
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  66



Two holes:

Stealth, 2-hole armor, 7 5)

Smoke (Smoke, 2 Helmet, 4 17)

Prudence (cautious, 2 well armor, 23 3)

Three holes:

Lionheart, 3 well helmets, 15 17 19)

Wealth (wealth, 3 well armor, 20 18 3)

Duress (forced, 3 well armor, 13 22 10)

GLOOM (dark, 3 well armor, 19 22 21)

ENIGMA (Formation, 3-hole armor, 31 6 30)

Four holes:

Stone (Stone, 4-hole armor, 13 22 21 17)

BRAMBLE (Thorns, 4-hole armor, 8 27 29 5)

Chains of Honor (Glory Chain, 4-hole armor, 14 22 30 24)

Two weapons

Two holes:

Steel (Steel, 2 hole sword / ax / spike, 3 1)

Leaf (leaf, 2 hole, 3 8)

Zephyr (and wind, 2 wells from weapons, 9 5)

Stregth (power, 2 wells near weapons, 11 3)

White (white, 2 well cactus, 14 16)

Wind (light wind, 2 hole near weapons, 29 1)

Three holes:

Malice (resentment, 3 hole weapons, 6 1 5)

King's GRACE (King's grace, 3 hole sword / condition, 11 8 10)

Black (black, 3 well stick / iron / spike, 10 16 4)

Melody (elegant melody, 3 well attack weapon, 13 18 4)

Crescent Moon (New Moon, 3 hole ax / sword / long stick, 13 22 3)

Venom (venom, 3-hole weapon, 3 14 23)

Chaos (chaos, 3-hole claws, 19 27 22)

Fury (violent, 3 wells near weapons, 31 25 5)

Four holes:

Holy Thunder (St. Thunder, 4-hole relocation, 5 8 9 7)

Memory (memories, 4 hole cane, 17 16 12 5)

Passion (passion, 4-hole weapon, 14 9 2 20)

Kingslayer (弑 弑, 4 hole sword / ax, 23 22 25 19)

Heart of the Oak (Oak Heart, 4-hole Staff / Stick, 18 26 21 10)

Famine (famine, 4 hole ax / stick, 19 27 9 31)

HAND of Justice (Justice, 4-hole weapon, 29 32 11 28)

Five holes:

Honor (glory, 5 hole weapons, 11 1 6 3 12)

Call to ARMS (War summons, 5 hole weapons, 11 8 23 24 27)

Beast (beast, 5 hole ax / stick / hoe, 30 3 22 23 17)

Eternity (etern, 5 hole weapons, 11 30 24 12 29)

Doom (Doom, 5-hole ax / stick / hoe, 15 27 22 28 32)

Six holes:

Silence (Silent, 6-hole weapon, 14 2 15 24 3 26)

Breath of the dream (death breathing, 6-hole weapon, 26 15 1 2 33 5)

Three helmet

Two holes:

Nadir (Tasty, 2 Helmets, 4 3)

Lore (knowledge, 2 hole helmet, 9 12)

Three holes:

Radiance (glorious, 3 hole helmet, 4 12 6)

Delirium (Diller, 3 hole helmet, 20 24 16)

Four shields

Two holes:

Rhyme (rhythm, 2 hole shield, 13 5)

Splendor (splendid, 2 hole shield, 5 17)

Three holes:

Ancient's Pledge (Ancient Oath, 3-hole shield, 8 9 7)

Sanctuary, 3-hole shield; 18 18 23)

Four holes:

EXILE (exile, 4 hole travel, 26 27 24 14)

Special reminder: Only white items (excluding dark gold, green, blue, bright golden items) can be used as the material of the god, and the order of the inlay rune must be strictly in order.


Two holes:

Stealth, 2-hole armor, 7 5)

Offset magic damage 3; 6 agility; 15 physical strength limit; anti-virus 30%; increase the mana reply speed of 15%; 25% Rapid mobile / run; 25% fast cast spell; 25% Rapid recovery

Smoke (Smoke, 2 Helmet, 4 17)

75% defensive power; 280 defensive power to long-distance attack; four anti- 50; 20% fast recovery strike; 6 Weaken (18 times); 10 energy; -1 light

Prudence (cautious, 2 well armor, 23 3)

25% rapid recovery strike; 140-170% defensive power (variable); four anti- 25-35 (variable); cancel physical damage 3; offset magic damage 17; each kill an enemy 2 mana; 1 light Degree; restore 1 durability every 4 seconds

Three holes:

Lionheart, 3 well helmets, 15 17 19)

20% injury; equipment requirements - 15%; 25 strong; 10 energy; 20 vitality; 15 agility; 50 life; four defenses 30

Wealth (wealth, 3 well armor, 20 18 3)

