1, install Groovy
l to http://groovy.codehaus.org/download Download the Groovy Binary version, the current version is 1.0-beta-6
l Different the file to the local file system
l Execute a GroovySh boot command shell, if the shell is started normally, the installation is successful
2, running Groovy
l Execute a GroovySH Start Command Shell, you can enter the Groovy statement directly
l Execute a GroovyConsole to launch a Swing mode's Groovy console, this is a simple Groovy editor
l Execute Groovy SomeScript.groovy [arguments] Run the specified Groovy script file
l Create a groovy script under UNIX: In the beginning of the file plus #! / usr / bin / env groovy, the permission to modify the file is executable, directly execute the file
3, compile Groovy
l Groovy provides a similar Ant task script Groovyc, which can compile the Groovy source file into normal class file: Groovyc SomeScript.groovy
l Operation environment reliance: JDK1.4, Groovy JAR file, JAR file in the ASM class library (in the lib directory)