1. Define hotkey ID variables
Private {private declarations}}}}}}} {private; // Global variable, define hot key ID variable Procedure Shorcut (var msg: tMessage); // Define Windows message WM_HOTKEY HOOK Chain Message WM_HOTKEY;
2. Register hotkey:
HotKeyID: = GlobalAddatom ('Hotkey'); RegisterhotKey (Handle, HotKeyID, Mod_Control, 88);
3. Message Response:
Procedure tform1.shorcut (var msg: tMessage); beginmsg.result: = 1; // indicates that the message has been used! Application.BringTofront; Application.MessageBox ('hotkey has played!', 'prompt', MB_OK MB_ICONITIONMATION END;
4. Release Resources:
Procedure TForm1.FormDestroy (Sender: TOBJECT); Beginunregisterhotkey; deletetom (HotKeyID); end; 5.registerhotKey function protests as follows
Bool RegisterhotKey (HWND HWND, // Connecting the Hotkey Window Handle
INT ID, // Global Atom Handle
Uint fsmodifiers, / / hotkey modified logo
UINT VK / / Virtual Keyboard Code
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