300% receive extra money; 100% improved magic equipment appearance probability; each kill an enemy 2 mana; 10 agility

Duress (forced, 3 well armor, 13 22 10)

40% Rapid recovery strike; 10-20% injury (variable); 37-133 ice injury; 15% probability decisive crackdown; 33% probability causes wound; 150-200% defensive power (variable); 20% slowing due to physical strength; anti-ice 45%; anti-electricity 15%; fire prevention 15%; anti-virus 15%

GLOOM (dark, 3 well armor, 19 22 21)

15% probability When the 3-level DIM Vision is applied when it is attacked; 10% fast recovery strike; 200-260% defensive power (variable); 10 strong; four anti- 45; freezing time is halved; 5% damage transfer Go to Mana; -3 Glossoma Enigma (Family, 3 Helmet, 31 6 30)

2 all skills; 45% rapid move / run; 1 class Teleport; 750-775 defense; (0.75 per level) 0-74 strong (on the role level); enhance the life limit of 5%; Customer physical injury 8%; every kill one enemy 14 life

15% damage to Mana; (1 per level) 1-99% Magic equipment probability (on the role level)

Four holes:

Stone (Stone, 4-hole armor, 13 22 21 17)

60% fast recovery strike; 250-290% defensive power; 300 defense for long distance attack; 16 strong; 16 vitality; 10 energy; four anti- 15; 16 Molten Boulder (80 times); 16 Level Clay GoL (16 times)

BRAMBLE (Thorns, 4-hole armor, 8 27 29 5)

After equipped, there is a 15-21 Thorns aura (variable); 50% Rapid recovery strike; 25-50% toxic skill damage (variable); 300 defense; increase the upper limit of the Mana; 15% of the MANA reply 5% anti-ice limit; fire prevention 30%; anti-virus 100%; each kills a monster 13 life; 13-level Spirit of Barbs (33 times)

Chains of Honor (Glory Chain, 4-hole armor, 14 22 30 24)

2 class all skills; 200% injury to the devil's monster; 100% injury to the monster; each time you steal 8% life; 70% improve the defense; 20 strong; automatic recovery life 7 4 anti- 65; cancel the physical damage 8%; 25% improve the probability of magic equipment

Two weapons

Two holes:

Steel (Steel, 2 hole sword / ax / spike, 3 1)

20% injury; 3 minimum injury; 3 maximum injury; 50 attack hits; 50% probability causes wound; 25% improve the attack speed; each kills an enemy 2 mana; 1 light

Leaf (leaf, 2 hole, 3 8)

5-30 fire damage; 3 fire skills; 3 Fire Bolt; 3 Inferno 3 Warmth (witch applicable); each kills an enemy 2 mana; Ice 33%; (2) 2-198 defense (on the role level)

Zephyr (and wind, 2 wells from weapons, 9 5)

33% injury; 66 attack hits; 25% target defense; 25 defense; 25% fast mobile / run; 25% improve the attack speed; 7% probability Applied 1 TWister

Stregth (power, 2 wells near weapons, 11 3)

35% injury; 25% probability decisive strike; every time you steal 7% life; every kill one enemy 2 mana; 20 strong; 10 vitality

White (white, 2 well cactus, 14 16)

After hit, scare the probability of 25%; 10 vitality; 3 Poison and Bone Spells (men); 3 Bone Armor (witch applicable); 2 Bone Spear; 4 Level SKELETON MASTERY; offset magic injury 4; 20% fast cast spell; 13 Mana

Wind (light wind, 2 hole near weapons, 29 1)

10% probability is a 9-level Tornado in attack; 20% rapid move / run; 40% increase attack speed; 15% fast recovery strike; 120-160% injury (variable); - 50% goal defense; 50 attack hits (BN announced 53, confirming incorrectly, see BBS);

Three holes:

Malice (resentment, 3 hole weapons, 6 1 5)

33% injury; 9 maximum injury; 100% probability causes wound; -25% target defense; each hit -100 monster defense; prevent monster treatment; 50 hit rate; blood-5

King's GRACE (King's grace, 3 hole sword / condition, 11 8 10)

100% injury; 100% injury to the devil's monster; 50% damage to the monster; 5-30 fire damage; 3-14 ice damage, the effect lasts for 3 seconds; 150 attack hit rate 100 Attack hit rate to the devil's monster; 100 attack hits the monster; every time you steal 7% life

Black (black, 3 well stick / iron / spike, 10 16 4)

120% injury; 40% probability decisive strike; 200 hit rate; 3-14 ice damage, the effect lasts for 3 seconds; 10 vitality; 15% improve the attack speed; shocking enemy; offset magic injury 2; level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 times)

Melody (elegant melody, 3 well attack weapon, 13 18 4)

