Switch command Daquan

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  62

Switch (config) # Hostname Hostname

Set host name / system name on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) Set System Name Name-String

2. Set the login password on the iOS-based switch:

Switch (config) # ENABLE Password Level 1 Password

Set the login password on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) Set Password

Switch (Enable) Set EnAlBepass

3. Set remote access on iOS-based switches:

Switch (config) # Interface VLAN 1

Switch (config-if) # ip address ip-address netmask

Switch (config-if) # ip default-Gateway IP-AddRESS

Set remote access on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) SET Interface SC0 IP-Address Netmask Broadcast-Address

Switch (Enable) Set Interface SC0 VLAN

Switch (enable) Set IP Route Default Gateway

4. Enable and browse CDP information on iOS-based switches:

Switch (config-if) # CDP enable

Switch (config-if) # no cdp enable

In order to view CDP notification information for Cisco Neighborhood:

Switch # show CDP Interface [Type MODLE / Port]

Switch # show cdp neighbors [type module / port] [detail]

Enable and browse CDP information on CLI-based switches:

Switch (Enable) SET CDP {enable | disable} Module / Port

In order to view CDP notification information for Cisco Neighborhood:

Switch (enable) show cdp neighbors [module / port] [VLAN | DUPLEX | Capabilities | Detail]

5. Port description based on iOS-switching:

Switch (config-if) # description description-string

Port description of the CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) SET NAME MODULE / NUMBER Description-String

6. Set the port speed on the iOS-based switch:

Switch (config-if) # speed {10 | 100 | auto}

Set the port speed on the CLI-based switch:

Switch (enable) set port speed moud / number {10 | 100 | auto}

Switch (Enable) SET SPEED MOUDLE / NUMBER {4 | 16 | Auto}

7. Set the link mode of the Ethernet on the iOS-based switches:

Switch (config-if) # duplex {auto | full | half}

Setting the Ethernet link mode on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) SET port duplex module / number {full | half}

8. Configure static VLANs on an iOS-based switch:



Switch (VLAN) # exit

Switch # Configure Teriminal

Switch (config) # Interface Interface Module / Number

Switch (config-if) # switchport mode access

Switch (config-if) # switchport access vlan-numswitch (config-if) # END

Configure static VLAN on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) Set VLAN VLAN-NUM [Name Name]

Switch (Enable) SET VLAN VLAN-NUM MOD-NUM / Port-List

9. Configure a VLAN trunk on an iOS-based switch:

Switch (config) # Interface interface mod / port

Switch (config-if) # switchport mode trunk

Switch (config-if) # switchport trunk enqsulation {isl | dotlq}

Switch (config-if) # switchport trunk allowed VLAN REMOVE VLAN-LIST

Switch (config-if) # switchport trunk allowed VLAN Add VLAN-LIST

Configure a VLAN trunk on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) Set Trunk Module / Port [ON | OFF | Desirable | Auto | Nonegotiate]


10. Configure the VTP administrative domain on the iOS-based switch:


Switch (VLAN) # vtp Domain Domain-Name

Configure the VTP management domain on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) SET VTP [Domain Domain-Name]

11. Configure VTP mode on an iOS-based switch:


Switch (VLAN) # vtp Domain Domain-Name

Switch (VLAN) # vtp {sever | Cilent | Transparent}

Switch (VLAN) # vtp Password Password

Configure VTP mode on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (enable) set vtp [domain domain-name] [mode {sever | cilent | Transparent}] [Password Password]

12. Configure VTP versions on iOS-based switches:


Switch (VLAN) # vtp v2-mode

Configure VTP versions on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) SET VTP V2 ENABLE

13. Start the VTP tailoring on the iOS-based switch:


Switch (VLAN) # vtp pruning

Start VTP tailoring on the CL i-based switch:

Switch (Enable) SET VTP Pruning enable

14. Configure an Ethervailability on an iOS-based switch:

Switch (config-if) # port group group-number [distribution {source | destination}]

Configure an Ethervailahead on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (Enable) Set Port Channel Moudle / Port-Range Mode {ON | Off | Desirable | Auto}

15. Adjust the root path cost on the iOS-based switches:

Switch (config-if) # spanning-tre [vlan vlan-list] Cost COST

Adjust the root path cost on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (enable) Set Spantree Portcost Moudle / Port Cost

Switch (Enable) Set Spantree PortVlancost Moudle / Port [Cost Cost] [VLAN-List] 16. Adjust the port ID on the iOS-based switch:

