Description: Specifies the size of the cache to a 2k buffer. This parameter can only be set when the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not 2K.
Value range: 0m or at least 16m. The value of the block is also to meet the specific requirements of a particular platform.
Default: 0m
Description: Specifies the standard block size buffer for the cache.
Value range: at least 16m.
Default: 48M
Description: Specifies the size of the cache to a 16K buffer. This parameter can only be set when the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not 16K.
Value range: 0m or at least 16m. The value of the block is also to meet the specific requirements of a particular platform.
Default: 0m
Note: The maximum number of blocks read during a single I / O operation involving a fully continuous scan.
Value range: Depending on the operating system.
Default: 8
Description: Specifies the number of buffers in the Keep buffer pool. The buffer size in the Keep buffer pool is the main block size (ie DB_BLOCK_SIZE)
Defined block size).
Value range: 0 or at least one zone size (smaller value will be automatically rounded).
Default: 0m
Description: Specifies the size of the Recycle buffer pool. The buffer size in the Recycle pool is the main block size.
Value range: 0 or at least one zone size (smaller value will be automatically rounded).
Default: 0m
Description: The initial number of the database write process of a routine. If you use DBWR_IO_SLAVES, you can only write a process.
Value range: 1 - 10
Default: 1
Description: Reserved pool size (assigned from DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS). The purpose is to keep the object in memory to reduce I / O.
Value range: Specific string values (for example: buffers: 400, lru_latches: 3).
Default: None