50% injury; 300% injury to the dead monster; 3 level BOW and CrossBow Skills; 3 Critical Strike (Yamatson Applicable); Level 3 Dodge Applicable); 3 Slow Missiles (Yamatson Applicable); 20% enhanced attack speed; 10 agility; shocked enemies

Crescent Moon (New Moon, 3 hole ax / sword / long stick, 13 22 3)

10% probability is a 17-level Chain Lightning in attack; 7% probability is applied in the attack 13th Static Field; 20% increase the attack speed; 180-220% injury (variable); ignore the target defense; -35 % Enemy anti-electricity; 25% probability causes wound; 9-11 magic absorption (variable); each kill an enemy 2 mana; 18 SUMMON SPIRIT WOLF (30 times)

Venom (venom, 3-hole weapon, 3 14 23)

After hit, scare the probability of 25%; prevent monster treatment; ignore the target defense; each hit 7% mana; 15 Poison Explosion (27 times); 13 Poison Nova (11 times); 273 toxic injury, effect Last 6 seconds

Chaos (chaos, 3-hole claws, 19 27 22)

9% probability is a 11th-level Frozen ORB; 11% probability is applied at the time of attacking 9 level charged bolt; 35% improve the attack speed; 290-340% injury (variable); 216-471 Magic injury ; 25% probability causes wound; 1 whirwind; 10 strong; every kill one enemy 15 life

Fury (violent, 3 wells near weapons, 31 25 5)

209% injury; 40% improve the attack speed; prevent monster treatment; 66% probability causes wound; 33% probability double strike; ignore the target defense; -25% target defense; 20% improve the attack hit rate; each hit Take 6% life; 5 level frenzy (barbarian applicable)

Four holes:

Holy Thunder (St. Thunder, 4-hole relocation, 5 8 9 7) 60% injury; -25% target defense; 5-30 fire damage; 21-110 electric damage; 75 poison damage, The effect lasts for 5 seconds; 10 maximum injury; anti-electricity 60%; 5% electricity limit; 3 Holy Shock (Ranger applicable); 7-level chain lightning (60 times)

Memory (memories, 4 hole cane, 17 16 12 5)

3 witch skills; 33% fast cast spell; increase the upper limit of the Mana; 3 Energy Shield (witch applicable); 2 Static Field (witch applicable); 10 energy; 10 vigor; 9 minimum injury ; -25% target defense; offset magic injury 7; 50% defensive power

Passion (passion, 4-hole weapon, 14 9 2 20)

25% improve the attack speed; 160-210% injury; 50-80% improve the attack hit rate (variable); 75% injury to the unstead of monsters; 50 attack hits the monster; 1- 50 electric injury; 1 class berserk; 1 level ZEAL; after hitting the target blind 10; after the hit, scare the monster probability 25%; 75% get extra money; Level 3 Heart of Wolverine (12 times)

Kingslayer (弑 弑, 4 hole sword / ax, 23 22 25 19)

30% increase the attack speed; 230-270% injury (variable); - 25% target defense; 20% improved attack hits; 33% probability double strike; 50% probability causes wound; 1 Vengeance; prevent Monster treatment; 10 strong; 40% get extra money

Heart of the Oak (Oak Heart, 4-hole Staff / Stick, 18 26 21 10)

3 levels of skills; 40% fast cast spell; 75% injury to the devil's monster; 100 hit rate to the devil's monster; 3-14 ice damage, the effect lasts for 3 seconds; each hit 7% Mana; 10 agility; automatic recovery of life 20

Lift the upper limit of the Mana 15%; four anti- 30-40 (variable); level 4 Oak Sage (25 times); 14th Raven (60 times)

50% injury to unspeakable monsters

Famine (famine, 4 hole ax / stick, 19 27 9 31)

30% increase the attack speed; 320-370% damage (variable); ignore the target defense; 180-200 magic damage; 50-200 fire damage; 50-200 ice injury; Every time you steal 12% life; prevent monster treatment; 10 strong Hand of Justice (grip of justice, 4-hole weapon, 29 32 11 28)

100% probability When you upgrade, you will apply a 36-level Blaze; 100% probability When you die, the 48-level meteor is applied when you die; when equipped with Level 16 Holy Fire aura; 33% increase the attack speed; 280-330% improve damage Force; ignore the target defense; each time you steal 7% life; -20% enemy fire prevention; 20% probability double strike; after hitting, make the target blind; freezing goals 3

Five holes:

Honor (glory, 5 hole weapons, 11 1 6 3 12)

1 all skills; 160% injury; 9 minimum injury; 9 maximum injury; 25% probability double strike; 250 hit rate; every hit 7% life; automatic recovery life 10 10 strong; 1 light; each kills an enemy 2 mana

Call to ARMS (War summons, 5 hole weapons, 11 8 23 24 27)

