Leckfeller's history

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  52

Leckfeller's happiness: Improvity to make a fortune is not reading (repost) This is a very enlightened text. He tells us that we must fully complete the capital accumulation process, we must fully and effectively mobilize political power. Help, of course, there is no money from democratic politics to operate. The protagonist John 'Lockefeller is lonely, silent, ambitious, heartless. "He is only afraid of God, just think about his own business." 4 he is determined to exclusively alone Clark A Andrews refinery. Andrews is the first person in Cleveland to successfully refine the kerosene from crude oil. This innocence is undoubtedly a miracle in the United States that is generally coal refining for lighting. Since the mid-1950s, the United States vigorously develops coal refining industries to replace whale oil as a lighting. Now, Andrews actually extracts more economical and cleaner lighting than coal refining from crude oil. Rockefeller should use this technology to make our own. He ranted his brain to start with the former friend Clark. He is not good for Clark, excluding heterogeneous, attempting to an Oil refinery. He even gathered Andrews to fight Clark. In 1865, the two sides were deadlocked, and agreed to the auction refinery, who bids the highest price, who got the refinery. The auction was conducted on February 2, 1865. At that time, civil war was not ended. The Rockefeller represents Andrews, and Clark is the other party. Clark premises prior to $ 500, Rockefeller to $ 1,000. After a fierce competition of multiple rounds, the price of shouting climbed, helping the rock, and finally climbed to the peak of $ 70,000, but both parties were still unhane. After a long silence, the decisive battle finally started: Clark called: "72,000 US dollars!" Rockefeller shouted: "725 million US dollars!" Clark helpless, expanded his hands to Rockfeller: "I don't want to raise the price again." John; this company is dead! "7 Lockefeller later recalled the history of this history:" This is the most important day I am born. It determines my life. "@ From the end of the North and South War By the end of the 19th century, it is the stage of the United States from free competition to monopoly capitalist transitions. By the end of the 19th century, the first batch of monopoly consorties have appeared in the early 20th century. Oil King Rockefeller, Iron King Carnegie and Financial Dawang Morgan, is the success of this period. Lockefeller swallows and partners, and the monologist is a typical epitome of this process. At the end of the Nort-South War, Rockefeller has been ranked among the 30 refinery of Cleveland, and it is a largest family. Now, Rockefeller will further expand its strength. In 1866, Rockefi ■ found a new refinery in Cleveland, name "Standard" (S ... M'D). But over a hundred years, it has emerged in China. Hong Kong Mobil Petroleum Co., Ltd. is explained in the "Pioneer and Model" published in Hong Kong in December 1994. It said: "New York 'Standard' shortly after the trade in China, I use a Chinese who is easy to recognize. Thinking of this name is a genius. The first word 'US', there is beautiful or beautiful Meaning, but also represents the United States, and New York 'standards is just the largest US company operated in China. The second word is 'Fu', meaning deep prospects. Therefore, 'Mobil' has both 'beautiful and deep prospects', can also be interpreted as 'US deep people'. "@ 创, the same year of the Mobil Refinery, Lockefeller Popular Brother William went to New York City, where the" William Rockfeller "sign has been launched, and he is engaged in kerosene export business in the US East coast. At the time of the United States The location of the refinery center Cleveland is not conducive to the Rockefeller to compete for the eastern oil market and export to foreign countries. The crude oil required by the Cleveland refinery should be transported from the northwest of the oil supply from Pennsylvania; It is necessary to pay high shipping costs. Therefore, reducing shipping is an important topic of Rockefeller.

