WTL for MFC Programmers (1)

zhaozj2021-02-08  314

WTL for MFC Programmers

From MFC to WTL

Original Michael Dunn

Compile snail hand

Translation in front

It has been developed on the platform of the MFC. Suddenly one day developed things need to enter the platform without MFC, and find the difference between Window programming and MFC programming. How can I quickly transfer to the Window platform by MFC? I found WTL this strange thing.

Said it is strange, not too much, Microsoft developed the original code, no official any resource, version is also blamed, the first version is 3.1, saying that Microsoft is going to 3.0, Windows is, IE Yes, WINDOW CE is also, do you use it to illustrate your first edition, so it's so righteous? Of course, it is joking, as for why, the answer is your own answer.

This article published in http://www.codeproject.com, I feel that the text is slightly embarrassing, but a step by step is very clear, many places also have an example of MFC, so that readers learn WTL while learning WTL while understanding MFC Operation.

Since I have limited level, I use English-Chinese corresponding methods to facilitate the reader to understand the original text when discovering the Chinese text issues.

Snail hand


About the author Michael Dunn

Michael Lives in sunny

Los angeles



, And is so spoiled by the weather that he will probably never be able to live anywhere else. He started programming with an Apple // e in 4th grade, graduated from UCLA with a math degree in 1995, and immediately landed a job as a QA engineer at Symantec, working on the Norton AntiVirus team. He pretty much taught himself Windows and MFC programming, and in 1999 he designed and coded a new interface for Norton AntiVirus 2000. Mike now works as a developer at Napster, an online subscription music . service He also developed UltraBar, an IE toolbar plugin that makes web searching easy and trounces the Google toolbar; the CodeProject SearchBar; and has co-founded Zabersoft, a development company with offices in

Los angeles





.. He also enjoys his hobbies of playing pinball, bike riding, and the occasional PlayStation, Dreamcast, or MAME game He is also sad that he's forgotten the languages ​​he's studied:. French, Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese Part I - ATL GUI Classes Chapter 1 ATL GUI

An Introduction to WTL Programming for MFC Developers

WTL entry for MFC programmers

Readme.txt reading instructions

This Article's Discussion board.

I hope that you can read the following information before you start reading or discussing this article.

You need the Platform SDK. You can not use WTL without it. You can use the online SDK Update site, or download the CAB files and run the setup locally. Be sure you use the utility to add the SDK include and lib directories to ............... ..

You need Platform SDK, without its WTL can't run. You can use the SDK Update website online or download the CAB file to your local installation. Make sure you add a valid SDK's include and LIB paths to the VC's search path. You can find information about these paths in the Visual Studio Registration of the Platform SDK.

. You need WTL Download version 7 from Microsoft See the articles. "Introduction to WTL - Part 1" and "Easy installation of WTL" for some tips on installing the files Those articles are rather out-of-date now, but still contain. some good info One thing which I do not think is mentioned in those articles is how to tell VC to search the WTL include directory in VC 6, click Tools |.. Options and go to the Directories tab in the Show directories for combo. Box, Select Include Files. The Add A New Entry That Points To The Directory Where You Put The WTL Header Files.

You need WTL. Download WTL 7 from Microsoft's website. Read Articles This document is installed in this article. Then you need to add a WTL's INCLUDE directory in the VC search path. In VC6, click Menu Tools | Options, then look for Directories pages. Select Include Files in the Combination box for the SHOW Directories for: Then add the WTL header file to the list below.

You NEED TO KNOW MFC, AND KNOW IT Well Enough That You Understand What's Behind The Message Map Macros, And Can Edit The Code Marked "Do Not Edit" with no problem.

You need to understand the mode of operation of the MFC's message macro, and you should be able to edit the code labeled "Do Not Edit". You need to know Win32 API programming, and know it well. If you learned Windows programming by going straight into MFC, without learning how messages work at the API level, you are unfortunately going to have trouble in WTL. If you do not know What a Message's WParam and LParam Mean, You Should Read Other Articles (There Arect) SO You Understand.

You need to know about Win32 API programming, if you only learn MFC to make Windows programming, do not understand the API level message processing mechanism, unfortunately, you will encounter a lot of trouble in learning WTL. If you don't know the meaning of WPARM and LPARAM in the message, you need other related information as a reference.

You NEED TO KNOW C Template Syntax. See The VC Forum FAQ for Links to C FAQs and Template FAQs.

You need to know the syntax of the C template. Visit http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/cppforumfaq.asp#other_cpp to learn more about this knowledge.

I Will Only Be Covering VC 6 Features, But As Far As I Know Everything Should Work ON VC 7. Since I Don't use VC 7, I Won't becom. However, Feel Free to POST VC 7 Questions, As Other Readers Might Be Able To Help.

I will only tell VC6 related features, although I know that all work in the future will be carried out on VC7, but I have not used VC7, so I can't provide relevant help. However, you can also post the VC7 related issues, maybe other readers can help.


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