Check error method available with IIS debugging procedures

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

When you use IIS to debug an ASP program, some pages can show the wrong line and error, although the reason is not very specific but enough to guide the debug program, but sometimes appear directly: HTTP 500 - internal server error is over, which affects debugging, On 9CBS and everyone discussed, talk about many ways to check the error when debugging the ASP program, and now summarize as follows:

1. Win2kServer's management Web site should not be closed.

2, Check the Professional Directory Options The application calls under "Configuration" below have been selected, (in use, if the management web site is not closed, this item is not optional, you can also appear in the browser.)

3, can modify 500-100.asp file to make the error message more vivid

4, can handle in the pre-code: On Error Resume Next 5, write the framework to write the code first to write the frame (not a picture), the frame has, more detailed code is written, you should write ~~ ~ 6, use more CSS less use Table! [Cometzg]: Details can be web designer website to query 7. When debugging, the page is masked, and some sensitive stuff is output.

Response.write "" Response.Flush () response.end [cometzg]: This method is not the best, you can see some information when debugging, but you need to find all the output statements related to debugging after debugging. Trouble.

8. When there is a session in the program, try not to Ctrl N new window to avoid the session value!

9. Set debug in the configuration of the virtual directory of IIS, send detailed error messages to the client. IE Tool ==> Options ==> Advanced, cancel the display friendly HTTP error message

10. The resulting error code is very practical. . . Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005) -> Cannot include files

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E21) -> SQL statement error (data type mismatch or table name (field name) error or table is in the editing state, or the table does not exist in a database in Conn) Microsoft OLE DB Provider For odbc drivers (0x80040e14) -> SQL statement error (field name error, or data type mismatch) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for odbc drivers (0x80040E07) -> SQL statement error (Type and variable to insert or update) Data type mismatch) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for odbc drivers (0x80040e57) -> SQL statement error (data overflow to insert or update) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for odbc drivers (0x80040e10) -> SQL statement error (Update field name Or the data type error to update) Microsoft Ole DB Provider for odbc drivers (0x80004005) -> SQL statement error (value to insert or update the value of the field that is not available) Microsoft Ole DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) - > Open the database error, no database Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E37) -> No Find the table Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A000D) -> Error reference RS variable (RS object is closed or not Definition) Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A01C2) -> VBScript script error (VBScript statement error) Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A0006) -> VBScript script error (overflow error) Microsoft VBScript compiler error (0x800A040E) -> Lack of Loopmicrosoft VBScript compiler errors (0x800A03EA) -> Miss if or end ifMicrosoft Vbscript compilation Error (0x800A03EE) -> Statement is not end (missing ")") ") Microsoft VBScript compiler error (0x800A03F6) -> IF statement error (missing end if) Microsoft VBScript runtime error (0x800A005B) -> Miss SETMICROSOFT VBScript Runtime error (0x800A0005) -> Variable Unefained Microsoft VBScript Compiler Error (0x800A03F9) -> IF statement missing the1ENMICROFT VBScript compiler error (0x800A0411) -> DIM statement definition error Microsoft VBScript compiler error (0x800A0408) -> SQL statement error (??????????????????)

AdoDb.recordset (0x800A0BB9) -> SQL statement error (error statement or CONN statement does not define or assigns an RS attribute) AdoDB.Recordset (0x800A0cc1) -> RS object error (RS object is not Presence or incorrectly quote a field name that does not exist) AdoDb.Recordset (0x800A0BCD) -> RS object error (no record in the record set, the record set is operated) AdoDb.Recordset (0x800a0e78) -> RS object Error (Recording set does not exist, lack statement) AdoDb.recordset (0x800A0cc1) -> RS object error (reference a field name that does not exist) AdoDb.Recordset (0x800A0E7D) -> conn definition error AdoDB. Recordset (0x800A0CB3) -> Database is open in read-only mode and cannot update data. ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =================================================

============ VBScript syntax error If the VBScript statement structure violates one or more VBScript scripting rules, VBScript syntax errors are generated. Error is usually generated when the program is compiled before executing the program.