The railway transportation industry that flourish after the North and South war is the economic pillar of the United States. It is the main channel for the expansion of the Rockfeller to the East Coast. It is the factor in his competitors. At that time, the US railway was private. Railway capitalists covers an area of ​​200 million acres in the country (12 billion mu). 4 They are each polite, and the rails are wide and narrow. These railway capitalists can freely request high shipments and high prices to the owners and passengers. Therefore, who has the ability to get discounts in railway transportation, who can knock down their opponents in fierce competition. Rockefeller makes it out in this regard. Due to the strong strength of Rockefeller, it is difficult for others to compete with him. Discounts from railway freight make Rockefeller's pockets quickly expand, and the strength is further enhanced. In the second half of 1869, in 30 refinery in Cleveland, his refinery is the world's largest. The arrogant Rockefeller shouted: "Petroleum business belongs to me!" On January 10, 1870, Rockefeller set Mobil Oil Company (Ohio), total capital of 1 million in Cleveland, with the second oil refinery of Herbille - Mobil. Dollar. Merge to Ohio Mobil and William Lockefeller in New York City. The general manager is asked by John Rockefeller himself; your brother William Rockefeller is deputy general manager; henry m.flagler; supervisor Andrews. 10,000 ordinary shares are allocated: John Lockefeller 2 667 shares; Stephen Harkness 1334 shares (he is Flagler's father-in-law, in Californi 5E "golden gold" Financial, there are many investments in the company in Lockefeller); Vlagler, Andrews and William Rockfeller accounted for L 333 shares; Rockfeller Anandrew, L. Fhagl, L 000 shares; 1 000 Shares gave William Rockefeller relative O. B. Jennings (o.b.jennings). His family lives in New York, is a member of the new Lockefeller Group. 4 Ohio Mobil Petroleum Company's property includes: 60 acres of Cleveland (about 360. acres) land, two large refinery, a fairly scale wooden barrel manufacturer, various lake transportation tools and facilities, a tank team, Some railway borders and wares in the oil production area, the forest supplied from the oil barrels, the firemonization facilities in the New York area and the port of the New York, and so on. @ 亥 美孚 石 公司 创 表 立,,,,,,,, 丰,., 丰, 丰.,, 丰, 丰 丰 丰 丰Now, he has to further significantly significantly show the competitors. V. Southern improvement company John Rockefeller created Ohio Mobil Petroleum Company, the monopoly refining industry as his primary goal. Since the 1859 Drake oil appeared in the 1970s, the northern new oil industry in the northern United Northern mining, is basically operated by individuals or several parties, and does not scale. The oil market is also very unstable. In 1859, the oil prices per barrel were as high as $ 20, and after the increase in production, it fell to 5 cents per barrel by 1861. After the outbreak of the South-North War, the oil prices rose immediately. After the war, US oil mining capacity has expanded rapidly, and the refining capacity has developed faster, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, New York and Philadelphia have become a US refinery center. In the early 1970s, the contradiction between oil mining and refining capacity was unprecedented. From 1871 to 1872, the annual refining capacity of at least 1,200 million barrels, while oil mining ability is not half the refining capacity (5.23 million barrels in 1871, with 5.66 million barrels in 1872). 8 The refinery is to compete for crude oil, ensure that the factory starts or full load operation, competing to raise the price of crude oil, which will inevitably affect the profit income of the refinery. The freight at that time was expensive, accounting for about 20% of the cost of finished oil. This is also extremely unfavorable to the refinery. An important means of increasing oil refining profits is to minimize shipping costs.

But this is in turn to infringe the interests of the railway giants. In 1870, the US economy was inseparable. The amount of railway freight is significantly reduced, and the interests of the railway giants have been severely impacted, and the competition is intensified. Under this situation, John Rockefeller and Pennsylvania Railway Giant Tom Scottt have been made in early 1872, it has been banned from the Southern Improvement Company. Thus, it will greatly advance in the road of monopoly. Rockefeller's friend Tom Scott is a big manipulator in Pennsylvania, which is the actual manipulator at the Pennsylvania parliament. He uses this legislature to issue licenses to some "special companies", authorizing them to publicly engage in some illegal activities. Southern improvement companies are one of these "special companies". Since these companies are under the Bakels of Scott, people joked themselves as "Tom Scott". John Rockefeller and Scott's beloved have repeatedly planned the activities of South Corporation in Cleveland. Attempts to swallow the Rockefeller, horses, horses, horses, and club all over the Cleveland's several major refinery, and to participate in the South Improvement. He also went to this dust and servant, many times to New York City and Scott, William Van der Serabi, Jay Gould (Jay Gould), and other rail giants. 8 January 2, 1872, Southern improvement company held the first high-level meeting in Philadelphia. According to the behind-the-scenes planning of Rockefeller and Scott, the meeting decided to assign a total of 2,000 companies stocks according to the following programs: Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Oil Commerce W. C. W. G. Warden and O. F. Wei Lin (O.WARING) has 475 shares; Cleveland's John Rockefeller, Henry M.Hagler and O. H. Pet.Payne has its own 180 shares; William Rockfeller and J. A. Bosterwick (J.A.Bostwick) has 180 shares; Scott's agent Peter Watson has 100 shares; the remaining 50 stocks are pivoted five small refinery, each 10 shares in home. Peter Watson served as the general manager of the South Improvement Company; Wandon served as a secretary. 4 Interested in Southern Improved companies is Rockfeller, Ohio, Ohio, Cleveland. John Rockefeller and William Rockefeller's two brothers and Mifu Shao Flaglute three people share 540 shares, and Pethe and Bosterwick, who later joined Mobil, with a total of 900 shares. 8 This enables Mobil Oil Company to enjoy absolute power in the South Improvement. Southern improvement company is a secret organization, internal discipline, and a gang of old China. All shareholders must write a written confidentiality vow. Rockefeller asked him to contact him "" No (this connection) tells them the wife. "At 8 First Meeting, shareholders adopted the" Basic Principles "pursued by this company: in Pennsylvania, New York and Yili three railways The oil transportation between the giants acts as a "balance". On January 8, 1872, the South Improvement Company officially opened. New York Central, Yili, Pennsylvania Three major railways and 13 largest refineries from Cleveland, Pittsburgh (10 of Rockfeller Group) jointly signed secret contracts and agreements. These contracts and agreements provide, the railway giants increase shipping, but the big refineries who participate in the South Improvement Company can enjoy the freight discount. In this way, oil mining businessmen and small refiners that are excluded from the southern improvement company will be forced to go through the road. Secret contracts and agreements also stipulate that 45% of oil transportation returned to the Bennet Farn Railway, and the rest of the New York Central Railway Company and Yili Railway Company.

