Windows 2K Tomcat Configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

Tomcat's download address, install JDK2, how to modify the port number Using the text editor such as EditPlus, open the server.xml file, find it! - Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP / 1.1 Connector on port 8080 -> to turn 8080, change to 80, then restart Tomcat, this machine Http: // localhost can be accessed. Note: Other versions, find the corresponding 8080, then modify. 3. Modify the publishing directory, for example, the D: / Test directory is published as its own document, and specifies the relative directory of MyTest to HTTP access (this machine is http: // localhost / mytest). I have to modify the server.xml file, find -> to the comment, or will already Shielded Copy to the blank place below, the text replicated at this time is already bright. According to the requirements in the example, the text is modified as follows: then restart Tomcat, this machine can pass by http: // localhost / Mytest to access the JSP file in the D: / Test directory. Summary: The overall structure of the directory structure is as follows: D: / web-inf┄┄web.xml │ └ / wlass ┈┈javabean / servlet file │ └mypackages (Package path) ┈┈ JavaBean / servlet file

Tomcat configuration skills TOP 10

2004-01-09 17:19:25

Author: Jason Brittain & Ian F. Darwin


Translator: Chen Guang


Editor Press: Now developing Java web applications, establishing and deploying Web content is a very simple job. People who use Jakarta Tomcat as servlets and JSP containers have spread all over the world. Tomcat has many features such as free, cross-platform, and is updated very quickly, and now very popular. What you need to do is: Configure Tomcat according to your needs, as long as you are configured correctly, Tomcat is generally suitable for your request. Here is a series of configuration skills about Tomcat, these techniques come from my book: "Tomcat Authoritarian Guide", I hope to help you. - Jason Brittain

1. Configuration System Management (Admin Web Application)

Most commercial J2EE servers provide a powerful management interface, and most of the easy-to-understand web application interfaces. Tomcat also provides a mature management tool in its own way, and is not inferior to those commercial competitors. Tomcat's admin Web Application initially appeared at version 4.1, the functionality included managing Context, Data Source, User, and Group. Of course, you can also manage multiple database management like initialization parameters, User, Group, and Role. In subsequent versions, these features will be extended, but existing features are very practical.

Admin Web Application is defined in the automatic deployment file: Catalina_Base / WebApps / Admin.xml.

(Translator Note: Catalina_base is the server directory under Tomcat installation directory)

You must edit this file to determine that the DocBase parameter in Context is an absolute path. That is, the path of Catalina_Base / WebApps / Admin .xml is an absolute path. As another choice, you can also delete this automatic deployment file, and create a Context of an Admin Web Application in the server.xml file, the effect is the same. You can't manage the application of Admin Web Application. In other words, in addition to deleting Catalina_Base / WebApps / Admin.xml, you may not do anything.

If you use UserDatabaseRealm (default), you will need to add a USER and a role to the catalina_base / conf / tomcat-users.xml file. You edit this file, add a Role called "admin" to the file, as follows:

You also need to have a user, and the role of this user is "admin". To add a user, add a user (changing the password safer):

When you complete these steps, restart Tomcat, access http: // localhost: 8080 / admin, you will see a login interface. Admin Web Application adopts a safe mechanism based on container management and uses a Jakarta Struts framework. Once you log in to the management interface as a "admin" role, you will be able to configure Tomcat using this management interface.

2. Configuring Application Management Manager Web Application Let you perform some simple web application tasks through a user interface than Admin Web Application.

Manager Web Application is defined in an automatic deployment file:

Catalina_base / WebApps / Manager.xml.

You must edit this file to make sure the CONTEXT's DocBase parameter is an absolute path, that is, the absolute path of Catalina_Home / Server / WebApps / Manager.

(Translator Note: Catalina_Home is Tomcat Installation Directory)

If you are using UserDatabaseRealm, then you need to add a role and a user to the Catalina_base / conf / Tomcat-users.xml file. Next, edit this file, add a role named "Manager" to the file:

You also need a user with a role "manager". To add a new user like the already existing users (change your password safer):

Then restart Tomcat, access http: // localhost / manager / list, you will see a very simple text-type management interface, or visit http: // localhost / manager / html / list, you will see an HMTL management interface . No matter which method, your Manager Web Application is now launched.

