Oracle9i Initialization Parameters Chinese Description 6

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  87


Description: A database identifier should be

The name specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement corresponds.

Value range: Any valid name can be up to 8 characters.

Default: None (but should be specified)






Note: Tracking Correlation is critical to the changes made by the replication server in parallel mode. If set to false, the read / write operation on the database will run faster.

However, the correlation information of parallel propagation cannot be generated for the replication server.

Value range: True | False

Default: True (ie enabled read / write correlation tracking)


Description: Set Remote_OS_ROLES to TRUE to allocate the role by the remote client's operating system. If set to false,

The database is identified and managed by the database of the remote client.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Set the remote_OS_AUTHENT to TRUE, allowing OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX

Value to verify the remote client.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Specifies the maximum number of connections to the remote database at the same time. This value should be equal to or more than one single SQL that references multiple databases

The number of databases referenced in the statement can be opened to open all databases to perform this statement.

Value range: 0 - 255 (if it is 0, distributed transaction processing).

Default: 4


Description: Specifies the maximum number of open connections that can be portable in the XA application. XA transaction processing uses portable open connections,

These connects can be cached in order to submit a transaction. If the user created a connection is a user who has transaction processing, each transaction can share the connection.

Value range: 0 - UB4MaxVal

Default: 4


Description: Specifies whether an operating system or a file checks for a user with permissions. If set to none, Oracle will ignore the password file. If set to

Exclusive, you will verify each password file with a database. If set to Shared, multiple databases will share

SYS and INTERNAL password file users.

Value range: none | Shared | Exclusive

Default: none


Description: Enable or disable the Automatic Self-registration of the "Heterogeneous Service (HS)" agent. If enabled, the information will be uploaded to the data dictionary,

To reduce overhead while establishing subsequent connections through the same agent.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Description: Specifies whether a database link is as the connected database. If this value is false, no check is executed. To match the naming conventions in distributed processing,

Set this parameter to True.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Note: A database that can be involved in a database can be involved in the maximum number of distributed transactions. If this value is reduced due to the frequent network failure, it will cause a large number of unprecedented transactions.

Value range: 0 - Transactions.

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: A value for determining the location of the submission point in the distributed transaction processing.

Value range: 0 -255

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: Specifies the extension of the database name (for example: to make the database name created in a domain, it is recommended to specify this value.

Value range: any string separated by the sentence, with a maximum of 128 characters.

Default: World


Note: When connecting to other Oracle Server, the database link uses a encrypted password. Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: A recovery manager parameter is used to determine if a read or write tape is to use a server process or an additional I / O dependency.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Used to control the I / O operation of the sequence device (for example, back up or restore Oracle data or back up or restore from the tape

Oracle data) is asynchronous. This value is set to true if your platform supports the asynchronous I / O operation of the sequential device.

It is only valid; if the implementation of asynchronous I / O is unstable, set this value to false.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Convert file names of a log file on the primary database to the alternate database. Add a log file to a primary database,

A corresponding file must be added to the alternate database. This parameter replaces log_file_name_convert in Oracle7


Value Range: Any format is the valid path / file name of the path / file name '' of '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '

Default: null


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