The railway giants determine: double the freight from the crude oil production to the refinery center; ensure that the refinery of the South Improved Company will enjoy the freight discount to compensate for the loss of the increase in railway freight. According to this provision, Rockefeller and its accomplices have achieved a discount of 40% - 50% from the crude oil transported by the railway; 25% of the discounts obtained from the shipped product oil. These have all have expirable monopoly. In addition, Rockefeller also deducted part from the shipping fee charged by the rail refining manufacturers of Non-Nanfang Rehabilitation Company, and sometimes this part of the total income of the shipping fee. 4 Only in the end, he can profit for five or six million in a year. In order to monitor competitors, Rockefeller and other requirements railway companies report to the South Improvement Company to the South Improvement Company. The railway owners of non-company members must open their own books to the South Improvement Company for their review. One of Rockefeller has written such a sharp saying: "This hand is the most cruel and most cruelty of any US industrialist group to date." 49 This, Rockefeller has condition to achieve his established policy : First eat the Cleveland refinery, then the monk in the US oil industry. He can't wait to visit the 26 owners of Cleveland, announce the so-called "Our Plan" of the South Improved Company. He said to the refinery owners: "This plan will inevitably be realized. That is to say, we have to control oil business. Anyone has no chance to be in this plan, we give each refinery to participate in this plan. You have to give your refinery to my assessors to assess, and send you a stock or cash of your Mobil Oil Company according to our wishes. I advise you to take stocks, which is beneficial to you. "50 in Rockefeller's stress and intensive, in a short period of time, at least 2 of the 26 refinery in Cleveland is sold to Rockfeller. Six Mount Doras and the Bay, De Shicha conquer the Cleveland other refinery in Mobil Oil, and became the only big refining plant in this city, John Lockefeller took a step in constructing his empire - Mobil Petroleum Toroth. First, he stretched his hand to New York City. In April 1872, on the eve of the collapse of the Southern Improvement Company, he was annealed by NEBIS Bosterwick. This is a famous oil export company that has its own refinery in Long Island, has its own loading and unloading facilities in New York Port. At this time, Mobil's refining capacity has reached 46,000 barrels per day, accounting for 1/3 of the national oil refining capabilities. In August 1872, Rockefeller founded the National Refining Business Association and as Chairman. By the end of 1872, Rockefelle was mine with all major refinery in Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia. In 1874, Flagre revealed in the letter written to a friend, in the US annual oil refining volume of 3 6 million barrels, Mobil Petroleum Company accounted for 3 million barrels. In 1877, Lockefeller sweeped all the large-scale refining plants in the crude oil production area, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but only a few refining individuals left to struggle in New York. By 1880, 95% of the oil produced in the United States was refined by Mobil Oil. 51 Now, the monopoly oil pipeline is critical to the establishment of the oil empire in Lockefeller. After the Drake oil appeared, there was a lot of oil-centered sectors in the northwest of Pennsylvania. From the wellhead to the railway station, inland river terminal, short distance, small diameter oil pipeline vertical and horizontal. Lockefeller did not put them in his eyes. However, when the oil mining is trying to extend the tubing outside the oil production area, Rockefeller is not dry. He tacted Scott stopped Pennsylvania conducted a bill on laiding oil pipes through allowing individual companies (author Note: in the United States, all oil companies that do not belong to Torares, independent companies). He immediately swallowed and two oil pipelines: Imperial transportation companies and coastal pipelines.

