Delphi shortcut

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  56

Delphi Shortcut By lists most shortcuts.

F1 Displays context-sensitive Help F4 Run | Go to Cursor F5 Run | Toggle Breakpoint F7 Run | Trace Into F8 Run | Step Over F9 Run | Run F11 View | Object Inspector F12 View | Toggle Form / Unit Alt F10 Displays a context menu alt 0 View | Window List Ctrl F1 Help | Topic Search Ctrl F2 Run | Program Reset Ctrl F3 View | Call Stack Ctrl F4 Closes current file Ctrl F5 Add Watch at Cursor Ctrl F7 Evaluate / Modify Ctrl F9 Project | Compile Ctrl F12 View | Units Shift F12 View | Forms Ctrl Shift P Plays Back A Key Macro Ctrl Shift R Records a KEY MAY MAY CTRL K D Accesses The Menu Bar Ctrl K S File | Save Ctrl K B Marks The Beginning Of A Block Ctrl K C Cuggs A Slected Block Ctrl K H Hides / Shows A SELECTED Block Ctrl K I Indents A Block by The Amount Specified in The Block Indent combo box on the Editor options page of the Environment Options dialog box Ctrl K K Marks the end of a block Ctrl K L Marks the current line as a block Ctrl K N Changes a block to uppercase Ctrl K O CHANGES A BLOCK TO LOWERCASE CTRL K R READS A BLOCK A FILE CTRL K T MARKS A WORD AS A Block Ctrl K

U Outdents a block by the amount specified in the Block Indent combo box on the Editor options page of the Environment Options dialog box. Ctrl K V Moves a selected block Ctrl K W Writes a selected block to a file Ctrl K Y DELETES A SELECTED BLOCK CTRL O C MARKS A Column Block Ctrl O I Marks An Inclusive Block Ctrl O K Marks A Non-Inclusive Block Ctrl O L Marks a LINE AS A Block Ctrl q q B Moves to the Beginning Of A Block Ctrl Q K Moves To The End of a Block Ctrl K 0 Sets Bookmark 0 Ctrl K 1 Sets Bookmark 1 Ctrl K 2 Sets Bookmark 2 Ctrl K 3 Sets Bookmark 3 Ctrl K 4 Sets Bookmark 4 Ctrl K 5 sets Bookmark 5 Ctrl K 6 Sets Bookmark 6 Ctrl K 7 Sets Bookmark 7 Ctrl K 8 Sets Bookmark 8 Ctrl K 9 Sets Bookmark 9 Ctrl K Ctrl 0 Sets Bookmark 0 Ctrl K Ctrl 1 Sets Bookmark 1 Ctrl K Ctrl 2 sets Bookmark 2 Ctrl K Ctrl 3 sets Bookmark 3 Ctrl K Ctrl 4 sets Bookmark 4 Ctrl K Ctrl 5 Sets Bookmark 5 Ctrl K Ctrl 6 Sets Bookmark 6 Ctrl K Ctrl 7 Sets Bookmark 7 Ctrl K Ctrl 8 Sets Bookmark 8 Ctrl K Ctrl 9 Sets Bookmark 9 Ctrl Q 0 Goes To Bookmark 0 Ctrl Q 1 Goes to Bookmark 1 Ctrl Q

