Use graphic client to remotely access Linux servers

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

Use graphic client to remotely access Linux servers

I. Introduction

We can log in to the Linux server remotely through Telnet, SSH, but are all character interfaces. This article describes the XDMCP XDM

Remote connection to XFree86 Server on the Linux server, you can remotely manage Linux servers in a graphical environment.

Second, the basic concept

1, what is xfree86

Xfree86 is an implementation of an open source of the X WINDOW system. It provides a mouse, keyboard, graphics card and window graphics environment

Client-Server interface. So the client program can run on a different host, providing a server with X Window Server service.

2, what is XDMCP

XDMCP is "X Display Manager Control Protocol" is a network protocol. Create a graphical client program

Connection and communication with x window servers.

3, what is XDM

XDM is "X Display Manager", by launching the X WINDOW server and manages the login, session of the graphical client program,

Start Window Manager (KDE, GNOME), etc.. KDE and GNOME also provide their own XDM implementation, named KDM and GDM, respectively.

4, what is XFS

XFS is "X Font Server", can be unified by one server, remote graphical client programs do not need to be separately

Install all fonts.

Third, the configuration process

1, our environment

We use a computer with Mandrake Linux 8.1 as an X Window server, server network card address

It is And XFree86 related packages are installed together when installing Linux.

We installed X-Win32 software on another computer in the LAN with Windows 2000, as a guest of x window

NOT. There are also many X client programs under Windows, but most of them are commercial programs, such as Exceed only offers a trial period of 30 days.

The X-Win32 does not limit the number of days, but only 30 minutes each time, this is also enough for most basic server maintenance operations.

Time is coming again. Free use of business programs cannot be required to be too high :-)

2, configure the server

(1) Configure XFS

The XFS configuration file is / etc / x11 / fs / config, the content is as follows:


# Default Font Server Configuration File for Mandrake Linux Workstation


# allow a max of 4 clients to connect to this font server

Client-limited = 4

# WHEN A FONT Server Reaches ITS Limit, Start Up A New One

Clone-self = OFF

# Alternate Font Servers for Clients To Use

# alternate-servers = foo: 7101, bar: 7102

# Where to look for fonts

# Some of these is commented out, i.e. The TRUETYPE AND TYPE1

# Directories in / usr / share, Because They Arent Forced to BE

# installed alongside x.


Catalog = / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc: unscaled,

/ USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / 75DPI: Unscaled,

/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 100dpi: unscaled,

/ USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / MISC: Unscaled, / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TYPE1,

/ USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / SPEEDO,

/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / mdk: unscaled,

/ usr / share / fonts / default / type1,

/ usr / share / fonts / ttf / big5,

/ usr / share / fonts / ttf / gb2312,

/ USR / Share / Fonts / TTF / Decoratives,

/ usr / share / fonts / ttf / western

# in 12 Points, Decipoints

Default-point-size = 120

# 100 x 100 and 75 x 75

Default-resolutions = 75, 75, 100, 1

# How to log errors

Use-syslog = on

In the configuration file, you can define the maximum number of client connections. The default is 4. The location of the font file is also specified in the configuration file.

Special attention includes the Chinese font, otherwise the Chinese font cannot be displayed correctly in the client.

Next, modify the /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs file, change all "-port -1" to "-port 7100", this is the default monitoring of XFS

Listened port. Use the following command to restart XFS:

Service XFS STOP

Service XFS Start

After the XFS starts successfully, you can use the netstat -ln command to confirm that the 7100 port is bound:

TCP 0 0* listen

(2) Configure XDM

The XDM profile is in the / etc / x11 / xdm directory.

First modify the XDM-Config file, find a line: DisplayManager.Requestport: 0

Note this line:! DisplayManager.Requestport: 0

If there is this line, XDM will not listen to XDMCP connections.

Next, modify the Xaccess file, this is the configuration file that controls the client access, the modification is as follows:

# * #ny host can get a login window

192.168.0. *

The computer in the local area is allowed here.

Now you can use the XDM command directly to start the XDM service, use the netstat -ln command to confirm the 177 port (XDM default port)


UDP 0 0

If you want to automatically run XDM after the server is started, you need to modify the / etc / inittab file so that you will enter the "5" run level after startup.

The modification is as follows:

ID: 5: INitDefault:

3. Use graphical client to test

We downloaded the X-Win32 version 5.4. After the installation is complete in Windows, "X-Win32 5.4" will be generated in the "Program",

Two of them have two executables: X-Config and X-Win32.

First, use X-Config to establish a connection configuration: Select "Add" at SESSION, select the "XDMCP" connection method,

Point "Next->", enter a name at "Session Name", select "Broadcast" at "XDMCP Mode", and then

Click "Save" to save the configuration. Then select "font" of the X-Config main interface, click "Add Font Server ...",

In the "Host" input server IP address, and confirm that "Port" is 7100. After the configuration is complete, you can start X-Win32. Of course, when you start, you have to choose "evataration" because we are not registered. Then select

The SESSION name just established will have a window to display the X Window server name in the current network, select our service.

If you click "OK", you will have an XDM login interface. After logging in with the user account in Linux, the x window graphical interface is

The same appears, and the local operation on the Linux server. Chinese also shows normally because the font on the server is used.

Fourth, other questions

1, get X-Win32

You can download X-Win32 software at, you need to register before downloading.

2, x window client and windows paste each other copy

The X-Win32 also provides features that make the contents of the contents of the X Window and Windows, which are more convenient.


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