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August 26, 2004

News link, August 26th

Free Software Day AROUND THE WORLDFOR Politic? ?

The power of will issue a new version.

- from slashdot

BEA Announces Weblogic Platform Isv Edition looked at this, I just want to say that foreigners are really honest, it is really money. . .

Google Continues To Grow Top Notch Java Team with Cedric Beustgoogle dug a big card from BEA! The whole world is guessed, what coffee is installed in Google gourd. . .

Macromedia Announces Flex Builder: IDE for flexflex is the core technology of Macromedia's RIA framework. Now there is an IDE - before you want to write the flexible half-xml semi-scriptoma's Flex program. . .

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P.S. See ghosts, this "moon" became a different month, blog crushed: s

By neo @ 10:21 PM

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August 19, 2004

News link, August 19th

End of the line for alphaip ... Just like HP acquisition of Compaq, someone said, "Alpha did not die in Compaq, but it is estimated that HP is over ..."

Mozilla Releases Mozilla sunbird 0.2 It seems that Mozilla is in the bird, this time is Sunbird, a separate calendar application.

- from slashdot

Crossover Office 3.0.1 Review When you want to save money, you have to use Office. . .

- from newsforge

PROCESS PATTERN in Bruce Eckel Talks About Process Patternsbruce Eckel.

How to Authenticate A Servlet App With Windows Passwords uses JaAs to integrate NTLM users to authenticate in J2EE's web applications. It is a very practical technology, but some people pointed out that his Solution uses Native Lib (NTSystem.dll), and a Pure Java solution is given.

TSS ARTICLE: RICH Internet ApplicationSTSS The latest column articles describe the recent Rich Internet Applications technology architecture.

Free book: The J2EE Architect's Handbooktss's new book, The J2ee Architect's Handbook.

Design J2EE applications so Avoid common that they are robust, extensible, and easy to maintain. Apply commonly used design patterns effectively Identify and address application architectural issues before they hinder the development team Document and communicate the application design so that the development team's work is targeted mistakes that derail project budgets and timelines Guide the development team through the design and construction process Setup effective procedures and guidelines that increase stability and decrease bug reports Effectively estimate needed resources and timelinesWicket:.. Do we need yet another presentation layer framework Wicket is the original? SUN Design Swingui's batch of people get a new web performance layer frame (not enough ?!). . .

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The 36 Plots, by Loren J. Milleranother RPG Plots Analysis. Recently this Topic is very popular!! A Google RSS implemented using Google Web Apis, it seems to be a saying. . .

Keepresident Eclipse Plugin It is said that Eclipse's performance is often reduced because of Windows virtual memory management, and a guy in Stanford wrote this Plugin, ensuring that Windows reserves more memory for Eclipse. - DELIXMOZILL DEL.IXMozilla plugin.

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By neo @ 04:38 PM

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August 14, 2004

News link, August 14th

Next-Gen Copyright-Aware P2P System WhitePaper If the P2P file is legal - at least there are not many people in my country who will make it. . .

Linux Kernel 2.6.8 ReleaseD is considered to change 2.6 Relative versions of the odd version of the odd version (pressing Linux conventions, the second bit and third bits of the version number), and the even number of relatives are stable and available for key tasks. )version of.

- from slashdot

One of the most important features of Handling Events in JavaServer FacesJSF is its event handling mechanism, which is the lack of the previous web framework. It is also one of the foundations of JSF being generally optimized. There is a detailed explanation of this mechanism in detail in .

TSS Cartoon: The Argument for Stateful Session Beans is popular with popular TSS Cartoon, huh!

The Filters of Hibernate3 Filtershibernate 3 is also a new characteristic.

Getting Groovy with XML What is Groovy? This is a language that is pioneering, it has a simple and beautiful language such as Python, and he can be compiled as a standard Java Bytecode. A new article for tells some advantages of using Groovy to process XML. Borland JBuilder 2005 Announcedborland has not been upgraded since JBuilder 4.0, supports JDK 1.5, JavaServer Faces, J2EE 1.4 constitutes a new version of the main feature - and this is not enough. Interestingly, some people have begun to make Idea 4. * with JBuilder 4 after each version, getting slower, increasingly unstable, lacking real highlights. . .

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A Webstandards Checklista Perfect List to Validate A Website!

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BY NEO @ 10:40 PM

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August 03, 2004

News link, August 3RD

VirtualPC 2004 VERSUS VMware 4.5? I have always thought that M $ bought VirtualPC is to destroy it. . .

Soyuz to the moon? Start again! The outer space is going to be lively, and we haven't allowed the ball last month for two years. . .

- from slashdot

Sun Talks About Buying Novell pays attention to, sun starts to give M $ to find his banknote.