In the early 1970s, the railway transportation industry was in the depression of the US economy. Scott's Chairman's Pennsylvania Railway Company also participated in the oil industry. In 1877, this railway company provided a large amount of funding to the New York Empire Transportation Company under which the latter purchased a refinery and controlled the largest oil pipeline company. Scott gives the Empire Transport Company's shipping discount up to 30%. Rockefeller faces a severe challenge. He said his anger: "This is unfair!" 52Mobil "has a war budget, its scale is greater than any opponent." 53 Lockefeller is anxious to protest to Scott, strongly opposing railway companies to operate refining industries. Scott does not pay attention to it. So, Rockefeller and Scott have turned their face and "declared war". 54 Lockefeller launches New York Central Railway Company to launch shipping warfare and Pennsylvania Railway Company, and at all empire transportation companies controlled from blood books, cut the goods to sell refined oil. This struggle made Pennsylvania Railroad companies into tragic land: large transport business is not; freight fell below the cost; Pittsburgh railway workers held a big strike. The company loses millions of dollars. In August 1877, Scott felt that there was no end, but he had to hang a battle, pleading. 55 Lockefeller agrees to reconcile, but the price is very high: Scott must sell the refinery of the Imperial transport company to Mobil oil companies at a low price of $ 3.4 million. Scott was forced to do. 56 Since then, Mobil Petroleum Company, headed by Rockefeller, broke into the field of oil transportation pipelines. Soon, imperial oil companies that were forced to go through the road were completely eaten by Mobil. By July 1878, John Rockefeller has controlled 97% of refinery and oil pipelines at the time. On November 22, 1878, three petroleum parties involved by Byron Benson, David 'McKelvy and Robert Hopkins Major Coast Pipeline Co., Ltd. Announced, funding from a group of large oil mining in Pennsylvania product. The first thing to do after the coastal pipe company was to build a water supply pipeline from the Northern Oil Area of ​​Pennsylvania, crossing the oil pipeline of the Appalachian Mountains, making it connected to the railway, transfer oil to the Atlantic Ocean Coastal port city New York. This is a gospel to reduce freight and improve efficiency; you can also get rid of the railway giants and Rockefeller to them. This 170-kilometer oil pipeline is put into operation in May 1879. New York and a small number of surviving refinery are successful for this pipeline, because they can also rely on the pressure and control of Rockefeller. Due to the opening of this pipeline, the oil freight rate from the East Coast of the East Coast has fallen from the past 85 cents to 17 cents from the past. Coast Pipelines have successfully laid pipelines to further inspire Rockefeller. He found that the pipeline transport oil is more convenient and more effective than rail transport. Therefore, he does not care about the criminal rail giants, and the Mobil plagues the engineering design information of Imperial Transportation Company and Coast Pipelines by the end of 1879, from Cleveland to Pennsylvania, the water pipeline, 12.7 cm, 12.7 cm, And completed in March 1880. In August, Mobil quickly lay three oil pipelines: First Bradford from Pennsylvania to Jersey, connected to Pennsylvania Railway; Articles 2 and 3 Direct New York and New York Port and New York State Buffalo city. While accelerating the tubing, Lockefeller did not give up the martyrdom of coastal pipelines. He attempted to acquire all oil refinery supplied by the coast pipe company. After this hand fails, he sent his left-door arm to join the coast pipe company and wanted to solve it from the interior. In 1881, Rockefeller founded a national transportation company. This is the company's pipeline company, which is the largest company in Mobil Group. In this powerful opponent, the coast pipe company can't stand.

In June 1882, this company sold part of ordinary stocks to Mobil for a prerequisite for the Mobil Board, to solve the difficulties of funds. After Lockefeller has mastered some equity, he encouraged to launch a "coup" in the internal leadership of the coastal pipeline. In September 1882, the coastal pipeline company returned to the Mobil for the United Oil Company it owned. In October 1883, Lockefeller, who has purchased 2/3 of the coastal pipeline, signed a market sharing agreement with the coastal pipeline company. Coast pipelines accept Mobil: It is 11.5% of the crude oil and refined oil delivered to the East Coast does not exceed 11.5% of the total amount of pipeline delivery to this region, and the remaining 88.5% are delivered by Mobil pipeline. Rockefeller finally uniforms the last opponent who dare to fight against him - coastal pipeline company, achieving him to control the US oil pipeline. Later, the coastal pipe company evolved into Gree oil company and acquired by Dexustea Oil Company in the 1980s. While monopolizing the oil refining industry and controls oil pipeline transport, Lockefeller has also made significant progress in expanding the domestic oil sales market. He also reached a secret agreement with strong official government agencies - Texas Railway Committee, got the freight, so it was always in the competition. In 1882, Mobil Petroleum Co., Ltd. jointly established the first Torus Mobil Petroleum Torares in the United States. Torares has 40 subsidiaries, of which 14 of which are ownership belong to Rockefeller, and most of the remaining companies are also controlled by him and his belief. In addition to oil, USA's business has a wide range of areas such as banks, securities, railways, copper mines, iron mines, tobacco, gas and utilities. The chairman of each company is even with each other, and the board will become a unknown network. Mobil Petroleum Company from the date of its establishment, 90% of shareholders are Republicans. 