Java - single key table

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

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* Created on 2004-9-10


* Node type declaration in single-strand table.

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Package org.arliang;

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* @Author Li Liang


* Node in single-strand table.

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Public Class Node


Private int data; // store data

Private node link; // Link the next contact.

Public static void main (string [] args)



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* @Return Returns the Data.

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Public int getdata ()


Return Data;


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* @Param Data

* The data to set.

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Public void setData (int Data)




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* @Return Returns the link.

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Public node getLink ()


Return Link;


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* @Param Link

* The link to set.

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Public void setLink (Node Link)


This.Link = LINK;


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* @Param LinkList

* The head knots in the list

* @Param K

* Location in the list

* @return found node, if not found, return NULL

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Public Node FindNode (Node Linklist, INT K)


INT i = 1;

Node a;

// When initialization, let a point to the first element, i is the counter.

a = linelist.getlink ();

While (a! = null && i


a = a.getlink ();


// Take a number of gradually.

Return A;


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* @Param LinkList Linksheet

* @Param K Inserted, will insert it before this location

* @Param ELEM to insert the node

* @return is successful, successfully returns 0

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Public Int InsertNode (Node Linklist, Int K, Node Elem)


Node a, b;

IF (k == 1)






A = FindNode (Linklist, K - 1);

IF (a! = null)


B = a.getlink ();





Return - 1;


Return 0;


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* @Param LinkList Linksheet

* @Param K Location

* @return is successful, successfully returns 0

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Public Int deletenode (Node Linklist, Int K)


Node a, b;

IF (k == 1)


LinkList.SetLink (null);




A = FindNode (Linklist, K);

IF (a! = null)


B = a.getlink (); a.setLink (B.GetLink ());

Return - 1;



Return 0;



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* Created man administrator

* Create a date 2004-9-10


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Package org.arliang;

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* @Author administrator


* Select the leader. N players surrounded by a circle, from the first person to start order 1, 2, 3. Anyone who reported to the circle and finally stayed in the circle as the leader.

* The node number starts from 0 instead of starting with 1.

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Public Class SelectHead


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* Create a list. Create a given number of linked lists and connect their heads up to the formation ring.


* @Param n

* @Return's first patch of this list

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Public Node Createlist (int N)


Node headnode = new node ();

INT i = 1;

HeadNode.SetData (0); // head node

Node a = headnode;

While (i


Node b = new node ();

B.SetData (i);


A = B;

i ; // This loop cannot be lost, otherwise become a dead cycle


A.SetLink (HeadNode); // forming a ring

Return HeadNode;


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* Output data in the current list


* @Param LinkList Linksheet

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Public void outputdata (Node Linklist), PUBLIC VOID OUTPUTDATA


// Pay attention to the position of the identification of the head knot after forming the ring, which may form a dead cycle for only one chain of a node.

Node a;

a = linelist;

Node b = a.getlink ();

While (B.GetData ()! = a.getdata ())


// Due to the ring, it is reasonable to judge, but the judgment is not strict

System.out.print (B.GetData ());

B = B.GetLink (); // Get the next node



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* Execute the game

* @Param LinkList Linksheet

* @Param n Total number of this list

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Public void Play (Node Linklist, Int N)



Node a = linelist;

Node B;

K = N;

While (k> 1)


// After a node is taken down from the current node, the current number of reference should be 2

A = a.getLink (); // The number of reports of this node should be 2

B = a.GetLink (); // The number of reports should be 3, to delete

A.SETLINK (B.GetLink ()); // Remove the B node.

a = a.getLink (); // Replace the current node to the node after the node is deleted.

K -; // Delete a node


System.out.print ("Result" Integer.toString (A.Getdata ())));

/ / Output Node that is finally in the circle


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* @Param Args

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Public static void main (string [] args)


SelectHead sh = new selecthead (); // Create an object

Node a = sh.createlist (9); // Create a chain loop

Sh.outputData (a); // View Data Sh.Play (a, 9); // Perform the game.




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