Switch (config-if) # spanning-tre [vlan-list] port-priority port-priority

Adjust the port ID on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (enable) set spantree portpri {mldule / port} priority

Switch (enable) set spantree portvlanpri {module / port} priority [VLANS]

17. Modify the STP clock on the iOS-based switch:

Switch (config) # spanning-tre [vlan vlan-list] Hello-Time Seconds

Switch (config) # spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] Forward-Time SECONDS

Switch (config) # spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] max-agent

Modify the STP clock on a CLI-based switch:

Switch (enable) Set Spantree Hello Interval [VLAN]

Switch (Enable) Set Spantree Fwddelay Delay [VLAN]

Switch (Enable) Set Spantree maxage agingtiame [VLAN]

18. Enable or disable the port FAST feature on the iOS-based switched port:

Enable or disable port FAST feature on the CLI-based switch port:

Switch (enable) set spantree portfast {module / port} {enable | disable}

19. Enable or disable the UplinkFast feature on the iOS-based switched port:

Switch (config) # spanning-tre Uplinkfast [max-update-rate pkts-per-second]

Enable or disable the UplinkFast feature on the CLI-based switch port:

Switch (Enable) Set Spantree UplinkFast {enable | disable} [rate Update-rate] [all-protocols off | ON]

20. In order to configure the switch as a command switch of a cluster, first assign an IP address to the management interface, then use the following command:

Switch (config) # cluster enable cluster-name

21. In order to delete the VLAN from a relay link, you can use the following command:

Switch (Enable) Clear Trunk Module / Port Vlan-Range

22. Display the VTP parameters of the management domain with Show VTP Domain.

23. Display the VTP parameter of the management domain with Show VTP Statistics.

24. The command defines the TRBRF on the Catalyst switch as follows:

Switch (Enable) Set VLAN VLAN-NAME [Name Name] TYPE TRBRF Bridge Bridge-Num [STP {IEEE | ​​IBM}]

25. The command defined on the Catalyst switch is as follows:

Switch (Enable) Set VLAN VLAN-NUM [Name Name] TYPE TRCRF


26. After creating a TRBRF VLAN, you can assign a switch port. For Ethernet exchange, you can use the following command to assign port:


27. Command SHOW Spantree Displays the STP status of a switch port.

28. Configure an ELAN's LES and BUS, you can use the following command:

ATM (config) # Interface atm Number.suBint Multioint

ATM (config-subif) # lane serber-bus Ethernet Elan-name

29. Configure LECS:

ATM (Config) # lane database database-name

ATM (lane-config-databade) # name elan1-name server-atm-address les1-nsap-address atm (lane-config-data) # name Elan2-name server-atm-address les2-nsap-address

ATM (Lane-Config-DataBade) # Name ...

30. After you create the database, you must start the LECS on the primary interface. The command is as follows:

ATM (config) # Interface ATM Number

ATM (Config-IF) # lane config database database-name

ATM (Config-IF) # lane config auto-config-atm-address

31. Configure each LEC to a different ATM sub-interface. The command is as follows:

ATM (config) # interface atm number.subint multipoint

ATM (Config) # lane client Ethernet VLAN-NUM ELAN-NUM

32. Display the status of the LES with Show Lane Server.

33. Display the status of BUS with Show Lane Bus.

34. Display the LECS database with Show Lane Database.

36. Display the list of installed modules with Show Module.

37. Establish a connection with VLAN with physical interface:

Router # Configure Terminal

Router (config) # Interface Media Module / Port

Router (config-if) # description description-string

Router (config-if) # ip address ip-addr subnet-mask

ROUTER (config-if) # no shutdown

38. Use the relay link to establish a connection with the VLAN:

Router (config) # Interface module / port.subinterface

Router (config-ig) # Encapsulation [ISL | DOTLQ] VLAN-NUMBER

Router (config-if) # ip address ip-address subnet-mask

39. Use LANE to establish a connection with VLAN:

Router # Interface ATM Module / Port

Router (config-if) # no ip address

Router (config-if) # ATM PVC 1 0 5 QSAAL

Router (config-if) # ATM PVC 2 0 16 ILNI

Router (config-if) # Interface atm module / port.subinterface Multipoint

Router (config-if) # ip address ip-address subnet-mask

Router (config-if) # lane client Ethernet Elan-Num

Router (config-if) # Interface atm module / port.subinterface Multipoint

Router (config-if) # ip address ip-address subnet-name (config-if) # lane client etc Elan-name

ROUTER (config-if) # ...