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How to bypass Most FireWall Restrictions and Access The Internet Privately teaches you how to cross the company's firewall access prohibited resources, cautious. . . uses RSS to share Calendar online, RSS Rules!

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By neo @ 11:23 am

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August 02, 2004

News link, August 2nd

Steve Jobs Undergoes Cancer Surgery. . . Not a news, but I want to say is that the medical examination is very important every year! ! !

How Google Will Have Achieved The Semantic Web Recently, many people are talking about Semantic Web, this article about SW is also simultaneously /. And headlines.

- from slashdot

On My Thoughts of The SWT VS Swing About SWT VS Swing The Implications Items A lot of people, most people are dissatisfied with Swing, but they also support. But I really didn't see Swing than SWT even a little advantage. . .

- from Jroller

By neo @ 07:53 pm

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July 17, 2004

News link, july 17th

Apache Maven 1.0 ReleaseDmaven is a powerful integrated PM tool that contains automatic creation of code and documentation, which is very suitable for OSS development. Finally, 1.0.

North Korea Opens Official Website will always come. . . is the official website of North Korea, the homepage: President Kim Il Sung, A Great Man of 20th Century. . . - from slashdot

Mozilla and The Future Of The Web refers to the popular Firefox and Thunderbird will release 1.0 Release when this summer is over.

- from newsforge

DPRISM TIME PACKAGE V2.0 RELEASED is a matter of sun worth shame, actually to send Date / Time processing code, but also make money. This DPRISM TIME PACKAGE is a dedicated process library. I don't know what is more than the JODA TIME for open source, I still have money. . .

New Product Listing from JavaOne 2004 This year's J1's Product List. What I am most interested is. . . NOKIA and SEGA teamed up with mobile game terminals. . .

Featured Article: Source Code Communication Best Practices is a topic that is very interesting, regarding how to exchange source code information on how to share the code highly shared. Vincent Massol's TSS Featured Article proposes two options: Diff Emails on SCM Commit and RSS feeds (Feeds Anywhere, HM?).

- from

Fckeditor - The Text Editor for InternetFckeditor is an open source, cross-platform online HTML editor.

Things President Bush Is Not can learn a lot of interesting words, huh, huh! "I'm Not a Tree, I'm A Bush."

How to write firefox extensionshave a try!

Bitoogle :: The bit torrent file search engine (bittorrent) bingo! It is the DD I want!

Free Picasa Photo Album Software can be used as a photo management index library without changing the original location of the file.

An No-Nonsense Guide To Semantic Web Specs for XML PEOPLE (Part i) For reviews and analysis of Semantic Web currently in a warm discussion.

Making Tex Work SourceForge Edition Making Tex Work!

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By neo @ 09:36 PM

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July 11, 2004

News link, july 11th

Browser Wars 2004 huh, the dark stream under the browser industry is already a long time, the experience of desktop browsing has not been exciting for a long time. . . Can this "Browser Wars 2004" in can become a reality?

- from slashdot

How to write efficient csscss is also a more study, the more people go into DD!

- from

By neo @ 09:29 pm

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June 15, 2004

News link, june 15th

AMD Going Dual-Core In 2005 Dual-Core's trend fashion, after Intel, AMD has also joined this ranks, announced that the dual kernel's processor will be introduced next year. A New Look At Mozilla Firefox 0.9 It seems that Firefox is 0.9, the latest REVIEW shows new interfaces and a new set of features, which is said to be greatly improved (0.8 is actually not bad). In addition, it is still RC, and I will upgrade if I have released. [Updated: 0.9 has been released, then found that the old Redcat Theme can not be installed, RSS Panel can be used, but will not appear in the new Extensions window, TabBrowser supports new 0.9, Charamel also supports 0.9, for me This can be used, but it is expected to upgrade the THEME and EXT. ]

Charles Walton, The Father of Rfid Invented RFID in the 1970s in the 1970s, it is unfortunately in the mid-1990s, it has expired - it is next to thousands of RFID TAG will not give him income. However, the old man does not matter, and still continues his inventive career.

Google-sponsored 2004 US Puzzle Championship Suitable is that old beauty actually has such a fun championship, the second feeling is that Google is a very popular guy!

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Enhancing Web Application Performance with Caching New TSS Column Article Describes the Web Caching mechanism using the Flyweight mode, but it seems to be rough, Alex V proposes questions about thread safety and ductility. Caching is actually a thing that is not easy to do.

Webcream 5.0 released - swing / html bridgewebcream is a swing / html bridge, what is Swing / HTML Bridge? It is possible to automatically implement things that the front end of the GUI and the front end of the web is movable! Take a look at this demo, I know, a meaningful IDEA, but I don't think it is still very relieved!

JwebUnit 1.2 ReleaseDjwebunit is a web-based test framework, which is not a simple photo of JUnit, but a quite design for web development features.

