Pure-ftpd on freebsd Raiders (Chinese Simplified Edition)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

This post (traditional original) MaxBSD has been posted, and personal feelings seems to be inconvenient, and it makes it simple, I hope to help everyone. If you have an wrong place, please refer to you, thank you! *********************************************************** **************************** PURE-FTPD ON FreeBSD Raiders ---- [Author] Far <1> Pureftpd Introduction As the name, he is a pure set of ftpd. (-"Nonsense). Where is she use? 唔 ... Just use it. Use it right. What to do. ^ _ ^ !! -------------------------------------------------- ----------- <2> The ports of Pureft FreeBSD is also available. If you are lazy. You can install it directly to Ports (/ usr / ports / ftp / pure-ftpd). But I It is recommended that you go to his official website to catch the new version (http://www.pureft.org/). I use 1.0.12 version. It is not bad. I have been a lazy installation method: go to the Ports directory Make Install Clean. Complete! Later. I found that PORTS installation could not be strongly reflected in Pure-ftpd. (It is also a problem with the old FXP support.) So ... rare ... So lazy me. It is installed with SOURCE. A lot of nonsense. A. Solve the Source of the captured. (Solution to / TMP) #tar zxvf pure-ftpd-1.0.12.tar.gz If you don't do it. You can take a look Readme. * It is worth seeing. If you have something special needs. You can also go directly. It should be available to Dongdong. (EX: ldap.mysql.virtual ....... ) B.

Start making your wishes to make ftp-server. #. / Configure --with-paraanoidmsg --with-sysquotas --with-pured / --with-altlog --with-shottling --with- Ratios - With-ftpwho / --with-welcomemsg --with-uploadscript --with-limited / --with-virtualhosts --with-virtualchroot --with-diraliases / --with-quotas --with-peruserlimits - -with-language = traditional-chinese Detailed description of the use of the above use. Here I only make a brief explanation for common use. --without-Standalone can't be STANDALONE Execute ftpd. --Without-inetd can't perform ftpd in inetd. --Without-iPlogging does not give the IP address to log when logging. --Without-shadow does not make Shadow. Unless it is used with PAM, LDAP OR SQL. Otherwise it is very unsuitable. --Without-usernames file list will only list UID &

GID, do not list the actual user or group name. --Without-humor 嘿嘿 .... --without-ascii does not support 7-bits transfers (ASCII). --With-paranoidmsg 唔 .... I don't know how to To be said. It is a message that you can give specific people. --With-sysquotas eat the quota setting of the system. --With-minimal minimic installation. --With-Pam --with-puredb --with-ldap --with -mySQL - With-PGSQL or more is the format of storage information ?! (Calculate it ?!). See you more habits. I prefer to use puredb. --with-altlog LOG LOG .... --with-cookie user enters the stove to see the Dongdong. Similar to the station screen. --with-ratios Upload ratio. --with-tretling frequency width is limited. --with-ftpwho can be used in Pure-ftpwho Look at the online user. Like the line status of Serv-U. --with-uploadscript Automatically calls a script to handle this file when a file is completely uploaded. Of course. This script is written. -with-largefile supports downloading more than 2G files. --with-virtualhosts has the wonderful work of HTTP's VirtualHost. U The upper LINK function is the same. --With-nonroot does not require root privileges. General User can start ftpd. --With-quotas Using Quota. (Non-System Quota) --with-Peruserlimits Enable PER-User Concurrency Limits .Avoid this on very loaded servers. (It is too difficult to translate) --with-everything all functions. --With-language = traditional-Chinese language shows the language of the information. By default, the unexpected discovery. In Config.h, the authors believe that in the mainland TRADition-Chinese Taiwan with Simplified-Chinese. But no matter what, this does not affect our use) C. It's ready to install it !! #make; make check; make install d.

