Attribute description information
Characters entered in the URL of the browser (must)
TYPE links to the full name of the Action of this map (optional)
Name is defined in
Scope Specifies the scope of the Actionform Bean (session and request), default is session. (Optional)
INPUT returns the control when the bean has an error. (Optional)
ClassName Specifies a full name of an ActionMApping class that calls this Action class. By default org.apache.struts.action.actionmapping, (optional)
Forward specifies the JSP page corresponding to the corresponding request. (Optional)
Include If there is no Forward, it starts the role of Forward. (Optional)
Validate If you are True, you will call an ActionForm's validate () method, otherwise it is not called, default is TRUE. (Optional)
Type = "wiley.lookupaction" Name = "lookupform" Scope = "request" Validate = "True" INPUT = "/ index.jsp"> action> action-mappings> 7. Configuring RequestProcessor Use the Property description ProcessorClass Specifies the full name of a custom RequestProcessor class Buffersize specifies the cache size used to download. The default is 4096 bytes. ContentType defines the response text type, the default is Text / HTML Debug Defines the extension level of the current system, the default is 0 Locale If it is true, save the Locale object in the user's session, default to true MaxFileSize specifies the maximum size of the download file. The default is 250m MultipartClass specifies the full name of the class that instead of org.apache.struts.upload.diskmultipartRequestHandler classes. Nocache If it is true, close the cache function of each response is turned off. The default is FalseTempdir Specifies the temporary directory used to upload files. The default value is determined by the container example: 1 2 ContentType = "text / html; charSet = UTF-8" Debug = "3" Locale = "True" Nocache = "true" Processorclass = "Org.apache.struts.Action.RequestProcessor" /> Eight, configure Message Resources Use the Property description Parameter gives a full name of the resource file ClassName Defines the full name of the class name that handles the message resource, the default is org.apache.struts.config.MessageResourcesconfig Factory defines the full name of the MessageResourcesFactory class, the default is org.apache.struts.util.Property.MessageResourcesFacotry Key Defines the properties of the servletContext binding in this resource package, the default is Action.Messages_Key. Null If you are TRUE, you can't find the message key, then return null, the default is TRUE. example: 1 2 Parameter = "StorefrontMessageResources" null = "false" /> Key = "Image_Resource_Key" Parameter = "StorefrontimageResources" null = "false" /> Note: The purpose of setting Key is as follows: Here, you will find the value of the main key value in the resource file is "Navbar.home.Image". The content of here is as follows: ...... Navbar.home.Image = / images / home.gifnavbar.home.image.alt = home ...... Here, Navbar.home.Image.alt illustrates and Nine, configure PLUG-IN Configure Plug-in as follows: It can also be as follows: plug-in>.