JBoss 3 Quick Start Document Translation

zhaozj2021-02-16  103

table of Contents:

Foreword: 8

About the author 8



1 Introduction

2. First step, start using JBoss.

Binary download

Source code download

Compilation and test jboss

Start JBoss

JBoss boot option

JBoss in Unix / Windows boots

Install JBoss to become a Win NT / W2K service

Install JBOSS as a Unix service.

3 cases

JBoss project skeleton.

Construction system

EJB and J2EE resources

Web and other customers

Various tests

Template project

How to write code in the template

Create an EJB class.

Write customers

Write test example

How to run the template

Independently run customers

Web customers

TestSuite Suite

4, naming

JNDI customer configuration

Custom EJB-JAR.XML and Web.xml encoding elements

5. Cluster



Cluster's JNDI


Check fault

IF all else fails

Advanced configuration

6 Write and implement the J2EE application

Entity bean



Session bean

Stateless conversation bean

Status session bean

Message driver bean

Web application

Enterprise application

to sum up

7 transaction

Container management transaction

How to set transaction properties

Bean management business

Customer affairs

Lone of business and locking

Dead lock


8 security

Security service configuration



Jaas Loginmodules and JBOSS integration

Org.jboss.security.auth.spi.usersroleSloginmodule 80

Org.jboss.security.Auth.spi.ldaploginmodule 82

Org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseSerLoginmodule 85

Org.jboss.security.clientloginmodule 87


Default security service configuration

Make your app more secure

9 CMP 2.0

Entity base

Entity statement

Entity image

Container management relationship

CMR-Field abstract acceleration

Relational statement


Relationship role

Foreign key

Relational table


Finder and ejbselect statement

EJB-QL declaration

Rework the EJB-QL to SQL

10. Connect to the database and other resource manager

Your own flexible application configuration

11. Using the JMS API

Use JMS in JBoss

Find connection plant

Find a column and theme

Configure JBoss JMS objects

Using MDB in JBOSS

to sum up

12.mbean configuration and management dependencies

Service life


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