Start the database operation.
Common components package
1. • Package the connection information of the database.
1> ???? Directly return to the database connection string, such as the component
DataSource? =? "driver = {SQL? Server}; server = yang; uid = sa; pwd = ;? Database = northwind"
ASP call
Set obj = server.createObject ("webdb.getinfo")??
Oconn = obj.datasource ()
Such a disadvantage is clear that in the ASP file, directly response.write Oconn can display the database connection string and does not play an expected role.
2> ???? Return to AdoDb.Connection object
Public function getConn () as adodb.connection
SET CONN = New Adodb.Connection
Conn.connectionstring = "provider = sqloledb.1; persist security info = false; user ID = sa; password =; initial catalog = northwind; data source = yang"
Set getConn = conn
ASP call
Dim DataQuery
Set DataQuery = Server.createObject ("Webdbtest.getInFomation")
SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset")
SQL = "SELECT * from Employees"
Rs.Open SQL, DataQuery.getConn, 1, 3???
Response.write RS ("Lastname")
Response.write dataQuery.getconn.connectionstring
SET RS = Nothing
This looks good, just response.write dataQuery.getconn.connectionstring still displays a database connection string, you can test.
2. • Package the component to record set
You can take a look at
One thing in this code is that the database is connected to the page, and after the connection is successful, the data is started.
Flag = DataQuery.getConn ()
IF flag = false kil
? Response.write "Database is not connected, please check"
? Response.end
SET RS = DataQuery.geTemPloyeeList ()
Personally think that the best practice is:
Encapsulate the database, the component method is connected to the database, after operation, close
Try to generate an HTML code in the component to do all packages. As of the following way
The 'List method contains the generation of the page, the connection processing, paging processing, etc. ??? DIM Objloop
??? set objloop = server.createObject ("WebDbtest.getInfomation")
?? objloop.list ()
??? set objloop = Nothing
Instead of being partial package.