can use
Object Access any
Request all the information passed, including
Method or
The parameters transmitted by the method,
And user authentication.
Object allows you to access binary data sent to the server to the server.
Request's grammar:
Request [. Collection | Properties | Method] (Variable)
Here, the author will analyze some commonly used object syntax
The Form Collection Retrieves the value of the table element in the HTTP request body by using the form of the POST method.
Request.form (ELEMENT) | .count]
Parameter ELEMENT Specifies the name of the table element to be retrieved.
Index optional parameters, using this parameter can access one of a plurality of values in a parameter. It can be any integer between 1 to Request.form (Parameter) .count.
Number of elements in count collection
The Form set is indexed according to the name of the parameter in the text. The value of Request.Form (Element) is an array requesting all ELEMENT values in the body. Determine the number of values in the parameter by calling Request.form (Element) .count. If the parameter is not associated with multiple values, the count is 1. If the parameters are not found, the count is 0. To reference a single value in a table element with multiple values, you must specify an index value. The index parameter can be any number from 1 to REQUEST.FORM (Element) .count. If one of the plurality of table parameters is referenced, the index value is not specified, the returned data will be a comma-separated string.
You can use a rearray to display all data values in the table request. For example, the user fills in the form by specifying several values, see the left.
For Hobby parameters, you can retrieve these values using the following scripts.
Please fill in your hobby p>