2 Goes to Bookmark 2 Ctrl Q 3 Goes to Bookmark 3 Ctrl Q 4 Goes to Bookmark 4 Ctrl Q 5 Goes To Bookmark 5 Ctrl Q 6 Goes to Bookmark 6 Ctrl Q 7 Goes To Bookmark 7 Ctrl Q 8 Goes to Bookmark 8 Ctrl Q 9 Goes to Bookmark 9 Ctrl Q Ctrl 0 Goes to Bookmark 0 Ctrl Q Ctrl 1 Goes to Bookmark 1 Ctrl Q Ctrl 2 Goes to Bookmark 2 Ctrl Q Ctrl 3 Goes to Bookmark 3 Ctrl Q Ctrl 4 Goes to Bookmark 4 Ctrl Q Ctrl 5 Goes To Bookmark 5 Ctrl Q Ctrl 6 Goes to Bookmark 6 Ctrl Q Ctrl 7 Goes to Bookmark 7 Ctrl Q Ctrl 8 Goes to Bookmark 8 Ctrl Q Ctrl 9 Goes To Bookmark 9 ò ???? μ? Y? Ü ???? μ ±? ° μ??? ?? óDD§ £ o Shortcut Action Shift Ctrl 0 Sets bookmark 0 Shift Ctrl 1 Sets bookmark 1 Shift Ctrl 2 Sets bookmark 2 Shift Ctrl 3 Sets bookmark 3 Shift Ctrl 4 Sets bookmark 4 Shift Ctrl 5 sets boo kmark 5 Shift Ctrl 6 Sets bookmark 6 Shift Ctrl 7 Sets bookmark 7 Shift Ctrl 8 Sets bookmark 8 Shift Ctrl 9 Sets bookmark 9 Ctrl 0 Goes to bookmark 0 Ctrl 1 Goes to bookmark 1 Ctrl 2 Goes to Bookmark 2 Ctrl 3 Goes to Bookmark 3 Ctrl 4 Goes to Bookmark 4 Ctrl 5 Goes To Bookmark 5 Ctrl 6 Goes to Bookmark 6 Ctrl

7 Goes to bookmark 7 Ctrl 8 Goes to bookmark 8 Ctrl 9 Goes to bookmark 9 Ctrl E Edit Breakpoint Ctrl V View Source Ctrl S Edit Source Ctrl D Delete Breakpoint Ctrl A Add Breakpoint F1 Topic Search Ctrl F1 Topic Search F6 Displays the next page Shift F6 Displays the previous page Ctrl A Moves one word left Ctrl C Scrolls down one screen Ctrl D Moves the cursor right one column, accounting for the autoindent setting Ctrl E Moves the cursor up one line Ctrl F Moves one word right Ctrl G Deletes the character to the right of the cursor Ctrl H Deletes the character to the left of the cursor Ctrl I Inserts a tab Ctrl L Search | Search Again Ctrl N Inserts A New Line Ctrl P Causees Next Character To BE Interpreted As An ASCII Sequence Ctrl R Moves Up One Scree n Ctrl S Moves the cursor left one column, accounting for the autoindent setting Ctrl T Deletes a word Ctrl V Turns insert mode on / off Ctrl W Moves down one screen Ctrl X Moves the cursor down one line Ctrl Y DELETES A LINE CTRL Z MOVES The CURSOR UP ONE LINE CTRL SHIFT

S Performs an incremental search End Moves to the end of a line Home Moves to the start of a line Enter Inserts a carriage return Ins Turns insert mode on / off Del Deletes the character to the right of the cursor Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor Tab Inserts a tab Space Inserts a blank space left Arrow Moves the cursor left one column, accounting for the autoindent setting right Arrow Moves the cursor right one column, accounting for the autoindent setting up Arrow Moves up one line Down Arrow Moves down one line Page up Moves up one page Page Down Moves down one page Ctrl left Arrow Moves one word left Ctrl right Arrow Moves one word right Ctrl Home Moves to the top of a screen Ctrl End Moves to the end of a screen Ctrl pgdn M oves to the bottom of a file Ctrl PgUp Moves to the top of a file Ctrl Backspace Move one word to the right Ctrl Del Deletes a currently selected block Ctrl Space Inserts a blank space Ctrl Enter Opens file at cursor Ctrl Tab Moves to the next page Shift Tab Deletes the character to the left of the cursor Shift Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor Shift left Arrow Selects the character to the left of the cursor Shift Right Arrow Selects the character To The Right of The Cursor Shift