Apache Excalibur: New Top Level Ioc Apache Projectapache Recently enhanced several original incubation projects, this time is Excalibur (this is the name of the legendary King Arthur's goddess ", the lightweight of Apache Level IOC (Inversion of Control) solutions.

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Finally, Chapter 4 IS Complete and i can move onjames Goodwill Continues his premiere book "Apache Axis Live".

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By NEO @ 11:36 AM

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June 13, 2004

News link, june 13th

Meteorite Crash New Zealand Roof One 1.3 kg, the life expectancy is about 40 billion years of meteorite breakdown New Zealand's house roof - reminds me of the big mushrooms in "Ding Ding Event". . . Searching for the Best Scripting Language has always made me a very wonderful thing, that is, my country's talented technicians seem to be very unlikely, but in fact, Script is very powerful, yesterday, I listened to the BEA's brothers and said that he was purified in the 1990s. Dos Batch Realize the story of complex dialing programs. . . There is a survey here, about the best script language, very meticulous.

UK Anti-Spam Laws criticised UK has the earliest countries that have achieved Anti-spam legislation, but it seems that there is a lot of problems in the process of implementation, and there is also a bureaucratic. An article of the Guardian describes this kind of embarrassment, considering this legislation even in my country, this is still a little or more, this is still borrowed.

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A article of Microsoft Acquire Sap? IT Manager's Journal, mentioned a very strange point of view of "Wealth" magazine recently, and puts forward some interesting opinions, but I don't seem to visit. "Wealth" website: (

- from newsforge

By neo @ 10:29 PM

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May 20, 2004

News Link, May 20th

Bea to Release Apache Beehive: Workshop Open Sourced rumors have finally realized, BEA announced that it will open its workshop's core part of the source, the code of the open source project is Beehive, and the open source organization selected by BEA - no suspense - - is Apache (a core technology of Workshop, Xmlbeans is BEA donated to apache), that is, there will be an Apache Beehive Project. It is said that this will be open is Workshop Runtime, Controls, PageFlow. Open source authorization mode will be Apache License V.2.0, open: Controls, Netui = PageFlow, Xmlbeans, Web Service Metadata. You can access the topic of the BEA to get more information.

The Top 10 Elements of Goodware Design

10. Considers The Sophisticization of the Team That Will Implement IT

9. Uniformly Distributes Responsibility and Intelligence

8. Is Expressed in a Precise Design Language

7. SELECTS Appropriate Implementation Mechanisms

6. Is Robusendly Document

5. Eliminates Duplication

4. IS intends consistent and unsurprising

3. Exhibits Maximum Cohesion and Minimum Coupling

2. IS as Simple As Current and Foreseeable construints will allow

1. Provides the nextary functionality

Read The Whole StoryJava Know Launches NNEW Java Knowledge Base The famous Java website Javalobby recently established a Java Knowledge Base, the cattle can go to the Contribute point.

ObjectWeb Announces Speedo JDO 1.0Speedo officially released this JDO implementation version 1.0. The product is said to have a lot of framework and component technology for ObjectWeb. This ObjectWeb has anything! (Everyone has anything to do, this is good ??)

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Mailfeed: Generate An RSS feed from a pop3, imap, or nntp mailbox huh, mailfeed is a simple PHP page, reading the mailbox of POP3 and other protocols Generate 2.0 format RSS feed. I appreciate the infinity possibilities of RSS.

The 46 Best-Ever FreWare Utilitiesthe Best ... Free ... Ever ... 46 !!!

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By NEO @ 12:02 AM

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May 12, 2004

News link, May 12th

JCP WATCH: JSP 2.1, JDK 1.5, Web Services MetadatajcP announced these new norms, but the attitude of the entire industry seems to be more and more realistic, I am afraid that it will be less and less likely to have a new norm as before.

Thinking About Macromedia flexwhat is the flex? Simple, this is the latest technology of Macromedia ambitious RIA (RICH Internet Application), which is located in the Presentation Server between Application Server and the client. There are extremely gorgeous demonstrations on Flex on the homepage, and its performance is really amazing, but the problem is - a background based web service, front desk Flash application architecture how slow! And the flex is quite blamed MXML programming language can only be written manually. . . Probably it is still necessary for many years of future technology!

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By neo @ 01:05 am

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May 10, 2004

News link, May 10th

Rssowl under Linux released a new version based on SWT, tried it, good luck in Linux, although it is better than FeedDemon, but basically available (blessing of SWT, Chinese everything OK - SWT has gradually popped up Trend!).

- from forum

Google Blog

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Hermes: Open Source JMS Queue / Topic Browser / Monitor 1.5 Look at the professional message monitoring - quite popular JMS browsing / monitor Hermes released a new version 1.5.