57 American scholar Daniel Re, Gin is in his "Petroleum" book, discloses some insideracts of Mobil Petroleum Torares. He wrote: "When the court and social public opinion, a well-planned internal order and control system have been produced in the big empire conquered by Rockefeller." "'Torres' legal concept in January 2, 1882 It is confirmed in the 'Mobil Petroleum Torres Agreement signed in the day. This agreement is to cope with the judicial and political attacks in the 1970s in the late 1970s. In addition, there are personal reasons. Rockefeller and his Partners have begun to consider death and inheritance, they believe that if they have died, they are likely to cause confusion, quarrel, litigation and pain. With Torres, it will make all rights to clear, not in the future Quarrel. "He also wrote:" When preparation of Torres, calculate the 'every inches of oil pipes, each pile of bricks, is also established, and the board of directors has mastered the economy controlled by Mobil Oil Company. The stock of the entity; in all of the 700,000 shares, Rockefeller accounted for 191,700 shares, followed by Flag, accounted for 60,000 shares. Directors represent 41 stock holders of Merfu Toros holds stocks of a single company. It is given to the 14 full stocks of 14 all stocks, and 26 partial stocks belong to the company 'comprehensive supervision'. Tractor's drags agreement makes it to build a central office to coordinate, dealing with various varying ECA activities. Possible - this task is more urgent because the scale is getting bigger and more urgent. "This Torres also uses the special devices of intelligence spies to listen to the market situation and track competitors. It has a card of almost every oil buyer. Directory. From it you can see the petroleum of each barrel of oil purchased by Independence, from Maine to California, which place to buy its oil. " 58 Mobil Petroleum Torres not only basically controls the US petroleum industry, but also monopolizes most of the oil trade. In the 1980s, the oil export of Mobil Oil Company was developing very quickly. It has established its own oil storage station in Europe, Asia and South America, with a huge oil transport team.

59 US 90% of the exports of kerosene control in Mobil. In 1892, Mobil is the protagonist of the United States to compete abroad. When Ohio announced that Merfo Toros illegally broke their dissolution, Mobil has established a wide range of sales networks in Europe. Its key subsidiaries in Europe are: 1. Ying Yidi Oil Company responsible for the British market. 2 · US oil companies responsible for the Netherlands, Belgium and Western German market. 3 · Nordic oil companies responsible for Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Greenland, Ireland and Faroe Islands. 4 · Italy, Italy, Sicily, Malta and North Africa - US oil companies. In 1884, Rockefeller moved the United States of America from Cleveland to New York City. He bid farewell to 700 acres (about 4 200 acres) outside the suburbs of Cleveland, and moved into the Mobil Headquarters, No. 26, Hantan Broadway Avenue, New York City, hosted his "Petroleum" business every day. To maintain the prosperity of "Petroleum Empire", we must account for rich oil resources, which is the foundation of Merfu Toros. Now, Rockefeller is sitting in Mobil Headquarters, a branch into the competition for monopolizing national oil resources. He is determined to take the Ohio-Indiana Field, and this is expanded to other oil production in the base, controlling the national oil production. At the beginning of the foundation of Merfia, the petroleum production in the Pennsylvania abetlachi region begins. Boading in the northwest of Ohio and Indiana, the first oil well drilling is successful. It attracts a large number of search oils in Appalachi sub-output, and soon discovered Lema Big Oilfield. Ohio has become another major oil production in the United States. In 1887, the US Total Petroleum Production Company - Ohio Oil Company officially listed. The 1886 yield of Leva Oilfield is only 1 million barrels, and by 1889, it has risen to 1,200,000 barrels, accounting for 1/3 of the total US oil production. In the next 10 years, Indiana Oilfield in Ohio is second only to the Pennsylvania Abarachia region, for the United States, the highest peak of the United States, 1896 petroleum production reached 2 5.3 million barrels, only Leva oilfield production In the mid-1980s of the 1990s, oil in the United States is not only a lighting, but also as a fuel, but also used for automobiles, ships and plants. Mobil's refining technology has also been continuously improved as the market has increasing the demand for refined oil. The price of finished oil is rising. Rockefeller judges, from the long run, controlling oil mining will bring more wealth to Mobil. Rockefeller is relying on refining, selling oil. Now he found that Pennsylvania's oil resources have to be exhausted one day, controlling the Indiana oil field in Ohio, actively participating in oil and mining, controlling oil resources, is the must-have for him to consolidate and develop strength. So, from the end of the 1880s, he took a usual means of critical pressure in the end of the 180s, and only 15 cents per barrel were only 15 cents to purchase a large number of Indiana underground oil resources in Ohio. MPTLAS monopoly oil resources are not asia in the past control of refining, transportation, sales. In January 1889, the National National Transportation of Merfus acquired all the shares of Ohio Amazon Oil Company, which got 6 000 acres (about 36 000 acres of 36 000 acres) of this company, with a broad land of 32 oil wells. Operating oil 75,000 barrels. In April 1889, Merfu Torus annexed the Ohio Ohio Oil Company. At about 21,000-acre (about 140,000 mu) land rent, there are 146 oil wells and complete mechanical equipment, tools and other materials; 10 residential, 10 drilling stations and storage in oil 30,000 barrels of crude oil in the cans, with a total value of about $ 900,000. After acquiring large oil production company assets, Merfu Toros also annexed dozens of small oil companies and individual mining, bought a large land of oil reserves in the Indiana area of ​​Ohio.

