Convenient gadget

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

NTRIGHTS: NTRights is a tool in Windows Resource Kits, the author is G.zanzen, who recently wrote a new version of NTRights, not only modifies the system's Rights, but also modifies the Files, Registry's Permission, people who like to write scripts. Down to; attr: A Attrib's enhancement version, old friend Batman wrote, see if it is worthwhile to use; L0PHT CRACK: Crack SAM's good stuff, I used to be very mysterious, I was familiar with SAM structure I feel general :); Script KB: a CHM file for more than two hundred K, tell you how to write the script, and come with a lot of Sample, recommend; PortQuery: The port scanner under the command line of Microsoft released, does not use it Convenient, but it is worth mentioning that it can be performed in the batch file; Winternals Administrator's Pak: Strongly recommended things, including Erd Commander 2002, Disk Commander, NTFSDoS Professional 4.0, Remote Recover 2.0, and some monitoring tools, please see This; Inside C #: The book of the inside series has always been very good, this time is Inside C #; HFNetchk 3.3: Microsoft released new version patch detection, local, remote can be; DEVCON: Command line management device software; PSU: A SU written by your friend Batman first, let's take a look at the explanation, although the technical content is not high, you can give yourself convenient ... ifconfig: Windows underwater, Microsoft produce, and also bring the source code 喔; nscopy: backup Use it, or come here to see the introduction of the tool; WFPQuery: Whether the file is protected by WFP, of course, you can also get a list of WFP; Tini: I have seen the smallest Trojan (3K), execute after Telnet IP 7777, 9x, NT, 2000 to eat; msconfig: Msconfig.exe peeling from XP, can be used under Win2000; Handle: The Handle: PTE: PTE: Write the GUI tool for the ADM file, It's not very good, barely available, and perform the POLEDIT-> option after the ADM file -> Template; Active Ports: A tool similar to the FPORT, but the GUI, there is a CLOSE port function; TSC MD: The command line modifies the Terminal Server configuration; PSLoggedon: Check the command line tool to log in to the server; wfetch: If you like to find CGI vulnerabilities, this tool can help you, pay attention: It is found that vulnerabilities, not scanning; WC: Not toilet, people who have used Linux know what is made, used to write the Batch file, the number of lines, words, number of words, number of words, regularly recommended command line mode Interactive registry editing tool, simple and practical, although it is a bit old, but it is still very easy to use (recommended); Kill: Of course, there must be a murder of the process; PS: View the current process of the system;

A good book: e-book: Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Administrator's Companion, CHM format, 22M (a bit big) setacl: a set directory, printer, registry, service, sharing, directory service object authority command line tool, strongly recommended; L0PHT CRACK 3.0: Latest version of NT / 2000 password crack software, with a registration machine; NTLAST: If you review the login, use this tool to see which users have registered recently; Srvinstw: Tools for adding or deleting services; service Pack Manager: Service Pack Management Tool, better than spquery; TsWebsetup: web way connects Terminal Server tools; Netcat: No need to say, you know here, this is a Windows version; Source Insight 3: Good things for the source code, Registration code: Si3US-197497-65898; FPORT: New version of the Fport, version 1.33, recommended download; Wget: a command line method download tool; enhance Windows 2000 Meng Haicheng ---- Windows 2000 is based on Windows NT technology development A new generation of operating systems, not only has Windows NT security and manageability, but also inherits the flexible feature of Windows previously versions. The support tools provided by Windows 2000 make it like tiger, they are helping to provide Microsoft's technical support personnel or experienced users to help when diagnose and resolve computer issues. Through the use of support tools, users can strengthen the monitoring and optimization of the system, thereby safer use Windows 2000.

First, Windows 2000 Support Tool Classification

---- 1. After the built-in support tool is installed in Windows 2000, these support tools already exist in the Windows 2000 system.

---- 2. Additional support tools must be manually installed from the Windows 2000 installation CD.

Second, the installation and unloading of additional support tools

---- WINDOWS 2000 Additional Support Tools Installation and Uninstalling can be done either through a graphical interface or in a DOS command line mode. Typically, the operation method of the graphical interface is easier, and its operation is as follows.

After starting Windows 2000, log in as a member of the administrator group (Note: You must log in as you).

