First look at a simple Java code, we use it as a WSDL service code: public class test {public string echo (string u) {return "Hello u;}} then use the WSDL used to export: < XML version = "1.0" encoding = "uTF-8"?> // We have no custom type
wsdl: message>
// request message
wsdl: message>
// A porttype can look at a class
// an Operation is a method
wsdl: Operation>
wsdl: porttype>
// below specifies message package
// Binds the WSDL description with the specific implementation, here the SOAP mode
wsdl: Input>
wsdl: Output>
wsdl: Operation>
wsdl: binding> // The following will be associated with the previous SOAP binding
wsdl: port>
wsdl: service>
WSDL: Definitions>