Oracle9i Initialization Parameters Chinese Description 7

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  87


Description: Specify the FAL server of this alternate database. This value is an Oracle Net service name. This Oracle Net

The service name is assumed to be correctly configured on the alternate database system, which can point to the expected FAL server.

Value range: A string value of the Oracle Net service name.


Description: Specifies the FAL service (via the FAL_SERVER parameter configuration) to reference the FAL client's FAL

Client name. The value of this parameter is an Oracle Net service name. This Oracle Net service name is assumed to be in FAL

The server system is configured correctly to point to the FAL client (ie: this alternate database).

Value range: A string value of the Oracle Net service name.


Note: Make Oracle to determine if the DRMON process should be started. DRMON is an Oracle background process that does not cause fatal errors.

As long as the routine exists, the process exists.

Value range: True | false.

Default: False


Description: Controls if you can perform redo log file archive operations to remote destination. This parameter value must be set to "True" so that Oracle

Database routines remote archive over redirect log files and / or receive remote log files for remote archiving.

Value range: false | TRUE

Default: True


Description: Indicates whether the file name on the spare database is the same as the file name on the main database.

Value range: True or False. Note: If the value is set to true, and the standby database is on the same system on the same system, the primary database file may be overwritten.

Default: false.


Description: Specifies the arrival location of the archive log from a primary routine. Standby_archive_dest and log_archive_format

An archive log file name used to virtually completely qualified in the standby position. The RFS server on the standby database will use this value, not


Value range: Null string or a valid path / device name of a non-RAW type.

Default: null


Description: Convert file names of a new data file on the primary database into file names on the alternate database.

Value range: A valid master / alternate directory and file name pair.

Default: None


Note: Specifies the maximum number of database roles (including sub-roles) that a user can enable. The actual number of users enabled is 2 plus

The value of max_enabled_roles, because each user has two additional roles: public and user's own role.

Value range: 0 -148

Default: 20


Note: Mainly used to port from Oracle7 to Oracle8i. If this value is true, system authority (such as

Select Any Table will not limit access to each object in the SYS scheme (Oracle7 behavior). If this value is

FALSE, only awarded Select_catalog_role, Execute_catalog_Role or

Users of delete_catalog_role permissions can access objects in the SYS scheme.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Note: Specifies whether the value to perform an update or delete reference list is a table-level

SELECT permission.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Enable or disable database audit. If this parameter is TRUE or DB, the audit record will be written in the Sys.AUD $ table; if the parameter is OS,

Write an operating system file.

Value range: none | false | DB | TRUE | OS

Default: none


Description: The only judgment of the RDBMS server. It is used to retrieve corporate roles in a corporate directory service. For more information, see "OracleAdvanced Security Administrator's Guide".

Value range: All X.500 unique discriminating name format values.

Default: None


Description: Determine if an operating system or database is identified by each user. If set to TRUE, the role of all database users will be fully managed by the operating system. otherwise,

The role will be identified and managed by the database.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Use the user's operating system account name and password to verify users connected to the server. The value of this parameter is connected to the operating system account of each user. To remove the OS account prefix,

Please specify null values.

Value range: any identifier.

Default: Depending on the operating system (usually 'OPS $')


Description: Specifies the cache growth of the session object to exceed the percentage of the best cache size,

The maximum size is equal to the optimum size plus the product of this percentage and the best size. If the cache size exceeds this maximum size,

The system will try to narrow the cache to the optimal size.

Value range: 0% to the maximum value according to the operating system.

Default: 10%


Note: Specifies that in the case where the cache exceeds the maximum size, the session object cache will be reduced.

Value range: 10K to the maximum value according to the operating system.

Default: 100K


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