First Preview Of JBPM 2.0 AvailableJBPM is another open source workflow solution that does not fully follow WFWC to design, but very flexible and lightweight is its main feature, the latest release of its version 2.0.

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By neo @ 11:06 pm

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May 06, 2004

News Link, May 6th

EJB 3.0 Announcement at the theme word of "Lightweight"! In fact, there are many things to standardize some OSS technologies and concepts that have become the fact standard - for example, hibernate to replace Entity Bean: P

Used aspect coverage Tool, perhaps you can make an AOP app album, this thing is especially useful, because Code Coverage has always been testing problems. . .

String Benchmark: Java vs. Objective-c vs. c does not know why this test is doing this test, but it is ok, the gap between Java is 10 times. . .

Xmlbeans: Bea gets the message Outbea is the earliest manufacturer in our own products. One of the core technologies of Workshop 8.1 is XMLbeans, and the effect is very good (in great simplified development, providing excellent performance performance ), So the people of BEA wrote a few very well introduction articles:

XML Processing with Java Object Technology

Scott Ryan Looks At Two of The More Popular Frameworks Used to Turn XML INTO JAVA Objects and Java Objects INTO XML.

Strongly Typed XML in Java with Xmlbeanscezar Cristian Andrei Presents How XML Documents CAN Be Manipulated IN Java Applications In A Strongly Typed Fashion.

Leveraging Complex Schema Features in Java the XMLBeans WayRaj Alagumalai and Raju Subramanian discuss how XMLBeans handles some schema types, how it provides access to the entire XML infoset, and how it provides access to the schema object model.

Using XMLBeans in Web Service Clients and User InterfacesSteve Hanson shows how to create and use XMLBeans in a Web service client and then leverages their capabilities in an actual client for the Google Web service.

Adobe Buys Q-Link Technologies, Java Workflow Company A logo - Description Adobe wants to develop a market that develops document management. Considering that Adobe has recently shot and consistently accurate, plus the tremendous advantage of the Acrobat's documentation in the government and large enterprise industries, this is the trend of attention.

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Putting Google To The Test This is an illustration of Slashdot similar to the cat. . . However, this test is very interesting! ! What sex is your root? Hey, this is another example. . . There is also a brilliant comment:

... That i see Word "Sex" on slashdot. for a second I though That Weeks Are Finally Getting Lives :) But Only for a second - Then i ie entire subject.

Mono Project Releases Beta 1 reported, Ximian's Linux Porting for MS .NET, came out of the first Beta, which is also a standard of detecting the change of MS, huh, huh!

Math and The Computer Science Major's main problem is - now computer professional students have learned too deep mathematics? Interesting topic, but I don't think too much. If you want to cultivate logical thinking, it is better than a variety of mathematics branches - but also who wants to teach, how to teach.

- from slashdot

By neo @ 01:12 am

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May 04, 2004

News link, may 4th

JDO 2 Ballot Results: Concerns from IBM, BEA, And Oracle In JSR # 243, it is a big manufacturer's opinion in the REVIEW Ballot. Borland is the only voting, more organization / Apache, Sun and Macromedia have voted in favor, but the heaviest three votes - BEA, IBM and Oracle have opposed! They also put forward their reasons, - I did not have very good to be very good, it seems that I haven't positioned it clearly from the beginning. . .

JAKARTA Announce 2.0 A "Content Management Framework" (why do you want to be a frame? Who is the framework? Who is white, a bit similar to our virtual file system, realized A content repository. 2.0 has a lot of improvements, worth paying attention!

EXADEL Announces JSF Studio is another JSF-based web integration development tool that it seems that Web IDE wants to become another new battlefield for tool manufacturers.

Windows Integrated Single Sign-on and Java About SSO is a very useful reference article.

Kingdee Middleware of China licenses J2EE 1.4 See China. . .

- from

Third Largest Supercomputer ... at Weta Digital is used to make CG effects to Lotr. It is said to be IBM, and 500TB data is generated in the CG operation, "almost drying the movie itself." . .

Building a modern stonehenge in new Zealand What is Stonehenge? ? See if this will know! The familiar with the magic door hero is a series of games, Druid this arms is from the Stonehenge of Wizard Castle - Although the folk often rumors the giant stone array is the venue of the Drui party, most archaeologists and I do not think so. This time, a group of astronomical enthusiasts in New Zealand decided to build their own boulders, probably in the history of the heights in history. CSS classic new version of CSS.

What happens to your data when you die? In the Internet era, people's legacy is not just physical existence banknotes, the securities, but also a wide variety of data distributed online, then your will have Contains these parts?

Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 released first is to upgrade, and there is a guy's comment, but also funny. . .

I Would Have Thought That Thei Would Have Renamed It To FIT IN WITH Firefox. Thunderfox Isn't That Bad A Name, IS IT?