Manager Application allows you to install new web applications on the basis of system management privileges for testing. If we have a new web app under / home / user / hello, and want to install it to / hello, in order to test this app, we can do this, enter "/ hello" in the first file box (As the path when access, enter "File: / Home / User / Hello" in the second text box (as a config URL).

Manager Application also allows you to stop, restart, remove, and redeploy a web application. Stop an application makes it impossible to access, when some user tries to access this stopped app, will see a 503 error - "503 - this Application IS Not Currently Available".

Remove a web application, just delete the app from Tomcat's running copy, if you restart Tomcat, the deleted application will appear again (that is, removal does not mean from the hard disk).

3. Deploy a web application

There are two ways to deploy web services in the system.

1> Copy your WAR file or your web application folder (including all content of this web) to the Catalina_Base / WebApps directory.

2> Establish an XML fragment file that includes Context content and put the file in the catalina_base / webapps directory. This web application itself can be stored anywhere on the hard disk.

If you have a WAR file, if you want to deploy it, you just need to copy the file into the Cataalina_base / webapps directory, the file must be ".war" as an extension. Once the Tomcat monitors this file, it will (default) until the file is made as a subdirectory, and the file name of the WAR file as the name of the subdirectory. Next, Tomcat will create a context in memory, just like you have established in the server.xml file. Of course, other required content will be obtained from DefaultContext in Server.xml. Another way to deploy web applications is to write a context XML fragment file, then copy the file to the catalina_base / webapps directory. A Context fragment is not a complete XML file, but is just a context element, as well as the corresponding description of the application. This piece of fragment is like the Context element cut from Server.xml, so this piece is named "Context Disclosure".

For example, if we want to deploy a application called MyWebapp.war, the app uses Realm as an access control method, we can use this piece:

Context fragment for deploying myWebapp.war


Debug = "0" privileged = "true">

ResourceEName = "UserDatabase" />

Name this piece "MyWebApp.xml" and copy it to the catalina_base / webapps directory.

This Context snippet provides a convenient way to deploy web applications, you don't need to edit server.xml unless you want to change the default deployment feature, you don't need to restart Tomcat when installing a new web application.

4. Configure virtual hosts (Virtual Hosts)

About "Host" elements in Server.xml, only needs to be modified only if you set up a virtual host. A virtual host is a mechanism for serving multiple domain names on a web server. For each domain name, it seems to have an exclusive host. In fact, most small business websites are implemented in virtual hosts, mainly because virtual hosts can connect directly to the Internet and provide corresponding bandwidth to ensure reasonable access response speed, and additional virtual hosts can provide a stable Fixed IP.

Name-based virtual hosts can be built on any web server, the method established is to create an alias of the IP address on the Domain Name Server (DNS), and tell the web server to distribute the request to different domain names to the corresponding web directory. Because this article is primarily tomcat, we don't prepare for the way DNS on various operating systems. If you need help in this regard, please refer to "DNS and Bind" book, the author is Paul Albitz and cricket Liu ( O'Reilly. For the convenience of demonstration, I will use a static host file because it is the simplest method for testing alias.

Using a virtual host in Tomcat, you need to set DNS or host data. In order to test, set an IP alias for local IP. Next, you need to add a few lines of content in server.xml, as follows:

Port = "8080" MINPROCESSORS = "5" maxprocessors = "75"

Enablelookups = "True" redirectport = "8443" />

Port = "8443" MINPROCESSORS = "5" maxprocessors = "75"

Acceptcount = "10" debug = "0" scheme = "https" secure = "true" />

ClientAuth = "false" protocol = "tls" />

Unpackwars = "true" autodeploy = "true">

Reloadable = "true" crossText = "true">

Tomcat's server.xml file, in the initial state, only a virtual host, but it is easy to expand to multiple virtual hosts. A simple server.xml version is shown in the previous example, where the bold part is used to add a virtual host. Each Host element must include one or more context elements that must have a default context, which should be empty (for example, path = ").

5. Configuring basic authentication (Basic Authentication)

The container management verification method controls how to identify the user's identification when the user accesses the protected web application resource. When a web application uses the Basic Authentication (the Basic parameter is set in the auto-method element in the web.xml file), and when a user access protected web app, Tomcat will pop up a dialog box, request The user enters the username and password. In this verification method, all passwords will be transmitted on the network with a 64-bit encoding.

