Fileage function returns the file already existing
FileClose command off the specified file
Filecreate command to create a new file with the specified file name
FileDateTodateTime function converts DOS's date format to Delphi's date format
FILEEXISTS function Checks if the file exists
Filegatttr function Returns the properties of the file
FilegetDate function Returns DOS date time tag for file
FILEOPEN command opens the specified file with the specified access mode
FilePos function returns the current pointer location of the file
FileRead command reads from the specified file
FileSearch Command Searches for specified files in the directory
Fileseek function changes file pointer
FileSetattr function setting file properties
FileSetDate function setting file DOS date time tag
FileSize function returns the size of the current file
FileWrite function writes the specified file
FillChar function fills the number of consecutive bytes with the specified value
FindClose Command Termination FindFirst / FindNext Sequence
Findfirst command Search for the specified file name and attribute search directory
The FindNext Command Returns the next entry with the file name and attribute matching