Move some stuff to the location. #CHMOD 755 configuration-file / pure-config.pl #cp configuration-file / pure-config.pl / usr / local / sbin / #cp configuration-file / pure-ftpd .conf /usr/local/etc/-------ok.pureftpd is installed in this way. Other config and other next-time decomposition.: p ----------- in the previous chapter. We have successfully put the pureftpd. Now we have to start setting his settings. ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------- <3> Pure- FTPD.CONF settings * In the last, we copied the Pureft's default setting file (pure-ftpd.conf) in / usr / local / etc /. (In fact, you can, just me habits). It is recommended to copy a copy called pure-ftpd.xxx.conf (if you want to run multiple ftpd. Thexx section can be replaced by replacing the name you want.) Is good). Start editing pure-ftpd.xxx.conf. #vim pure-ftpd.xxx.conf (see what editor do you like to use. yourself) #### pure-ftpd.xxx.conf ####### chrooteveryone Yestrustedgid 50 # All two to BrokenClientScompatibility NomaxClientSnumber 999 # Maximum Link Diaemonize Yes # fork in BackgroundmaxClientsperip 5 # Each IP Max Link Count Verboselog No # Do you want to put all client instructions LOG DISPLAYDOTFILES NO # DisplayDotfiles no # DisplayDotfiles no # DisplayDotfiles no # Show outlet Anonymousonly NO # is only let an anonymous login noanynymous yes # not open anonymous login syslogfacility ftpdontresolve yes # do not revelation client's IPMAXIDletime 5 # Maximum idle time PUREDB /FTP/Pureftpd.pdb# user data DB storage location [Because I It is built-in DB with PureftPD. Solid this option] UnixAuthentication YES # If you want to have a simple Unix (/ etc / passwd) authentication LimitRecursion 1000 3 # ls list up to 1000 files. The deepest 3 floors Maxload 4 # When System LOAD exceeds 4. Users will not be able to download the files uploaded by Antiwarez No # cannot be downloaded (Owner IS FTP). Wait until Local Admin Confirm Bind 21 # 要 / ->

127.0. NOPROHIBITDOTFILESREAD NO #. The beginning of the file can be read and written with Autorename No # Upload file If there is the same file name automatic change (File.1, File.2 ...) Trustedip # i p ip.altlog stats: / ftp / ETC / log / pureft.log # log storage location NochMod yes # Not given to the CHMOD instruction KeepallFiles YES # user suvreed biography. But can not delete files CreateHomedir No # If the user does not exist automatically created PIDFile / FTP / ETC / Log / pure-ftpd.pid # record pida 1000: 10 # CalluploadScript Yes # Call UploadScriptMaxDiskusage 99 # When the hard disk usage is, it will stop uploading NoreName Yes # Not given file PreuSerlimits 3: 20 # ############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ### -------------------------------------------------- --------- Establishment account has ftp. It is now possible to have an account. #Vipw ftpuser: $ 1 $ REO39XEQ $ Krmkuch12ugyu3hch / spa.: 9999: 9999 :: 0: 0: FTP : / ftp: / sbin / nologin #vim / etc / group ftpGroup: *: 9999: What is FTP Customers to log in. Next I want to choose the password file that pure-ftpd you want to eat. I am Select Put / FTP / ETC / Lower # Pure-Pw Far -f Pureft.ps -u 9999 -g 9999-D / FTP / FAR -Y 2 # pure-pw mkdb pureftpd.pdb -f pureftpd.ps UserAdd [-f ] -u [-g

] -D / -d [-C ] [-T ] [-t ] [-N ] [-N ] [-Q ] [-Q ] [-R / ] [-r / ] [-I / ] [-i / ] [-y ] [-z - ] Login time 24 hours) [-M] pure-pw usermod -f -u [-g ] -d / -d - [c ] [-T ] [-T ] [-N ] [-n ] [-Q ] [-q ] [-R / ] [-r / ] [-i / ] [-i / ] [-y ] [-z - ] [-m] pure-pw userdel [-f ] [-M] PURE-PW Passwd [-f ] [-M] PURE -pw show [-f ] pure-pw mkdb [ [-f ]] -d : chroot user (recommended) -D : DON '

T chroot user -y 0: At the same time, the maximum link is not limited to -M: At the same time, the /etc/pureftpd.pdb file is updated simultaneously. (If PUREDB is not placed here, please don't add) for a 1:10 ratio, use -q 1 - Q 10 to allow access Only BetWeen 9 AM and 6 PM, Use -z 0900-1800 ***************************************** **************** About file permission part. (Need to change UPLOAD users into FTPuser : ftpGroup. Downloadable file permissions are also 644) #Chown -r ftpuser: ftpGroup upload / ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- <5> boot to / usr / local / bin / rc .D / under the editor of a pure-ftpd.sh ##################################### START) IF [-f /usr/local/etc/pure-ftpd.xxx.conf] ;1 /usr/local/sbin/pure-config.pl/usr/local/etc/pure-ftpd.xxx.conf> / dev / null 2> & 1 && echo -n 'pure-ftpd begin!' fi ;; stop) / usr / bin / killall pure-ftpd> / dev / null 2> & 1 && echo -n 'pure-ftpd stop! ';; *) "echo" usage: `basename $ 0` {start | stop}" Echo "" EXIT 64 ;; ESAC #################################################################################################### -ftpd.sh start ok ... Start test Take a look at FTP XXX.FAR2.NET 21 Connected to ftp.far2.net. 220 - = (<*> =

-. ((Welcome to Pureftpd 1.0.12).: .- = (<*> = - 220- You are the 48th user, up to 999 connection 220 - Today's local time is 19 : 52 Load is 1.37. Server Port: 21. 220 - This is a private system - do not open anonymous login 220 in 5 minutes without activity, you will be disconnected.


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