In 1888, the total output of crude oil in the United States has an average of 76,000 barrels, including Mobil's crude oil production, less than 200 barrels. 61 In June 1889, Rockefeller registered established Indiana Mobil Oil Company. It actively acquires an Indiana oil field in Ohio, and the crude oil production has increased. In that year, the crude oil production in this oil field only accounted for 2/5 of the total output of the oilfield, increasing to more than half in 1891. 62 In September 1890, the refinery created in the Indiana's Hui Tin (WHITI), which successfully solved the technology of refining the refined oil in the highlulteuli oil of Lema Oilfield, from this Indiana oil field from production, transportation and refining. Going to sales basically control in the hands of Mobil Torres. In the case of the oil industry, it is controlled by the entire process of upstream oil activities (from exploration, development to oil production) and downstream oil activities (from crude oil transportation, refining to refined oil sales). While monopolizing in Indiana Oilfield, Ohio, Mobil has actively acquired oil and gas fields from New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky in the second half of 1889. In 1891, Mobil's crude oil production has been more than one-quarter of the country's total production. In just three years, Mobil became a foreign crude oil exploit, and the first oil monopoly company in the United States from oil exploitation, refining to sales. At the end of the 19th century, in the early 20th century, in the minds of many Americans, Merfu Teras was synonymous with the US oil industry. Pennsylvania Abarachi Oilfield and Ohio, Indiana Oilfield, is the largest two oil fields in the 19th century. In 1899, the total domestic oil production rose to 6 3.6 million barrels, of which about 93% were produced from these two oilfields. However, from the beginning of the 20th century, the oil production of two major oilfield in Abarachia and Ohio declined to 10% in 1919 to account for 10% of the total production. At this time, the southern part of the United States came from the Hollowfeller's octropolion: January 10, 1901, in the northeastern part of Texas, Spindletop, spindletop, from the Northern Mexico, from 800 feet (about 800 feet) The petroleum column of the ground from the ground is doubled in 240 meters. The unprecedented unprecedented in the history of US oil has made many people, and human beings will collapse. The appearance of a large number of wells quickly changes the appearance of Texas. The traditional economy mainly based on wood, sucrose, cotton and animal husbandry. In the 1920s, it was replaced by oil. Texas Petroleum Resources is the main battlefield for Rockefeller and Merlon's initial competition. The first port of the spindle is initially drilled in 1900. Drillingers Anthony. Lukas (Anthony I.ucas) captain, learning technology. He has a borrowing relationship in Andrew W.melon, the Financial capital of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He looks for oil from the north to Texas, and it is difficult to help him from the Mellon Bank in the South. Merlon Tonglikfeller has had contradictions in Pennsylvania. After successfully put into production in the first mouth of the spindle, Merlon did not hesitate to buy Lucas at $ 400,000, also invested $ 4.5.5 million to develop this oil field: drilling well, tube, and refining plant. In 1901, Mellon created a strong funds in Pittsburgh, focusing on Texas Oil, posing with Musi Tallas's landlift. While the Texas government hits the Rockefeller consortium by Mellon, the Texas Government will absorb the other capital development of the Eastern China Petroleum Industry. The active implementors of this policy are the Chesus Governor of the earth, the Governor of Texas, James Henry Hogg. After 1901, after the top of the spindle, Hogg, who has been removed from the governor's position, from Pennsylvania, James A.cullinan, in this oil field, and joint venture established Texas Fuel Company. Soon, New York L. H. The Lapam Industries purchased the company's shares from Kellyn.

