Extract song information from MP3

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  53

A MP3 song except for music information, there is also information such as song name, singer, when we listen to music with WinAmp software, the playlist will automatically read this information. Most people like to download music from the Internet, but the downloaded MP3 file name is automatically named file upload system, and the song itself does not match, so it has brought a lot of trouble. However, lazy people have lazy practices, why don't we write a program yourself, automatically read the song information and automatically renamed MP3 files?

Below I will use C # as a tool, write the development process.

An additional information of a MP3 is stored in the last side of the file, accounting for 128 bytes, including the following content (we define a structural description):

Public struct mp3info


Public String Identify; // tag, three bytes

Public String Title; // Song name, 30 bytes

Public String Artist; // Singer Name, 30 bytes

Public String Album; // Self-belled, 30 bytes

Public String Year; // year, 4 characters

Public String Comment; // Note, 28 bytes

Public char reserved1; // Reserved, one byte

Public char reserved2; // Reserved, one byte

Public char reserved3; // Reserved, one byte


So, we can read the last 128 bytes of the MP3 file and save it to this structure. The function is defined as follows:


/// Get the last 128 bytes of MP3 files


/// file name

/// Return to byte an array

Private Byte [] getLast128 (String filename)


FILESTREAM FS = New FileStream (FileName, Filemode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

Stream stream = fs;

Stream.seek (-128, seekorigin.end);

Const int seekpos = 128;

INT rl = 0;

Byte [] info = new byte [seekpos];

RL = stream.read (info, 0, seekpos);

fs.close ();

stream.close ();

Return INFO;


Then remove the byte arrays returned above and save it to the MP3Info structure.


/// Get information about MP3 songs


/// Binary information taken from the MP3 file

/// Returns an MP3Info structure

Private MP3Info getmp3info (byte [] info)



String str = NULL;


INT position = 0; // The start value of the loop

INT currentIndex = 0; // INFO current index value

/ / Get the TAG ID

For (i = currentIndex; i

Str = str (char) info [i];



CurrentIndex = position;

MP3Info.identify = STR;

// Get the song name

Str = NULL;

Byte [] byttitle = new byte [30]; // read the song name part to a separate array

INT j = 0;

For (i = currentIndex; i


Byttitle [J] = INFO [I];


J ;


CurrentIndex = position;

MP3Info.title = this.byTerstring (Byttitle);

// Get the name of the singer

Str = NULL;

J = 0;

Byte [] bytartist = new byte [30]; // read the singer's part part to a separate array

For (i = currentIndex; i


Bytartist [J] = INFO [I];


J ;


CurrentIndex = position;

Mp3info.artist = this.byTostring (bytartist);

// Get the name of the record

Str = NULL;

J = 0;

Byte [] bytalbum = new byte [30]; // read the record name part into a separate array

For (i = currentIndex; i




J ;


CurrentIndex = position;

MP3info.album = this.byTostring (Bytalbum);

// Get the year

Str = NULL;

J = 0;

Byte [] bytyear = new byte [4]; // read the year to a separate array

For (i = currentIndex; i


Bytyear [J] = INFO [I];


J ;


CurrentIndex = position;

Mp3info.Year = this.byTostring (Bytyear);

// get comments

Str = NULL;

J = 0;

Byte [] byTcomment = new byte [28]; // read the comment section to a separate array

For (i = currentIndex; i


BYTComment [J] = INFO [I];


J ;


CurrentIndex = position;

Mp3info.comment = this.byTostring (ByTcomment);

// The following get the reserved bit

Mp3info.reserved1 = (char) info [ position]; mp3info.reserved2 = (char) info [ position];

MP3INFO.RESERVED3 = (char) info [ position];

Return MP3Info;


The above method is used below:


/// convert byte arrays into strings


/// byte array

/// Returns the converted string

Private string bytetostring (byte [] b)


Encoding enc = encoding.getencoding ("GB2312");

String str = enc.getstring (b);

Str = str.substring (0, str.indexof ('/ 0')> = 0? str.indexof ('/ 0'): str.length); // Remove useless characters

Return Str;


What is the rename? We are renamed songs in the format of (singing) song name, the program is as follows:


// / Change the file name


/// file name


Private Bool Rename (String Filepath)


File.exists (FilePath))



MP3INFO = this.getMP3Info (this.getlast128 (filepath)); // read file information

Mp3info.artist = this.deletenotValue (mp3info.artist);

Mp3info.title = this.deletenotValue (MP3Info.title);

IF (mp3info.artist.trim (). Length == 0)


Mp3info.artist = "Not Name";


IF (MP3Info.title.trim (). Length == 0)


Mp3info.title = "Unknown song";




// Rename

File.move (FilePath, Filepath.Substring (0, Filepath.tolower (). LastIndexof ("//"))). Trim () "//" "(" MP3Info.artist.trim () ") " MP3Info.title.trim () " .mp3 ");

Return True;


Catch (Exception)


Return False;





Return False;



Oh, the idea is this, if there is a problem or need the source code, please send an email to: lifenote@21cn.com.


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