lock 11 800A000B Zero 13 800A000D Type Mismatch 14 800A000E String Space Overflow 17 800A0011 Uncomfortable Request Operation 28 800A001C Stack Overflow 35 800A0023 Undefined Sub or Function 48 800A0030 Load DLL Error 51 800A0033 Internal Error 52 800A0034 bad file name or number 53 800A0035 Document No 54 800A0036 bad file mode 55 800A0037 file has been opened 57 800A0039 Device I / O error 58 800A003A file already exists 62 800A003E input exceeding file tail 67 800A0043 file too much 68 800A0044 device not available 70 800A0046 permission Disable 71 800A0047 Disk Not ready for 74 800A004A Can't rename 75 800A004B Path / File Access Error 76 800A004C Path No 91 800A005B Not Set Object Variable 92 800A005C for Cycle Not Initialization 94 800A005E illegal Using NULL 322 800A0142 Cannot Establish Need Temporary File 424 800A01A8 Requires Object 429 800A01AD ActiveX Part Unable to create Object 430 800A01AE Class Does not support automation 432 800A01B0 Did you find a file name or class name 438 800A01B6 Object does not support this property or method 440 800A01B8 Automation error 445 800A01BD object Support this 446 800A01BE object does not support the designated parameter 447 800A01BF object does not support the current area setting 448 800A01C0 Did not find a naming parameter 449 800A01C1 Parameter Unique 450 800A01C2 Error parameter number or invalid parameter attribute value 451 800A01C3 object is not a collection 453 800A01C5 designated DLL Function No 455 800A01C7 Code Source Lock Error 457 800A01C9 This button is already a set of elements of this collection 458 800A01CA variable Using a VBScript Unsupported automation (Automation) Type 462 800A01CE Remote server does not exist or not access 481 800A01E1 invalid picture 500 800A01F4 variable Uneastened 501 800A01F5 illegal assignment 502 800A01F6 Script Object Not Safe 503 800A01F7 Object Unachable Generation 504 800A01F8 Objects Unable to create 505 800A01F9 Invalid or Unqualified reference 506 800A01FA class unfained 5016 800A1398 Regular expression object 5017 800A1399 Regular expression syntax error 5018 800A139A error quantity word 5019 800A139B require ']' 5020 800A139C in regular expression ')' 5021 800A139D Character set Offshore 32811 800A802B Element Did not find

*********************************************************** ************ VBScript error code and correspondence Interpretation of the VBScript syntax error If the VBScript statement structure violates one or more VBScript script language rules, VBScript syntax errors will occur. Error is usually generated when the program is compiled before executing the program.


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