Up Arrow Moves the cursor up one line and selects from the left of the starting cursor position Shift Down Arrow Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor position Shift PgUp Moves the cursor up one screen and selects from the left of the starting cursor position Shift PgDn Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor position Shift End Selects from the cursor position to the end of the current line Shift Home Selects from the cursor position to the start of the current line Shift Space Inserts a blank space Shift Enter Inserts a new line with a carriage return Shift Ctrl Tab Moves to the previous page Ctrl Shift left Arrow Selects the word to the left of t he cursor Ctrl Shift Right Arrow Selects the word to the right of the cursor Ctrl Shift Home Selects from the cursor position to the start of the current file Ctrl Shift End Selects from the cursor position to the end of the current file Ctrl Shift PgDn Selects from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen Ctrl Shift PgUp Selects from the cursor position to the top of the screen Ctrl Shift Tab Moves to the previous page Alt Backspace Edit | Undo Alt Shift

Backspace Edit | Redo Alt Shift Left Arrow Selects the column to the left of the cursor Alt Shift Right Arrow Selects the column to the right of the cursor Alt Shift Up Arrow Moves the cursor up one line and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position Alt Shift Down Arrow Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position Alt Shift Page up Moves the cursor up one screen and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position Alt Shift Page Down Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column from the right of the starting cursor position Alt Shift End Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current line Alt Shift Home SELEC ts the column from the cursor position to the start of the current line Ctrl Alt Shift Left Arrow Selects the column to the left of the cursor Ctrl Alt Shift Rght Arrow Selects the column to the right of the cursor Ctrl Alt Shift Home Selects the column from the cursor position to the start of the current file Ctrl Alt Shift End Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current file Ctrl Alt Shift

Page Up Selects the column from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen Ctrl Alt Shift Page Down Selects the column from the cursor position to the top of the screen Call stack view Ctrl V View Source Ctrl E Edit Source Watch View Ctrl E Edit Watch Ctrl A Add Watch Ctrl D Delete Watch Category: IDE / Usage Tips 1. Code Template: Ctrl J 2. Code Move: Ctrl Shift i (right shift) Ctrl Shift u (left shift) 3. Select the form: first select any control, Shift mouse left button 4. Refer to the variable name, unit name, class name, and then use the Ctrl mouse left mouse to find the corresponding description 5. In process, function, internal, SHIFT CTRL direction key can jump to the corresponding process, function, and the definition of events, in the process, function, event definition, SHIFT CTRL down direction button can jump to Specific procedures, functions, internal Ctrl Shift C: Writing a declaration or replenishment function. Use ESC to select the upper object Shift Ctrl E display Explorer, I feel this better 2. Code Move: Ctrl Shift i (right shift) Ctrl Shift u (left shift) This itself has plugins, after installing, you can use CRTL D for a whole file / project file to code Arrange, more convenient than this, of course, there are other features Shift F12 quick lookup form and open the F11 property F9 run CRTL F9 compile CRTL SHIFT N (n = 1, 2, 3, 4 .. ....) Definition bookmark CRTL N (n = 1, 2, 3, 4 ...) Jump to the bookmark N Alt mouse left button can block the code, delete the aligned duplicate code is very useful. Ctrl Pageup moves the cursor to the first line of this screen, the screen does not scroll. Ctrl PageDown moves the cursor to the last line of this screen, the screen does not scroll. Ctrl ↓ roll down the screen down, the cursor follows the scroll without this screen. Ctrl ↑ Up to scroll the screen, the cursor follows scroll without this screen. Ctrl Shift NUM Sets up to nine temporary markers in the cursor line, which is very useful to temporary switching.