Note: By using Basic Authentication is considered unsafe because it does not have strong encryption, unless use HTTPS or other code on the client and server-side encrypted manner (for example, in a virtual private network). If there is no additional encryption method, the network administrator will be able to intercept (or abuse) the user's password. However, if you just start using Tomcat, or you want to test the container-based security management in your web application, Basic Authentication is also very easy to set up and use. Just add and two elements to your web.xml file, and add the appropriate and <"in the Catalina_base / conf / tomcat-users.xml file User> You can restart Tomcat.

The web.xml in the following example is taken from a club member website system, which is only protected by the Member directory and authenticated using Basic Authentication. Note that this way will effectively replace the .htaccess file in the Apache web server.

Define the members-only area, by defining

A "Security Constraint" on this application, and

Mapping it to the subdirectory (url) That We want



Entire Application

/ members / *



My Club Members-Only Area

6. Single sign-on (SINGLE SIGN-ON)

Once you set up Realm and verification, you need to perform actual user login processing. Generally speaking, the login system for users is a very troublesome thing, you must try to minimize the number of users login verification. As the default, when the user first requests protected resources, each web application requires a user to log in. If you have run multiple web applications, and each application needs to perform separate user authentication, then it looks a bit like you fight with your users. Users don't know how to integrate multiple separate applications into a separate system. All they don't know how many different applications they need, but they are only confused, why should they always log in.

Tomcat 4's "Single Sign-ON" feature allows users to log in once when accessing all web applications under the same virtual host. In order to use this feature, you only need to add a SingLesignon Valve element on Host, as shown below:

Debug = "0" />

After the initial installation of Tomcat, the Note of Server.xml includes examples of the SingLesignon Valve configuration, you only need to remove the comment, you can use it. Then, any user will be equally valid for all applications under the same virtual host.

There are some important limits using Single Sign-on Valve:

1> Value must be configured and nested in the same Host element, and all web applications that need to be single-point validation (definition must be defined via the context element) is located under this host.

2> Realm including shared user information must be set in the same stage Host or outside the nest.

3> Can't be covered by Realm in Context.

4> Using a single-point login web app to best use a Tomcat's built-in authentication method (defined in in web.xml), this is stronger than the custom verification method, the Tomcat built-in verification The way includes Basic, Digest, Form, and Client-Cert.

5> If you use a single sign-on, you want to integrate a third-party web application to your website, and this new web application uses its own verification mode, without using container management security, then you basically No trouble. Your users need to log in every time all applications are logged in, and they have to log in again when requested new third-party applications. Of course, if you have the source code for this third party web application, and you are a programmer, you can modify it, but it is not easy to do.

6> Single sign-on needs to use cookies.

7. Configuring a user custom directory Some sites allow individual users to publish a web page on the server. For example, a university's college may want to give every student a public area, or an ISP hopes to give some clients to his client, but this is not a virtual host. In this case, a typical method is to add a special character (~) in front of the username, as a website of each user, such as:


Tomcat provides two ways to shoot these personal websites on the host, mainly using a special Listener element. Listener's classname property should be org.apache.catalina.startup.userConfig, the UserClass property should be one of several mapping classes. If your system is UNIX, it will have a standard / etc / passwd file that can be readily read by the account in the file, which specifies the user's home directory, using the PasswduSerDatabase map class.

DIRECTORYNAME = "public_html"

Userclass = "org.apache.catalina.startup.passwduserDatabase" />

The web file needs to be placed under the directory of / home / users / ian / public_html or / users / jbrittain / public_html. Of course, you can also change public_html to any other subdirectory.

In fact, this user directory does not necessarily need to be in the user's home directory. If you don't have a password file, you want to map a username to the subdirectory of the public image / home, you can use the HomesUserDatabase class.

DirectoryName = "public_html" HomeBase = "/ home"

Userclass = "org.apache.catalina.startup.homesuserDatabase" />

In this way, the web file can be located in the same directory like / home / jasonb / public_html. This form is more advantageous for Windows, you can use a directory like C: / HOME.

These Listener elements, if they appear, must be in the Host element, and cannot be in the Context element, because they are used in Host itself.

8. Use the CGI script in Tomcat

Tomcat is primarily as a servlet / jsp container, but it also has many traditional web servers. Support for universal gateway interfaces (CGI) is one of them, CGI provides a set of methods to run some extensions when responding to browser requests. The reason why CGI is called generic because it can be called in most programs or scripts, including: Perl, Python, awk, unix shell scripting, etc., even Java. Of course, you probably not run a Java application as a CGI, after all, this is too primitive. In general, development servlets are always better than CGI, because when the user clicks on a link or a button, you do not need to start from the operating system layer. Tomcat includes an optional CGI servlet that allows you to run the CGI script left.