A year later, the Chicago consortium headed by Johan Gates was also invested in large capitals. Texas Fuel Company immediately renamed Texas Company, 1906 referred to as Dersia, headquartered in Houston. At this point, since I found that the spindle top of the field, two oil giants have appeared in the United States in the United States: Gulf Oil Company and De Shurutumborne. They are the main opponents of Merfu Tora from the date of establishment. On the occasion of the bay and the birthday of Dexass, Mobil is in a federal government and the Texas government endless legal dispute. In 1909, the Minister of Justice in Texas was illegally operated by illegal operations, and the Mobil was in the state's subsidiary, fined $ 1.9 million, and drove Mobil out of this land. After consolidating the southern position, the bay and the German's two giants that were unprecedented will not wait to develop from the US, the Eastern and Western oil markets traditionally, and swear to the oil empire of Rockefeller. Seven, the oil empire will take the shell with the formation and development of monopoly capital, the internal contradictions of the US Monopoly Capital Group have also risen. The Rockefeller Group has been hit by other groups. Rockefeller is not recognizing people in the process of establishing an oil empire, and the means is fierce, and there are too many enemy, and it violates anger. The American society has also continued to expose and condemn the sound of this oil empire. In the American scholar who studied Lockefeller's history, Al Wenz is very generous about John Rockefeller's attitude, but he also pointed out: "The people who have broken the produced in the road that Rockefeller walked. Abandoned plants, just in front of him is only the unquestionable control of huge wealth resources. "63 American female journalists Eda M. Tarbell" Written "Mobil Oil Company History" in the US Oil The work of industrial history occupies an important position. Tabel was born in Rural, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, which is growing in Tetsville in Drakole. She personally experienced the history of the fathers of the oil tank manufacturer and the oil mining business, and she also witnessed how the majority of small and medium-sized refineries from the oil production area and how the oil mining was put down by Mobil. She met Rogers, Rockefeller, which was a contradictory of Mobil, which has been unable to find the inside information of Mobil Board. The industry has passed. Her article has been published from the "McLun Journal" in November 1902, served in 24 months, published in November 1904. Book two volumes, one, up to 550 pages, known as "shady news book"; it "Wen Feng is serious, the bypass", "the book is written and the human card is all," Guild is built in fraud , High pressure, privilege and harsh transactions. " 64 This book is re-edition, until 1969, I also published a 407-page abbreviation. Tabel's book sensational. Mobil became a shavity in the American society. MEAM - New Jersey Mobil has tried to write the history of this company, refute Tarber's revelation and accusation of it. But six times were not successful. The first refuteed Tabel, and the book of Rockefeller has been dragged to 1955, it is "the pioneer 1882--191L" of the big enterprise. Rockefeller swallows and opponents, mostly take secrets. Working and telegram and letters use passwords and code. For example, "mistress" represents Mobil oil company; "religious destroyer" represents refiners; "Communicative home" represents freight discount; "pharmacist" represents Philadelphia, and so on. Interior of the company's internal staff interoperability in various different periods of the competitors. Mobil is self-contained "Morose". 65 Despite this, the horse is difficult to expose. As early as 1872, a committee of Ohio was investigated the complaints of a refinery of Cleveland in the southern improvement company. This refinery is operated by Alexander Coles.

Due to another brother Frank, Rockefeller in the partner, at the hearing, Alexander was afraid to reveal that Rockefeller was retaliated, but not normally criticized Rockfeller. Unexpectedly, Frank stands up at the hearing to open a distinction to attack his brother. Frank disclosed John Rockefeller to say the following paragraph to him: "We have been united with the railway company. We have to buy Cleveland's refinery. We give every opportunity to join each manufacturer. ... Refuse to transfer The company will be crushing. If you don't sell the industry to us, then it will become worthless. "Frank refused to sell property rights, and thus suffered from his brother, he was madly spent him. The rest of life. Since the hearing, Frank publicly condemned his brother, and moved his two children's bones from Cleveland to the grave of Cleveland, led them to lying with John Rockfeller. 66 Use money to collect politicians, which is the idiom method of Rockefeller. Regardless of the objects of his bought in Pennsylvania or officials in Ohio, the state government and the state council. Take Ohio as an example: Governor Joseph Fon (J0Seph B.Foraker) accepted the remuneration of Rockefeller. Lockefeller adopted a lot of people who were conducive to Mobil Tallas through their own beliefs. Johan Archbold. For example, an impact on the state council, opposing a bill that is not conducive to Mobil; a candidate for Mobil nominating candidates as judges in the state's Supreme Court; prevented candidates for Mobil, as a state prosecutor, and so on. Later, F Wakk was elected as a Federal Congress. The money of Rockefeller does not disconnect the Wollk's pocket. Achibold conveys the Rockefeller to F Waki: Against "Ferry AntiTrust" in Congress. Fonkee adheres to the will of Lockefeller and takes it. 1880 is a US election year. Republican Presidential Candidates, Congress House Speaker Garfield, is preparing to support the Congress to investigate the railway fare discount case. However, his plan has not been seen, and it is smashed by Lockefeller's money diplomacy. As a exchange, after a few months, Lockefeller received Gaffield's request, mobilizing Mobil staff in Indiana helped the presidential candidate to receive the state vote. In 1888, the New York State Senate Directive New York City conducted a survey of Mobil. In February 1888, the New York City Parliament first messages Lockefeller. He entered the investigation committee office in the accompanied by the association and lawyers, and politely declared that he would like to answer all the issues raised by the Committee. However, when the committee questioned his relationship with the South Improvement Company, his dialogue with the committee was this: Q: "Is there a southern improvement company?" A: "I heard that there is such a company." Q: "Q:" Are you also in this company? "A:" I don't. "67 Lockefeller deli denied Merfu Toras is a monopoly organization, vowing to the South Improved company without any megara, nothing about the freight discount. In 1890, the Federal Congress Senator John Sherman and other Republican parties in the Senate decided to calm the public to Torares's anger emotions through legal forms to avoid damage to monopolism. In the same year, the anti-Tsirami named after Shelman was born, which is known as "Shelman AntiTraff). It stipulates that "any contract, any company's merger cannot appear in traola or other similar form." Ohio is prohibited from any company in Ohio possessed the shares of companies in another state. In 1892, the Supreme Court of Ohio announced Merfu Toras to illegal in accordance with the "Shelman AntiTrafa". The US Mount Duo was announced. 68 Mobil's moving surface is restored to Torace to set up the previous state. In contrast to Ohio, New Jersey allows Benzhou companies to have stocks from other companies from state. The state believes that Musi Torus that allows state-owned corporate shares to move to New Jersey, you can bring huge taxes to this state. This provides an opportunity for rebuilding the Mobil Petroleum Empire.

