RCP II: Extended General Workbench (2-2)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  82

(4) Creating a SearchViewLabelProvider class

Package com.xqtu.igoogle.view;

Import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.itablelabelprovider;

Import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.labelprovider;

Import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.image;

Import com.google.soap.search.googlesearchResulTelement;

Public Class SearchViewLabelProvider Extends LabelProvider Implements

Itablelabelprovider {

Public Image getColumnImnImage (Object Element, Int ColumnIndex) {

Return NULL;


Public String getColumnText (Object Element, INT ColumnIndex) {

Switch (columnIndex) {

Case 0:

Return (GooglesearchResulTelement) Element. Gettitle ();

Case 1:

Return (GooglesearchResulTelement) Element .geturl ();


""; "




l TableViewer object calls SearchViewLabelProvider to set the column text content of the table, the first column is the search title, the second column is the URL

l SearchViewLabelProvider Extended LabelProvider, implements the ITABLABELPROVIDER interface, providing text and / or images for each column according to the elements provided

l Since the form does not provide an image, the getColumnImage method returns null; getColumnText returns different text content according to different column indexes.

(5) Creating a BrowserView view

Package com.xqtu.igoogle.view;

Import org.eclipse.swt.swt;

Import org.eclipse.swt.browser.browser;

Import Org.eclipse.swt.Layout.Griddata;

Import org.eclipse.swt.Layout.GridLayout;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.composite;

Import org.eclipse.ui.part.viewpart;

Public class browserview extends viewpart {

Public static final string id = "com.xqtu.igoogle.views.browserview";

Public Static Browser Browser;

Public void createpartControl (Composite Parent) {

GridLayout GridLayout = New GridLayout ();

GridLayout.NumColumns = 1;

GridLayout.Marginheight = 5;

GridLayout.marginwidth = 5;

Parent.setLayout (GridLayout);

Browser = New Browser (PARENT, SWT.NONE);

Browser.setLayOutdata (New GridData (GridData.grab_horizontal | griddata.grab_vertage | griddata.fill_horizontal


Browser.SETURL ("http://blog.9cbs.net/chenyun2000");


Public void setfocus () {

Browser.Setfocus ();



l BrowserView view creation method and searchView view are the same: extending the ViewPart base class, implementing createPartControl and SetFocus method

l Create a SWT browser control in the createPartControl method to display the web page selected in the search results table.

(6) Integrate SearchView and BrowserView into the perspective

Package com.xqtu.google;

Import org.eclipse.ui.ipagelight;

Import Org.eclipse.ui.iPerspectiveFactory;

Import com.xqtu.google.views.browserview;

Import com.xqtu.igoogle.views.searchview;

Public Class GooglePective Implements IPerspectiveFactory {

Public static final string id = "com.xqtu.google.googlePerspective";

Public void createinitialLayout (iPageLayout Layout) {

Layout.seteditorAreavisible (FALSE);

Layout.addview (searchview.id, ipagelight.bottom, new float (0.60)

.floatvalue (), ipagelayout.id_editor_area;

Layout.addview (browserview.id, ipagelayout.top, new float (0.40)

.floatvalue (), ipagelayout.id_editor_area;



l In the createInitialLayout method of the Perspective Chart GooglePective, call the AddView method to add a view to the perspective

l The AddView method requires four parameters, namely:

Ø The unique identifier of the view, the consistency of the definition in plugin.xml

Ø Relative position in the reference section, can be ipagelight.top, ipagelight.bottom, ipagelight.right or ipagelightout.right

Ø The current occupied spatial ratio in the reference section, between 0.05F and 0.95F

Ø Reference section unique identifier; use in the example is the editing area (ipagellout.id_editor_area)


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