- from slashdot

By NEO @ 12:31 AM

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May 01, 2004

Jetspeed 1.5's First Look

Today in my environment (XP SP1, JVM 1.4.2_04, Tomcat 5.0.16, Firefox 0.8), there are a lot of fancy, add a few useful portlets, sometimes mistakes when the Tomcat is started in the past. The problem still exists: (

Undistered default Portal (click to enlarge):

After logging in, I custom PORTAL (click to enlarge):

By neo @ 02:37 am

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April 27, 2004

Portal Project On Asf Evolved

Apache finally established an independent Portal level project, organized previously scattered, messy JetSpeed-1, JetSpeed-2, Pluto, WSRP-4J, and re-defined their division of labor. In addition, it also released JetSpeed ​​1.5 (ah, watching is MT, more and more official media issued BLOG software and model) - I thought that no one would maintain this project.

BY NEO @ 02:36 PM

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April 15, 2004

News link, April 15th

Ant 1.6 - Finally A Real Build TOOL focuses on the MODULARITY feature of Build Tool, which is finally implemented in Ant 1.6 in Ant 1.6.

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Finding yourself with photo recognition depicts a wonderful scene, you go to a complete strange place, take a building nearby, send it to a service provider with your mobile phone, and you will tell you where you are, nearby What can help you, and so on. A really spectacular vision, isn't it? Mandrakelinux 10 OFFICIAL RELEASED two months after community Edition, the official version finally released, how is my poor FC2? !

Amazon's Search Engine Goes LiveAmazon New Google Technology Core Search Engine A9 enters public beta, may have more and more Powered by Google applications, and each of them has enough features, this is the real component, Platformization, reasonable, favorable division of labor, is an ideal application - each component is the strongest, combining the best service to customers in a certain field.

- from slashdot

By neo @ 05:06 pm

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ReferRers reverse link tracking technology and related

Referrers is a Perl CGI script that tracks the Internet link. Recently, there are some places in use - it is seen that Sunny is also chained to play. This is a good example of achieving intelligent positive / reverse link analysis, and this analysis is the core technique for implementing a bunch of applications (such as the automatic "related link" feature in CMS). I have found a few related links in hand:

--Stephen's ReferRer statistical system uses and improves -ReferRers's garbled solutions - Spamming solutions for ReferRers

By neo @ 09:20 am

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April 13, 2004

News link, April 13th

Does Code Generation Matter to Java Developers? The code generation mechanism represented by xdoclet is a "generated program" is quietly rising, especially the JSR-175 support introduced by JDK 1.5, which provides this mechanism. Standardized ways. Considering the MDA method that is being widely concerned, this week's TSS Article has caused a lot of interesting discussions.

Implementing The Null Object Pattern Using AOP When the notorious NullPointersRexception occurs, in addition to hanging your app, it is not helpful in addition to happiness, showing a lineless NPE prompt, Dale Asberry uses AOP to implement a "null pointer pattern" Make you able to locate this strange exception, not a row-level debugging in the source code. Obviously, this technology is valid for all Runtime Exception.

What is The Place for MDA and UML? Another discussion about MDA, this time is the core problem that can be replaced by manual coding, hehe. My personal point of view, MDA is still a concept, there is still a long way before real realization - the probability of this class is not very big in IT industry.

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Forbes Reviews Google's Gmail. . . Not a rumor of April Fool's Day. . .

- from slashdot

By neo @ 10:44 ampermalink |

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April 11, 2004

News Link, April 10th

Sun Java Studio Creator Early Access Released is, this is Sun should do, it will only learn MS, use new norms and JCP unclear good ideas, how many new tools have been taken. This Java Studio Creator should be the first available integrated development environment of the JSF's NG showcase, and the mourning clock of JSP is ringing. . .

Sun getting the Word Out Via Blogs Well, Blog is entering the field of mainstream media. . .

- from

The only way microsoft can die is by suicide I seem to say similar words, huh, huh!

- from slashdot

By neo @ 12:11 am

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March 18, 2004

RSS and Bittorrent

In the previous article about RSS, I seem to say that the application of RSS may be very wide. As early as last year, some people mentioned a thinking, discussing RSS and BT combine to use the technical feasibility of realizing massive documents, and now someone really realizes this thing ^ _ ^, please see Slashdot related tracking report.

By neo @ 11:10 am

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March 06, 2004

Publishing of Internet Age: Integration from the Cat and Slashdot to Content

I have long wanted to write this thing (starting from this blog), I have not written (I am lazy ...), I finally wrote it, it is too long, if there is new Discovery or ideas may also be constantly changed.