40. In order to perform dynamic routing configuration on the routing processor, you can use the following iOS commands:

Router (config) # ip routing

Router # router ip-routing-protocol

Router (config-router) # network ip-network-number

Router (config-router) # network ip-network-number

41. Configuring the default route:

Switch (enable) Set IP Route Default Gateway

42. Assign a VLANID for a routing processor to use the following commands in interface mode:

Router (config) # Interface Interface Number

Router (config-if) # mls rp vlan-id VLAN-ID-NUM

43. MLSP is enabled in the routing processor:

Router # mls rp ip

44. In order to place an external routing processor interface and switch in the same VTP domain:

Router (config) # Interface Interface Number

ROUTER (config-if) # mls rp vtp-domain domain-name

45. View the information on the specified VTP field:

Router # show mls rp vtp-domain vtp Domain Name

46. ​​To determine the management interface on the RSM or router, you can enter the following command in interface mode:

Router (config-if) # mls rp management-interface

47. To verify the configuration of MLS-RP:

Router # show mls rp

48. Check the MLS configuration on a specific interface:

Router # show mls rp interface interface Number

49. In order to set the cast mask on the MLS-SE and do not want to set the access list on either routing processor interface:

Set MLS Flow [Destination | Destination-Source | FULL]

50. To make MLS and input access lists can be compatible, you can use the following commands in global mode:

Router (config) # mls rp ip INPUT-ACL

51. When a switch is exchanged, you can enter the following commands in the privileged mode of the switch:

Switch (enable) Set MLS Enable

52. If you want to change the value of the aging time, you can enter the following command in privileged mode:

Switch (Enable) Set MLS AgingTime AgingTime

53. Set fast aging:

Switch (Enable) Set MLS AgingTime Fast FastagingTime Pkt_threshold

54. Determine those MLS-RP and MLS-SEs to participate in MLS, first display the contents of the switch reference list:

Switch (enable) show mls include

55. Display MLS cache record:

Switch (enable) show mls entry

56. Use the command show in ARP to display the contents of the ARP cache.

57. To configure the router as a member of the HSRP backup group, you can use the following command in interface configuration mode:

Router (config-if) # standby group-number ip ip-address

58. In order to resume the role of the forwarding router, in Interface Configuration mode: Router (config-if) # Standy Group-Number Preempt

59. Access time and hold time parameters are configurable:

Router (config-if) # Standy Group-Number Timers Hellotime Holdtime

60. Configure HSRP tracking:

Router (config-if) # standy group-number track type-number interface-priority

61. To display the status of the HSRP router:

Router # show standby type-number group brief

62. Use the command show IGMP to determine the elected querier.

63. Start IP Multicast Routing Selection:

Router (config) # i ip muticast-routing

64. Start the PIM on the interface:

Dalllasr1> (config-if) # ip Pim {Dense-mode | sparse-mode | sparse-dense-mode}

65. Start the sparse-dense mode PIM:

Router # ip multicast-routing

Router # Interface Type Number

Router # ippim sparse-dense-mode

66. Verify PIM configuration:

Dallasr1> # SHOW IP PIM Interface [Type Number] [count]

67. Show PIM neighbors:

Dallasr1> # show ip neighbor type number Number

68. In order to configure the address of the RP, the command is as follows:

Dallasr1> # ip pim rp-address ip-address [group-access-list-number] [override]

69. Select a default RP:

Dallasr1> # ip Pim rp-address

Notify the RP and the group range it serves:

Dallasr1> # ip Pim Send-rp-announce type number scope ttl group-list access-list-number

In order to manage the address of the RP for the management range:

Dallasr1> # ip Pim Send-rp-announce Ethernet0 Scope 16 Group-List1

Dallasr1> # Access-list 1 permit

Set a RP image agent:

Dallasr1> # ip Pim Send-rp-discovery scope TTL

Verify the image of group to RP:

Dallasr1> # s i ip Pim rp mapping

Dallasr1> # SHOW IP PIM RP [group-name | group-address] [maping]

70. Set the TTL threshold with the command ip multicast ttl-threshold ttl-value on the router interface:

Dallasr1> (config-if) # ip multicast TTL-Threshold TTL-VALUE

71. Show the PIM neighbor watch with Show IP Pim Neighbor.

72. Show various records in the multicast communication routing table:

Dallasr1> Show ip mroute [group-name | group-address] [scoure] [summary] [count] [Active Kbps]