In order to enable Tomcat to run CGI, you have to do the following things:

1. Remove servlets-cgi.renametojar (in catalina_home / server / lib / directory) to servlets-cgi.jar. Handling the servlet of CGI should be located under the classpath of Tomcat.

2. In the Tomcat's Catalina_Base / Conf / Web.xml file, remove the annotation of the paragraph of CGI (by default, this paragraph is located 241).

3. Similarly, in Tomcat's Catalina_Base / Conf / Web.xml file, the annotation of the paragraph of mapping of CGI is removed (by default, this paragraph is located 299). Note that this content specifies how HTML links to the CGI script.

4. You can place the CGI script in a web-inf / cgi directory (note that web-inf is a safe place, you can put some files that don't want to be seen or safe to expose by the user), Or you can also place the CGI script in other directories under Context and adjust the CGIPATHPREFIX initialization parameters for the CGI Servlet. This is the actual location of the specified CGI Servlet and cannot be rename with the URL specified by the previous step.

5. Restart Tomcat, your CGI can run.

In Tomcat, the CGI program is default in the web-INF / CGI directory. As mentioned earlier, the web-INF directory is protected, and the browser through the client cannot spy to the content, so for the placement of the password or This is a very nice place for CGI scripts of other sensitive information. To be compatible with other servers, although you can also save the CGI script in the traditional / cgi-bin directory, you have to know that the files in these directories may be seen by the curious surfers on the Internet. In addition, in UNIX, determine that the user who runs Tomcat has permission to perform the CGI script.

9. Change the JSP compiler in Tomcat (JSP Compiler)

In Tomcat 4.1 (or higher, probably), JSP compiling is performed directly by the ANT controller included in Tomcat. This sounds a little strange, but this is part of ANT intention to use, and an API document guides developers using Ant without launching a new JVM. This is a major advantage in Java development using Ant. In addition, this also means that you can now use any Javac support in Ant, here there is a Javac page list about the APACHE ANT User Manual. It is easy to use because you only need to define a name "Compiler" in the element, and there is a compiler name supported in Value. Examples are as follows:








Of course, given the compiler must already be installed in your system, and ClassPath may need to set, which is done in what compiler you choose.

10. Restricting a specific host access (Restricting Access To Specific Hosts)

Sometimes you might want to limit access to Tomcat web applications, for example, you want only your host or IP address to access your app. In this way, only those specified clients can access the content of the service. To achieve this effect, Tomcat provides two parameters for you to configure: RemotehostValve and RemoteadDrvalve.

By configuring these two parameters, you can filter from the requested host or IP address and allow or reject which host / IP. Similarly, there is a permission / rejection specified for each directory in the HTTPD file in Apache.

For example, you can set the Admin Web Application to allow local access, set as follows:

Allow = "" deny = "" />

If you do not give the host's designation, the host that does not match the host will be rejected, which is allowed to be allowed. Similarly, if the designation of the reject host is not given, the host that is allowed to match the host will be allowed, in addition to the rejection.

With the popularity of Java, its application on the Web is getting wider and wider, as an open source servlet container, the application prospect is getting wider, this article will tell you some of Tomcat. I: Introduction Tomcat is an important subproject in the Jakarta project, which is selected as the most innovative Java Product in 2001, and it is a SUN officially recommended servlet and JSP. Containers (specifically see, so it is more and more loved by software companies and developers. The latest specifications for servlet and JSP can be implemented in the new version of Tomcat.

2: Installation and configuration of Tomcat latest version is 4.0.1, this version uses a new servlet container Catalina, fully implements servlet2.3 and jsp1.2 specification. Note that your system must have JDK1.2 or higher before installation.

(1): Installation 1: Windows platform download jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1.exe from the Tomcat website, install Tomcat, install the Tomcat, install it, you will automatically look for your JDK and JRE when installing steps.

2: Linux platform Download jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1.tar.gz, unzip it to a directory.