This story is going to speak from the cat. At the end of 2000, the MOP was built as a community that used it as a dual power: one aspect is a collection of TV game information, and on the other hand, the TV Game is also a place where the water is so water. Mop has given yourself a few important guidelines when building this community, where is the most important thing to allow netizens to speak freely, this is the earliest "hodgepodge" origin, because of the early visitor, most of them are friends There are similar experiences and hobbies, basically like a big family, although the topic is gradually a five-flowers, but there is natural harmony. This is the birth of the word BT. There is one or two guys who have begun to win a reputation in the fields other than TV Game. With the amazing communication power of the Internet, the first few classic BT stickers are widely reproduced, and they are reproduced by N multi-site (including the famous "mobile phone to the toilet", "sexy marketing", etc.), that subversion Sexual jumping imagination immediately got the young people's identity - cool, very fun, these two factors are basically most people who have pursued the Internet. So, the user flocked, the content was discrete, the cat's hordelpppported hltle has to independeptic from the original game-oriented forum, which has become a completely different community - the veritable hodgepodge, there is news, there is news, Mood, original literature, games, online dating - all you want to get, and online people have developed from the initial tens of growth to hundreds, and thousands. The number of online people and the number of posts directly lead to Wang Yang's sea-like water stickers, drowning anything a little meaningful. At this stage, the cats have become the pain of the MOP. He can not give up the principle of "free speeches", and can not accept the meaningless water stickers, hoping to use various rules to increase the quantity and position of non-water stickers. However, the effect is not obvious. . . Maybe it is still this state, but I have rarely go, I don't know what new development. In fact, this example is not accidental, there is another hot site in the world, with amazing similar origin and experience, that is Slashdot. This site from the small town called Holland, Michigan, USA, is considered to subvert the development of traditional media, which is created by the young Linux software enthusiast Rob "cmdrtaco" Malda, which is also a information warehouse - but Malda feel Interest is Linux, then the same as the cat, gradually evolved into the "Happy Camp" of the network technician, which combines a lot of technical content and technical discussions. But this may be the key to things - the main body of SlashDot is IT practitioners, especially those who have unreasonable and creative superior genius (Malda I am one of the best), it quickly established their own information release and management Mode: A complete DIY mode, netizens send themselves to the latest most interesting things you see, with links to source information, if you think it as a virtual publishing house (this metaphor is the first Malda yourself I rely on this, his sociology is not a grade, then the readers of this publication offer up to 400 hyperlinks, news clues, creativity and complete news reports every day. However, there is no penny from the publication, and these reports are all "first-hand", there is no abomination news intermediary (reporter) and reviewer.

Malda has established a editorial department composed of our trusted friends. After careful screening, the editorial department picked out 5 to 10 questions that may cause the readers' greatest interest, then add a short summary, and attached a link to the source. Posted to the home page of the website. If it is a original article, the editorial department will also add content in front of the article, and then point to a separate web page with a link. After publishing, there will be hundreds of online readers, soon there will be hundreds of thousands or long or short comments, accusations, curses, corrections, intercourse and next to the batch of swarming. Malda firmly believes that people have the right to make their views, so all readers who don't want to expose their identity on the website can use a pen name, this pen name is "anonymous coward". Nowadays, there is a similar problem with the cat rock, just like Slashdot's initial professional journalism workers predict: "These things are garbage. This is not observing the chaos of the network, but in copying chaos. Readers It is unable to handle these black information, so the public will require our people - for filtering noise. "How does Malda solve this problem? The idea here is very great and elegant and delicate.

First, Malda and his descent editor firmly believe that the public relying on the "Guardian" (Gatekeeper) has passed. But Malda also clearly knows that completely lacking filtering will cause fatal consequences. The larger the reputation of the readers freely express opinions, the more likely it is destroyed by its high visibility - in addition to the cat, more internationally influential is the powerful illustration provided by Amazon, which allows the reader to freely upload the book review, and finally discovered the book review The increase in growth and quality of quality showed a strong contrast. Similarly, on the Slashdot website, the noise of the "unknown coward" is sufficient to overundate any rational sound. Malda once appointed, the increase in the humanity of readers does not mean the increase in brain, and will not bring the improvement of information value.

Slashdot is in the dangers of spam, flame war, and the odds of miles. But the way to get rid of the dilemma is not to delete these things - SlashDot readers extremely disgusted by a "God" to the diverse sound. Screening practice, if Malda - or his agent - will destroy this online community founded by him with the status of the news prosecutor. As a technology genius (not exaggerated), Malda is naturally envisaged - Can I use some software to solve this problem? This may be the concept of the earliest social software - use software to replace a wide range of social activities in place of a social role.

