* Registration form unlock *
Create a new text file, add the following:
DIM WSHSET WSH = WSCRIPT.CREATEOBJECT ( "WSCRIPT.SHELL") WSH.POPUP ( "I will untie your registry!") WSH.REGWRITE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System / DisableRegistryTools" , 0, "REG_DWORD" wsh.popup ("I have unlocked the registry for you")
Save the file as .vbs file, example: AAA.vbs. Double-click to execute. After clicking Start - Run - REGEDIT Try
* Registry lock *
Create a new text file, add the following:
DIM WSHSET WSH = WSCRIPT.CREATEOBJECT ( "WSCRIPT.SHELL") WSH.POPUP ( "I will give you lock the registry!") WSH.REGWRITE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System / DisableRegistryTools", 1. "REG_DWORD" wsh.popup ("I have locked the registry for you!")
Save the file as .vbs file, example: AAA.vbs. Double-click to execute. After clicking Start - Run - REGEDIT Try