
zhaozj2021-02-16  104

Regular expression: can only be input, values, can be positive, negative, decimal, 0 ^ [- ] ([0-9] . [0-9] *) | ([0-9] *. [0 -9] ) | ([0-9] ) If the resulting string length is between 1 and 6, it should be written in characters. [/ u4e00- / u9fa5a-za-z0-9] {1,6}

Style = "IME-Mode: Disabled" // Disable input method

A restricted text box can only enter code 0 ~ 9 code:

1. JSVAR RE = New Regexp ("/ d", "ig"); or var RE = // D / Ig; 2. vbsSet reg = New RegExp reg.Pattern = "/ d" reg.IgnoreCase = TrueregEx.Global = Trueselect walnut. *, cus_name from walnut left OUTER join cus_info on (walnut.cus_id = cus_info.cus_id) order by wt_id desc

It has an effect that does not echo in input non-digital characters, that is, the input of non-digital characters is not reacted. Function NumBersonly (Field, Event) {var Key, Keychar; if (Window.Event) {key = window.event.keycode;} else} {key = event.Which;} else {return true} keychar = String .fromcharcode (key); IF ((key == null) || (key == 0) || (key == 8) || (key == 9) || (key == 13) || (key == 13) || == 27)) {RETURN TRUE;} else IF (("0123456789."). Indexof (Keychar)> - 1) {window.status = ""; return true;} else {window.status = "Field Excepts NumBers Only "; Return False;}}

The serial number of the CPU can take the serial number of the CPU. string cpuInfo = ""; // cpu SEQ ID ManagementClass cimobject = newManagementClass ( "Win32_Processor"); ManagementObjectCollection moc = cimobject.GetInstances (); foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) {cpuInfo = mo.Properties. [ "ProcessorId"] Value .ToString (); response.write (cpuinfo);

Get hard disk D disk serial number 'to get the hard disk C disk serial number

Function GetDrvid () As Long

DIM GetVal As Long

DIM Tempstr1 As New String (CHR (0), 255)

Dim Tempstr2 As New String (CHR (0), 255)



Dim lres as integer

Lres = GetVolumeInformation ("D:", TempStr1, 256, GetVal, Templon1, Templon2, TempStr2, 256)

Return GetVal


Private Declare Function GetVolumeInformation Lib "kernel32" Alias ​​"GetVolumeInformationA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Integer, ByRef lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, ByVal lpMaximumComponentLength As Integer, ByVal lpFileSystemFlags As Integer, ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Integer) As Integer Get NIC hardware addresses using System.Management; ... ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass ( "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"); ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances (); foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) {if ((bool) Mo ["IPENABLED"] == True) Console.Writeline ("Mac Address / T {0}", Mo ["Macaddress"]. TOSTRING ()); mo.dispose ();}

Removing the page of the page to the "Save this image" when you move to the image to the image, 'Print this image'. . . Button? Let them do not display or ASP.NET server control to insert a client script. The first method is to insert the client script block using the RegisterStartupScript () and registerclientscriptblock () methods of the PAGE class. The second method is to add a client script to the attribute of the HTML element. The latter is completed by overlying the AddAttributeStorender () method of the web server control and using the HTMLTextWriter's addAttribute () method.

You can design a table to store different users in the database, where you have your own defined columns, when you read the custom column from the database, load column = new boundcolumn (); column.Headertext = CustomColumn. GetName; Column.Datafield = CustomColumn.GetfieldName; this.DataGrid1.columns.add (Column)

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