(2): Configuring the run Tomcat requires setting Java_Home variables

Set java_home = c: / jdk (Win98, use in MSDOS mode, or put in autoexec.bat)

Export java_home = / usr / local / jdk (Used under Linux, put it in / etc / bashrc or / etc / profile)

(3): After running, you can run the Tomcat server, enter the bin directory of Tomcat, start Tomcat with Startup with Startup, linux with, the corresponding shutdown Tomcat command is shutdown and

Enter http: // localhost: 8080 / test in the browser after startup, because the Tomcat itself has a web server function, so we don't have to install Apache, of course, it can also be integrated with Apache, which will be introduced below.

Below you can test their own JSP and servlet examples.

Three: Application

(1): The directory structure of the directory structure Tomcat is as follows:

Content Name Introduction BIN Starts and Off Tomcat Script Conf contains different profiles, Server.xml (main configuration files for Tomcat) and Web.xmlWork store the Class file WebApp generated after the JSP compile, you have to deploy The application also puts this directory logs Logs Log file LIB / JAPSER / COMMON These three directory mainly store the JAR files required for Tomcat.

(2): Server.xml Configuration Introduction Let's describe the basic configuration information in this file, more specific configuration information see Tomcat documentation

Element Name Properties Interpretation ServerPort Specifies a port, this port is responsible for monitoring the request Shutdown specifying Shutdown Specifying the command string service to port serviceName Specifying the name of the service in the client and services port specifying the server side to create The port number, and in this fracture, the process requested by the process request from the client's request minprocessors server startup MAXPROCESSORS MaxProcessors can create the number of process requests Enablelookups If true, you can perform DNS query by calling request.getRemotehost () To get the actual host name of the remote client, if the DNS query is not performed for False, but returns its IP address redirectport specifies that the server is processing the HTTP request to receive a SSL transmission request and the port number ACCEPTCOUNT specified when all can be used. When the number of processes requested is used, it can be placed on the number of requests in the process queue. If the request exceeds this number will not process the timeout (in milliseconds) of the connectionTimeout (in milliseconds), which is specified in milliseconds. Processor, Receive, and Processing Requests from Connector) DefaultHost Specifies the host name of the default processing request, which at least one of the name attribute values ​​of one of the host elements is the same content (represents a web application, usually a WAR file, Regarding the specific information of WAR, see the servlet specification. The path of the DOCBASE application or the path stored by the WAR file Path indicates the prefix of the URL of this web application, so the requested URL is http: // localhost: 8080 / path / *** * Reloadable This property is very important. If true, Tomcat automatically detects changes in the application's / web-inf / lib and / web-inf / class directory, automatically loads new applications, we can do not count Tomcat In the case where the application host (represents a virtual host) name specifies the basic directory of the hostname AppBase application, that is, the directory where the application is placed. If True is true, Tomcat will automatically decompress the WAR file, otherwise it is not extracted, directly from War Running the application logger in the file (indicating log, debugging, and error message) classname specifies the class name of the Logger used, this class must implement org.apache.catalina.logger interface prefix specified L OG file prefix Suffix Specifies the suffix timestamp of the log file If True, the log file name is to join the time, as in the following example: localhost_log.2001-10-04.txt realm (indicating a database stored by the username, password, and Role) ClassName Specifies the class name used by Realm, this class must implement org.apache.catalina.Realm interface Valve (functionality is similar to Logger, the same, the same as the Logger, the same) classname specifies the class name used by VALVE, such as org. Apache.catalina.valves.accessLogvalve class You can record the application's access information Directory specified where the Log file is stored in Pattern, and the common host name or IP address, user name, date, first line requested strings , HTTP response code, the number of bytes sent. Combined mode is more than the value recorded in the Common mode

Note: 1: After I tested, I set up PATH = "", reloadable = true, then put a WAR file to the webapps directory, and the tomcat can't detect this file (you can restart Tomcat), and decompress this file. The Tomcat will automatically detect this new application. If the WAR file cannot be automatically detected, we can use the methods described below to deploy applications. 2: In the default server.xml, the Realm element only sets a className property, but in this file, several examples connected via JDBC to the database (commented), we can implement container security through Realm elements. Container Managed Security.

3: There are still some elements. We have not introduced, such as parameter, loader, you can get information about these elements through Tomcat documents.

(3): management

1: Configure the specific management before we add a user to Tomcat, so that this user has permission to manage.

Open the Tomcat-Users.xml file under the conf directory, add the following line in the appropriate location:

Note: The last part of this line must be />, Tomcat's document, if there is no / symbol, the Tomcat will not be able to access the application. You can see the details of this error by logs / catalina.out file.

