"XQuery 1.0: an XML Query Language

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

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1 Introduction2 Basics Basics ???? 2.1 Expression Context Expression Context ???????? 2.1.1 Static Context STATIC CONTEXT ???????? 2.1.2 Dynamic Context Dynamic Context ?? ?? 2.2 Process Model Processing Model ???????? 2.2.1 Data Model Generation Data Model Generation ???????? 2.2.2 Mode Input Processing SCHEMA IMPORT Processing ???????? 2.2 .3 expression processing expression processing ????????????? Static analysis stage static analysis phase ???????????? Dynamic quotient phase Dynamic Evaluation Phase ???????? 2.2.4 Serialization Serialization ???????? 2.2.5 Consistency constraint consistency constraints ???? 2.3 document Documents ???????? 2.3.1 document Order Document Order ???????? 2.3.2 Athara Atomization ???????? 2.3.3 Effective Boolean Effective Boolean Value ???????? 2.3.4 Input Sources ???? 2.4 Type Types ???????? 2.4.1 predefined type predefined Types ???????? 2.4.2 Type value and string value Typed value and string value ????? ??? 2.4.3 Sequence type syntax SEQUENCEPE SYNTAX ???????? 2.4.4 Sequence type matching sequenceType matching ???????????? Matching a sequencetype and a value ?? ?????????? data item matching An itemtype and an item ???????????? element test Element test ?????????? ?? mode element test schema element test ???????????? attribute test Attribute TEST ???????????? mode attribute test schema attribute test ???? 2.5 error handling error handling ???????? 2.5.1 error type Kinds of ErrorS ?? ?????? 2.5.2 handling dynamic error HANDLING DYNAMIC ERRORS ???????? 2.5.3 Error and Optimization ERRORS AND OPTIMIZATION ???? 2.6 Optional Features Optional Features ???????? 2.6.1 Mode Input Features Schema Import Feature ???????? 2.6.2 Static Type Features Static Typing Feature ???????? 2.6.3 Full-axis Features Full Axis Feature ??????? 2.6.4 Module Characteristics Module Feature ???????? 2.6.5 Remarks PRAGMAS ???????? 2.6.6 Must-understand EXTENSIONS ????????? ??? mark XQuery flagger ???????? 2.6.7 Static Type STATIC TYPING EXTENSIONS ???????????? Static marker XQuery Static Flagger ???? 2.7 Note Comments3 Expression Expressions ???? 3.1 Basic Expression PRIMARY Expressions ???????? 3.1.1 Language LITERALS ???????? 3.1.2 Variable Quoted Variable References ????? ??? 3.1.3 Expression of the brackets of parentheses Parenthesized Expressions ??????

?? 3.1.4 context-related items Expression CONTEXT ITEM Expression ???????? 3.1.5 function call function calls ???? 3.2 path expression PATH Expressions ???????? 3.2.1 steps Steps ????????????? axis AXES ???????????? Node Test Node Tests ???????? 3.2.2 predicate Predicates ????????? 3.2.3 Full text spelling syntax unabbreviated syntax ???????? 3.2.4 Shorthand syntax abbreviated syntax ???? 3.3 sequence expression sequence expnessions ??????? 3.3.1 Construct Sequence Constructing Sequences ???????? 3.3.2 Filter Expression Filter Expressions ???????? 3.3.3 Combined Node Sequence Combining Node SEQUENCES ???? 3.4 Arithmetic Expression Arithmetic Expressions ???? 3.5 Comparison Expression Comparison Expressions ???????? 3.5.1 Value Compare Value Comparisons ???????? 3.5.2 General Comparison General Comparisons ???????? 3.5.3 Node Compare Node Comparisons ???? 3.6 Logical Expression Logical Expressions ???? 3.7 Constructor Constructors ???????? 3.7.1 Direct Element Configuration Direct Element Constructionors ??????? ????? attribute Attributes ??????????????????????? domain declaration attributes Namespace Declarative Attributes ???????????? content Content? ??????????? blank Whitespace in element content ???????? 3.7.2 Other Directors ???????? 3.7 .3 calculation constructor computed constructors ????????????? 3.7.3. 1 Calculate Element Constructors ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Document Node Conformator Document Node constructors ??????????????????????3.3.4 text node constructor text node constructors ???????????????????????? calculation processing instruction constructor computed processing instruction constructors ?? ??????????? Comparative annotator computed Comment Constructors ???????? 3.7.4 Name Space Scheme for a Constructor In-Scope Namespaces of a Constructed Element ??? ? 3.8 FLWOR Expression FLWOR Expressions ???????? 3.8.1 for and let clauses for and let clauses ???????? 3.8.2 WHERE clause Where clause ??????? ? 3.8.3 Order by and return clause ???????? 3.8.4 instance EXAMPLE ???? 3.9 Ordered and disorderly expressions Ordered and unordered Expressions ???? 3.10 Conditions Expression Conditional Expressions ???? 3.11 Quantization Expression Quantified Expressions ????

3.12 Sequence Type Expression Expressions on Sequencetypes ???????? 3.12.1 Instance of ???????? 3.12.2 TypeSwitch ???????? 3.12.3 Cast ????? ??? 3.12.4 Castable ???????? 3.12.5 constructor functions ???????? 3.12.6 Treat ???? 3.13 verify expressive validate expnessions ???????? 3.13.1 Verify Element Node Validating An Element Node ???????? 3.13.2 Verification Document Node Validating A Document Node4 Module and Preface Modules and ProLogs ???? 4.1 Version Declaration Version Declaration ???? 4.2 Module Declaration Module Declaration ???? 4.3 XMLSPACE DECLATION ???? 4.4 Default COLLATION DECLATION ???? 4.5 Basics URL Declaration Base Uri Declaration ???? 4.6 Construction Declaration Construction Declaration ???? 4.7 Default Name Space Declaring Default Namespace Declaration ???? 4.8 Default Sorting Declaration DEFAULT ORDERING DECLATION ???? 4.9 Mode Entering Schema Import ???? 4.10 Module Enter Module Import ???? 4.11 Space Declaration Namespace Declaration ???? 4.12 variable Disclaimer Variable Declaration ???? 4.13 Function Declaration Function Declaration Appendix Appendices


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