The following is 53 syntax errors: Error number Description Ently Hexadecimal 101 800A03E9 memory 1002 800A03EA syntax error 1003 800A03EB lack ":" 1005 800A03ED need ":" 1006 800A03EE needs ')' 1007 800A03EF lack of "]" 1010 800A03F2 Requires Identifier 1011 800A03F3 requires' = '1012 800A03F4 requires' to'1014 800A03F6 requires' end'1015 800A03f7 requires' function'1016 800A03F8 requires' Sub'1018 800A03F9 require' tond '1019 800A03FB need' Loop'1020 800A03FC need 'Next'1021 800A03FD need' Case'1022 800A03FE need 'Select'1023 800A03FF need expression statement 1024 800A0400 end 1025 800A0401 need need need statement 1026 800A0402 1027 800A0403 integer constant need' While 'Or' unsil'1028 800A0404 needs' while, ',' unsil, 'or statement is not end 1029 800A0405 Requires' with'1030 800A0406 identifier Taizhang 1031 800A0407 Invalid number 1032 800A0408 Invalid character 1033 800A0409 Uncomplete series constant 1034 800A040A Uncomfortable Note 1037 800A040D Invalid Use Keyword 'ME'1038 800A040E' LOOP 'No' DO'1039 800A040F Invalid 'EXIT' State 1040 800A0410 Invalid 'For' Cycle Control Variables 1041 800A0411 Name Refinition 1042 800A0412 must be The first statement 1043 800A0413 does not assign a non-BYVAL parameter 1044 800A0414 When calling SUB, cracker 1045 800A0415 is required to require a text constant 1046 800A0416 require 'in'1047 800A0417 to need' class'10 48 800A0418 Must define 1049 800A0419 in a class 1049 800A0419 Requires LET, SET or GET1050 800A041A in the attribute declaration. The number of items must be required to have a number of default attributes / methods in the class. 1053 800A041D Class initialization or termination No parameters 1054 800A041E Property LET or SET should have a parameter 1055 800A041F unwanted 'NEXT'1056 800A0420 can only specify' default'1057 on 'preact' or 'function' or 'Sub' 800A0421 Description 'DEFAULT' must also indicate the 'public' "1058 800A0422 can only specify 'Default' in the Property GET

VBScript runtime error If the VBScript script executes the system that cannot be implemented, a VBScript runtime error is generated. The VBScript runtime error is generated only if the script is assigned or assigned to the variable expression. The following is 65 runtime errors: Error number Description Decimal Hexadecimal Description 5 800A0005 Invalid Process Call or Parameters 6 800A0006 Overflow 7 800A0007 Insufficient Overflow 9 800A0009 Sub-bidder 10 800A000A This array is a fixed length or temporary lock 11 800A000B Zero 13 800A000D Type Mismatch 14 800A000E String Space Overflow 17 800A0011 Unable to Perform Request Action 28 800A001C Stack Overflow 35 800A0023 Undefined Sub or Function48 800A0030 Load DLL Error 51 800A0033 Internal Error 52 800A0034 bad file name or number 53 800A0035 file Didn't find 54 800A0036 bad file mode 55 800A0037 file has opened 57 800A0039 device I / O error 58 800A003A file already exists 61 800A003D disk space has full 62 800A003E Enter exceeding file tail 67 800A0043 file too much 68 800A0044 device unavailable 70 800A0046 permission disabled 71 800A0047 Disk Not ready for 74 800A004A Can't rename 75 800A004B / file access error 76 800A004C Path No 91 800A005B does not set object variable 92 800A005c for loop uninited 94 800A005E illegal use NULL322 800A0142 Cannot use the required temporary Document 424 800A01A8 Required Object 429 800A01AD ActiveX Part Unable to Create Object 430 800A01AE Class Does Not Supported Automation 432 800A01B0 Didn't support this attribute or method 438 800A01B6 Object not supported This property or method 445 800A01BD Object not supported Operation 446 800A01BE object does not support the designated parameter 447 800A01BF object does not support the current area setting 448 800A01C0 Did not find Named parameter 449 800A01C2 Parameter Unique 450 800A01C2 Error parameter number or invalid parameter attribute value 451 800A01C3 object is not a collection 453 800A01C5 The specified DLL function did not find 455 800A01C7 code source lock error 457 800A 01C9 This button is already an element of this collection. 458 800A01CA variable uses an automation that is not supported in VBScript (Automation) type 462 800A01CE Remote server does not exist or can access 481 800A01E1 invalid picture 500 800A01F4 variable unfained 501 800A01F5 illegal distribution 502 800A01F6 Script Object Not Safe 503 800A01F7 Objects Unable to Saute 504 800A01F8 Objects Unable to Create 505 800A01F9 Invalid or Unqualified reference 506 800A01FA Class Unfained 507 800A01FB Event 5016 800A1398 Requires Regular Expression Object 5017 800A1399 Regular expression Syntax Error 5018 800A139A Error Quantity Word 5019 800A139B In regular expression needs'] '5020 800A139C in regular expression ")' 5021 800A139D Character set Offshore 32811 800A802B element un found


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