SQLDBTYPE and .NET data type comparison table

zhaozj2021-02-16  105

Member Name Description Bigint is supported by .NET Framework. INT64 A 64-bit sign integer. Binary is supported by the .NET Framework. Array type is a fixed length stream of BYTE binary data, ranging from 1 to 8,000 bytes. Bit is supported by the .NET Framework. The Boolean has no symbol value, which can be 0, 1 or empty reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). CHAR is supported by the .NET Framework. String is a fixed length stream of unicode characters, range between 1 and 8,000 characters. DateTime is supported by the .NET Framework. DateTime Date and Time Data, the value range from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 9999, with an accuracy of 3.33 ms. Decimal is supported by .NET Framework. Decimal fixed precision and decimal digits, between -1038 -1 and 10 38 -1. Float is supported by the .NET Framework. Double -1.79E 308 to 1.79E 308 floating point numbers in the range. Image is supported by .NET Framework. The Array type is a variable length stream of BYTE binary data, ranging between 0 and 231 -1 (or 2, 147, 483, 647) bytes. INT is supported by .NET Framework. INT32 A 32-bit sign integer. Money is supported by .NET Framework. Decimal a currency value, range between -263 (i.e., -922, 337, 203, 685, 477.5808) to 2 63 -1 (i.e., 922, 337, 203, 685, 477.5807), the accuracy is 10,000 currency units. Nchar is supported by the .NET Framework. The fixed length flow of the String Unicode character is between 1 and 4,000 characters. NTEXT is supported by the .NET Framework. The variable length stream of String Unicode data, the maximum length of 230 - 1 (or 1, 073, 741, 823) characters. NVARCHAR is supported by the .NET Framework. The variable length stream of String Unicode characters ranges from 1 to 4,000 characters.

Note If the string is greater than 4,000 characters, implicit conversions will fail. When using a string than 4,000 characters longer, explicitly set the object.

REAL is supported by .NET Framework. Single -3.40E 38 to 3.40E 38 floating point numbers. SmallDateTime is supported by the .NET Framework. DateTime Date and Time Data, the value range from January 6, 2079, and the accuracy is 1 minute. Smallint is supported by the .NET Framework. INT16 A 16-bit sign integer. Smallmoney is supported by the .NET Framework. Decimal a currency value, range between -214, 748.3648 to 214, 748.3647, with a total of ten-thousand-million currency units. Text is supported by the .NET Framework. String Non-Unicode data variable length flow, maximum length is 231 -1 (or 2, 147, 483, 647) characters. TimeStamp is supported by .NET Framework. The Array type is the auto-generated binary number of BYTE and ensures that it is unique in the database. TimeSTAMP is often used as a mechanism for tagging from the versions of the tables. The storage size is 8 bytes. Tinyint is supported by the .NET Framework. Byte 8-bit unsigned integer. UNIQUEIDENTIFIER is supported by .NET Framework. GUID globally unique identifier (or Guid). Varbinary is supported by the .NET Framework. Array type is a variable length stream of BYTE binary data, range between 1 and 8,000 bytes. Note If the byte array is greater than 8,000 bytes, implicit conversions will fail. Explicitly set objects when using a built-in array than 8,000 bytes.

VARCHAR is supported by the .NET Framework. String is a variable length stream of unicode characters, range between 1 and 8,000 characters. Variant is supported by the .NET Framework. Object Special Data Types, you can include values, strings, binary or date data, and SQL Server Values ​​Empty and Null, the two values ​​later are adopted without declaring other types of conditions.


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