For questions about Truedbgrid, ask you prawn

zhaozj2021-02-16  112

We use the TruedBGrid Pro 8.0 control in a VB engineering. In the later change, we want to add its Filter feature to (which is hidden), but when we set its FilterBar property to true, Throw such an exception: The Provider filter cannot be opened. Filter's function is as follows:

Private Sub TdbGrid1_filterchange () on Error Goto Errhandler

Set cols = tdbgrid1.columnsdim c as integer = tdbgrid1.coltdbGrid1.holdfields

Adodc1.recordset.filter = getfilter () TDBGRID1.COL = CTDBGRID1.EDITACTIVE = TrueExit Sub

Errhandler: MsgBox Err.Source & ":" & vbcrf & err.description for Each Col in TdbGrid1.columns col.filtertext = "" Next Colend Sub

Private function getfilter () AS STRING DIM TMP AS STRING DIM N AS INTEGER for Each Col in cols if Trim (col.filtertext) <> "" "THEN N = N 1 IF N> 1 TMP = TMP &" AND "END If TMP = TMP & col.Datafield & "Like '" & col.filtertext & "%'" end if next col Getfilter = TMPEND FUNCTION

In the DEBUG, there is an abnormality in the Purple Font. If you doubt what the settings are related to AdoDB, please ask your prawn to enlighten me!


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