I would like to ask the Xiongtai with Brew's SMS send and receive code? Can you give a small first copy, thank you very muc

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  81

ITAPI_SENDSMS () Description: This method is used to send SMS messages from the handheld device. This function can be used to send a text message to a particular BREW application of other handheld devices, or send a universal text message to other handheld devices. It will send messages to the target mobile number or email ID. When this function is called, it may generate a Suspend / Resume sequence in the BREW application. It will initialize it when the handheld device sends an SMS message. The control sequence process is as follows: Application call iTAPI_SENDSMS (PitApi, PSZDST, PSZMSG, 0, MyNotify, PME) handheld start sending SMS message application Receive EVT_APP_SUSPEND When sending a message, the PFN specified notification function application receives EVT_APP_RESUME If applications The program wants to display the notification information, it is recommended to store the status when the notification function is called, and then the state is displayed when EVT_APP_RESUME is received. Prototype: int itapi_sendsms (ITAPI * Pitapi, Const Char * pszdst, const char * pszmsg, aeeclsid clsdst, pfnsmsstatus pfn, void * pub) Parameters: PitApi? Pointing to ITAPI interface object Pointer? Pszdst? Send a message target number or email ID. If it is set to NULL, and CLSDST is non-zero, this function will send an EVT_APP_MESSAGE event to the application (CLSDST) on the local handheld device, and the DWPARAM of the event will contain PSZMSG. In this case, the return value of the function is the same as the return value of ISHELL_SENDEVENT (). Since it is a local sending message, the notification function will not be called. • PSZMSG? To send text messages to the target mobile device. If set to null, the function will return EBADPARM? CLSID? If it is not non-zero, it specifies the class ID? PFN? PFN? PFN? PFN? PFN? PFN? Notify the SMS message Send status called notification function? PUSER? Example of user data sent to notification functions: ITAPI_SENDSMS (Pitapi, "8581112222", "Hello World", 0, MyMosmsNotify, PME;? ITAPI_Sendsms (Pitapi, "Foo@sample.com", "Hello World", 0, MyMosmsNotify , PME); • Return Value: If successful, returns success. After sending messages to other handheld devices, use status calling the notification function. The status of the notification function may be Success or Failure. If the phone is busy, you cannot send the SMS, then return EIITEMBUSY. Typically, only an unfinished SMS message is allowed. Other messages cannot be sent unless the message has been sent. Returns eBadparm if pszmsg is null, or PSZDST and CLSDST are set to NULL. Returns eBadclass if this handheld device is not enabled. Returns efailed if a regular fault occurs when sending SMS.


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