Sashimi and Papdy Tofu

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  79


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Japanese は お お お 文, China is a tofu culture.ど ど い 意 意 だ だ か か か か か ま? Supreme, あ あ コ サ サ ティ ティ グ グ グ グ 社 社 社 っ っ っ から っ から っ っ っ っ から から から から から から から から から っ 话 から

Japan is a sashimi culture, and China is Mapo Tofu culture. Who knows what this means? This is what I have listened to the Chinese boss of a consulting firm before some days.


1 Ma Po Tofu: There are also many occasions in the expression of マ ドウフ ドウフ ドウフ 语, is Chinese pronunciation

2 コ コ サ サ ティ ティ グ: Consulting, consultation

3 Chinese people's presidents, から っ っ 话: "Wen (かが かが かが)" is "Wen Yu (きく)" self-oriented, indicating "hearing, hearing," Inquiry ", you need to pay attention to distinguish.

● Japan は お お お 文化

Snorked to the Millennium Words. Basic shackles in the world. Sheng Qi Fu け を ば ば, 域 に す る こ こ も!

つ り り, universality? Regularity? Beautiful feelings, じ じ じ が, オフショ オフショ 発 おけ おけ 日 Japanese enterprise の 価値 観.

● Japan is a sashimi culture

Sadness is a cuisine method that does not change in Japan for thousands of years. Whether there is any sashimi that is eaten in anyway, it is basically the same. If you have enough efforts in the platter, you can realize the art of sashimi.

That is to say, pay attention to universality, law, and aesthetics is the values ​​of Japanese companies in outsourcing development.


1 変ら ぬ = 変ら 変ら い: The verb is not type "ぬ" indicates that the negation is a written manifestation.

2 オフショ オフショ: OFFSHORE, overseas production, outsourcing

3 Condeling (こ)): The original interest is condensed, here means "in XXX,"

● China は Pai Tofu culture

Sichuan Province 麻 麻 激 激, Beijing は ろやか, Tokyo (?).た 目 目 ぐちゃぐ ぐちゃぐ が, Ma Po Tofu, the land, the food, the singer, the singer, 々 々 よっ 楽 よっ め め...

つ り り, closer? The results pay attention to the 重 じ じ が が が が が オフショ 中国 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 中国

● China is Mapo Tofu culture

Pai Mo Tofu in Sichuan Province is spicy, Beijing (Mapo Tofu) is mellow, Tokyo (Mi Po Tofu) is plain. Mapo tofu looks messy, but in different regions and different people's mouth, you can experience different tastes.

That is to say, it is the result of cracking, emphasizing the results, is the value of Chinese people's outsourcing.


1 ろやか: round, or tasteful

2 See the other (み め): The surface looks, it looks

3 ぐちゃぐちゃ: a mess, chaos

4 べ べ べ 人 々 よっ よっ よっ: Summary よっ よっ よっ 根据 根据 根据 情况

5 Climbing (きお きお きお へ): It is an idiom from China


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