Call Office in ASP.NET to create a variety of (3D) charts

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  64

1, download OWC11 COM components

2, register OWC11

Install the downloaded file, then add the COM component of Microsoft Office Web Components 11.0 in the project

3, add it in the project

Using OWC11;

4. Starting Coding is as follows:

public class ChartFactory {public ChartFactory () {InitTypeMap (); // // TODO: Add constructor logic //} protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgHondaLineup herein; private string [] chartCategoriesArr; private string [ ] chartValuesArr; private OWC11.ChartChartTypeEnum chartType = OWC11.ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeColumn3D; // default private static Hashtable chartMap = new Hashtable (); private static string chartTypeCh = "vertical histogram"; private static string chartTitle = "";

private void InitTypeMap () {chartMap.Clear (); OWC11.ChartChartTypeEnum [] chartTypes = new OWC11.ChartChartTypeEnum [] {ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeColumnClustered, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeColumn3D, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeBarClustered, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeBar3D, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeArea, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeArea3D, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeDoughnut, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeLineStacked, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeLine3D, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeLineMarkers, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypePie, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypePie3D, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeRadarSmoothLine, ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeSmoothLine}; string [] chartTypesCh = new string [] { "vertical bar graph" "3D vertical column statistics " Folding Point Statistics "," Pie Diagram "," 3D Pie Diagram "," Net Chart "," Arc Chart "}; for (INT i = 0;

Chartmap.add (charttypesch [i], charttypes [i]);



Public ChartspaceClass Buildcharts () {String ChartcategoriesStr = String.Join ("/ T", Chartcategoriesarr); String ChartValuesStr = String.join ("/ T", ChartValerr);

Owc11.ChartSpaceClass Ochartspace = new OWC11.CHARTSPACECLASS ();

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ // Give Pie and Doughnut Charts a legend on the bottom. For the rest of // them let the control first out OUT On Its Own. // -------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ChartType = (chartcharttypeenum) Chartmap [charttypech];

if (chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypePie || chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypePie3D || chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeDoughnut) {oChartSpace.HasChartSpaceLegend = true; oChartSpace.ChartSpaceLegend.Position = ChartLegendPositionEnum.chLegendPositionBottom;}

OchartSpace.Border.Color = "blue"; OchartSpace.Charts.Add (0); OchartSpace.Charts [0] .hartitle = true; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .Type = charttype; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .ChartDepth = 125; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .aspectratiotio = 80; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .title.caption = charttitle; Ochartspace.Charts [0] .title.font.bold = true;

Ochartspace.Charts [0] .seriescollection.add (0); OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [0] .DATALABELSCOLLECTION.ADD ();

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ // if You're charting a pie or variation theref percentages make a lot // more sense tour ... / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ if (chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypePie || chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypePie3D || chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeDoughnut) { OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [0] .dataLabelscollection [0] .haspercentage = true; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [0] .datalabelscollection [0] .haasvalue = false;} // ----- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- // Not so for other chart type where values ​​have more meaning Than // percentages. // ------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- else {OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [0] .datalabelscollection [0] .haspercentage = false; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescoll ECTION [0] .datalabelscollection [0] .haasvalue = true;} // ---------------------------------- --------------------------------------- // Plug Your OWN Visual Bells and whistles here / / --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [0] .caption = string.empty; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [ 0] .datarabelscollection [0] = "verdana"; OchartSpace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [0] .datalabelscollection [0] .Font.size = 10; Ochartspace.Charts [0] .seriescollection [0] .DATALABELSCOLLECTION [0] .font.bold = True;

oChartSpace.Charts [0] .SeriesCollection [0] .DataLabelsCollection [0] .Font.Color = "red"; oChartSpace.Charts [0] .SeriesCollection [0] .DataLabelsCollection [0] .Position = ChartDataLabelPositionEnum.chLabelPositionCenter; if ( chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeBarClustered || chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeBar3D || chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeColumnClustered || chartType == ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeColumn3D) {oChartSpace.Charts [0] .SeriesCollection [0] .DataLabelsCollection [0] .Position = ChartDataLabelPositionEnum.chLabelPositionOutsideEnd;} oChartSpace.Charts [0] .SeriesCollection [0] .SetData (OWC11.ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimCategories, Convert.ToInt32 (OWC11.ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), chartCategoriesStr); oChartSpace.Charts [0] .SeriesCollection [0 ] .SetData (Owc11.Chartdimensionsenum.chdimvalues, Convert.Toint32 (OWC11.CHARTSPECIALDATASOURESENUM.CHDATALITERAL), CHARTVALUESSTR);

Return Ochartspace;}

#REGON attribute set public string [] ChartcategoriesarrValue {get {return chartcategoriesarr;} set {chartcategoriesarr = value;}}

public string [] chartValuesArrValue {get {return chartValuesArr;} set {chartValuesArr = value;}} public string chartTypeValue {get {return chartTypeCh;} set {chartTypeCh = value;}} public string chartTitleValue {get {return chartTitle;} set { Charttitle = value;}} #ENDREGON}

// Call first needs to place an image on the page to display the generated chart

Public void showchart () {

// Initialize assignment chartFactory.chartCategoriesArrValue = chartCategories; chartFactory.chartValuesArrValue = chartValues; chartFactory.chartTitleValue = chartTitle; chartFactory.chartTypeValue = chartType; OWC11.ChartSpaceClass oChartSpace = chartFactory.BuildCharts (); string path = Server.MapPath ( ".") @ "/ images / chart.jpeg"; // Generate a picture and save the page can be a PNG GIF picture OchartSpace.exportPicture (Path, "JPEG", 745, 500); image1.imageURL = path; // Display statistics}

// Save statistics, please refer to the previous article

// Since each generated chart will overwrite the original picture, you can use the date to add time as the name, but this will have a lot of pictures to be handled in time. If you don't need to take the same name override It turns out that you can.


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