73. To record all IP multicast packets accepted and sent by a router: Dallasr1> #debug ip mpacket [detail] [access-list] [group]

74. To configure CGMP on the Cisco router:

Dallasr1> (Config-IF) # i

75. Configure a multicast router to add a specific multicast group:

Dallasr1> (Config-IF) # i ip igmp join-group group- address

76. Turn off CGMP:

Dallasr1> (config-if) # no ip cgmp

77. Start the CGMP on the switch:

Dallasr1> (Enable) SET CGMP ENABLE

78. Verify the configuration of CGMP on the Catalyst switch:

Catalystla1> (enable) show config

Set Prompt Catalystla1>

Set Interface SC0


79. Setting of CGMP:

Dallas_sw (Enable) SET CGMP LEAVE

80. Modify the control port password on the Cisco device:

R1 (config) # line console 0

CONFIG-line # Login

R1 (config-line) # Password Lisbon

R1 (config) # Enable Password Lilbao

R1 (config) # Login Local

R1 (config) # UserName Student Password Cisco

81. Setting up a console and a session timeout of the console and Vty port on the Cisco device:

R1 (config) # line console 0

CONFIG-line # exec-timeout 5 10

R1 (config) # line vty 0 4

CONFIG-line # Exec-Timeout 5 2

82. Set the privilege level on the Cisco device:

R1 (config) # Privilege Configure Level 3 UserName

R1 (config) # Privilege Configure Level 3 Copy Run Start

R1 (config) # Privilege Configure Level 3 ping

R1 (config) # Privilege Configure Level 3 Show Run

R1 (config) # Enable Secret Level 3 Cisco

83. Use the command privilege to define the commands used under this privilege level:

Router (config) # Privilege Mode Level Level Command

84. Set user privilege level:

Router (config) # Enable Secret Level 3 Dallas

Router # Enable Secret San-Fran

Router # Username Student Password Cisco

85. Sign setting and display:

R1 (config) # Banner Motd 'Unauthorized Access Will Be Prosecuted!'

86. Set Vty Access:

R1 (config) # access-list 1 permit

R1 (config) # line vty 0 4

R1 (config) # Access-Class 1 in

87. Configure HTTP access:

Router3 (config) # Access-list 1 permit (config) # i h h h

Router3 (config) # ip http access-class 1

Router3 (config) # ip http authentication local

Router3 (config) # UserName Student Password Cisco

88. To enable HTTP access, type the following command:

Switch (config) # i p http sever

89. Start and verify port security with SetCL1 on the switch based on the SET command:

Switch (Enable) Set port security mod_num / port_num ... enable Mac Address

Switch (enable) show port mod_num / port_num

Start and verify port security on the switch based on the CiscoIOS command:

Switch (config-if) # port secure [mac-mac-count maximum-mac-count]

Switch # show mac-address-table security [type module / port]

90. Create a record in the standard traffic filter form with a command Access-list:

Router (config) # Access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} Source-address [Source-Address]

91. Create a record in an extended traffic filter table with a command Access-List:

Router (config) # access-list access-list-number {permit | deny {protocol | protocol-keyword}} {source source-wildcard | any} {destination destination-wildcard | any} [protocol-specific options] [log]

92. For the in-line routing update, the most basic command format for configuring routing updates is:

Config-router # distribute-list access-list-number | name in [Type Number]

93. For the external route update, the most basic command format for configuring routing updates is:

CONFIG-ROUTER # distribute-list access-list-number | name out [interface-name] routing-process | autonomous-system-number

94. SET SNMP Command Option:

SET SNMP Community {Read-Only | Ready-Write | Read-write-all} [Community_String]

95. The SET SNMP TRAP command format is as follows:

Set snmp trap {enable | disable}

[All | Moudle | Classis | Bridge | Repeater | Auth | VTP | ippermit | VMPS | Config | Entity | STPX]


96. Enable SNMP Chassis Trap:


97. Enable all SNMP CHASSIS traps:

Console> (Enable) Set SNMP TRAP ENABLE

98. Disable SNMP Chassis traps:

Console> (enable) Set snmp trap disable chassis99. Receive a record for the SNMP trap:

Console> (Enable) Set SNMP Trap public

100. SHOW SNMP output results.

101. The result of the output set SNMP RMON enable.

102. Show SPAN information:

Consile> Show Span


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