The result of this thinking is a system of his development. This system allows 25 most trusted users to issue systematic assessments, granting those who continue to be praised. "Moderator" identity. Every half an hour, the computer checks all posts and gives the online readers at the time. At any time, there will be 300 to 500 readers to accumulate enough scores and have become the host. The host itself can also obtain a certain fractional allocation, which makes them to comment on a certain number of posts. They can use all their scores within three days, and they have been elogenous.

This creates a self-running system - during the traditional news acquisition process, the reporter and editor tries to figure out the facts of the outside world, then balance the experts' opinions, and use some brief quotations to express the facts, SlashDot basically does the same thing, but the expert's opinion is dominated, the introduction is complete, the entire press institution is maintained at very fast speed and very low cost - its soul people are no longer a summary, It is a necklace.

Liu Gang is described in the article published in the blog China to describe the concept of social community as: "The core principle of SlashDot is 'None Review': Anyone who publishes this article can be reviewed in different ways. SlashDot rules (Although it is not called) only three mechanisms for processing between individuals and groups: 1 Coordination mechanism, a member of a member of a converging background to participate in arbitration, their functions are based on the quality of posts Sort; 2 Ultra-coordinated mechanism, check whether the coordination members have prejudice or unfair, a 'who supervises the supervisor' solution; 3 determine the sum of people in personal behavior, to determine if a member is a good background The three political concepts have enabled SlashDOT to run. "For some reason, MALDA sold SlashDot to Linux enterprise solution vendors in 2001, with Open Source Information Group OSDN VA Software Corporation. With sufficient funds to establish a good service channel SlashDot created "SlashDot Effect": When it comes on a new link to another article on another website, the server will be immediately Click on the Slashdot fanatic reader.

I have always thought that there is nothing to say, but the core is still a concept. Malda has reshaped the traditional media "The" Co-Coatings, Review, and Sending "processes," Rules "that have been widely recognized (rules are often synonymous, so the more complex rules recognition The lower it. On the other hand, high-recognizable rules have stabilized enough "information source", readers to send news, corrections and supplements, compile relevant content, often news from the parties or the closest parties, their true Sex, timeliness is far from traditional media. Finally, SlashDot exerts the hyperlink to the ultimate, a refined text plus several carefully selected hyperlinks, and the establishment of the content and difficult to match the content of the traditional media. So I summarize the success of SlashDot as three points: Light (But efficient) Rules, DIY and HyperLink.

There is also something based on these three characteristics, and quickly develop after SlashDot, which is WebLog. WebLog looks like a personal version of the online forum, but the earliest starting point is completely different from interactive forum, it is to make users can record the feelings of freedom in watching the website, so its earliest form is: a source page link, a few I am thinking or comment - today, the old bird who knows blog and the true marrow is mostly used in this way. It is also very much in this way. It is also very many people who have a mood diary or even flowing accounts. This is not right. Unbound, technology people-oriented, you are happy).

With more and more people joining the blogger group, Blog itself has become a culture, even a new software (Social Software), this is clear, it is absolutely another article, we now Back to our main purpose - publication. If SlashDot is a virtual publishing house, Blog is a small personal publishing workshop, Slashdot Haina, the personal workshop is impossible to provide a comparable information, who will subscribe, don't know how to be enough, there is no article in a journal Do you know what is the magazine of his appetite?

A few years ago, M $ fought his "push" information and channel description file (CDF), I totally can't understand what is worth it (and deeply added to it to the garbage on my desktop), there is This value is easily understood after blog - the personal workshop needs to join, providing a convenient mechanism to make readers can browse the contents of the content simple and quickly select. Read more. Since the personal workshop can do this, the big information provider is of course more, so there is a standardized directory format of the information provider (regardless of size), which is the W3C's Resource Description Framework (RDF) and by (PURL represents Persistent Uniform Resource Locator) The RDF Site Summary (RSS) protocol implemented on this basis, the content provider to publish your content directory on the Internet, as long as you generate a file according to this format, you can guarantee to use it. The system can understand. Simply put, RSS is an additional illustrative enhancement hyperlink, you can easily know this link to point to the title, content summary, release time, author, subject, classification, etc. Further, the software specially read this summary is produced, which is collectively referred to whether this software (feeddeMon is a recognized leader) usually allows the NSS to register N sites and quickly browse, and even automatically generate a set of RSS content. The combination view, it seems to automatically collect the content you most interested in each newspaper magazine together, press your own font, color, layout to make a complete personalized newspaper to you - really cool ! - So this software is also known as News Aggregator. This way you can do not have to log in again, from colorful advertising and other interference to find a little bit of things you are interested in, you only need to download a refined RSS file (excellent content provider often follow the subject and classification Provide different RSS for you to choose), then read for your custom newspaper header, then click on the summary you interested, you can enter the original site that you report it, and track a lot through the hyperlink. Information, the world is really beautiful, isn't it?