A book will appear on the left side of the line, the cover has Num, and then cancel the settings at a time. Ctrl NUM directly jumps to NUM, NUM is the label set with Ctrl Shift Num. NUM cannot use a keypad. Ctrl Home moves the cursor to the file header. Ctrl END moves the cursor to the end of the file. Ctrl B Buffer List window. Ctrl i with the Tab key. Ctrl m As the Enter key. Ctrl N with the Enter key, but the cursor position remains unchanged. Ctrl T deletes a word on the right of the cursor. Ctrl Y Deletes the row of the cursor. Ctrl Shift ↑ When the cursor is in the function body, quickly move the cursor to the current function declaration. Ctrl Shift ↓ Cursor When the function declares, the cursor quickly moves the cursor to the function definition. Ctrl Shift C declares a process or function, directly generates a process or function name, begin, end; Ctrl Shift E cursor switches between the Edit window and the Explorer window. Ctrl Shift G inserts GUID. CTRL SHIFT J pops up the Delphi statement prompt window, and select the desired statement to complete a statement. Ctrl Shift T joins the TO-DO annotation in the cursor line. Ctrl Shift Y removes the text between the end of the Bank after the cursor. Ctrl F3 Call Stack window. Ctrl F4 is equal to the Close item in the File menu. Ctrl mouse wheel accelerate scroll. Shift F8 pops up the CPU window when debugging. Shift F10 is equal to the right mouse button (Windows shortcut). Alt F4 Close the source program files opened in all edit boxes, but do not turn off the project.

Ctrl C CTRL V Paste Ctrl X Shear CTRL Z Restore (UNDO) Ctrl S Save Ctrl Enter Located to Unit File SHITF Arrow Select if the Alt Shitf arrow is pressed, it is one. Regional selection, not the selection, paste is also inserted and paste. F9 runs Ctrl F9 Compile F8 Step over (step debugging does not enter the sub-process) F7 TRACE INTO (step debugging simultaneously tracking the sub-process) F11, F12 Switch Editor, Inspector, Form Designer. CTRL Alt F11 Pop-up Engineer Ctrl F pop-up Find Dialog Ctrl R pop-up replacement dialog Ctrl Shitf Class C process code completion (as long as the defined part defines one Procedure or one function of the head automatically generates the set of the implementation part; it is also a shortcut that these are all in the menu. Others you can find it, it is not bored, below is some not PB Shitf Tab seems to be cool, in fact, Delphi is also. How to jump in Delphi is Ctrl K, I back, Ctrl K, u forward. If you are the implementation of the interface function, then CTRL Shift on the arrow You can declare the declaration. The same, then Ctrl Shift off the arrow and return to the implementation part is that Delphi does not have a label function, CTRL SHIFT digital definition tag (of course because of only 10 data keys, so you can only define 10 tags of 0 ~ 9), Ctrl number is positioned to the corresponding label. Sometimes do you need to enter something very much? Ctrl Shift R Record keyboard macro, such as what I often do, the arrow - Under the arrow - HOME- Enter-Ctrl V, then type Ctrl Shift R Record completion, then you can use Ctrl Shift P, Repeat the macro, or save some things. This is Ctrl j; This is Code Insight Ctrl Shift U // Block Recruitment / Antarusion Ctrl Shift I Cancel: In the bookmark N, press SHIFT CTRL N CTRL SHIFT S: Save all hold down Ctrl Point objects, processes, functions, and go to its definition prototype, even the Unit in the Delphi VCL source code.

Alt F4 Close Delphi Ctrl Space Code Complete Ctrl K O, Ctrl K N will be selected to turn to lowercase or uppercase Ctrl F Find Ctrl L Continue to find Ctrl R in Inspector, Use Ctrl Tab to switch the Properties page and Events Page Ctrl Enter to enter the appropriate settings, such as font in Preperties Page Ctrl Enter Press Ctrl Enter in Events to enter the corresponding code editing selection Section Ctrl Shift i: At the same time, push 2 Ctrl Shift U: 2 plus the alt after the simultaneous return, select the text or hold the text or press the ALT to select the text from: DLNEW, Time: 2001-10-24 11:57:00 Id: 688849 Place a TEDIT control on Form and write "Edit1." In the code, a little bit, will appear. Before "edit1." Is not written, you want to use this prompt function, you can press and hold the Windows button and press the blank key. (Only Windows keyboard can be used in this feature!) In fact, all SHORTKEY can be found in Classic Keystroke Mapping. Then in the Unit, such as input fo, this is a series of variables starting with FO, function. . Ctrl Backspace back delete a word. It seems to be. After Ctrl Alt, you can select the code in a rectangular block with the mouse and copy, paste it, which is Delphi unique, and very useful.