1 all skills; 40% improve the attack speed; 250-290% injury (variable); 5-30 fire damage; each hit 7% life; 2-6 Battle Command Changed); 1-6 Battle Orders; 1-4 Battle Cry; prevent monster treatment; automatically restore life 12; 30% improve magic equipment experience probability

Beast (Beast, 5-hole ax / stick / hoe, 30 3 22 23 17)

After equipped with a level 9 FANATICISM aura; 40% increase attack speed; 240-270% injury (variable); 20% probability decisive blow; 25% probability causes wound; 3 speedHropy; Prevent Monster treatment; 25-40 strong (variable); 10 energy; each kill a monster 2 point mana; 13 Summon Grizzly (5 times)

Eternity (etern, 5 hole weapons, 11 30 24 12 29)

Never demon damage; 260-310% injury; 9 minimum injury; each hit 7% life; 20% probability decisive strike makes the target blind; slow down the target speed; upgrade the mana response speed 16% ; Automatically restore life 16; not being frozen; 30% improve magic equipment probability; 8th REVIVE (88 times)

Doom (Doom, 5-hole ax / stick / hoe, 15 27 22 28 32)

2 level of all skills; 5% probability is applied to 18th Volcano during attack; with a 12-level Holy Freeze auction when equipped; 45% increase the attack speed; 330-370% injury (variable); - 40-60 % Enemy anti-ice (variable); 20% probability double strike; 25% probability causes wound; prevent monster treatment; freezing target 3; equipment requirements - 20%

Six holes:

Silence (Silent, 6-hole weapon, 14 2 15 24 3 26)

2, skill; 200% injury; 75% injury to the unstead of monsters; equipment requirements - 20%; 20% improve the attack speed; 50 attack hit rate is not dead system; four anti- 75; 20; % Quick recovery and strike; each hit 11% mana; then scare the probability of 25% after hit; hit the target blindness [33]; each kill an enemy 2 mana; 30% upgrade magic equipment

Breath of the dream (death breathing, 6-hole weapon, 26 15 1 2 33 5)

50% probability When you kill enemies, apply 20-level Poison Nova; never wear; 60% increase attack speed; 350-400% injury (variable); 200% injury to non-dead monsters; -25 % Target defense; 50 attack hits; 50 attack hits the monster; every time you hit 7% mana; every time you steal 12-15% life (variable); prevent monster treatment; 30 All attributes; 1 lightming; equipment requirements - 20%

Three helmet

Two holes:

Nadir (Tasty, 2 Helmets, 4 3)

50% defensive power; 10 defense; 30 defense for long distance attack; 13 CLOAK of Shadows (9 times); each kills an enemy 2 mana; 5 strong; -33% get money; 3 light

Lore (knowledge, 2 hole helmet, 9 12)

1 all skills; 10 energy; each kill an enemy 2 mana; anti-electricity 30%; cancel the physical damage 7; 2 light

Three holes: radiance (glorious, 3 hole helmet, 4 12 6)

75% defensive power; 30 defensive power to long-distance attack; 10 energy; 10 vital; 15% damage transfer to mana; offset magic damage 3; 33 mana; offset physical damage 7; 5 light

Delirium (Diller, 3 hole helmet, 20 24 16)

2 all skills; 1% probability is applied when it is attacked; 6% probability When the 14-level MIND BLAST is applied when it is attacked; 14% probability is applied when it is attacked. 13 TERROR; 11 % Probability When you are attacked, a 18-level confuse; 261 defense power; 10 vitality; 50% get extra money; 25% improve the probability of magic equipment

Level 17 ATTRACT (60 times)

Four shields

Two holes:

Rhyme (rhythm, 2 hole shield, 13 5)

20% abstaining success rate; 40% rapid power resistance; four anti- 25%; increase the mana reply speed; not being frozen; 50% get extra money; 25% improve magic equipment emergence probability

Splendor (splendid, 2 hole shield, 5 17)

1 all skills; 10% fast application spell; 20% fast resistance; 60-100% defensive power (variable); 10 energy; increase the MANA reply speed 15%; 50% additional money; 20% Improve the probability of magic equipment; 3 light; increase the end limit of the durability (BN announced data, no this, see BBS)

Three holes:

Ancient's Pledge (Ancient Oath, 3-hole shield, 8 9 7)

50% defensive power; anti-ice 43%; anti-virus 48%; fire free 48%; anti-electricity 48%; 10% damage to Mana

Sanctuary, 3-hole shield; 18 18 23)

20% Rapid recovery strike; 20% fast resistance; 20% abstaining success rate; 130-160% defensive power (variable); 250 defensive power to long-distance attack; 20 agility; four anti 50- 70 (variable); offset magic injury 7; 12 Slow missiles (60 times)

Four holes:

EXILE (exile, 4 hole travel, 26 27 24 14)


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