On May 26, 1899, Lockefeller ordered the new Jersey Mobil Petroleum Company to revise the charter and changed to the holding company to replace Tauce. Torres's assets and equity are transferred to the company. It has the right to send orders for each company within the oil empire. Since then, this company has become the world's largest holding company. It is actually a variety of Merfu Toros, which is Mobil's parent company and "Merfu Toros alternative". 69 In order to escape the "Sherman AntiTrafa", the Rockefeller is the Lockefiller, and the trust has opened all the channels to Washington. Many Members in the Federal Congress received the funding of Merfu Teras. He also gambled at the same time to the Republic and the democracy. During the Democrat Cleveland and Republicans Willian ~ McKinken, the President of the President of the President of 1892 and in 1896, Merfu Torus donated $ 250,000. 70 These two presidents have entered the White House, and the development momentum of Torres is even more fierce. From 1898 to 1904, 318 monopoly joint companies have appeared in the United States, and the Mobil of Rockefeller homaged first. The annual share of Rockefeller himself reached a giant of $ 1 million. 71 "In 1899, New Jersey Mobil Oil Company is the world's largest, most sophisticated and most cruel oil supplier." 72 1901, the 25th President McKender, USA, Vice President, Doddo Roosevelt (THEODORE ROOSEVELT) Replace the presidential position. In 1904, Lao Rozford relied on the support of the Morgan's consortium to be elected president. Morgan created American steel companies in 1901, known as the American steel king, and its strength can compete with Mobil. When Rooseon entered the White House, it was the book of Tarber's "Mobil Petroleum Company History" caused by a sensation in the country. In 1906, the Laosford government prosecuted Mobil Petroleum, accused it conspiracy to restrict trade activities. Old Roosevelt horses the "anti-Turas" banner, focusing on the Rockefeller consortium, "I have an attitude towards" the most basic of the modern industrial, the most basic level of the modern industrial, has taken tolerance, and listening to his new England ribroom monopoly enterprises ". 73 The Federal Government Ministry of Justice has had a round of a round in the Federal District Court and Mobil. In November 1906, the Ministry of Justice asked New Jersey Mobil Petroleum, Rockefeller and other six directors, and submitted an indictment to the US Tour Court (Author Note: The Court of Appeal), accused the defendant violates "Shel" MANNTTLESVA. The prosecution of the federal government Ministry of Justice was officially started on September 17, 1907, and the time lasted for 15 months. Special Prosecutor Franklin is in New York, Washington (Colombia Special Zone), Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis and other cities. More than 400 people participating in the testimony. The testimony and a total of 12,000 pages of the license text file were published in the 21 volume. On November 20, 1909, the Judge of the Federal Court of Appeal was unanimously ruling in St. Louis, and sentenced to New Jersey Mobil Petroleum Company, which is guilty of the seven directors and 37 subsidiaries led by Lockefeller, and it is forbidden to have 37 common stocks in 37 subsidiaries. It does not allow it to use the activities of the stock control of the subsidiary. The rule is limited to the provisions of the court in accordance with the court within six months. Rockefeller dissatisfied. At the beginning of 1911, the lawsuits hit the Federal Supreme Court from the Court of Appeal. In March 1911, the chief judge of the Federal Supreme Court read the judgment of Merfu Toras. The judgment pointed out that the purpose of Merfu Toras is to "drive others out (oil) field, deprive others' trade power", so all judges consistently conclude that Mi Fu Doras violates the "Shelman AntiTrafa", and through "disband Decree "Lerail Mobil immediately disbanded. @ "This combined with a lot of things in the company's history." After 75 Lockefeller received the judgment, he sent a humorous "" "" "" Dear, "" We must obey the Supreme Court. Our brilliant, happy family is not dismissed.


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