If there is another: Ctrl mouse left button, point to code ... If your hand is on the keyboard, I think you will not want to reach the mouse to move the component, then say that the mouse is not too accurate (below Both of the reached the keyboard operation, you can use the mouse to do this is not in this column), well, the following shortcuts and some tips, please read the official "closed". 1. The following shortcuts refer to the component on the form table. Operation: ● Shortcuts 1: [Ctrl Up] ~ Move the current component (accurate) to [Ctrl Left] ~ Move the current component to the left; [Ctrl Down] ~ Move the current component downward (accurate ); [CTRL Right] ~ Move the current component to the right; Note: The above fast piping will add SHIFT to combine (such as [Ctrl Shift Right]) to achieve rough adjustment; ● Shortcut 2: [Shift Up] ~ Reduce the height of the current component; reduce the width of the current component; [Shift Down] ~ increase the height of the current component; [Shift Right] ~ increase the width of the current component; Second, the following shortcuts refers to the operation on the object viewer: ● Shortcut 3: [F11] ~ Switch to the object viewer (Note: If you press F11, press F11, will be implemented in the object observation, form table, code Switch between editors); [Ctrl Down] ~ pull down the current form of the current form; [Ctrl Enter] ~ Edit the property value (such as the font TFONT); [Alt Down] ~ pull Components Current attribute monitors (such as Align-> Alnone, Alleft, Alright, etc.); [Ctrl Tab] ~ Switch in the attribute list and event list; three, menu shortcut: ● Shortcut 4: [F12], [Shift F12], [CTRL F12], etc. In the menu of Delphi, there is no need to say this. Tip: How to choose a form covered by the component (such as an Align property of a component is AlClient)? Method 1, Press the ESC key, a layer of back, until the form is selected as the current component; Method 2, click on Shift, click the left mouse button, one step, select (recommended); method three, press the F11 selected object observation, then switch to the attribute list, then use the [Ctrl in the above shortcut 3 " Down] .delphi keyboard Common shortcuts for shortcuts ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 2003-6-28 Source: Delphi Technology Network

All keyboard shortcuts are available in menus or help, and some keyboard operations are additional implementations outside the mouse. It will not be said here, because in addition to can boast from others, you are familiar with Delphi, It will only be used when there is no mouse. Of course, if your keyboard mode is not default and classic, then you already know what to do, don't be with me.

During the usual use, the most common shortcut is probably the following:

Ctrl C Copy Ctrl V Paste Ctrl X Cut Shitf Arrow Select If you hold the Alt, then choose, it is a regional selection, instead of the line selection, paste is inserted. F9 run F8 STEP OVER F7 TRACE INTO F11, F12 Switch Editor, Inspector, Form Designer. Ctrl Alt F11 pop-up engineering manager like these are shortcuts in the menu, others can go to find themselves, not bored, below Some shortcuts that are not very easy to find (or more than forgetting): PB's Shitf Tab seems to be cool, in fact, Delphi is also available in PB, if you use the Tab key to the selected code, it is all Select to jump backwards, but how to jump in delphi? It is also a way, it is Ctrl K, I back, CTRL K, u forward. If you are the implementation of the interface function, then Ctrl Shift on the arrow can be able to declare the declaration. The same red Ctrl Shift down the arrow is back to the implementation part is that Delphi seems to have no label function, CTRL SHIFT digital definition tag (of course because of only 10 data keys, so you also Only 10 tags from 0 to 9), Ctrl number is positioned to the location of the corresponding label. Sometimes, if you need to enter something very much? Ctrl Shift R Record the keyboard macro, such as what I often do. : Under the arrow - down the arrow - HOME - Enter-Ctrl V, type Ctrl Shift R Record completion, then you can use Ctrl Shift P, repetition, or save some things. Some fast is rarely used, I can't think of it, if you are interested, enter "Classic Keystroke Mapping" in the help index, look at yourself.

