
zhaozj2021-02-16  107

Not long ago, I suddenly realized that tomcat was the name of the second protagonist Tom cat in the cartoon "Tom and Jerry".

What Tomcat servers always stand with a cat. I didn't expect it to be in the name of this application server, I didn't expect it to be and

Mike wolf, Micky mouse is called, the software has not progress, but it is idiot, it is indeed incredible.

It has also been touched by some application servers such as WebLogic, so it should be said that Tomcat is not very strange. Because of its basic application

It is very similar to WebLogic, so there is no difference between them. However, when I really used it, I had a lot of questions.

From the start installation, I installed the latest version Tomcat 5.0.27, and you need to specify the JDK installation directory when installing. Due to my first

When JDK installed in the second dress, Tomcat couldn't find JVM. I will specify a backup directory, but I have no appearance.

Problem. Because I haven't waited for me to find a problem, I have already reinstalled it.

The problem is like this. I log in to Tomcat's management page, but the 403 error is always displayed, that is, refuses access to errors. This user

Names and passwords are filled in in the installation prompt, it is simple: Tomcat: Tomcat. However, it is obvious that the problem here. I thought it was installed.

When you don't pay attention to your mistake, it will be reinstated.

However, the problem still exists, no matter how I modified, 403, it is different from WebLogic, I really don't know how it is good. fortunately

I thought of Tomcat's help documentation. I found the crux, "Tomcat installation directory" /conf/tomcat-users.xml. My Tomcat

The user exists, but it does not manage privileges, it is no wonder that I have no right to enter. So who has administrative privileges? I decided to reload again. This

Times, I put Tomcat along with JDK, I was clean. First configure the JDK, then reload Tomcat step by step. This

Back, the set JDK directory does not have any questions, I successfully entered the set user page. After reading the wizard completely, I completely understand.

my question. In this place, you must fill in the account of the administrator, so you can set it to tomcat-users.xml. If it is indeed

To manage Tomcat, you can build this account under the Windows account. At the same time, I also realize that even if I don't reload Tomcat, I can solve it.

This issue is to design the user role in tomcat-users.xml.

Just such a small problem, I think a lot of my own problems. Of course, the most important harvest is the application of documentation. Match

The role of files believes that there will be more embodiments in the future.


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