Good technology is often like this: technology is simple and easy to understand, but there are almost unlimited applications, RSS is the best example. RSS can integrate with almost all content providers in the background - simply generate RSS files according to this concise standard, immediately becomes a qualified RSS provider, can be displayed in a variety of ways: web pages, RSS Reader, can run in a variety of terminals: PC, PDA, and more. The content can be given directly to the user, allowing the user to combine itself, or it can be submitted to the Broker specializing in the content assembly service, which is specifically provided by the Broker to provide personalized content, automatic classification, multiple issuance subscription methods, etc. Service - I call Content Integration. This application model can emphasize the content provider's professionalism, give users more choices, more personalized experience, and provide a strong technical foundation for the market segment of the content service.

Now, I have to see the readers here to pay attention to 2 ^ n. I have never written such a long thing since I have completed the college graduation thesis. You can now stand up, leave Computer, go out to breathe fresh air - if there is extra brain cells, you can finally look at these summary: 1. Internet is unimaginable, online number and hyperlink machine manufacturing have a new model. 2. In this mode, the authenticity, timeliness, professionalism and other traditional puzzles have been filtered in the information. 3. Slashdot has established a sound filtering mechanism in its user group, so it has become a leader of the new news publishing. 4, a large number of blogs and RSS technology allows information acquisition to further expand to every reader, and does not sacrifice any simplicity and personalization. 5, RSS as a powerful enhancement of classic hyperlink technology, giving birth to content integration and information agents, starting to guide the segment of the content service market, bringing more accurate information services to end users more accurate content services. 6, all of these mechanisms completely rewrite each critical workflow of traditional publishing, and must replace the latter a mainstream way to obtain information. BY NEO @ 02:00 AM

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March 04, 2004

News link, mar 4th

MSN Search Blocking Results for Xfree86? Acer Plans A 16 LB. Notebook

- from slashdot

Acer Plans A 16 LB. Notebook

Well not exactly gigantic but at 16 pounds and sporting a 17-inch screen this thing is stretching the term portable. It also features a 3EGHz Pentium 4, 1GB of RAM, a 7200rpm 160gb hard disk, DVD-burner and the kitchen sink. ZDNet HAS a Rundown of All of this beast's features. "This Sounds Like a Joke (OR a Typo), But The Story Says Otherwise.

MSN Search Blocking Results for Xfree86?

Thomas Shaddack Spotted this on (in Czech) - if you go to msn search and search for 'xfree86', IT TELLS You That You'VE 'Entered A Search Term That Is Likey To return adult content ', and directs you to the porn search engine, which lists a bunch of porn sites that ostensibly match the term' XFree86 '. If you search for' XFree86 'on Google, however, it's clear that the top matching terms returned by a normal search, are XFree86 sites, are not a bunch of porn sites. MSN is apparently blocking the specific term 'XFree86' and not just filtering on something stupid like the 'X' or the 'Free', since you can search for 'XFree85' and 'XFree87' with no problem. and search terms like 'Linux', 'AOL' and 'Macintosh' are allowed, so at least MSN has not simply blacklisted all competitors' keywords as' porn ', But why would the be blocking 'xfree86'? "by neo @ 12:06 PM

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February 27, 2004

Windows XP Reloaded

There is a news on the Slashdot, saying that Microsoft finally realized that Longhorn was could not worry, so I was ready to engage in an XP upgraded version of the transition, the code called. . . Windows XP Reloaded! Let us first make us a cold one. . .

More funny is this reply:

OMFG ROTFLMAO ROR! (Score: 5, funny) by Amsterdam Vallon (639622) *

On Thursday February 26, @ 05: 36pm (# 8402367)

( mforum = trolltalk)

I Googled "XP Reloaded" Just for Kicks.

Based On The Results Page, I Think The Really Do NEED Another Release - Nearly Single Query Result Was a Questions About How To Reload The Operating System Because A Bunch Of Shit Just Stopped Working!

Once XP Reloaded comes out, I can not wait to query for "XP Reloaded Reloaded" and see if the number of results returned decreases at all, or if the MS tards just add more bugs with every "bug fix". Hahahaha! By NEO @ 08:31 PM

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February 02, 2004

Blog and News Aggregator

The news publishing of the Internet era can be perfectly summarized with SlashDot's "news for Nerds, Stuff That Matters", and Blog and RSS feed (news aggregator) can be said to be this spiritual technology implementation. - Although there are many (China) people regard Blog as an online mood diary, I am deeply impossible. Today, I finally (thoroughly) to get's blog service (based on the Movable Type system), and then I will find a few websites I like to go, there are several Feed News services, in general Still not a lot, but the real outstanding site is good like Slashdot, Newsforge, Thereverside (9CBS? Well, there are, but I am too lazy to get it -_- bb).

By neo @ 02:07 am

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