Thanks to Liu Jidi, Beijing provides this experience.

Q: How to make the carriage return to the cursor right movement in DBGRID

A: Write the following code in the Form.onkeyPress event:

IF key = # 13 Then if ActiveControl = dbgrid1 the begin TdbGrid (activeControl) .SelectedIndex: = TDBGRID (ActiveControl) .selectedIndex 1; Key: = # 0;

There are 2 points to pay attention: 1. When the cursor reaches the rightmost right column, press Enter, the cursor will stay in place. 2.key: = # 0 Let the cursor move to the next column, after the navigation state, if the code cursor is removed, it will be in an edit state after moving to the next column.

A group of Delphi5.0 shortcuts Author: Unknown Source: Unknown Add Time: 2004-8-10 Information Center development documents

The following shortcuts cannot be found in the menus of Delphi 5.0, some are still very useful.

Ctrl Pageup moves the cursor to the first line of this screen, the screen does not scroll. Ctrl PageDown moves the cursor to the last line of this screen, the screen does not scroll. Ctrl ↓ roll down the screen down, the cursor follows the scroll without this screen. Ctrl ↑ Up to scroll the screen, the cursor follows scroll without this screen. Ctrl Shift NUM Sets up to nine temporary markers in the cursor line, which is very useful to temporary switching. A book will appear on the left side of the line, the cover has Num, and then cancel the settings at a time. Ctrl NUM directly jumps to NUM, NUM is the label set with Ctrl Shift Num. NUM cannot use a keypad. Ctrl Home moves the cursor to the file header. Ctrl END moves the cursor to the end of the file. Ctrl B Buffer List window. Ctrl i with the Tab key. Ctrl m As the Enter key. Ctrl N with the Enter key, but the cursor position remains unchanged. Ctrl T deletes a word on the right of the cursor. Ctrl Y Deletes the row of the cursor. Ctrl Shift ↑ When the cursor is in the function body, quickly move the cursor to the current function declaration. Ctrl Shift ↓ Cursor When the function declares, the cursor quickly moves the cursor to the function definition. Ctrl Shift C declares a process or function, directly generates a process or function name, begin, end; Ctrl Shift E cursor switches between the Edit window and the Explorer window. Ctrl Shift G inserts GUID. CTRL SHIFT J pops up the Delphi statement prompt window, and select the desired statement to complete a statement. Ctrl Shift T joins the TO-DO annotation in the cursor line. Ctrl Shift Y removes the text between the end of the Bank after the cursor.

Ctrl F3 Call Stack window. Ctrl F4 is equal to the Close item in the File menu.

Ctrl mouse wheel accelerate scroll.

Shift F8 pops up the CPU window when debugging. Shift F10 is equal to the right mouse button (Windows shortcut).

Alt F4 Close the source program files opened in all edit boxes, but do not turn off the project.

Use shortcuts to speed up design speed. The shortcuts listed below can be skilled in order to master according to the actual situation. Del: Delete the selected component; ESC: Select the container of the current component (usually panel, group or form); F11: switch between Form or Unit and object inspections; F12: Switch between Form and Code Editing; Ctrl F12 : Display the "View Unit" dialog; Shift F12: Display "View Form" dialog; Tab: Next Component; Shift Tab: Previous Components; Direction Key: Select the nearest component in this direction; Ctrl arrow keys: Will the selected component Move a point; SHIFT direction button: change the selected component to the size of a point; Ctrl Shift arrow keys: Move the selected component; SHIFT CLICK: Press and hold the Shift key to click the component with the mouse to select multiple components. Here's this: Ctrl DRAG: Press and hold the CTRL button to drag the mouse in a container component (such as Panel, QReport, GroupBox, etc.), to force all the containers in the rectangular box that the mouse dragged Vision components (excluding the container assembly). -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


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