In the installation CD of Windows 2000, enter the Support / Tools directory, double-click Setup.exe, install additional support tools. ---- Attach support tool installation requires approximately 19MB hard disk space, after the installation is complete, the program is created on the "Windows 2000 Support Tools" folder on the Start menu, and the user can choose the support tool you need here. . Additional Support Tools Save Under the Program Files / Support Tools directory where Windows 2000 partition is installed, the installer automatically adds the Program Files / Support Tools directory to the "path" environment variable of the system.

---- The unloading method of additional support tools for Windows 2000 is very simple. Users only need to select "Control Panel" * Add / Remove Programs, you can uninstall additional support tools.

---- In addition, by executing the msiexec command in the command line mode, the installation and uninstallation of additional support tools can also be completed using the corresponding parameters. Third, a list of Windows 2000 support tool features

---- The following is listed below, and the internal support tool and the functionality of the common additional support tool, and its implementation, if you need further understanding of this, you can refer to the relevant instructions.

---- 1. Internal support tools (as shown in Schedule):

---- 2. Common additional support tools:

---- Computer Management Tools

---- Dumpchk.exe verifies whether Crash Dump is created correctly.

---- Kill.exe kills one or more processes or tasks.

---- MEMSNAP.EXE makes a quick photo for the consumption of memory resources.

---- MsiCuu.exe When there is a problem, allow the user to securely remove the Windows Installer from the computer in graphics mode.

---- MSIZAP.EXE When there is a problem, allow the user to securely remove the Windows Installer settings from the computer in command line mode.

---- PoolMon.exe In command line mode, monitor memory fragments, usually used to detect memory vulnerabilities.

---- Reg.exe allows users to add, change delete, search, save, or recovery, by command mode or batch file.

---- TList.exe Displays the currently running task or process list in the local computer in command line mode.

---- W2000 msgs.chm This HTML Help file lists most Windows 2000 generated errors and system information messages, providing suggestions for each message and corrections.

---- development tools

---- APCompat.exe provides users with tools that solve most applications and Windows 2000 incompatible issues via graphic mode or command line mode.

---- Clonepr.dll When you migrate users from Windows NT to Windows 2000, help administrators are cloned to users and groups on Windows NT in a Windows 2000 environment.

---- Sidwalker is used to help administrators manage access control policies on Windows 2000 or Windows NT systems.

---- Diagnostic tools

---- ACLDIAG.EXE helps diagnose and exclude an active directory object in command line mode.

---- APMSTAT.EXE In command line mode, the status information of Advanced Power Management (APM) is provided.

---- A character-based browser diagnostic tool in the browstat.exe command line mode.

--- Depends.exe Scan all related 32-bit or 64-bit modules (such as .xe, .dll, .ocx, and .sys, etc.) for the selected Windows module and establish a layered module tree structure chart.

---- NetDiag.exe In command line mode, this tool determines the status of the network client by performing a series of test isolation networks or links.

---- SNMPUTILG.EXE This graphical interface tool adds the SNMP browsing tool for previous command line mode.

---- Document and Disk Tools

---- DFSUTIL.EXE command line mode Allows administrators to query or troubleshoot the Microsoft distribution file system.

---- DSKPROBE.EXE sector editing tool, the user who is allowed to have local administrator privileges to edit, copy and save data directly on the physical hard disk without accessing, using users who have local administrator privileges.

---- Filever.exe Command Line mode, check the version resource structure of the EXE or DLL file in a directory on a local or remote computer, and display the relevant information.

---- Windiff.exe graphical interface to compare the specified ASCII text file or folder containing the ASCII text file and display the difference.

---- Network Management Tool

---- DNSCMD.exe assists the administrator to manage the DNS in command line mode. ---- DSACLS.EXE makes the access control list management of the directory service, allowing the active directory object to be inquired or operated on its security properties.

---- DSASTAT.EXE compares and detects naming content on the domain controller.

---- NetDom.exe administrator can manage Windows 2000 domain and trust associations in command line mode.

---- NLTest.exe In command line mode, help execute the following network management: (1) Get a list of the primary domain controller; (2) Force shutdown; (3) query and check the trust state; (4) Check the status of trust management and Windows domain replication; (5) Force user account database on Windows NT 4.0 to keep synchronization.

---- Remote.exe This command line tool allows the user to run the command line on the remote computer.

---- RepAdmin.exe This command line tool helps administrators diagnose the problem between the Windows 2000 domain controller.

---- Performance Tools

---- PMon.exe monitors the use of the process by monitoring the use of CPU and memory.

---- PViewer.exe Displays information about a process running, killing the process or changing the process property.


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