Then recover Tomcat, enter http: // localhost: 8080 / manager /, will pop up in the browser, enter the username and password above.

2: Application list Enter http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / list in your browser, the browser will display the following information:

OK - Listed Applications for Virtual Host Localhost


/ Examples: Running: 1

/ WebDAV: Running: 0

/ Tomcat-Docs: Running: 0

/ Manager: Running: 0

/: Running: 0

The information of the surface is the path of the application, the current state (running or stopped), which is connected to this program.

3: Re-load the application Enter http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / relocalhost: 8080 / manager / recocalhost: 8080 / manager / repline? Path = / example, the browser is shown below:

OK - Reloaded Application AT Context Path / Examples

Indicates that the Example application is loaded. If we set the reloadable property of Server.xml's Context element to True (see above), it is not necessary to reload the application using this manner because Tomcat will be loaded.

4: Display session information Enter http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / sessions? Path = / examples, browser is shown in the browser:

OK - Session Information For Application At Context Path / Examples Default Maximum Session Inactive Interval 30 Minutes5: Start and close Applications Enter http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / start? Path = / examples and http: /////// Localhost: 8080 / manager / stop? path = / examples Start and close the Examples application, respectively.

6: Deployment and revocation of WAR has two organizations, one is to organize files according to a certain directory structure, one is a compression package for a suffix, so there are two ways to deploy: (1): Browse Enter: http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / install? Path = / example & war = file: / c: / example will be organized by the directory structure

(2): If you enter: http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / install? Path = / examples & war = jar: file: / c: /examples.war! / Will press the WAR deployment of the compression package organization, pay attention to this The second half of the URL must have! / Number.

You can access by http: // localhost: 8080 / examples after deployment.

Enter: http:// localhost: 8080 / manager / remove? Path = / examples will revoke the application just deployed.

(4): Although Tomcat can also make a web server, but it has a static HTML speed than Apache, and its functionality as a web server is far less than Apache, so we want to integrate Apache and Tomcat.

We use the Linux system as an example.

Download the Apache 1.3.22 source version from the Apache website, then configure the installation of Apache using the following command:

MKDIR / USR / local / Apache

Tar zxvf apache.1.32.tar.gz

CD Apache.1.32

./configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache --enable-module = so


Make Install

Note that the configure command specifies the target installation directory and joins the DSO (Dynamic Shared Object) support, and be careful not to forget this option.

Then download the WebApp module, and put the file after decompression into the Libexec directory of Apache, edit the httpd.conf under Apache's confed, and add the following three lines in this file:

LoadModule WebApp_Module Libexec /

WebAppConnection WarpConnection Warp localhost: 8008

WebAppDeploy Examples WarpConnection / Examples / EXAMPLES /

The first line is to join the WebApp module. If you do not add DSO support when compiling Apache, you cannot use the loadModule instruction, the second line specifies the connection of Tomcat and Apache, and the third line specifies the application application. The two instructions use the format as follows:

WebAppConnection [Connection Name] [PROVIDER] [Host: Port]

WebAppDeploy [Application Name] [Connection Name] [URL PATH] where the connection name specifies the connection name, the Provider can only be WARP, the Port port is consistent with your Tomcat configuration file server.xml. The document is as follows:

Port = "8008" MINPROCESSORS = "5" maxprocessors = "75"

Enablelookups = "True"

Acceptcount = "10" debug = "0" />


Application Name consistent with the app name you deployed in Tomcat, the URL PATH specifies the URL to access this application. For example, the above example can access the Examples app in Tomcat via http: // localhost / example.

(5): Chinese problem general JSP garbled problem can be solved by adding <% @ page contentty = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%> by joining in JSP, as for servlet2.3 can be used in servlet2.3 HTTPServeletRequest.setCharacterencoding function. For more detailed Chinese issues, please see the Chinese character encoding problem in JSP / servlet.

IV: Summary Tomcat acts as a servlet (JSP is also compiled into a servlet) container, and its application prospect is very good. If combined with JBOSS, you can implement Sun's J2EE specification (with JBoss as an EJB server). JBoss's official website also provides JBoss integrated Tomcat3.2 * for download. Another open source application server (ENHYDRA) is also based on Tomcat, which provides a more friendly management interface, and deploying applications is also simpler and more powerful.


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